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And here come the jealous yt dramatards trying too bring Black girls down. ThatHoeOverThere know y'all are just mad that yt people couldn't prove it!

Trans women are women and Black lives matter

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They don’t spice they food! Smdh

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Trans lives matter

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I’m going to let all of you anons in here in on a little secret. Did you know that when n-words talk about “seasoning” they are exclusively referring to “Lawry’s Seasoned Salt?”

I’m not joking, it’s an honest to God fact. Next time you get on the subject of cooking while chatting with a n-word ask him what his favorite seasonings are to use while cooking. He’ll stare at you mouth agape before mumbling out some incoherent n-word speak like

“mufuggah ion no not mufuggin gorton ramsay neighbor nah mean I’m just usin seasoning neighbor”

N-words really have no concept of seasoning, they honestly think all flavor is derived from lawry’s seasoning salt. One time I was invited to my n-word neighbor’s 4th of July bbq. I could hardly contain my excitement because I was finally about to be enlightened by the fabled n-word BBQ, or so I thought.

Imagine my disappointment when I arrived and was greeted with the following

chicken rubbed with lawry’s seasoned salt

ribs with dry rub of lawry’s seasoned salt

mashed potatoes loaded with lawry’s seasoned salt

salad garnished with lawry’s seasoned salt

asparagus coated in so much lawry’s seasoned salt that it was entirely crystallized by the time it was done grilling

every table had a bottle of lawry’s seasoned salt on it “to add some extra seasoning”

It was absolutely unreal. Do you know how many times I was asked to “pass the seasoning” that night? It can’t be counted on both hands. Describing the situation as Lynchian is too kind.

If you ever find yourself dating a n-word and want to impress her grill up some chicken and rub it with enough lawry’s seasoned salt to cure an entire calf. You will be amazed at her eyes light up as she takes her first bite and she showers you with compliments for “cookin’ with soul”

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where longpost bot


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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren: Reset the counter! Current counter was: 0 days 00 hours 14 minutes and 09 seconds

Record is 1 days 07 hours 34 minutes and 41 seconds by peepeehands

longest streak broken in the last 7 days was meatrocket8 which was 0 days 18 hours 01 minutes and 01 seconds

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█████                 9  03-24
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█████                 10 03-28

Best friend is ACA with 203 mentions

rdrama is currently running at 240.355 µBardyhertz with 3237 total mentions since 2022-09-24

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Now one of yous grab me a wuter, there’s too much Old Bay on this jawn.

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seriously, is this pasta?

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Chuddies are really milking this till the last drop aren't they

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We’re always told we don’t use spices, even though we colonized the world for them.

Spices are only used to cover up bad cuts and old meat. Might as well go around saying that white people don’t use A1 steak sauce. It’s because we don’t need it.

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honorary non-white woman

:#marseydarkpizzashill: The Democratic RethugliKKKan Party will collapse by 2030. :#marseydarkpizzashill:

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False, the theorem was invented by Yakub :marseyyakub: and these yung queens 👑 are channeling his spirit with their melanin. :blackwomanspeaking:

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remove this black allys chud status immediately

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ThatHoeOverThere is proud too say that trans women are women and Black lives matter

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>not here to debate, just tell me I'm right


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We wuz inventors

Detrans lives mattered yesterday

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Rdrama needs to do better

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Has anyone in the comments actually bothered reading the proof? I cant see it anywhere

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Still can't believe no one got cancelled over this.

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Have you ever seen the National Museum of African American History in-person? It's a giant architecturally hideous blob plopped down on the Nation Mall. Like a symbol of a blight striking a once beautiful urban area.

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Architecturally-oppressive monument of a synthetic extraterrestrial empire, meant to instill hopelessness, awe and obedience in the Earth's population.


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The only thing i agree with marble statue twitter avis on is that modern architecture is objectively repulsive.

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Is DC worth visiting? Looks like they have a lot of cool stuff tbh and the suburbs in Virginia look interesting as well

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It's kinda pretty, but there's too many shit people, so all in all Paris Syndrome.

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I thought the blight on the once beautiful urban area of DC was all the junkies ODing on Fent as you drive by in your cab.


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From what I could find only the abstract is currently public.


>In the 2000 years since trigonometry was discovered it's always been assumed that any alleged proof of Pythagoras’s Theorem based on trigonometry must be circular. In fact, in the book containing the largest known collection of proofs (The Pythagorean Proposition by Elisha Loomis) the author flatly states that “There are no trigonometric proofs, because all the fundamental formulae of trigonometry are themselves based upon the truth of the Pythagorean Theorem.” But that isn’t quite true: in our lecture we present a new proof of Pythagoras’s Theorem which is based on a fundamental result in trigonometry—the Law of Sines—and we show that the proof is independent of the Pythagorean trig identity \sin^2x + \cos^2x = 1.

I can't even see any reactions from any of the academics at the meeting so until they release the actual presentation I think it's basically just taking their word for it.

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I'd like to see their proof but if it's legit this is actually pretty cool, and not r-slurred.

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Just look at the amount of chuds on this site "HERP DERP BIPOCS DONT DO MATH" like wtf, theere is nothing that seems out of place....

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I think the original bragpost was poorly worded. But the actual mathematics work that seems to have been done might be solid.

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yea, but the girls themselves have nothing to do with the tweeter! yet the while thread is pooping on them

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Yeah no knock against the two girls at all. It's just funny seeing all these people jumping to random conclusions they know nothing about

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A lot of people online seem to think they understand math, but they don't.

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Even reddit Mathcels seem suspicious but we'll have to wait and see.

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So it looks like they might have independently come to the same conclusion as the mathematician cited.

That's pretty cool for a high school student...shame it's all getting dragged into race war nonsense

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Even reddit Mathcels seem suspicious

That cause they raycist

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I like to frick people up with order of operations

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This user has never taken above calculus 3

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How dare you, I took diffeqs.

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Idk but to me that seems a bit of BS because I know that there are more general versions of Pythagorean theorem pertaining to vector spaces, and I don't think that those are based on any trigonometry. And the regular a^2+b^2=c^2 is just a special case and hence is covered by the non-trigonometric proof

But I could be wrong :marseybrainlet:

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Yeah. It's most likely going to be yet another "bro vector norm lmao" proof

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How legit are these Math conferences? I assume they don't let anyone present whatever nonsense they want. Shouldn't be mocking this unless we have more info imo:marseyshrug:.

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Even John Nash had instances later in life where his schizophrenia really took hold and was making up outright nonsense theorems that didn’t pertain to any form of mathematics. I think these forums are hesitant to say no depending on whether it’s (1) a novel concept that is so early it hasn’t been rigorously reviewed or (2) don’t want to discourage younger peoples’ math interests

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Math conferences, like all modern conferences, will bend over backwards to get minorities involved and if you're a young black woman there will be basically 0 checking because they will be foaming at the mouth to put you at the forefront of all their advertising

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It’s probably never going to be published

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And yes, by the way, we DO have a Novel Pythagoras proof. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the BIPOC eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 (N)IQ points of our own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel mayo😎

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>whites when they reap


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rtfa https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/mar/24/new-orleans-pythagoras-theorem-trigonometry-prove

it says they proved it using trig which is new. Chuds just wont stop hating. When I posted that white boy who made a proof here they were all NO HE DIDNT CHEAT HE SMART.

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I still dont see a proof


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like they'd be able to understand it :xd:

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They plugged it into the Law Of Sines.


No seriously.

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why do journ*lists get literally the most basic facts wrong about everything? :marseyfluffyannoyed:


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If they were intelligent enough to do real research, they wouldn't be working in journ*lism.

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Bc they don’t know what those words mean?

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this story wouldn't have blown up not for the lie

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"Two girls finish their assigned maths homework with minimal to no mistakes"

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No real consequences

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set us str8

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Yes, we all remember well the day that a Black man mixed sodium hypochlorite and ammonia salts, and yielded the traffic light. Truly a remarkable day for science.

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I tried looking it up, but he seemingly only filed a patent for one and it was over 10 years since other traffic lights were first being installed.


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That's the exact same story as peanut butter

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That was invented by a yt foid trying to tempt her dog

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Every single invention twitter posts about is like this. They'll be like "black people invented electricity" and the proof will be that at least one black person has worked in a building that is a subsidiary of the GE corporation or something

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Adolin113355 saw someone claim Black people invented computers because some group 10,000 years ago may have used base-2 for basic counting.

trans lives matter btw

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Those things are clearly the FOREFRONT of science

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Wtf does "blood bank" mean that's a place not an invention

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Fentanyl stimulates the mind.

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Trans lives matter

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Black people invented everything because they invented white people

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Trans lives matter, Yakubian lives don't.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16800177803003778.webp Carp sidebar plz

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@funkykongpathianflorist can't participate in /h/foid because he's a smelly scroty fella :marseysmug2:

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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They banished them north where the devils congregated.

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>Nobel Peace prize in Math


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A black woman invented the telescope.

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Curious. If they invented the telescope how didn't they saw the bongs coming to buck brake their lands :marseyshapiro:

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🛏🔧s smh

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A black man invented peanuts.

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A black woman was the first to prove the Pythagorean Theorem. You might disagree. You might even have some evidence to the contrary. But you have to ask yourself: is this really worth losing my job over? A black woman was the first to prove the Pythagorean Theorem.

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On accident when looking for a tube wide enough to satisfy her.

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Yeah and black women invented aids so whats your point

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Oh dont worry the Greeks are black anyway

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WEB Dembois is a 10/10 name tho

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it really is

would make a great rapper name

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I've heard this argument once before and a quick google search showed me a similar paper on the possibility of a trigonometric proof of the Pythagorean theorem:


In fact, if the following slide is a snippet of their presentation


then it does look awfully similar to a random proof I found within seconds:


Now, do I think their argument is novel? I'm not sure and quite frankly I don't really care, but at least their argument is not complete bullshit and the flaw rather relies on dumb journ*lists trying to make this event bigger than it actually is. Anyways, please pin this comment so people may comment reasonably instead of senselessly bashing these poor girls.

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It's basically nothing of interest whatsoever but it is hilarious further proof that if you just do completely normal uninteresting, functional-but-non-genius maths stuff while black it gets treated like the most important thing in the world. If two white boys did this it wouldn't even be local news, heck it wouldn't even be school-newsletter-worthy

But for journos seeing a black person do anything at all in school blows their minds because libs are fricking racist and treat it like they just saw a dog do a kickflip

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I think they just used the sine rule to establish the series and claimed that was trigonometry proving pythagoras.

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This will be spread by journos and inner city teachers will start telling kids this shit. Its the most r-slurred form of history revisionism and it unironically works, teachers will believe anything they see online.

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  • MarioMemer : “We’re no longer good at cooking so lets try math” bart simpson logic


You sure about that, kangs?


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BIPOC IQ moment

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Cool theorem Ahmed

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lol that kid got to go to the whitehouse for buying a shitty how-to-make-clocks kit and not even doing it properly

life is so fricking easy for minorities

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As a mathcel, I'm genuinely interested in seeing this proof, and not because I'm eager to "debunk" it or anything. It actually sounds interesting, and none of these journ*lists seem to have any idea why it's unique or new.

There's a lot of interesting proofs of the Pythagorean theorem. President James Garfield actually discovered a unique proof using trapezoids. It's not unprecedented that amateur mathematicians can stumble upon stuff like this.

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I get what they’re trying to get at, where a mathematical theory can have proofs in multiple domains, but doing so with trigonometry isn’t a novel concept (it’s regularly done in Trig/pre-calc books, their teacher just might not have covered that or the book they used didn’t provide it). Here’s a trig based proof from 4+ years ago:

From 12 years ago:

People thinking that it hasn’t been “proven” are just r-slurred and can’t even read the extract. The commonly used proofs are algebraic or geometric, but the trigonometric proof still isn’t a new discovery.

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That's proving trig identities using the Pythagorean theorem. The girls apparently proved the Pythagorean theorem with trig. You are a very dumb person who doesn't understand math and can't read.

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Bruh they referenced the same trig functions in their abstract as the basis for their discovery

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You don’t understand math. These videos illustrate the trivial observation that those trig identities are equivalent to the Pythagorean theorem, which is why they are called the Pythagorean identities. A proof that does not use the Pythagorean identities could actually be interesting.

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A little difficult for me to determine what math they’re using since there’s only an abstract and no peer review yet, but how much do you want to be that it’s anything different than a rehash of what is in the videos?

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but the trigonometric proof still isn’t a new discovery.


Then why does the story matter?

:marseyglancing: :marseypenny: :marseypenny:

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first video they prove the opposite of what you say. Haven't bothered watching the second

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You can watch it backwards, proofs are reversible

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most educated math user

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