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  • Impassionata : someone needs to remake this comment but the sealion wants to talk about bardfinn

The bardfinnism “sealioning” seems to have originated as a dunk on libs??

Use of the term originates from a 2014 strip of the webcomic Wondermark by David Malki,[19] where a character expresses a dislike of sea lions and a sea lion intrudes to repeatedly ask her to explain her statement and attempts (in an exaggeratedly civil manner) to interrogate her views, following the characters into the privacy of their own home.[8][20] "Sea lion" was quickly verbed.

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Since he's going to see this, I have one question for him if you got banned from your important janny position on reddit how would you commit suicide the next day. Would you :#marseyrope::#marseygunshotsuicide::#marseypills::#marseyobamarope::#marseytoasterbath::#marseymaid4: or do you have something else in mind.

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She’s fully committed to the female larp, so it’d be three ibuprofen and a shot of peach White Claw.

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He? Who?

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What does the average American farm owner have to do with this?

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>my arguments

based, redpilled, cool

>their arguments

bad-faith, sea-lioning, cringe

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>my arguments


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Keyed u mean

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Keyed? Keyed on what?

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@bbbblack please explain what it means to be keyed

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:marseyblack: :What the frick you mean what it means to be keyed? You must be out yo frickin mind if you think I'm gon sit here and explain shit to a simple butt b-word like you. Ain't no one got time for that.

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Keyed? Keyed on what?

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sealioning isn't a bardfinnism it's just common parlance in online left circles, a term used to refer to people who have poor social skills and want to 'debate' 'issues'

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God forbid a leftist justify their bullshit for once

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Uh, all you have to do is read this one book and you'll come away with the exact same argument as I have. Haven't read the book? Ha, then we have nothing to discuss!

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Um google exists sweetie

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>Google indigenous voice to parliament because I have some questions which have not been answered by any politician or representative in any interview I've heard.

>find absolutely no answers to my questions

>ask a leftist, surely they would know they have been championing this nonsense

>get told 'google it mate', Adam bandt style.



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What was the question?

Also tbf at least we’re starting to get a little bit of detail on how it will actually work with the composition of the voice, still probably gonna vote no tho

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>What was the question?

The Uluru statement said they want a treaty, so is that reparations? If so how will that work, if I'm 1/16th boonga do I still get paid?

Will they only speak to MPs or other government organisations like the reserve bank or the centrelink?

Will they have to listen to the voice or are they free to ignore it?

>still probably gonna vote no tho

You and 47% of the population according to the latest poll.

If they can't even answer these questions its gonna be a no from me too 👎

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I’ve tried my best to keep up with the referendum, so I can answer some of them-

is that reparations?

If Lydia Thorpe’s antics are anything to go by the voice is pretty far away from a treaty and Labor seems content to ignore that bit of the SftH for a while. However, looking at how the Victorian treaty is going there’s absolutely gonna be boongabux whenever they try for the treaty which is good cos I’m like 1/16 myself.

will they only speak to MPs?

I don’t remember for certain but I’m pretty sure it’s just MPs and heads of ministries, might be wrong tho. I remember seeing this in an ABC deboonk so might be controversial.

Will they have to listen to the voice?

Albo says no but chud and antichud lawyers and journos have been in a deboonking war over whether it actually will, the uncertainty over this point is actually the biggest reason why I’m leaning towards no.

You and 47% of the population according to the latest poll.

I will say, if the polling trends continue it’ll be interesting to see what happens if Yes comfortably loses, I’m hoping for Summer of Love Down Under but there’s not enough Aboriginals in the big cities to make it work

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don't get me started on that shit. First time I'm voting no on a lefty issue.

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It’s a term of self-reference?

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I thought it originated from g*mergate where g*mers are the sealions

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I think the original comic was in reference to g*mergate, not "dunking on libs" as the title says. Either way it's become a one-word way to say "You have an argument I can't refute, but I still win since you aren't following the rules I created for how people must speak to me" (as an example see bardfinn's rules for how users need to act when replying to him, which were uncovered back when the drama community first learned of him)

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So everyone in left circles?


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I don’t think the comic is a dunk on libs it’s just r-slurred. The sea lion is supposed to come across as annoying, but it falls apart because he’s kind of in the right based on the woman’s anti-sea lion bigotry.

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There is no excuse for sealionmisia in current year

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I always thought that it was more an anti-g*mergate thing. It being made in 2014 and all.

The sealion is supposed to be a typical anti-sjw redditor I think.

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Yeah I think it was. I remember running into the term quite a bit in that ~2014-2017 timeframe but it’s dropped off a lot in recent years.

Really it’s just the online lib/leftoid version of calling any pushback they get on their hot takes as a form of concern trolling. The funny thing is that the sea lion is portrayed as annoying, but ultimately correct so I don’t know why they thought it was such a big W to whip out that term lol.

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It's a memetic way to shut down inconvenient questions when you're not interested in debate, you just have an agenda to push.

>I have questions about your suggestion

>frick off sealion

>no I really don't think it'll work because


You see 'sealioning' used less these days because the audience has grown to accept 'this isn't a discussion item, stfu' and you don't need a fancy meme to shut down debate, you can just state 'no we're not discussing this' and get a lot less pushback today than you would have got in 2016. (Also most everybody who might disagree has been banned already.)

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I think the reason leftoids haven't come with any new label or other neologisms for shit they don't like is because they've been directly engaging rightoids less and less since they just decided they were part of the alt right pipeline and then had them all banned.

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They were banned/aged out. Most well adjusted individuals left the platform being unable to voice any kind of dissent. No actual conversations = boring.

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Yup, I gave up on reddit a while ago.

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It always baffled me how they thought this was some sort of dunk on g*mergaters. It was basically an admission that any wild statement they would throw out on twitter or wherever couldn't stand up to scrutiny so they just wanted people to stop scrutinizing.

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Standard way to shut down inconvenient questioning. Identify a behaviour pattern common to the questioners, slap a derogatory label on it and blast it far and wide.

What's funny about sealioning is, as you've said, the sealion is literally doing everything the right way; being polite, standing their ground, refusing to be dismissed when subjected to bigotry but they still used it to create a derogatory label and morons still mindlessly repeat it.

It says a lot about the value of memes and slogans as a communication tool.

That's your takeaway here.

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It just tells you that leftoids argue like women.

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Yep, it's basically the :marseylongpost: counter argument to:

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Yeah, when I first read that comic my takeaway was that the sealion was right, and the fact that there were apparently so many r-slurs who didn't understand this fact meant that a societal purge was in order

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Lesser beings have an inherent need to express incorrect views loudly and publicly, without any correction.

They call this 'venting'.

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Perhaps these inferior beings should learn to "vent" in private if they don't want their betters to correct them..?

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You should publicly ventilate them :marseydeterminedgun:

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The sealion is literally doing everything the right way; being polite, standing their ground, refusing to be dismissed when subjected to bigotry.

The issue is that there's a narrative. And questioning the narrative is problematic. Free speech is problematic. So you invent a meme out of thin air as a way to shut down debate in a semi-legitimate manner. It turns out 90% of morons will accept 'ignore him he's just sealioning' as an argument - perhaps it's something to do with the way the human mind works.

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The sealion is literally doing everything the right way;

and yet is still an annoying cute twink. The problem is one of bandwidth: we can't have a debate over every topic, all at once. A person needs to select which debates they want to be engaged in. The sealion thinks by sheer force he can make the person talk about his preferred topic. The fact that you have decided to raise a topic is not itself an argument - it doesn't give me any better reason to discuss that topic than I had before.

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In most cases where I've seen sealioning used, the 'debate' (usually a loudly enthusiastic narrative-pushing poorly disguised as a discussion) is already ongoing when somebody who disagrees shows up and raises a valid question.

Then people explode out of the woodwork to claim sealioning and the 'debate' immediately ends.

It isn't used in a fair manner. It isn't a term created to be used in a fair manner.

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So someone tries to steer the debate into some irrelevant territory and is swiftly shut down? I see zero issue.

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some irrelevant territory

No. They're often exposing valid inconvenient truths that reveal problems in the narrative being pushed. That's why it's so important to jump on them quickly and shut them down before their ideas have a chance to spread and disrupt the pushing of the narrative. Hence, sealioning.

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Sounds like a :chudraging: type situation. No wonder they call you a sealion tbh.

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We don't have a marseysealion yet I see

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15% of the population have absolutely zero ethics or moral beliefs and will simply do whatever their peer group has normalized without even questioning it

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Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

I just looked through all 308 pages of your user history, figures I'm debating a glormpf supporter. A moron.

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Sealions are great. Pelicans, on the other hand, can frick off...

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Any argument that lasts more than 3 sentences should be a fight.


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The audience of the comic (as well as the term) was mainly intended for /r/g*merghazi types who are pre-conditioned to think shutting down opposing arguments is right no matter the method/reason, so to anyone else it doesn't really work out.

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Didn´t sealions have something to do with g*mergate as well :marseythonk:

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Yes, it's about how asking questions is serious hateful harassment

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That was it.

I´m getting old and forgetful:marseyitsover:

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!bardfinn general bardiverse lore

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This might be the night, bros


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Nah, Malki is a turbo-libcuck. He hopped right on board when GooberGate started.

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Shut up r-slur

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What's your problem, p-do?

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My problem is that you have stupid opinions, and don’t call me Pedro, eśe.

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:marseykingkrazy: I'd bet you would like to "sea" my ""lion"" wouldn't you cPr:marseykingkrazy:

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Further elaboration

basically the guy made a shitty comic strip seemingly justifying bigotry when he was trying to point out that debate tactic. "But the sealion was a metaphorical stand in! It's not analogous to race!"

yeah, sure, and a fictional race can be a stand in for a real race, r-slur

@tejanx @Redactor0 @sirpingsalot

It has been suggested that the couple in this comic, and the woman in particular, are bigots for making a pejorative statement about a species of animal, and then refusing to justify their statements. It has been further suggested that they be read as overly privileged, because they are dressed fancily, have a house, a motor-car, etc. This is, I suppose, a valid read of the comic, if taken as written.

But often, in satire such as this, elements are employed to stand in for other, different objects or concepts. Using animals for this purpose has the effect of allowing the point (which usually is about behavior) to stand unencumbered by the connotations that might be suggested if a person is portrayed in that role — because all people are members of some social group or other, even if said group identity is not germane to the point being made.

Such is the case with this comic. The sea lion character is not meant to represent actual sea lions, or any actual animal. It is meant as a metaphorical stand-in for human beings that display certain behaviors. Since behaviors are the result of choice, I would assert that the woman’s objection to sea lions — which, if the metaphor is understood, is read as actually an objection to human beings who exhibit certain behaviors — is not analogous to a prejudice based on race, species, or other immutable characteristics.

My apologies if the use of a metaphorical sea lion in this strip, rather than a human being making conscious choices about their own behavior, was in any way confusing.

As for their attire: everyone in Wondermark dresses like that.

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Being in a group that somebody is prejudiced against is not a "debate tactic".

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There are many levels to this

Stop nooticing things


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libs hate having to explain things that their echo chamber takes for granted because most of them know they can't on their own and requires them to go back and find some copypasta dump that some other slightly smarter lib made to own the chuds

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pretty sure he was mocking Sargon of Akkad

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:#marseynorf: :marseycarp3: :!#marseysargonofaccat:

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Sealioning primarily evolved into a term thrown out by wokies when they couldn't support their arguments.

I got pinged into drama for the first time ever after dunking one of them so bad they just kept spamming "SEALIONING" lol. It wasn't even some subjective, "depends on how you look at it" claim he had made either, it was something just provably false with public data.

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It's not really about liberals, it's just about the "debate" crowd. Stereotypically more of a center right thing imo

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Bardfinn is a such a massive c*nt that he must be a women.

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What? How is this a dunk on libs? It's a dunk on a particular annoying behavior that people of all political stripes engage in. Honestly its more of a dunk on redditors than anything

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

The bardfinnism “sealioning” seems to have originated as a dunk on libs?? #reddit #redditor #seethe

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:marseyblack: :You don't know nothin' 'bout me, so don't come tryna interrogate me 'bout my views. I don't got to explain nothin' to you. Now get the frick outta my face 'fore I make you wish you never said nothin'.

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