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LA looks to the future with hope as new "miracle drug" literally rots bums alive


A flesh-eating “zombie drug” called xylazine has been saturating the streets of Los Angeles with severe, deadly effects when mixed with illicit opioids... also known as “tranq” or “tranq dope” on the streets, xylazine has become increasingly present in the illicit drug supply. The drug can be cooked down into a powder form and mixed with illicit opioids such as heroin and fentanyl or pressed into counterfeit pills or sedatives. The “zombie drug” nickname stems from the substance’s known effect of rotting the skin.


“It’s really gruesomely disfiguring people,” said Bill Bodner, an FBI Special Agent. “It’s much more likely to stop someone from breathing and the things that come along with xylazine, it’s a vasoconstrictor. So when you’re injecting it, it’s actually reducing the blood circulation.”

Both the Drug Enforcement Administration and the L.A. County Health Department have issued urgent warnings about xylazine. Some say the county’s pilot program is a small step in the right direction to fight a massive drug war consisting of a staggering increase in deaths.

“When combined with opioids like fentanyl, as is frequently the case, xylazine enhances the life-threatening effect of respiratory depression (slowing or stopping breathing) caused by opioids, increasing the risk of overdose and death,” said county officials.

Chad drug dealers cleaning up our cities by melting junkies, unfathomably keyed.

Some reddit threads from the last month.


Most krokodil users have less than three-year lifespan after they start using, and folks who study this kind of thing are predicting the same for tranq.


In 50 years we'll find out that this was introduced to the supply with the intent to kill off junkies

I wish


This drug epidemic is somehow about to get a lot worse. Please educate yourself about the signs of overdose.. consider carrying nasal naloxone…people who overdose on these drugs often didn’t know this is what they were getting or didn’t know it would have this affect on them. Kids are dying from this crap. Before anyone says anything unkind, addiction is not an individual’s moral failure. Addiction is more often than not rooted in unresolved childhood trauma.

It's your job to save the rootin tootin heckin junkirinos because it's not their fault they keep injecting themselves with stuff a guy who eats dirt sold them. I like how the narrative has shifted from "just let them do what they want, it's safe and doesn't affect you" to "it's your responsibility to carry narcan around and do first aid on dying junkies."

Without supervised consumption sites and harm reduction supplies like drug test kits, naloxone, clean needle exchange etc…we’re just going to have more dead young people. A lot of these young people who are dying were teens a few years ago, who stole their parents Percocet or Xanax…this is what that has progressed to. When people who use drugs go to supervised consumption sites, they use their drugs which they were going to do anyways…but they also have the opportunity to connect with professionals who can help them when they’re ready. They have access to peer support. Connection is the opposite of addiction.

Not only is it junkies' rights to shoot up but we need to give each junkie a doctor to watch over him and resurrect him when he dies six times a day.

Apparently in New York the government will test you fentanyl to make sure it doesn't disintegrate you alive: https://old.reddit.com/r/nyc/comments/105q9mz/if_you_or_any_one_you_know_is_injecting_anything/

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I'm actually starting to wonder, do you think feds are creating and mixing absurdly dangerous synthetic drugs to kill off all these homeless people who are basically a total bane on every libtard city?

It would certainly be a great way to get rid of the problem while also never having to admit progressivism was a complete failure.

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Dangerous amounts of Russisn misinformation.

!jannies do the needful and protecc democracy!

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You forgot 9/11 and the election of Donald Trump

Don't forget to turn off signatures in settings!

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Aren't most of our illegal drugs sourced from China? Revenge for the opium wars?

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What does the US have to do with Opium Wars tho

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They didn't go over there and give narcan to the Chinamen, idiot. It's your civil duty to every junkie, didn't you read the OP?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17151063782028813.webp

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I don't read the posts I reply to

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Britain is irrelevant right now and the US is basically Britain 2.0. This beef goes back centuries who knows. :marseyshrug:

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The white devils will pay for what they’ve done :marseychingchongsupremacy::marseymaidgeisha:

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The CIA would never flood LA with dope

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I think they should start using manganese salts as cutting agents. Manganism can fry junkies brain faster and harder irreversibly.

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:marseychemist2: < your friendly pharmacology dropout

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Literally did that during Prohibition.

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On one hand the feds did sell crack cocaine so it would be very on brand, on the other dealers have always put psychoactive toxins in the drugs.

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You’re mixing up your drama friendo. Ze is referring to the feds mandating additional shit be added to already toxic industrial alcohol (aka wood alcohol) to make it even deadlier during prohibition. Except…people still drank it, and died or were blinded etc (ghetto purification process unreliable, who knew?). People also just flat out started poisoning each other with wood alcohol because it was effective with plausible deniability, so lol. :marseytroublemaker:

When the feds :marseyglow: were made aware and doctors begged them to stop mandating industrial alcohol be tainted in order to have less dead people, the official response was :marseyno:

Highly dramatic quote: “Seymour M. Lowman, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in charge of Prohibition, even told citizens that the fringes of society that drink were “dying off fast from poison ‘hooch'” and that if the result was a sober America, “a good job will have been done.” :marseyfedora:

Anyway all that is to say obviously the government is happy to poison you. Never trust bootleggers. Or the man. :marseyschizowall:

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It was a long time ago get over it

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Feds aren't that cool.

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3 letter agencies willfully and wantonly killing people? Like that would ever happen!

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Isn't that basically the plot of A Scanner Darkly?

Or do we not find out who's responsible in that one?

I forget if the movie is true to the book or not.

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The rehab clinic is making it and then using the brain dead junkies who check in as free labour to produce more of it.

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I think the anti-dope charity/rehab is the one making the drug in A Scanner Darkly.

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Oh yeah, New Path.

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Maybe but there's a movie where a guy sells hobos some old booze and literally melts them alive.

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one can only hope

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It seems like such terrible business practice to kill your users in droves that I find this suggestion somewhat plausible.

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>assuming drug dealers have any ability whatsoever to plan for the future

The maximum extent of their foresight was summarized by one enterprising young gentleman as follows:

>I been selling crack since like the fifth grade

>Really never made no difference what the shit made

>Jaja taught me flip them packs and how to maintain

>Get that money back and spend it on the same thang

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Drug production is often handled by organized crime, though. I generally expect a large criminal enterprise would have some sort of basic business sense. It also seems weird that batches of drugs would all start getting cut with the same no-name murder drug all across the country at the same time if it were just random low-level street-dealers doing it completely independently.

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Organized crime is often r-slurred too but leaving that aside its probably getting stepped on in China or at initial distribution and then randoms add extra shit along the way. I used to hang out with low level dealers when I was a kid and they were constantly adding dumb shit to coke and "molly" (which was literally never actually MDMA lol), including depressants. I bet if you did a spectrography analysis on some random selections of this stuff it also has everything from inert substances to amphetamine even though that does the opposite of what users are looking for

It could definitely be glowies though, theyve done roughly similar shit countless times. But r-slurred dealers (at whatever level in the chain) trying to increase profits from a single batch is a possibility. Fent kills heroin users but organized crime adopted it wholesale and you can always find more users

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WTF I love feds all of the sudden

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No, it's r-slurred dealers who will use literally anything from vitamin C to cheap research chemicals to cut it because it sells and nobody tests their stuff.

The :marseyglow:s probably use Chinese labs to synthesize, though and perform experiments that would be illegal here (sort of like gain of function funding via grants to European companies that contract out to China). And easy access to these nu-MKULTRA RCs that very often end up making you r-slurred (etizolam used to be a popular benzo substitute before it was widely replaced by an analogue that makes you r-slurred) is :marseyglow2:

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Deschloretiz? Or which analog?

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I don't remember, it was just goss on the subreddit or forum or something a long time ago

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That would require they do something to make our lives better which is impossible for the feds to accomplish


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I hate the "carry naloxone" meme because it doesn't even work against fent unless you've got multiple doses.

It would be most expedient to supply xylazine in the fall and winter months so the melted junkies can be washed into the storm drains when the snow melts

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The "carry naloxone" meme exists because the only thing that matters to online progressives is virtue-signalling their moral superiority to other members of their tribe.

You dont carry noloxone, just in case? Sounds like you're the sort of piece of shit who'd vote for Trump.

And before you accuse me of being a rightoid, i unironically believe it should be legal to hunt ALL wingcucks for sport.

Anyone who isnt a centrist at this point, 99% chance they molest children.

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I carry a small dose of heroin so I can push ODing junkies fully over the edge

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If you have one IRL, then that cost may come into fruition as actually signaling virtue. Shit on the internet is always just talk (no cost incurred => not an effective signal).

Just words words words in the cyber realm.


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Feigning ignorance works. You've never heard of it, but you'd love to know more! Start from 0 every time

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:marseytroublemaker:You should carry naloxone so you can forcefully sober up junkies. They can't get high for a few hours until its out of their system. You don't even have to wait for them to overdose.

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They fricking hate it when you kick them into instant withdrawals, it's glorious.

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Why isn't this used for detox more? Why do they give them suboxone?

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They still do use suboxone afaik, naloxone is a fast acting opiate reverser basically

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Exactly, it sounds way more fun (to administer)

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That really should be the new trend. Narcanning the homeless.

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Hi I’m Johnny Knoxville and this is Stealing from Those That Have Nothing

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Id watch that.

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Obviously this is a plot by big pharma to get everyone to buy and carry multiple doses of Naloxone.

You never know if you may be able to save someone's life on the way out after a bussy blasting session.

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carry ricin. not for any particular problem just in case

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Only way it would make sense to carry naloxone is if you're planning to do opiates in a group. Ain't nobody injecting some random stranger on the street.

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Fair, but idk if the guy filling his needle with puddle water is going to be responsible enough to have naloxone

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Nah there are a bunch of libs who dream of saving an ODing junkie at the library

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ya but that doesn't make sense

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I can't imagine living in a place where that's a thing. I never heard of naloxone before today

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Narcan is like $45 a dose. No way is some :marseyjunkie:'s life worth $45 to me.

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you couldn't pay me $45 to administer it to random overdosing street urchins

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17151063782028813.webp

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I have narcan on me just for the satisfaction of knowing I can do something to save someone's life (albeit a junkie hobo) but not doing a single thing.

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I'd do it for free.

:#marseydead: :marseymaid3:

Gotta keep the streets clean! :marseyjanny:

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it's not an opioid so narcan doesn't even work on it lol

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Why are amerimutts in particular physically and psychologically unable to not do drugs? I know that humans have loved drugs since time immemorial, but still, dayum :marseywut2:

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america is the most innovative country in the world :marseyusa: :marseyusa: :marseyusa: so our useless druggies are compelled to try the most bizarre and innovative drug blends in the world

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High time preference culture

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The eternal consoomers

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Capitalism bro

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LA got a better version of krokodil based

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The title made me think initially "Oh darn, did krokodil pick up some market share in the states?".

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A lot of these young people who are dying were teens a few years ago, who stole their parents Percocet or Xanax…this is what that has progressed to

this is a boomer take to blame hip hop, but man FRICK xanny rappers, I hate them


they're like:

>so sad I snort-ed all my xanny that I stole from my fam-ily

>aint no one sad as me i be making xanny smoothies

>this is how it has to be, annnn I suck phizer's D

>xanny xanny xanax xanny yeah yeah gucci gang gucci gang depression and shit

>xans and percs the only thing make me work

>so i crush them up and put em up my- yup!

>phizer gang phizer gang phizer gang yeah

(but not satirical)

Ironically, Lil Xan, the rapper who named himself after Xanax has become anti Xan

“Xans don’t make you

Xans gon’ take you

Xans gon’ fake you

And Xans gon’ betray you.”

he sucks and is mac miller tier tho :marseyxd: but at least he hates xanax and isn't going on about how it makes him feel like a hero, or he shares it with the bitches, or crushes it up and drinks it in soda

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Xanax does do all those things, it's great! I would force feed 40 of them to a dude who named himself after it

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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

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Let us return to monke. Live simple. Eat banana. :goldenbanana::donkeykongwalk: No more worries.

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Darn, vasoconstrictors are no joke. When I was heavily abusing focalin, the vasoconstriction put me in nonstop, severe pain. It’s nuts. Also, is xylazine the same as krokodil??

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Why do the biofoids abuse drugs so much? :marseyscared:

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i got diddled n doodled :marseytroublemaker:

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It's safe to assume every foid here was diddled

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this is true

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@arsey true???

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tempest, plz. As if I, a tough broad, wouldn't rip the peepee off of anyone who dared to not get consent first.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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So, yes :marseysipping:

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Some say the peepeeless man still curses me to this day.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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many modern foids have a real lack of self-satisfaction and direction in their lives that leads to addictions to s*x and drugs in an attempt to fill the void

source: experience

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I didn't know you were a foid :marseyspit:

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I'm not a foid :marseyannoyed: ... or am I? :marseynoooticer:

I'm just an incel drug addict with a lack of self-satisfaction and direction in my life

I could never be addicted to s*x THOUGH because I can't get any :marseysmirk: but ALSO because I consider it to be an important way to bond with someone and I'm not narcissistic enough to use another human being to satisfy the lack of stimulation in my life :marseywomanmoment2:

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They don't even abuse fun drugs

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Because they are miserable living in a world that expects them to be men.

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