:marseywagie: Seething poorcel r/Australia users send impotent, vaguely-threatening letters to homeowners in rich Melbourne suburb. :marseyunabomber:



Toorak homeowners accused of being ‘too rich’, asked to give away assets amid cost of living crisis

Toorak's median house price is a staggering $5,300,000, with the suburb having the highest average household income in Victoria of $185,000, according to Australian Tax Office figures for 2019/20.

Last month, residents in the exclusive Melbourne suburb of Toorak opened their doors to find a double-sided sheet of paper accusing them of being “too rich” and harming others as a result.

Jeff Yew, CEO of crypto company Monochrome Asset Management, said the notes were odd.

“The proposals are a little bit wild,” he told http://news.com.au. “There is also a level of ‘this can’t be real’.”

Mr Yew said he knows a lot of high net worth individuals through his work and that a friend, based in Toorak, had sent him photos of the bizarre letter. The chief executive himself is based in Brisbane.

Local Toorak residents are reportedly concerned as the message made reference to violence.

“In our business we deal with a lot of high net worth individuals. Toorak is a particularly wealthy neighbourhood, I would draw that assumption” as to why they posted the letters there, Mr Yew said.

“It’s a very direct way to appear threatening the rich.”

Data from property analysis firm shows the median house price in Toorak is $5.19 million.

Melbourne’s inner city suburb of Toorak is one of the richest in the nation.

It holds the record for the second most expensive property sale in Australia’s history.

A run-down 10-bedroom mansion was snapped up by crypto kingpin Edward Craven in August last year for $80 million, setting a new state record, and coming second in the country.


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Yeah now stop and consider that someone paid to have those printed.

Now who's got too much money hey?

Idk maybe $200 to get some printed up.

Not too bad really.

If you have $200 to print some pointless flyers then relative to a lot of people, you are too rich!

Almost as dumb as the previous comment. The mail out is clearly a form of social protest.

Do you need to be flat broke before you are allowed to talk about social equality?

Talk is free. Flyers are not.

I think you are one of those "only the people richer than me are too rich".

Ok, so..? And..?

So and your comment is pointless. Someone tried to make a social point and had some small printing costs. Try engaging your brain and addressing the point he raises. Of course no one is going to sell there houses for a letter. Don't be so direct or literal. It's a form of protest.

It's a form of nuisance, the posting it here is more likely the real slactivism than the mail drops are any form of protest or activism. You pointing out two hundred bucks, that would imply you could guess the number printed or is entirely a finger in the air, pointless. The sanctimonious lecture that comes with it... And that posting history. Hmm, friends of yours?

Oh Harden up. I am just a vocal supporter of any one who wants to push for social change. Our country and society isn't "finished". We need to always work towards the ideal of what we think it should be and not just assume it'll work out in the end.

That's how all our liberties and rights have been claimed in the past. Pushing for them in small and big ways. And yes leafleting and starting a discussion counts.

Sadly I'm too old, bitter and cynical to be the one doing this, but I'm not so myopic and self-righteous that I consider someone investing their own time and money as "slacktivism" (which btw is a weak term invented to shame people pushing for change).


This is old news, but I fully support the letter dropper. Hopefully some Toorak residents read it and actually reflected on the message. If wealth inequality continues on the path it is, it's only a matter of time until the guillotines come out.

>trust me guys the commie revolution is just around the corner! even though food security is so good 30% of the population is obese and the masses are placated with r-slurred entertainment like MAFS, footy and horse/sports gambling people are definitely eager to fight a bloody civil war to usher in the communist utopia!!!



I feel like (if this isn't a hoax which it absolutely could be) I relate. There's no political will in Australia to do anything about the issues we face with housing, and the majority of people (mostly homeowners) seem to have a kind of "frick you, I got mine" attitude towards fellow Australians that are struggling. This feels like an act of desperation by someone who literally doesn't know what else to do other than try to speak to the humanity of the wealthy. I'm not sure it's effective, but I do get it.

I think the Greens definitely have the political will to do something about housing with there ambitious housing policy and wanting to remove negative gearing :marseysurejan:

I worked for a greens majority council they are a tad too classist to effectively combat this issue. They were also actively against social housing in practice. Despite the ways they would bandy about the issue

Greens infighting moment #564364375 :marseyxd:


: MarseyAboRentFree :


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LOL cringe demands


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lol the demands from these tards are always the same, give us what you own for free because reasons

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Fricking poors couldnt even pay for the maintenence costs on those cars anyway.

>give us your shit so we can use it for 2 weeks and then abandon it


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It's not "reasons" it's a threat that they're going to take it from them if they don't give it to them. So I guess the real question is, do you think the rich are afraid of a bunch of always online commie NEETs are going to kill them and take their stuff?

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It'd be kinda based if it weren't blatantly obvious to everyone that the thinly veiled threats here are something a bunch of reddit NEETs can't and won't follow up on.

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Yeah if they actually ted'd someone and left the note I might be inclined to care. But this is basically the same as making a reddit comment telling rich ppl to give up their stuff.

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I'm not threatening you, because that would imply I was the one who was going to follow through on these threats. I'm just informing you that if you don't do as I ask, eventually somebody else is going to come along and make you. For realsies this time

The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko

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I don't think people should be allowed to own multiple houses.

Governments aren't doing anything about housing really and it's starting to reach critical mass.

Letting corpos buy up millions of houses or rich boomers own 5-6 is genuinely r-slurred.

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Yes goy it's people owning more than one house that is the problem, not the megacorps with a majority share of the housing market.

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The vast majority of housing is owned by retail buyers, not megacorps lol.

Megacorps werent even 10% of it last I saw.

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The demand for my extra cars would unironically make me seethe, buy at least one additional gun, and update all the garage security systems. Is this a psyop by the home security lobby?

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Lmao did you forget this took place in Australia? Those r-slurs gave up their guns years ago and they deserve whatever happens next.

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Alright in that case it might be the butter knife lobby

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They outlawed those weapons of war years ago. Get with the times, grandpa

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Those r-slurs gave up their guns years ago

The r-slurs did. I know more than a few who've still got them.

Life hack: anyone can have guns if they lie to the police about having them.

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It makes me happy knowing that my spare car is far nicer than anything these redditors own.

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How are long-term renters supposed to pay for elaborate decadent holiday homes that are usually nowhere near the hustle and bustle?

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>Step 1...

Come and take it. :marseyshooting:

>Step 2....

Come and take it. :marseymagdump:

>step 3...

Come and take it :marseygunnut:

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I guarantee this was done by a rightwing group to stoke fear and hatred of working class and impoverished people


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Toorak's median house price is a staggering $5,300,000, with the suburb having the highest average household income in Victoria of $185,000


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How do you afford a 5.3 mil house on that low of a salary? :marseywut2:

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Sub prime mortgages?

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I was wondering the same, the property tax alone on that would be over 100k per year in texas

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Yea, converting it normal dollars, avg income is about 120k but median home prices are 3.3mil which doesnt track at all

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No property tax, and much of that is insane asset appreciation. Also people that earn a lot frequently get paid more in stock than they do in salary.

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@Woajak if you stay there :#marseybeggar:

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I do really dislike australians, never understood how someone could care this much about what others have

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“Oi it’s not fair that I became a :marseytrain2: addicted to fent and work at a fast food joint. Gimmi that house.”

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It'd be a darn shame if that inbox got spamed with gore and shit porn to the point it was rejecting incoming mail.

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Remember when Australians used to be seen as tough c*nts who weren't afraid to be blunt and take shit?

What happened down there at Oz?

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the internet allowed people to interact with australians on a day to day basis

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moot was warning us of the horrors to come :bruce:

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Alcohol poisoning.

The real loser here will be the Aussie Sheila who will no longer have such defined jaw bones because they no longer need to fear getting socked in the jaw by Bruce.

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There was that Australian wine poisoning... 🤔🤔🤔

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The median Australian is a fat crone that works in HR and lives in the suburbs.

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The last man in australia died to a stingray.

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Its fine in perth

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All the real neighborz had their ground harnesses destroyed in boomerang duels and fell into the sun

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These people are so economically illiterate. 100% of the proposals they make are dumb bullshit that only makes things worse like rent controls.


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What a dramatic people.


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Hopefully they crack down on this landchadmisia and richmisia which is starting to infect our youth, to wake up and decide to turn toward hatred and fascist violence against People of Wealth deserves the harshest punishment possible under hate speech laws.

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!jidf We cannot stand for this antisemitism :#marseymad:

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hello friend

frick off

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$5,300,000 is a lot for a $180,000 income

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Mr Yew


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The moron fringe is starting to turn in Oz. Complete lack of econ knowledge and 15 years of leftie fawning media is having its effect and they're going off the deep end now they have no one to blame for what they don't understand

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Only days later, Craven, 27, was reported to have spent $80,000,088 – a supposedly lucky :marseygolden: number – on a property in Toorak

Lucky number, yea I'm sure. LITERALLY :marseyme: HITLER


80 million :marseysamhyde: for this? Not sure if that's Aussie or US dollar, but still 80 Aussie would :marseywould: be 53 million :marseysamhyde2: in US dollar.

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I love the concept of "the voice" because its literally handing over vague and spawling powers to the representatives of r-slurred alcoholic archaic hominids


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Seems like an rdrama bait op.

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I'd be looking at this like "the frick? I don't have any friends.."


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