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:marseytransgenocide: Transgender Army vet and Oath Keepers member is sentenced to eight-and-a-half years in prison for storming the Capitol in January 6 riot :marseytransavenger:


US District Judge Amit Mehta said that while Watkins was not the leader of the Oath Keepers' mob - she was not 'just foot soldier,' and recruited at least three others charged in the riots

!chuds so you do love the gock? :marseyinvestigate:

Watkins was jailed the day after the Oath Keepers founder and leader Stewart Rhodes was sentenced to 18 years for seditious conspiracy - the longest term for a January 6 rioter.


Mehta said it was 'particularly hard' to issue a sentence for Watkins after she testified during trial about the struggles she faced with her transgender identity and her cooperation with law enforcement officials.


She condemned the violence by rioters who assaulted police, but said she knows her presence at the Capitol 'probably inspired those people to a degree.' She described herself as 'just another idiot running around the Capitol.' 'And today you're going to hold this idiot responsible,' she told the judge.


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January 6th was a bunch of boomers touring the capitol. Even that required spooks too incite the whole event. The hypocrisy from liberals coming off the George Floyd (drug addict who assaulted pregnant women, died while high and commissioning a crime) race riots always annoyed me.

BLM and ANTIFA burnt down entire cities, boomers being let into the capitol by the police is somehow an "insurrection?" The fake hysteria and melodramatics over January 6th are all anyone with more than 2 brain cells need too know that the entire thing was staged.

!chuds, !illuminati , discuss the deep state's antics.

In honor of furry incels like @COMMUNISTHOMOGROYPER

Trans Furry Lives Matter

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Anyone on this website that believes January :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: 6th was a Fed op should kill themselves because they're too stupid :marseybrainletclapping: to live. Narratives don't work here bro. Anybody that's been on drama :marseydrama: long enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: knows that the rightoids fully planned :marseybabykiller: it because all of us watched it happen. We were all on the Donald :marseydarktrump: and parler and YouTube :marseykingharkinian: laughing :marseyobamacope: about it. Stop coping :marseycopeseethedilate: bro.


Literally Facebook :marseydatingprofile: Boomer :marseydoubtit: shit


Even if this was true, rightoids should all :marseyobamarope: for falling :marseyslipperyslope: for it.

Stop being such a fricking :marseytom: cuck. J6 was one of the coolest things rightoids ever did and now all you fricking :marseytom: r-slurs can do is fall over yourselves to pretend it didn't happen. "The feds made us do it!!" Shut the frick up you fricking :marseytom: cute twink.

!nonchuds explain why he's a cuck

!chuds explain why he's a cuck

I'm going :marseysal2: to pay the DC to ban roidedmannlet because I can and he didn't respond within a time frame I deemed acceptable


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!nonchuds mansplain why he's a cuck

hmm :mar#seythonk:

>IN HONOR OF FURRY :marseybear2: INCELS :marseyitsoverwereback: LIKE @COMMUNISTHOMOGROYPER

>pinging me in every comment

Also, check :marseycheckem: my profile. He's looking :marseyflirt: at it literally :marseyme: every hour on the hour.

I think :marseynooticeglow: that's enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: proof.

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You chudded @Shreddedmanlet with you're furry lives matter cope, so @Shreddedmanlet is making you sure get too enjoy it everytime.

!chuds, remember Trans Furry Lives Matter

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Have you considered not being a spergy chud? !nonchuds

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LMAO, you're the one with 69 (45+24) alts.


In honor of @COMMUNISTHOMOGROYPER's degeneracy, Trans Furry Lives Matter.

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Every user on this website is me yet you still reply.

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Know that I banned :marseyban: you because you are such a kitty cuck that you responded to idio before :marseyskellington: me. Enjoy your 24 hours of non-posting you little :marseybaby: b-word :marseyarthoe6:


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My man I’m not larping with idio’s name anymore. Back to being RF

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Wait you're not idio? That's even funnier


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!commies got another one.

This makes like number 15.

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Taking advantage of drunk :marseywinemom: people is right :marseyhesright: and good and should be done more often


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You don't even respond at all like idio. We've got the greatest gigabrained marseychads here :marseybigbrain:

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Keep up the good fight brother

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He's the Avatar of rightoid cope. I get when rightoids need to pretend on Twitter or whatever like j6 wasn't a big deal. But we're all friends here this is the place for all of us to admit that J6 was actually pretty awesome because Congress sucks. To see an avowed dramanaut cry about the feds, makes me want to punish them all because I've been drinking a lot and it is Friday night.


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1/6 was funny and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.

BLM rioting, murdering black people in Seattle, and covering it up was also funny. I'm tired of pretending it wasn't either.

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:marseysurejan: 6th

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You made my comment :marseysoypointdubz: so much better :marseysaulgoodman: thank you


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Hes a cuck because hes a rightoid :marseyhorseshoe: manlet :marseyblackandwhite: full of cope. :marseyshrug:

Jan 6 was also the lamest 'insurrection' in history.

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Listen, they tried. Let's not pretend that it wasn't cooler than anything :marseycoleporter: leftoids have done.


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I’m torn because I disagree with their goals but they only scared politicians which is a good thing

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The only time we almost went to war(army was fully mobilized along border) over a Paki sponsored terrorist attack was when they attacked the Parliament and killed a gardener and some security.

I get that it's symbolic etc but its also such a black pill how all the times they killed hundreds of us plebs all that happened was a strongly worded letter, cute twinks didn't even have a proper program to sponsor Paki terrorists till 2010s but the one time they sort of scared politicians we almost had first full scale war between two nuke powers. The message was clear, if you must target us target the commoners. We're too precious.

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Reading about it on wikipedia

Delhi Police officials said that gunmen received instructions from Pakistan and the operation was carried out under the guidance of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency.[7] In their book The Exile: The Flight of Osama bin Laden, Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy state that then-CIA station chief Robert Grenier and Ambassador Wendy Chamberlin suspected that the ISI had approved the attack in order to force the redeployment of troops under the command of Ali Jan Aurakzai away from the Durand Line, allowing Osama bin Laden to escape into Pakistan during the Battle of Tora Bora.[8]

More "the spies are behind" everything cope by intel workers (I've read about 10 books by ex-spies and they think every global conflict is their own masterminding, which every normie believes wholesale and extrapolates)

Why the frick would ISI need to start a regional conflict just to get Osama across their own border? How shitty are that at being spies they can't bring someone across the afghan border.

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the insurrections lameness is a direct result of how dumb it was. were they gonna start killing the cops that are openly on the same side as them? lynch the feds that work for the man they worship? the whole debacle was just a collective depiction of an r-slured child punching himself in the face.

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I'm just a classical liberal who wants equality before the law. If the USG is going to sentence magaturds in prison for unarmed "insurrection," then they should do the same for every antifatard they arrest. Amusingly, the black bloc chuds seem to get much more leeway. Some get sentenced to a year or less, but the FBI has the resources to clamp down on their nonsense instead of paying twitter to sink the Brandon Biden :marseyxoxo: laptop ordeal. (Thankfully, they're looking into him, but they're not going to get too close to the sun, Biden. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, I guess. :marseysad:)

Same goes for the BLM tards who stormed into State Capitols and :soycry: interrupted :!soycry: the political parasites' meetings. But they get wide berth too.

If the US government really cared about misinformation and attempted usurping of power, then why don't they pursue the FBI's russiagate witch hunt? The Steele dossier was a complete fabrication, and that c*nt was paid hundreds of thousand by select Democrats.

I just want more consistent in law enforcement and less ideologically motivated enforcement on part of the FBI.

>me waiting for the US to hold people accountable regardless of their ideology


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If the USG is going :marseysal2: to sentence magaturds in prison :marseymugshot: for unarmed "insurrection," then they should do the same for every antifatard they arrest.

I'm going :marseysal2: to serious :marseysnoomask: post for a second :marseygunnut: to explain that this is not how the law works.

It is a very basic :marseysymbol: fact of our criminal :marseyrobber: justice :marseyblm: system :marseymars: that you do not punish :marseycarpwhip: people based :marseyking: on the punishment that other people have received. It shouldn't take a genius :marseyslab: to figure :marseyfunko: out why that's a bad idea.

Some magatards have been punished :marseypunished2: very seriously :marseybruh2: (though honestly less than they could have been) for insurrection and they will face the punishment for their crimes. That's because their crimes were more serious :marseysnoomask: than people who threw a flaming bottle :marseyamazon: at a cop car. If you had a criminal :marseyrobber: conspiracy :marseyschizowall: to try to stop an election :marseyitsrigged: you're probably going :marseysal2: to get in more trouble :marseyevilgrin: than somebody who participated in a riot.

This is basic :marseysymbol: law.

The idea that leftoids are getting kid glove :marseyproctologist: treatment is belied by many examples I could provide of leftoids getting totally screwed by the criminal :marseymugshot: justice :marseyusa: system :marseymars: meanwhile people who actually :marseyakshually: tried to overthrow an election :marseyitsrigged: got less than the minimum of the suggested sentence (Stewart Rhodes got 18 years when the minimum should have been 22).

I could go on but honestly I'm going :marseysal2: to drink :marseyidio3: a few more beers and then go to bed. Too long didn't read your whole comment :marseysoypointtrips: is rightoid :marseydarkpizzashill: cope


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Ay !chuds I caught :marseycarpfisherman: a janny :marseycarpdead: serious :marseysnoomask: posting


He thinks we read all this shit


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>He thinks we read all this shit

I do


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Drink more, post less mucho texto

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Ur so fricking :marseytom: r-slurred :marseyawardretard: it’s painful. Seriousposters get the wall.

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This is why I only drink :marseyidio3: like once a week


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>knowing how the law works

Fed :marseyglow2:

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based on the punishment that other people have received.

Right, and if you look at their actions, they're equally "condemnable." I'm not saying that government should crack down harder on one group which brings weapons and fights police v. The other which is unarmed but walks into the Capital of Corruption. Give them all the kiddy gloves treatment, or punish them equally harshly.

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>It is a very basic :marseysymbol: :marseysymbol: fact of our criminal :marseymugshot: :marseyrobber: justice :marseysjw: :marseyblm: system :marseymars: :marseymars: that you do not punish :marseycarpwhip: :marseycarpwhip: people based :marseygivecrown: :marseyking: on the punishment that other people have received.

Wrong. Punishments are widely based :marseydarkblackface: on precedence and the laws are written with it in mind how it stands relative to other punishments for crimes.

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When sentencing, judges don't take into consideration the sentences of unrelated defendants, they follow :marseycursor: sentencing guidelines based :marseykey: on the actions of the defendent in front of them.

You're conflating two different things


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But they aren’t unrelated.

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There's no legal relationship between :marseyzeldalinkpast: j6 defendants and a antifa :marseyahs: defendants


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I'm a classical liberal :marseyleftoidschizo: but I want people to ignore :marseyerasure: context

Ugh frick off


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Enjoy the propaganda that's been dominating the news agencies. It still won't make you a morally good person when you abscond with liberty in order to "own the conservatives."


Divide and conquer FTW. :marseyangel:

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What context?

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Institution capture is a long term thing, chuds should take one for the team and join glowies instead of being itcels(who still get bullied by hr non itchads in their corps lol) but heaven forbid they not priotize money over all else. Same for academia or media these r-slurs will cry about how it's not fair how they are partisan but they get to set the agenda and brainwash educate next generation. The money might be shit but the influence is real. You can trace this whole bs to fetishism of STEM over all else in the 50s and 60s.

I'm seeing chuds do a reverse institution capture here right now and its pure kino. Libshits no longer trust the media, academia is next though it's sad that they are just going full r-slur like leftoids in their attempts and replacing one set of midwit ideologues with another of dimwit ideologues. Lies with more lies.

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We'll see! :marseyexcited:

It reminds me of the pearl-clutching Christian Fundamentalists about video games and movies during the 90s and early 2000s. Some legislative action happened, and it went back and forth, but here we are where fictional violence is accepted.

Now it's the progressives pearl-clutching about bad words and not being anti-white enough. It has a lot of traction, so we'll see.

It's funny because the US has had comedians like George Carlin rail about corporations limiting free speech, and eventually he could say "frick shit and kitty" on live television. Now the extreme liberals are mad that it's gone too far.


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I'm seeing chuds do a reverse institution capture here right now

Aren't universities like JNU still full of leftoids in the students' unions?

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They took over administration and have already started replacing the leftoids who retire with their own pet creatures.



They've also been working on changing the sort of students who enter, abolishing the entrance test for one(it heavily rewarded verbal IQ for humanities before this) and replacing it with a rote memorization exam. In 10 more years I doubt JNU will be as leftoid infested. For better and for worse.

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Classical liberalism is deader than socialism :marseylenin: or fascism. If you want to have any practical way of achieving your beliefs you’d end up being a Pinochetcel (which is why I’ve been calling you that.)

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Anyone on this website that believes January :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: :marseytrumpwereback: 6th was a Fed op should kill themselves because they're too stupid :marseyretard3: :marseymoidmoment: to live.

Rumor actually :marseyakshually: has it the head of the entire federal :marseyshutitdown: government incited Jan. 6th

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U serious? The police were literally escorting them into the doors

I mean really, are you under the impression they would somehow take control of the government? How exactly would that work? Nobody planned to do anything it was just r-slurred mob mentality

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J6 was one of the coolest things rightoids ever did and now all you fricking r-slurs can do is fall over yourselves to pretend it didn't happen.

This is easily the most pathetic part of rightoids insisting it was all just glowies. Yes, rightoids are idiots, and the reason they stormed the Capitol was completely r-slurred. Buuuuuuuutttttt... :marseyfedposthmmm:

There is no bad reason for American citizens to put the fear of God into the subhuman scum known as Congressmen. Politicians should live in constant fear of the people they represent. It's the only way to keep them honest. And for one shining moment, the rightoids managed that. :marseyfedpostyes:

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Hey euro cute twink. Nobody asked your kraut butt a goddarn thing. Do you need your butt beaten a third time?


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why are you making excuses for the cheeto man's attempt at destroying the country by delegitimizing a 250 year old democratic institution? are the chinese or the russians paying you? if you hate america so much why dont you just leave?

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