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Three prominent Navy SEALs have been publicly feuding like teenage girls across social media for the last few weeks. Dan Crenshaw, David Goggins, Eddie Gallagher

Intro for our 3 Bussy Operators

Dan Crenshaw is a former Navy SEAL who is currently a Republican representative for Texas's 2nd congressional district. He lost his right eye to an IED. Pete Davidson apologized after making a joke about him on SNL 5 years ago.


David Goggins is an American ultramarathon runner, ultra-distance cyclist, triathlete, public speaker, and author. He is a retired United States Navy SEAL member who served in the Iraq War. He's been on Rogan and other podcasts. He has a large social media following.


Eddie Gallagher is a retired United States Navy SEAL who was accused of war crimes. He came to national attention in the United States after he was charged in September 2018 with ten offenses under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. In the most prominently reported offense, he was accused of fatally stabbing an injured 17-year-old ISIS prisoner, photographing himself with the corpse, and sending the photo to friends. On July 2, 2019, Gallagher was convicted of posing for a photograph with the corpse of an ISIS fighter, but was acquitted of all other charges after Special Operator Corey Scott, a member of Gallagher’s team granted immunity as a witness against Gallagher, testified that he had killed the prisoner.


I'll try to summarize this as best I can with all links included.

Dan Crenshaw was on a random podcast in 2020 and one clip got uploaded as David Goggins is not known for any deployments | Dan Crenshaw On David Goggins Crenshaw says this was uploaded as click bait and the title misquotes him. In the clip he does seem to be downplaying Goggins time as a SEAL. He says he doesn't know what Goggins did in the SEALs and other SEALs he knows don't know Goggins.

Goggins found out about this clip recently and took offense to it. So he went on a podcast to refute and push back against what Crenshaw said:

Uncovering The Truth: David Goggins Fires Back On Dan Crenshaw & The Navy SEAL Brotherhood

Crenshaw responds to that on his own YouTube channel:

Crenshaw Responds to David Goggins' Unhinged Attacks on the SEAL Community

The next day Goggins responds on his Instagram


Same clip reuploaded to youtube if IG doesn’t work. (Not that any of you are watching 3 hours of this r-sluration, understandably.)

One part of their dispute was that Crenshaw said a hero is somone who gets shot 28 times and keeps fighting. On the long podcast, Goggins didn't realize Crenshaw was referring to an actual SEAL (Mike Day). He thought he was making up a scenario. In the IG video Goggins says he does know of Mike Day, but just didn't realize he had been shot that many times. Crenshaw seems to frame this as further evidence that Goggins isn't "a real SEAL." (My interpretation at least)

Then Eddie Gallagher puts out a video on his Instagram pooping on Crenshaw for not having his back during the war crimes trial. He goes even further and accuses Crenshaw of working against him.


Same clip on Youtube

I don't think Crenshaw has responded to that yet.

Some reddit discussion





I think there's only one clear solution: A quality twink is donated and these three brothers can heal by gangbanging his bussy together. @August are you up for the job?

Overall pretty lame to see all these "quiet professionals" airing out their dirty laundry across social media. Makes me think of the joke: How do you know someone was a Navy SEAL? They wrote a book about it.

Pinging !effortposters because it took me way too long to wade through this and put it together.

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>accept witnessing against your friend in exchange for legal immunity

>confess to committing your friend's crimes


problem, legal system?

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Legal system :angle: Bro agreement

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they call it the ollie north

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And they say Prisoner's Dilemma is real.

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DDR was almost certainly going to pardon him regardless as well.

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Other SEALs who knew Goggins have said his time in the teams is best summarised as "he was there" and was generally a nothingburger prior to marketing himself as a lifestyle coach. Also none of them ever admit to the roids use - all SEALs are on roids, literally every single one.

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knowing what the air force gets up to i'd imagine special forces are sometimes on a bit more than roids

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Yes, but they are always on roids, not just shit they've been given for whatever they are doing; it's a part of their culture related to expectations physical performance. Not to say they're wrong mind you, for their role it makes sense that they do what they do and some of their specialisations have their own circumstances that lead them to not use performance enhancing drugs at all.

But yeah, for the majority they're going everywhere with a unit fridge of roids.

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Explains the huge traps on every former SEAL I've ever met

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The roids are such an American thing

>Roll up to enemy compound in a Humvee with sagging suspension

>Hop out with 175lbs of combat gear strapped to low-profile plate carrier for agility

>Kick door in- it flies through the house and causes 6 enemy KIA

>Lightweight baby

>Get winded tactically clearing ground floor, creatine is wearing off, can't assault up 1 flight of stairs (it was leg day yesterday)

>Retreat and call in 16 JDAMs to level the entire block

>Pose for cool guy pictures with 29" biceps bulging for the cover photo of your book/podcast/senate campaign

Meanwhile, you look at guys like the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol Units from WWII or the South African and Rhodesian scout units who'd cover 300 miles a week on foot and they are all extremely lean bordering on underweight

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Racecucks posting old Rhodesian Bush War pics was the "aha" moment for me, too.



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They don't even need roids because they are fighting guys that can barely get penicillin.

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What's the argument against them being on roids? I mean why not if you have to perform at such a high level? Negative side effects? Roid rage?

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Roids generally frick with mental acuity because of the hormone changes, so when it comes to heavy use adults start acting a lot more like teenagers without having a highly structured lifestyle.

Which is why so many former Navy SEALs start saying/doing dumb shit unless they adjust their regimes to civilian life or put all that energy to use doing something more energy intensive than being a talking head on a podcast.

Also it shrinks your peepee and balls.

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I hopped on them recently, didn’t shrink the peeper but it did shrink my balls a ton… felt weird

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:marseysmughips: Did someone forget to take their tamoxifen?

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>Not ball minning to peeper max


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youre basically on HRT

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Take HCG. Its so cheap and available these days, there is no reason not to run it

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Nattycel cope


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How is HGH? Not as bad side effects for less results, but decent? From someone who’s not related to anyone who's ever had cancer BTW.

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It makes them fricking r-slurred. SEALS don’t take any cognitive skills to to get into anymore because of it and they’re so drugged up that they’re basically a small army of psychotic children. They were literally scalping targets in Afghanistan for 20 years. They "rescued" a hostage by throwing a grenade at her. They murdered a green beret because he found out they were stealing money from informants and it took two of them and two of their :marseycrayoneater: goons to do it. All of this is because their r-slurred noncoms tell them they need to be able to do three trillion pushups, you don’t need to be a power lifter to do specops stuff.

The ONE consequence that has come from this generation of SEALs acting like spergs is that McRaven was the first and only naval head of SOCOM. It will never happen again.


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the last time the military wasn't full to the brim with morons was in 1970s, and thats only because the majority of those folx were drafted. anyone who voluntarily joins (or "gets tricked" into joining by a fat moid with a booth in the mall) isn't smart enough to hold a weapon

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The US is lucky it has such strong advantages in its geography and economy because it'd be in serious trouble if it ever had to really fall back on its military culture.

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I knew we were in trouble when several seals on the internet were hardcore Trumptards and some had Trump flags on their vehicles.

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The US actually had to do a major restructuring post-Vietnam. The Vietnam-era leadership were mostly war heros from WWII, who were extremely skilled and experienced, but the lack of clear objective in Vietnam broke the overall morale of the institution.

By the 70s the Army was at its lowest point, and had to bring in the new generation of leadership for an all-volunteer force that was going to become technologically advanced. The high point here was Desert Storm, and now we've ebbed once again to a point where the Army in particular is facing low morale, lack of purpose, and generally needs fresh leadership

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I've always loved this photo of Mike Vining of Delta Force guarding General Norman Schwarzkopf during Desert Storm. He looks like just a regular guy, despite being able to kill you in 200 unique ways. It really highlights the difference between Delta and the SEALs.

And when he's done killing you Vining will do your taxes and steal your girl!

Vining was also part of the failed Operation Eagle Claw mission to free the Iran Embassy hostages, and I highly recommend watching his retrospective interview on the subject.

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They murdered a green beret because he found out they were stealing money from informants and it took two of them and two of their :marseycrayoneater: goons to do it.

If you ever want to piss off navy strags remind them that seals despite their "legendary" notoriety are still only the lowest value 2nd tier SOF units.

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1 Green Beret = 2 Squids + 2 rootin tootin heckin devil dogs @HailVictory1776


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They were literally scalping targets in Afghanistan for 20 years.

Based and McCarthyPilled.

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It will never happen again.

How come? :marseyconfused:

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Because it’s become clear that Navy leadership is incompetent and can’t command for shit


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Quality only goes down in an absence of a collapse event.

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First one to mind is the weight limit: if someone is too heavy then they can't be carried out if they get hurt. IDK if that applies for special forces however

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Not a problem if everyone else is also roiding

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I love drugs

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>Navy Seals follow their handler towards a chinook, 2017

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>too heavy

Then do more roids. :marseyshrug:

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Doesn't matter, the neighbor inspires me to run myself to death so he's dope af

Meanwhile crenshaw who is my representative is a stupid idiot who wouldn't even vote to make me physically fit. in fact he'd probably support Michelle Obama's school lunches

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Crenshaw is a Pelosi-tier grooftmaxxer.

Oh, you were a meathead who suddenly became the world's greatest stock trader the second you got elected?

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GOggins always struck me as a bit artificial whenever I saw him pop up on YouTube clips or whatever. Seems like his main priority was always to get famous

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Dude is a literal neurodivergent and had a crazy upbringing. I have respoect for him though for turning his super pooping upbringing into a decent life tbh


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>join SEALs

>Immediately gain 40 pounds of lean muscle at 8% bodyfat in under 6 months

It's called chicken, white rice, broccoli and 2-a-day workouts r-slur

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>Overall pretty lame to see all these "quiet professionals" airing out their dirty laundry across social media. Makes me think of the joke: How do you know someone was a Navy SEAL? They wrote a book about it.

Truer words were never spoken before. I swear every fricking soldier has some bullshit book out about how they are actually the main character of the war. I'm going to write my own bullshit seal book out of spite now and get rich off it.


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Train a custom GPT on all the best sellers but add a little extra spice about your gender transition in the military as well to capture the contemporary appeal

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it is impossible for a dramatard to not talk about :!marseytrain:s in every thread

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Penny's Law

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Rude! :marseymad:

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Weird flex

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I’ll stan whoever of these 3 has killed the most innocents.

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I would assume Gallagher.

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Other snipers said they witnessed Gallagher taking at least two militarily pointless shots, shooting and killing an unarmed elderly man in a white robe as well as a young girl walking with other girls.[5] Gallagher allegedly boasted about the large number of people he had killed, claiming he averaged three kills a day over 80 days, including four women.[1] Gallagher also was reportedly known for indiscriminately spraying neighborhoods with rockets and machine gun fire with no known enemy force in the region

I’m gonna say that’s a safe bet.

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Why didn’t we win hearts and minds :marseyclueless:

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We didn’t kill enough

- Former President Bush

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Partially true, you really need to pick a lane when it comes to this kind of thing, randomly alternating between machine gunning civilians and handing out chocolate bars is probably the worst possible option if your aim is to actually control an area or population.

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This is Bushmisic and does not represent what President George W. Bush believes and said. Please rectify your mistakes and do better please :marseydisagree:

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I mean, Afghans didn't even have the basic self-preservation instinct to pretend they like the US, even tho it would cost them NOTHING to do so. Even animals are more sentient than that.

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>including 4 women

good morning I hate journ*lists

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I don't think there were any foids fighting for the Taliban.

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This was in Mosul, Iraq during ISIS’s offensive in 2017 apparently.

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I don't think any foids were fighting for isis either.

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How can you tell they aren't loaded to the brim with explosives the way their women are clad?

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test them with bullets and see if they explode

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It'd be pretty funny if a female suicide bomber put a stick of dynamite up her cooch

With the fuse sticking out, of course

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I read that other SEALs would frick with his sights just so that he wouldn't be able to kill randomly as well

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what the heck you can just do that? maybe cod is more realistic than i thought

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Which one would you stan if you had to choose lurk

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16825551623017104.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16825551793765721.webp

War crime me daddy :marseynut:

(That's apparently his wife's eyes :marseyitsover: )

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Cuck his wife. Do it. :marseycoomer2:

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Nah, he takes too much joy in each one - that's what makes a poor professional killer. A professional killer is purely impersonal, that's the only way to maintain competitive kills-per-second.

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Where are Chris Paronto and Jocko Willink? They need to get in on this too

>In the most prominently reported offense, he was accused of fatally stabbing an injured 17-year-old ISIS prisoner, photographing himself with the corpse, and sending the photo to friends.

I don't have a problem with this. All ISIS fighters deserve the same fate

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you didn't kill ISIS the right way.

Trans lives matter


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>an injured 17-year-old ISIS prisoner,

A distant cousin of mine (in Kuwait) got smuggled into Syria to join ISIS I really really hope this was him good riddance you r-slur:marseylaughpoundfist:

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>muzzie has terrorist relatives


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Can't wait for the day when drones take over on the ground and all these tirsome macho twinks can just go and frick each other like we all know they really wat to.

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@August is a bio foid now, try and keep up with the power user lore sweaty

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Even better. All 3 SEAL peepees can have a hole and be satisfied in simultaneous orgasmic brotherhood bliss.

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reading this literally made me recoil :marseyyikes:

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@janky_kong, thoughts?

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@janky_kong thoughts?

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still no.

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What’s this from? :marseyyikes:

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Homophobia. @August is a stunning and bussy breedable twink :#marse!yindignant:

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Antisemite is now misgendering a valid woman.

Does the depths of your hatred know no end?

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wait is august actually a women? Did she transition or did she larp as a man because there aren't any women on the internet?

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August has been on groomercord. She is around 25yo and has classic congen adrenal hyperplasia. She has admitted to trying to frick her stepfather which led to disownment and a life of bitter voyeuristic degeneracy.

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None of this is true

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wow. i didn't know that youre telling me that now for the first time

what can u say

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Are you really trying to understand what goes on in the mind of a foid right now?

Couldn't be me chief TBQHWYMN

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I will exterminate the white race.

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Start with urself bugman

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I’m not white.

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Prove it bugman

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I’m Jewish :#marseysaluteisrael:

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99.9999% of Jews are white. You're all enhanced with European (((German))) DNA after the diaspora. There are no true ethnic jews left.

I laughed when I chick I brought over (blonde hair and blue eyes) insisted to me that she was Jewish.

White people claiming to not be white because their great-great-great-great-great grandmother was a Jew is right up there with the Elizabeth Warren Injun grifting.

It's always the pastiest white MF's claiming they're colored people.

Take pride in your German heritage, like me.

!chuds, !BIPOCs, discuss race-grifting

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In current year that is the same thing, sorry to inform you

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lol, massive cope.

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1/3rd german.

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I’m not a biofoid btw, this user is lying. I’ve posted proof on multiple occasions

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That's what you say now, but we all know the truth sweetie, you can't keep changing the story.

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