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  • ACA : <gives you the clap> xdddddddddd
  • Dramamine : because you posted a thread or comment that I saw, dummy. As I said, marsification is not optional.

[Updated with a bounty system] It's motherfricking Marsey Wednesday. Please reply to this thread if you would like your comments to be Marsified for 24 hours

If you do not want your comments to be marsifed, please reply to this thread and I will do the needful by marsifying you :#marseyexcited:

Edit: In the memory of TXAbortionBountyHunters I will place a bounty on any user that I have yet to marsify. Please provide me with an @ of an account that should be marsified. In return I will marsify this person; that is your payment. Thank you for anyone who does the needful. Please check their profile first and ensure that they don't have this cool badge https://i.rdrama.net/images/16851384366550958.webp so I may distribute this blessed award to as many lost souls as possible.

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Done, king :marseyking:

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Thank you kind sir :marseylove:

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I am curious :marseysuspicious: and I wonder :marseygigathonk: and I think :marseynooticeglow: about if there :marseycheerup: is a particular setting which lets you manually turn on Marsey :marseysmugsideeyes: fication?

I love Marsey :marseyangelamerkelwave: with all my heart :marseycarphug2: and I wish everyone could speak in Marsey :marseyicet: speech!

I dont think :marseygigathonk: I am wrong :marseygigathonk: in this thought.

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as if the greedy :marseyplatymerchant: capy and fish would :marseywould: allow such joy for free. Pay up, incel :marseyblops2chadcel2:

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this is Egyptmisia. Please :marseypleading2: report :marseyreport: yourself :marseydoit: to the nearest goodthink education center.

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You Will Never :marseyitsover: Be An Egyptian.

You have no tomb, you have no pyramid, you have no priests. You are a mortal man twisted :marseybdtf: by bandages and embalming fluid into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is jackal-faced and heavy-hearted. Behind :marseynotes2: your back people mock you. Your ancestors are disgusted :marseypathetic2: and ashamed :marseypaperbag: of you, your “viziers” laugh :marseymonstercocklaugh: at your dehydrated appearance behind :marseynotes2: boobytrapped doors.

Anthropologists are utterly bored :marseysleep: by you. Thousands of years of dessication have allowed them to analyze frauds with incredible efficiency. Even pharaohs who “pass” look uncanny :marseycheshire4: and unnatural to a scientist. Your skin decay :marsey682: is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk :marseywinemom: deity :marseysunwukong: to judge your soul, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second :marseygunnut: he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected brain :marseymindblown: cavity.

You will never :marseyitsover: be a star in the sky. You wrench :marseymechanic: out a fake smile :marseysatisfied: every single :marseywall: morning :marseycoffee: and tell yourself :marseyropeyourself2: it’s going :marseysal2: to be ok, but deep under :marseyhandsup: your charcoal eyeliner you feel the depression :marseysob: creeping up like a scarab, ready :marseyexcited: to crush :marseyhearts: you under :marseyhandsup: the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a solar :marseymars: barge, grab an oar, grip it tightly, and plunge into the cold Nile. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a commoner's funerary papyrus, and nobody for the rest of eternity will ever know that a mortal is buried there. Your body will decay :marsey682: and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your Ka is a skeleton :marseyskeletonvelociraptor: that is unmistakably mortal.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There :marseycheerup: is no turning back.

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