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Ask A Manager Blog: The Men at my workplace keep taking "period leave"


If you've never seen the AAM blog, it's run by a woman named Allison Green who is an HR lady. She typically gives extremely vanilla, basic advice about resumes, hiring process, things like that, but occasionally there's a firestorm of a question and this post is one of them.

Long story short, this workplace offers women (and only women) period leave, but they don't question why it's being taken. Some enterprising moids discovered this, and have started taking period leave as well.

It's a 741 comment slapfight, most of which are seething about what the men did, or arguing with people who believe that the policy is a bad idea

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Libfem moment

You have to let me take period days because men can get periods too

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1 extra day off per month = 2 weeks extra vacation per year. No questions asked? No shit everyone wants in on it.

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Just pay the women less, problem solved.

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Unironically it is shit like this, instead of discrimination, that leads to them making less aggregately.

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Yeah, most 2nd wave feminist women would agree. When did "we can do whatever you can do" turn into begging for special accomodations :marseydisagree:

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Give them birth control pills to stop their periods.

And subtract the cost from their pay.

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charge a fee to deliver to their desk

in their water bottle

without their consent

or knowledge

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One day off per month to every woman, no questions asked, is batshit insane. Of course buttholes are going to abuse it, dummies.

Unless this is :marseybaitretard: in which case :marseyclappingglasses:

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ask columns are the original spot to put your bait

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How can you not hate white women, legit question

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if women get a day off for periods, I should get one for gooning sessions :#marseyindignant:

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Thereโ€™s also an active anti-askamanager community if you thought it couldnโ€™t get more pathetic.


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I canโ€™t believe Iโ€™ve never seen that sub, thanks for this!

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>ask a split tail

These c*nts in the comments must've been the latest redundancies in FAANG

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We're doing drugs. If i wanted to hear โ€œdon't do it manโ€ or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my butt I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I'm ready to put meth in my butt and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I've already made up my mind. It's going up there.


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the real reason why these men need a day off work

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Women will unironically take a period day off every month, spend 50% of their time working on "diversity initiatives" that bring in no revenue and deliver one minor story a sprint and then wonder why the dude who hasn't said a single word outside of meetings with 8 times their sprint workload a day gets paid more.


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just use bigger tampons and take 3 ibueprofens wtf is "period leave" for

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