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The Great Dramanaut Purge :marseyworried:

Seeing all the dramacels (who thought they got away with no consequences) getting y'alled by the chadmins was funny, but not nearly as funny as every single one of the banned users feeling the need to make a post about it.

You all got your plebbit accounts either permajannied or marked by the chadmins, and I know half of you are so r-slurred that you don't know how to make a new account.

Queen Penny always wins. :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

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No, I'm a citizen of the global south, and on behalf of everyone here, frick America. We all support China here, because they help us economically, not invade our homes and kill our children.

Just because I'm a leftist doesn't mean everything the media tells you is true. There are literally wikileaks documents and youtube videos debunking the massacre of Tiananmen Square, and the US embassy in Beijing itself admitted there was no massacre, and everyone trying to prove this in the media gets killed by the CIA.

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What happened

I’m too lazy to look at other threads

Educate me gigavax king


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TLDR all the "clever" and "witty" dramatards flew to close too the sun and got mass y'alled by the chadmins. They then proceed to sneed about it here.

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Yup, my last alt got suspended for linking bardfinn.com on r/ModSupport after it stayed there for nearly one week.

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Queen Penny always wins.

Penny has grown accustomed to beating his opponents.

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:smackfish: :smackfish: :smackfish:

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It's pretty much a right of passage around here to get perma banned and stop using reddit (except when someone links it)

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Letting the chadmins bully you off the site


Leaving the site willingly


Spending every waking moment neurodivergentally harassing moderators and admins on reddit through the extensive use of alts


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Idk how to make another account because they instantly get banned. Plus I'm too lazy to and at this point don't really care anymore.

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Go to your local library to make accounts and harass the Reddit admins and jannies. How do you think poor people get on Reddit?

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How do you think poor people get on Reddit?

In these times they just take a loan and slowly pay it off with their unemployment checks

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Phone posters seem to have the advantage here for once as long as you clear ypur browser/cache history you should be good to go. I've gone through dozens of accounts, it's all part of the fun as far as I'm concerned.

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Uh nord vpn big money salvia bro.

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Step 1: Delete cookies and local storage and don't go on reddit anyone (in private window it's allowed, but not otherwise)

Step two: https://whatismyipaddress.com/ ; Check everyday if IP changes

step three: Might take a few days but when they have no cookie and new IP, reddit has no way of permabanning you.

Also be careful to not expose yourself from another device, like not deleting cookies on phone and visiting from there normally.

If you want new ip faster, use phone data (not wifi) and enable and disable airplane mode, will reset IP

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I don't really get it. The primary problem I have with reddit is that they keep cucking/closing down shit that is either good, or is tangentially related to shit that's good, thus flooding the actually good places with their r-slurred users. My reddit account is 10 years old and only got one warning ever (for cyberbullying SRDine jannies in modmail), despite me not really holding back that much.

How do you people get perma'd so fricking often? Is that a specifically rightoid problem or something?

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Is that a specifically rightoid problem or something?

Try calling people fat multiple times and your 10 year old account will forever be gone. I lost my 6 year account just for some light trolling every now and then.

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I call people far worse than that. Regularly. Something tells me you've done something more than just calling them fat... There are some things that are minor/accidental that can get you y'alled (like upvoting same shit on an alt and a main because you forgot you switched accounts), but if you're even a little bit careful - you'll probably be fine.

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I call people far worse than that. Regularly.

in the eyes of a redditor it is not worse.

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Part of it was becoming a jannie at one of the bait subs and making posts there.


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I was a j-slur in a number of superstraight subs, including only major one that survived all the way until the end. Made posts there too. I'd say that's sufficiently baity, wouldn't you?

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You're a leftoid. Deal with it

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Never hidden this. Also - did you just make an account to reply to all my comments with /pol/-tier seethe? Make a new one, buddy.

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You are a stereotype. Keep yourself safe rule following milquetoast hall monitor :marseytrain: janny commie scum

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"I'll show the mean pol guy I'm not a redditor!!!! You're banned, chud

:marseycool: "

Rope. Neck. Bridge. Now.

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Oopsie whoopsie uwu, I think I made a little poopie-whoopie, oh gosh what a mess~

What's that Mr. Jannie? You'll clean it up? Omg that's so nice of you! Be careful you don't get it on your hands though, it's a big mess. Mhm, a big mess allllll over the place hehe. I'm sure you're hansomely rewarded for cleaning up so many poopies! What are you saying Mr. Jannie? You get paid so little? Well, I don't agree with that! I'll triple- no, I'll quadruple your salary, right this instant! Here's quadruple zero, my lovely Jannie. Now keep cleaning, and I'll see you next time I make a doodoo. Teehee, bye Mr. Jannie!

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'chud' isnt an insult sweaty

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Were you banned for saying "chud"?

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I was getting at your 'Ive said far worse shit'

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Naw, never used that word, I try to avoid shitlib language when seriousposting. I prefer good, old-fashioned insults, like "r-slur", "cretin", "simp" etc.

Realistically all you need to do to not get flagged by gigajannies is avoid using words that would get caught by our word filter, and even then - only some of them. I'm not a big fan of it, since I'm pretty much a fundamentalist when it comes to free speech on places like reddit but it's really not that hard. Just use dogwhistles if you absolutely have to.

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Calling someone a fattie is 100% worse than any of the words you listed according to reddit.

Also since when is 'simp' an old fashioned insult?

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Keep yourself safe reddit BIPOC.

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You are an r-slured BIPOCcute twink commie who, like every other :marseytrain: janny, is the absolute last person who should be in charge of what people can say online. Keep yourself safe

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”shitlib language”


What is the chapoid vocabulary and why are you confusing it for libs?

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Is that a specifically rightoid problem or something?


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Nah you definitely don't have to be a rightoid to be banned, all you have to do is piss off the wrong people. I had multiple fresh accounts banned where I didn't even talk about πŸš„s or πŸ€s or post in any no no subs except for r/drama. I got banned for simple things like telling people they were r-slurs who had no idea how the world works or that the reason they were fat was because they were lazy sacks of shit and it had nothing to do with any perceived health problem they thought up.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Being opposed to morbid obesity is right wing, you r_slur. frick outta here.

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I god a warning for just using the word "r-slur" once.

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I got banned for 3 days or saying r-slur like a year ago. Just depends if any gay r-slurs report you.

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Annoy the wrong people. I’ve gotten banned twice. Getting unbanned consist of constantly messaging to the admins.

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I think that still requires you to be a full-on rightoid, because if you're not - you'll absolutely get away with it. I've been annoying the "wrong" people basically since the very beginning, and rather extensively - here's a screen from like 9 years ago. AHS doesn't like me much either, and neither do the post-BEP SRDine jannies.


I guess the point I'm trying to make is that you shouldn't be a rightoid on reddit :marseyshrug:

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Darn that's a deep cut. Were you involved in the SRS/antiSRS/SRD wars back in the day?

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Massively. That's where that's from - I was one of the primary participants in most of the early shit before r/drama even became an actual thing. I kind of miss them now, since, in hindsight, SRS was always much better in every way than what we have now. They had a sense of humour, they were willing to engage with others (and I've even had some almost-friends on the "other side") and generally only took reddit semi-seriously. The current pro-censorship crowd is very different.


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Same. I kinda miss Irby and HarrietPotter.

I gave them a hard time back in the day, but in retrospect funny SRS was way way better than humourless AHS.

Pour one out for some real neighbors.

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That's the good ole SRS feeling!

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I don’t even know what’s going on in that picture.

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The SRSisters are bombarding smug plebbitors with dildos. There's also a bunch of old memes and references (e.g. Ron Paul) that make me feel ancient.

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I commented on SRS a couple times back when it first kicked off in 2012. Dworkin banned me randomly based on a couple "problematic" comments but I actually argued my case and they unbanned me. That would never happen these days.

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Cope harder rule following leftoid reddit janny scum.

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Is that really an SRS post? And SRDines used to be anti-SRS? Darn I missed a lot.

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Yup. All original dramatards came from SRD when SRDine jannies started cracking down on no-no words. Original battle-line was SRD vs SRS before that happened.

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Have they really became that irrelevant? I only ever saw them post-Obama when they got brought up in drama.

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Yeah. Their goal was to basically call out upmarseyd unambiguous -isms in defaults and other major subs. Plus, like I said, they had a sense of humour most of the time. When defaults banned all no-nos and reddit locked out all iffy shit, their "mission" was basically complete. The more reasonable-ish once went away altogether or occasionally post in niche subs, while the humourless r-slurs went on to create AHS.

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I don’t really remember srs being funny, always seemed more like the current SRDines and AHS but with a rougher edge.

Also, what did they call out? I remember seeing those linked to SRS would often be politically aligned with them but happened to say a joke they didn’t like.

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Is that a specifically rightoid problem or something?

When all you have is the nslur, everything looks like a πŸ€

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I used to have enough positive karma in some no-no subs that the subs themselves sent me auto-invites to their sneaky replatforms some months later. I also once baited a bleeding heart mayo into debating whether the n-word really has negative connotations, thus both of us used the hard R extensively in the discussion

Never once got warnings or local bans

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I posted "BIPOCcute twink" as a reply to a bot to see the AutoJannie response, then deleted the comment within 30 seconds of posting it. I received a 3 day temp ban from Reddit later that day, lol. I suspect it was an automatic ban. That's the only time I've ever received a warning/ban on Reddit.

How do you people get perma'd so fricking often?

I suspect it has to do with how new the accounts are. They're probably much more trigger-happy with accounts that are <4 years old since that coincides with the Trump presidency. There's also very likely some kind of heat map for an account's activity that they can cross reference to see the places they comment.

I also suspect that the admins only really pay attention to highly reported stuff, so if a dramanaut goes running their mouth in a main sub and uses a single no-no word (grounds for ban), then the sheer volume of reports brings that to the attention of an admin.

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I'm a quasi rightoid and actually got all my alts permad once after fricking with the national sub a bit too much but since, I've not really had anything. I don't go on mainstream subs mostly other than of rdrama links so that might be it. I do get autojannied a lot for using naughty words tho. r/geopolitics sends a pompous removal message with 'this is an academic sub' if you call someone r-slurred. :marseyglancing: I could still get r/askhistorians larping a bit like that but I really don't get how those midwits think they are an 'academic sub' lel.

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askhistorians is probably one of the most pretentious subs. They’ve gone out of their way to demand special treatment by closing the sub out of protest. I remember once that the Reddit algorithm β€œaccidentally” banned them. Wish it stayed that way, would have loved to see the academicels seethe.

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I fricking hate askhistorians. I'm sure most actual historians do too. It's a circlejerk sub for grad students, showing off their academic sourcing skills :marseyno:

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β€œPlease cite your sources for your claims.”

β€œNo not that those ones!”

Honestly, it gets so bad and circlejerky that I sometimes feel like a highschool textbook from the Deep South from the sixties would offer a clearer picture of the history of the United States and the world than askhistorians would more than half the time.

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On one hand, they are midwits who can't comprehend any arguments that aren't backed up by a scholastic consensus. On the other, you know those sources are the one thing keeping it from turning into r/history where every upmarseyd answer is whatever feel good brainfart the average plebbitor had in between upvoting puppies and downvoting nazis.

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Got I hate leftoid hall monitor rule following cute twinks so much.

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I apparently have some form of immunity.

I received an admin message stating my account was permanently suspended, but I can still post/vote/comment just fine.

My original account got shadowbanned 6 years ago during the y'alling of FPH


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Check in incognito mode in chrome. You might be shadowbanned

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This was nearly a year ago, account still works as normal


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:marseyshrug: maybe someone reversed the ban straight away, idk. No clue how their sexy Indian dude AEO actually works...

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For giggles, I went through to see when the suspension was and where else I've been y'alled.

Suspension was 3 years ago for misusing the report button at r/softwaregore.

Other bans:

/r/me_irl for using 'gendered slurs' ("gave that b-word a noun, bitches love nouns")

/r/LateStageCapitalism (no reason given, I don't remember)

/r/JusticeServed (I said the thanos jokes sucked)

/r/Cringetopia (CringeAnarchy autoban - got unbanned)

/r/Drama (CringeAnarchy autoban - got unbanned)

/r/Drama (100,000 subscriber celebration)

/r/THE_PACK (temporary, joking)

/r/HappyEmbarassedGirls (talking shit about the jannies)

/r/ProtectAndServe (mentioned I'm glad I have a dashcam in case protesters surround me)

/r/TheHandmaidsTale (anti-vax talk)

Then the NoNewNormal autobahns:

instant_regret, starterpacks, iamatotalpieceofshit, justneckbeardthings, mademesmile, pics, trashy, madlads, facepalm, MURICA, oddlysatisfying, insanepeoplefacebook, leapardsatmyface, prematurecelebration, rant, showerthoughts, shittylifeprotips


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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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you get permad from sport subs for flaming the other team, its really fricking gay

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Watch the crossfire :marseyworried:

:!marseyshooting: :bardfinn: :marseydead: :marseydead: :marseydead: :marseydead: :marseydead:

They're all dead :marseygasp: :marseywtf2: :marseydepressed:

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The marseys aren't lined properly on mobile so it looks like a crazy mexican standoff with the troomer dodging all the shots.

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lmao i was wondering why there was crossfire cause it looks perfect here

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I imagine ol bardy is rubbing her big ol lady peepee to these threads.

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:marseyyikes: :marseygasp: :marseysick:

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I believe its kindpeepee now sir.

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She calls it her witch's wand, I hear.

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I got all my good accounts perma'd after like dozens of temp bans lol they even flagged my browser and shit

Getting banned because you called bard a :marseytrain2: is boring

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Yeah come back when you've been banned on 30+ accounts for serial harassment leading to tronaldodumpo's mental breakdown, then I'll be impressed.

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Dont talk to me unless you have driven 3 redditors to suicicide (with proof)

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Brb, gonna sign up to reddit again cracks knuckles

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getting perma'd from le ddit


getting perma'd from rdrama.net


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lern2reed b4 u sneed

most of those are "warnings" aka meaningless

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A reddit chadmin warning is like the star the Germans gave to jews.

You've been found out. You're on their radar. It's only a matter of time before you get sent to the camps.

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Eh, it's more like a warning from a cop: they're mad but if you wait a while and don't remind them, they'll forget about it and you. Reddit is a terribly run organisation and they have tons of staff turnover. I've gotten two or three warnings (spaced out over a couple years) and so far no ban.

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Cops are literally Nazis, even more evidence supporting my theory.

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