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EFFORTPOST [Niche Drama] [Effort Post] Grooming? In my 35 year old video game? It's more likely than you think!

So I occasionally watch Doom :marseydoomguy1: videos on Youtube and yesterday this video came up as recommended:

I have no idea who this guy is, but I had heard of ZDoom (https://zdoom.org). For those that don't know there are multiple "source ports" for Doom, basically reimplementations of the the original game engine but made for modern operating systems with new features added. ZDoom (new versions are called GZDoom I think) is one of these "source ports".

I decided to give the above video a watch and basically this guy makes Doom maps or something but he's leaving the ZDoom forums for good because of their mishandling of sexual abuse / grooming allegations against one of the prominent members of the ZDoom community: Marisa (https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Marisa_Lago). I just want to re-state again that I have no clue who any of these people are. This Marisa has been accused by multiple victims of engaging with them in sexually explicit chat while knowing that they were underage.

What makes this a little unusual is that this Marisa is repeatedly referred to as a "she". I had a hard time believing that a foid (female) was into a 35 year old first person shooter video game, so a brief google search turned up this: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?p=1239571#p1239571 Looks like we are dealing with a foid (male) unsurprisingly. So the thing that never happens has happened again.

To make things more dramatic the forum administrators apparently tried to keep this underwraps and made private comments that were derogatory against the accusers. Hilariously the admins of this forum are apparently buddies with some mods of Reddit Doom subreddits and they work in tandem to ban people across the board and they call their little group "The Fun Police".

Apparently the guy who made the above video was banned afterwards but has since been unbanned.

The forum admins have also finally released a statement and confirmed that they have banned this Marisa (foid (male) (groomer)): https://youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbjRiQWl1WjY2dTdTOHkwT2x1QW92TWpRLU1hd3xBQ3Jtc0ttbzlLekJDc1h1WnRvMmd1Y0liSE0wSUZ4OHBfMUlwS1MwaFdncDhMQmJmN3dQTGJJaUhwRnJ2Z2gzUnl6dk5iVWg1Z25lUGN1S0JBRXlyeEtmUVdUVGVocHg0Z1BpSS1PQUxNN2YtY2FyQTRYaFVKWQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fforum.zdoom.org%2Fviewtopic.php%3Fp%3D1239455&v=h5YrdarJ_7U

Summary of the accusations from the admin statement:

Marisa the Magician was accused of being a child groomer and libertarian in /r/DoomMods (the thread has since been deleted). The accusation came with a number of screenshots that displayed clearly sexual interactions between Marisa and a person who at some point claimed they were 17 years old. Among other things, the screenshots contained a message from Marisa where she said that her own first relationship was at the age of 18 when her partner was 14 years old.

Their summary of their findings:

As mentioned, it was Marisa herself who brought the post to our attention, so we proceeded to discuss it with her, trying to find out as much as possible. We found out the following:

• The screenshots were real, but presented in an incomplete and non-chronological manner (possibly on purpose).

• The accuser had approached Marisa first and was aggressively flirtatious. Multiple logs and screenshots showed them being the proactive party.

• At some point the accuser also claimed that they solicited erotic images with other users, including a 12-year-old boy, and shared those images with Marisa, unprompted. (Marisa presented us with logs of that interaction, images edited out.)

• The accuser's age was not mentioned until several months into their relationship. Marisa, in a display of obviously very poor judgement, apparenty hadn't thought to ask about their age earlier.

• Arguably the most darning fact was a message by Marisa saying she used to have a relationship with a 14-year-old while she herself was 18. Marisa's reaction to that was that she simply could not remember who she was talking about in that message, and in fact could not remember having any relationship at the age of 18.

I think a fair summary of the above would be: "the screenshots are real but the child forced themselves onto the :marseytrain2: and the :marseytrain2: has also confirmed being in a relationship with a 14 year old".

So even after banning the groomer the admins are quite clearly still trying to defend "her".

Despite the investigation feeling incomplete, we decided to ban Marisa. It seemed like the best course of action for two reasons:

1. If the accusations were true, we obviously couldn't keep an individual like that around. ZDoom community is not a place for pedophilia and sexual abuse.

2. If the accusations were false, she would become a target anyway, and by proxy the ZDoom community would become a target as well.

These poor admins (who do it for free) were forced into banning Marisa. :marseycrying:

The :marseytrain2: that they've bent over backwards for then proceeds to chimp out:

That belief soon dwindled. Marisa replied to the original subreddit thread, which did not make the situation any clearer and did not make her look any better. She did not release a public statement, but later she did act out on her Twitter, going as far as stating that her boyfriend was "willing to track every single one of them down" (referring to the people who started targetting her by that point).

Now the admins are buttmad that the :marseytrain2: lashed out at them:

She displayed disregard for the safety of the ZDoom community and for all the benefit of the doubt extended to her. She also suspected that some of the people who were willing to assist her were, in fact, trying to sabotage her. Marisa did not care about the people she put in front of her to shield herself from accusations, she cared about herself.

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i remember that doommods thread, when marisa was confronted with the 14 year old thing he didn't even argue or deny it lol just ignored it/clapped back with other shit which is not what i would do if someone accused me of fricking a 14 year old

https://old.reddit.com/r/DoomMods/comments/10yda5q/my_experience_with_marisa_kirisame_or_marisa_the/j7yiq6h/?context=3 i can't remember what the username was to put it into camas but here's the comment

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You were discussing cartoon child porn and it reminded you of a relationship you believed you'd had with a child. Not really sure how that helps your case.

Edit: reading these messages again, I don't think you were discussing cartoons. Seems more like they admitted to grooming an actual real life child and you felt you could relate.


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Holy pedoshielding shit lmao

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I had a hard time believing that a foid (female) was into a 35 year old first person shooter video game

Hey, totally…what kinda weirdo foid would be a fan of DOOM? :marseyveryworried:


Marisa the Magician

Was the magic trick making his :marseypenis: disappear around :marseywhirlyhat:?

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gurls only play stuff like candy crush or animal crossing!

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Ladies have blood-drenched power fantasies too :marseyblush:



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Ladies have blood-drenched

they sure do have a blood-drenched SOMETHING alrite! :disturbing:

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Don’t u dare destroy the marsey pop

I’m hangry

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New doom is zoomer trash too much like zdoom

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I’m a fangirl for the series itself, so each installment has a place in my heart (that includes DOOM 3 :marseysadcat:)

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that includes DOOM 3


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@funkykongpathianflorist I found a bug! The above looks correct in the preview area but doesn't work after I post it.


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i found it before you but didn't report it because I enjoy seeing the site broken :marseywholesome:


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I`ve met several foids that played FPSs, mmorpgs and mobas

I'll be surprised the day I meet one that plays RTS or Grand Strategy

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I’d love to play the newest Total War: Warhammer installment but I’m a :marseypoor: undergrad student so I need a new rig first :marseysob:

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Foid status: revoked.


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Is Cucksader Kings a "grand" strategy or is it a colouring book game with weird mechanics? Because there's a foid (female) that posts CK content.

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probably the most foid friendly grand strategy. The ultimate paradox autismo game is HOI, it must be 99.9999% male audience.

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:marseyvibing: I like this lore

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Post hand so we can see if you have man-hands.

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I actually did post them a little while ago


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Is that a witch hand?

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To satisfy my inner :marseykvlt:, painting my nails black is the closest thing I can get away with professionally :marseysadge:

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Don't worry, playing Doom already make you :marseyheavymetal: in our eyes.

Hopefully Doom Guy will invite you to his Glory (Kill) Hole.

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Password is the fist bump :chadwomannordic:


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I can’t wait until the next season of this :marseyshy:

I’ve been a fan of Psychicpebbles for years, so I was :soyjackwow: when one of the SleepyCast/Newgrounds guys finally got something on network tv

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I've cranked off 10 loads to this pic already

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Always happy to help reduce your risk of prostate cancer :taywink:

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So add 40 lbs then.

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To be fair, the person who drew it only saw me from the shoulders up :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat:

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Actually :marseysmug2:


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>posted bod for Joan

>won't post bod for us plebians

I see how it is.

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It’s a tightrope walk trying to have decent OPSEC and proving you’re a biofoid online :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat:

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>proving you're a biofoid online

Have an obsession with the Sims. Alternatively, perform an original song.

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I do like the Sims, but I haven’t picked up the game in a long time (the console ones are garbage)

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My fat butt is getting this badge in the next year. Guaranteed.

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My go-to method is water fasting for roughly a week or so; it sucks so much for the first few days :marseygunshotsuicide: but once you get used to it you drop a lot of weight quickly.

Of course, don’t just drink water; you have to take a good multivitamin dosage throughout your fasting days, as well as making sure you’re intaking the essential electrolytes/nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, salt, etc.

Not recommended for everyone, of course. It takes a good bit of discipline to finish such a feat, but once you finish the feeling is :marseywholesome:

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Or you could just work your fat butt out and stop eating piles of shit?

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I do cardio and strength training around 5-7am every other morning :marseylifting:

Beautymaxxing is exhausting :marseysad:

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Nice nice. Kind of hard to tell though.

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The cup has a caricature on it, that’s as far as I’m willing to go at the moment


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That's not fair, they might just be Indian.

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I play Contra with my dad. :marseywholesome:

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Oh, that brings back such good memories :daydream:

My dad and I would pull a few all-nighters on the weekends every now and then with some MK, Street Fighter, etc.

I wouldn’t trade those memories for anything :marseyhappytears:

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>fan of DOOM

Name your favorite source port. Anything more casual than Chocolate Doom makes you a poser :marseycool:

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There’s more casual than Chocolate? :marseyhmm:

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Anyone who names themselves after a touhou character should be immediately investigated.

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this is cirno

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Knowing what a touhou character is should be grounds for phone tapping at the least.

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They do allow me to clock them by name along

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I have never met a touhou fan that didn't banter about loli and "hurr durr this remind me of loli" and it makes me feel uncomfortable

I still don't know what it is. An anime? A manga? Video game? Visual novel? Some kind of hentai shared extended universe?

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I still don't know what it is. An anime? A manga? Video game? Visual novel? Some kind of hentai shared extended universe?

Afaik, it originally started off as a bullet heck game series in the mid 90s, however, what makes this shit omnipresent everywhere to the point of annoyance is because other than some generic rules, its creator pretty much allows any kind of product based on Touhou to be released by anyone as long as he is credited, and as long as such a product does not uses assets that the creator made, so hence why your description of "hentai shared extended universe" appears to be the most correct description! :marseyagreefast:


Your Fan Content should NEVER have:

Excessive sexual content that is considered unlawful.

>"I'm going to create an anime-styled game full of child characters, BUT I do not want anyone making sexual content with these characters! gee, I sure hope that my video game full of anime children doesn't attracts the worst of pedos and mentally unstable lunatics!"


I also fricking hate Touhoushitters with a passion, because a libertarian English teacher who lives in Japan who also turns out to be a Touhou loli enthusiast (:marseymanysuchcases:) getting doxxed was what got /r/japancirclejerk recently banned, it was one of the last Dramapilled and /r/Drama-overlapping subs on leddit.:marseykneel:

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There's so many :#marseymanysuchcases: that I think we need a :#marseymanysuchcases: where the cases themselves are :#marseymanysuchcases: gifs.

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:#marseykingkrazy:King Krazy never grooms anyone but himself, to look as kingly as possible :#marseykingkrazy:White extinction is long overdue

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Thanks for visiting my effort post, King!

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:#marseykingkrazy:king krazy thinks this is a excellent effortpost:#marseykingkrazy:

White extinction is long overdue

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Which kingdom do you even rule?

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King you must groom a prince to succeed you as king unless you plan to rule forever

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:marseykingkrazy: KING KRAZY IS FOREVER :marseykingkrazy:

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foid (male)

I look forward to the day when we no longer have to clarify such things. :marseyagree:

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Because a woman named after an anime child into the modding scene of a 35-year-old video game filled with speedrun neurodivergents is an obvious woman, isn't it? :marseyclueless:

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Marisa let the behavior happen instead of stopping it. That is what is being reproached to her. I'm not putting this into question, but I do believe we are missing the forest of "There are people actively seeking out transpeople in our community to manipulate while doing actual federal crime that involve children in order to prove their point that trans people are groomers" for the tree that is Marisa.

Horrible sentence aside, this is the first time I've seen this talking point. So the narrative now is that chuds :chudsey: are deliberately posing as minors in order to entrap these very valid individuals :marseytransflag2: in an effort to make the grooming accusations more credible.

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Kiwicel thread about yet another neurodivergent :marseytrain2: named after an anime character being a libertarian groomer :marseymanysuchcases:, and more info:




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Oh look it's Doom 2 Map 1 but with poorly drawn strag textures now.

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>not recognizing shecameforcwc


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wow great find!

also the main mod on the zdoom forum that is removing everything and lashing out is also a :marseytrain2: :marseythinkorino:

Then we are done. I am not expecting to be coddled, but if all I am going to get is more accusations for everything I say, then what's the point? You want answers. You have one heck of a way to go about "getting" them, one that is tried and proven never to work. And then you expect me to break the "cycle"? I'm sorry, I have better things to do with my time. I'm certainly not going to coddle a bunch of people who have already dead-set in their minds that I am the evil person. You have an axe to grind? Go grind it. When you want to talk, I'll be here.

this janny takes their job v srsly. must pay a lot!

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There's only one doom player I care about and he's a good boy! :marseypumpkin:

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Besides Decino I also like this guy: https://youtube.com/@coincident

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civvie 11 is kinda funny and interesting

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@funkykongpathianflorist please pin my effort post

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The tone policing in that forum thread is infuriating. I'M AN UNPAID JANITOR AND I DEMAND RESPECT. :marseyjanny:

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Your entitled attitude is exactly what's wrong with this world. People like you think you're owed something just because you exist. News flash: you're not. Maybe if you put down the mop and actually did something with you're life, you'd realize that. But you're just a worthless leech on society, and CrackerBarrellShill have zero respect for you or anyone like you.

CrackerBarrellShill stand with israel

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At some point the accuser also claimed that they solicited erotic images with other users, including a 12-year-old boy, and shared those images with Marisa, unprompted. (Marisa presented us with logs of that interaction, images edited out.)

Wait, what the frick? Tbh, the accuser is an r-slur and just admitted to a federal felony while using an interstate medium. So would anyone who didn’t immediately report that shit to law enforcement.

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Oh, I remember this guy. Used to be a uboachan.net user, hung out in the IRC server for the site way back when. He was annoying as frick and would victimize himself at every turn. In hindsight the future :marseytrain2: nonce arc was kind of obvious.

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Didn’t read but Zdoom is gay bulldhit for zoomers who can’t fathom playing an fps without mouselook. Anything Zdoom related isn’t doom, it’s like saying any game with the unreal engine is an Unreal mod.

Real men use -complevel 9 at most and run prboom-plus or dsda-doom. If it’s .wad, suck it down, if it’s .pk3 stay away

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later she did act out on her Twitter, going as far as stating that her boyfriend was "willing to track every single one of them down" (referring to the people who started targetting her by that point).

Cue e1m1 earrape :#marsey!shooting::chudsey!::!chudsey::!chudsey:

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Anyone got the doom wad for epstein island?

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Chances of overlap with the "Marisa" character from touhou? Outlook likely.


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>Marisa the Magician


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The admins have not intervened in the powermod issue since before the time I was Reddit CEO.

My advice (if you really want them removed) is to troll the heck out of them until they're so far on tilt that they end up violating a Reddit rule, and then the admins ban them. However, this is ultimately a destructive, negative-sum way to live.

My better advice is to just go plant some trees. You'll feel good.








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