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All show the same message on the sidebar. The hunt for new mop holders not going well?

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Oh wow! It's still r-slurred! :marseytwirl:

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The majority of the population growth will always be from the underclass. If the underclass is inhibited from replacing your population, you aren't going to make up for it by making engineers and tech bros all cozy and happy.

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ill form an argument assuming the internet lefty's thesis was correct


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"I think we are wonderful together, but we don't have the resources to start a family. Maybe when we're 30 things will look better?" x gorrilion

"I'm such a loser that I can't even clear a thousand in savings/investments per month. I may as well spend on myself." x 6 gorrillion

"I live with roommates and can't frick with them around." x entire college population

"I have no hobbies to intrigue people because I have no hope and drive, and no resources to impress mates because I am a useless eater that holds signs for a living, millions must die." x trucel population

Sure, internetification has something to do with it. Birth control gives people options. But those aren't getting walked back, and if these other issues can be broadly resolved we can ensure white people will exist in a century.

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Poor people don't think ahead. They're still having kids. The people having less kids aren't the poor people.

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I dunno what to say other than they're wising up to how it's completely optional to ruin their minimal comfort.

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Poor people aren't wising up to anything. The people having less kids are higher up the socioeconomic spectrum.

The people taking out payday loans every week aren't practicing sensible family planning.

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If they were too dumb to realize kids suck, why do blacks skip town after knocking someone up?

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They do know kids suck. They just make horrible decisions in every facet of life.

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Ironically the underclass is less inhibited from having kids when they're poorer and less educated.

Funny how that works.

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Not anymore. Possibly it's environmental, maybe good times make for weak men, maybe cultural expectations have changed... but this generation is poorer and more single than ever before. Maybe we just need to push harder to hit that medieval serf fertility rate?

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I mean you can't really dispute this, the whole fantasy of "if we just gave better services to poor people they'd have more babies" is something that sorta sounds right in theory but is deboonked by reality every time.

but this generation is poorer and more single than ever before

They're poorer in the westoid sense, as in they have a lot of student debt, don't make as much money, and many live with their parents/rent as opposed to owning homes. Despite the wealth decreases they're even more educated than previous gens it means they still see themselves as a temporarily embarrassed middle/upper class as opposed to being truly working class. Such people are not going to act like old school poors with little education because they feel entitled to more, both in terms of future income and partners. They have more hypothetical skin in the game, because many grew up being more well off and went to school under the impression they were going to earn the same or even more than their parents. Besides, there are many people having a lot of s*x out there, they just aren't having kids or being in serious relationships for long.

Maybe we just need to push harder to hit that medieval serf fertility rate?

Education and income are the single best contraceptives there are. If the lower class were given more education opportunities and better social services we'd see their fertility rates decrease even further. And this is a good thing (unironically), because it means they're investing more into the kids they do have as opposed to just sharting out future traffic jams and crime stats.

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social safety nets are too comfortable, a few decades ago you needed to have like 6 kids to get enough welfare to pay rent.

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"non political"

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Thanks for sharing, sweaty.


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This argument :marseystrawman: of not having kids always made me laugh :marseygiggle: because its like hello? Tax returns?

Of course even at your shit 12/hr its not gonna :marseyvenn6: be a lavish lifestyle but you get a good chunk of money :marseytransmerchant: back that you can plan, save, and allocate wherever needed.

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Its funny cause fertility is negatively correlated with wealth everywhere, even in burgerstan its the millionaires who are really removing themselves from the gene pool, the ones earning minimum wage probably reproduce themselves and then some.

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A lot of it’s really that the poorer you are the less amusements you have access to so the more you entertain yourself with s*x and drugs.

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For sure having no kids is a good way to maximize your money as long as youre not some addict but i honestly rather have my kids and work an honest job and live in my house than have no kids probably still work and be renting an apartment or some shit

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His great-grandma raised 10 kids with $1500 per decade

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Yeah, look at what that got us

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The elites don't want you to know this but Somalia has the highest concentration of millionaires and lowest wealth disparity in the world

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Its true though. That's why developed countries have such high birthrates and poor countries don't.

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