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This is good for the environment. Frick the rich destroying OUR planet with their contrails.

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I was told by Obama not to worry about chemtrails.

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Their union claims it's just because Southwest is a terrible airline, nothing to do with vax.

what was a minor temporary event for other carriers devastated Southwest Airlines because our operation has become brittle and subject to massive failures under the slightest pressure. Our operation and our frontline employees have endured continuous and unending disruptions since the first time our airline made headlines in early June due to widespread IT failures. Our Pilots are tired and frustrated because our operation is running on empty due to a lack of support from the Company.

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Covid continues to disproportionally affect African Americans.

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The airline should fire them all so that there is never another thousand flights cancelled again.

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This entire comment chain lmao.

Southwest is HQ’d in Dallas along with AA in nearby Ft. Worth so they’ll have more anti vaxxer idiots formerly working for them since they’re in a predominantly conservative (lower IQ) state.

What does he mean by this? :derpthinking: Is he implying that this is the reason why a large percentage of POCs aren't getting the vaccine? :mysides:

Your chances of being a democrat become higher the more education you get.

The working class and POCs who form the majority of the Democrat base must be thrilled to learn that they're the anomalies among Democrat voters based on this "research". :marseylaugh:

You actually made the exact argument I called you out for ahead of time trying to nullify IQ. and didn’t really respond to my main point which is that I was talking about generalizations (ie a survey of the population) and that I had no idea why you were citing exceptions to that as any sort of response. Jesus Christ this reply is funnier the more I read it. And yes if irony were strawberries, we’d all be drinking smoothies right now.

Yes, exceptions don't disprove the rule. I wonder how this Redditard would react if some rightoid says that to him after rattling off FBI crime statistics and IQ differences between races. :soyjak:

You think rural people in New York are any better? The modern Mason-Dixon Line is 30 miles outside of any city

Does this guy not realise that many wealthy, educated people live in suburbs outside of cities (the 30-mile distance may vary) and that many poor, uneducated people congregate in the the run-down parts inside the urban core?

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Side note: it's pretty wild to me that so many Redditoids sneer at people they consider to be "inferior" to them (in terms of education, intelligence and culture). How do they think the "elites", that they always whine about, view them then? The gulf in education, intelligence, wealth, "sophistication" and standard of living between the upper class and Redditoids are likely far larger than the ones between Redditoids and those "redneck hicks" they disparage. Does this mean that Redditors are Ok with the ruling class condescending to them and treating them like shit? :marseythonk:

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Imagine taking a budget airline lmao. Sometimes I catch glimpses of southwestcels and spiritcels from my free premium lounge, and they’re truly the dregs of society.

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Frick 'em. Were they striking for better pay or better benefits I'd be all for it. But because they don't want the vaccine? Frick 'em. That sort of anti-vaccine nonsense needs to end.

Lmao, not even pretending

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These idiots are loaded up with other vaccines but refuse this one cause the republicans need something to be mad about.

Why would ppl be mad about two different things?

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Is there any evidence that this has anything to do with vaccine mandates and employees protesting? I hear that being thrown a lot but I have yet to see any evidence of that.

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LMAO this pseudoleftist seething is music to my ears and nourishment for my soul

cry more you pathetic fricking cute twinks :marseylaugh:

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The FAA requires 48 hours after receiving the vaccine before pilots are allowed to return to duty. Almost all airlines reached agreements with their unions to drop any trips with pay if they conflicted with the 48 hour FAA free from duty requirement.

Not getting the vaccine in the 5 months leading up to Oct 5th is in is way another form of protest. Just not an organized one.

The idea you have to accommodate a bunch of pilots in the last 5 days all at once at the end of a six month window is just insane.

Not really sure what this guy is going for here.

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There are people in that thread unironically calling for Biden to pull a Reagan, declare an emergency, and fire them all. An action which helped contribute to downfall of unions.

Reddit: far left and progressive, until it's their flights being delayed, dangit

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This is insane. The amount of times I've seen Reddit rightfully shit on Reagan for firing all aircraft controllers. Now there's a shitload of them saying they should fire all of Jacksonville ATC and SWA pilots and replace them with military.

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The Koch brothers, in an attempt to privatize municipal work, are demonizing unions online. It's why you see the talking point against unions that protect bad workers so much. Also why everyone hates on cop unions, as they are generally the strongest union in each city.

Don't mistake malicious Astro turfing with general stupidity.

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One of the Koch brothers are dead.

Also, unions are r-slurred and every single one of them deserves to get pinkertoned.

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Meh I like the idea of turning labor into a commodity and selling it to business. If anything I see unions as an extension of capitalism.

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*n*ons are just *n*ons, don’t see them specific of any system/society, especially when the bulk of unions were β€œartificially” created by professional unionized then some workers being upset.

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people were upset by change

Yes, people are always upset by change. If you started giving a group of guys free money and blowjob day, at least one of them would be upset because it's new.

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Wrong comment?

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No, but I may have misread the gibberish at the end of your comment.

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More comments

Come on man, how many more years is it gonna take ya before you realize they are all hypocrites.

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mandate the vaxx

experience shortages of staff in areas where people are hesitant to take the vaxx


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Yes, I'm pro-vaccine but it should always be a choice. Just make it a very smart and obvious choice, but that requires actual work.

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If somebody is so rslurred they're afraid of vax, I sure as shit don't want them flying my plane. They'll probably crash it trying to dodge a UFO or something.

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not listening to genius insight on Coast to Coast AM to avoid common flying saucer collisions

Uh oh

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Ok lab rat.

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Thank you for noticing, I did recently earn the coveted rdrama Lab Rat badge. :marseypat:

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It's the old lesson everybody loves everybody else as long as you do not disagree with them

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Those kitties would disrupt nothing in the real world. At least not outside of places like Seattle and San Francisco.

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Frick 'em. Were they striking for better pay or better benefits I'd be all for it. But because they don't want the vaccine? Frick 'em. That sort of anti-vaccine nonsense needs to end.

Workers of the world, unite! :platycheer: ... But only for causes that I agree with! :lolface:

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armed revolution

Something tells me that there is a huge overlap between r/antiwork users and people who are anti-2A.

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Even if they own guns not a single one of them is stacking ammo at a rate you'd need for even one firefight. I watched some commie chick start up a GoFundMe for kevlar body armor. This is the lowest level of protection and it took like 40 of them to afford it.

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Wich is whu the larp wars cannot start soon enough. It would be funny to see what matters more, masic shooting ability +equipment or media support and cardio

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They are all full of shit. Stalin used to rob banks. These kitties play video games.

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unnecessarily using the word "material"

r/stupidpol user spotted

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When you write words it’s like spreading diarrhea around with a chopstick

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That's npot how you use the word material you stupid god darn r-slur

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  1. substantially; considerably

Why are bongs always illiterate

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They skip reading time due to necessary dentist and orthodontist appointments.

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:marseyreading: yes it is lmao. I’d pull out the dictionary but I’m not a redditor :platycheer:

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For those who can't tell, they're striking against vaccine mandates. It should be obvious but I couldn't find anywhere in the thread where it said that outright.

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this is why mandates don't work, the only people who are hesitant are tinfoil types, so whatever they're being told they'll do the opposite

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Where is the evidence of this?

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Do you have a source on that?


A source. I need a source.

Sorry, I mean I need a source that explicitly states your argument. This is just tangential to the discussion.

No, you can't make inferences and observations from the sources you've gathered. Any additional comments from you MUST be a subset of the information from the sources you've gathered.

You can't make normative statements from empirical evidence.

Do you have a degree in that field?

A college degree? In that field?

Then your arguments are invalid.

No, it doesn't matter how close those data points are correlated. Correlation does not equal causation.

Correlation does not equal causation.


You still haven't provided me a valid source yet.

Nope, still haven't.

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I should elaborate alittle.They are not striking over nationwide mandates but just ones for the airline itself.. Here is a article with quite a few sources. https://cboardinggroup.com/is-southwest-airlines-lying-about-weather-cancellations-when-its-pilots-might-actually-be-unofficially-striking/

Also they say they canceled over 1000 flights because of "weather issues" despite no other airline canceling and not nearly bad enough weather most places.

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Is this an organized effort, or are large numbers of people just saying β€œfrick it”?

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YOU gottaaa SOAAUUUURCCEEE??? :soyjakfront:

I trust you bro :chad:

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It came to me in a dream

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Good, chuds need to be fired.

Honestly if you're over the age of 12 and scared of needles you don't deserve a job

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They deserved to be fired for striking irregardless. :marseymad:

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In practice, Redditors hate the concept of the working class unless it’s being used euphemistically to describe a ghetto area or if they’re disingenuously referring to people who work cash registers or make McBurgers as working class.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Lol I've gotten in so many arguments with commies/leftoids where they'll drop something along the lines of "I hope you have fun digging ditches/flipping burgers/collecting trash at your job tomorrow" and they always get real quiet when I point out that, yet again, shitlibs will instantly go mask off and reveal just how much they despise the working class any time they get into it with someone they perceive as beneath them in class.

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Redditors only like the working class when it means programmers and sales clerks.

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The idea of programmers being working class is so weird to me.

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I think hating the working class is the right thing to do because generally that's where shitty people and wife beaters come from but at the same time I also believe that if society can afford to give decent quality of life to these people then it ought to at least try.

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Those women deserved it!

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Wife beaters

Wtf I love the proletariat now.

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Spousal abuse is one of the unfortunate consequences of maintaining a sense of culture... respecting women is an integral part of gray supremacy. I wish there were a way around that, but I haven't seen it yet

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I watched a punk looking dude go full NPC at my wife’s bar yesterday. He asked my wife if her tshirt came from some company and she said β€œno it’s this xxxx company which is owned by one woman who screen prints these”

As soon as she said β€œwoman owned” he went β€œOH THats SO COOL” and came back up twice asking for the name again and their Instagram. She wasn’t even saying it like it’s a progressive honor or it was some important, just that some broad runs a screenprinter. NPC beta mindset towards anything women is fricking weird

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A woman in need of respecting, you say? Fear not, for I am on the case

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I do not fully understand what you said but find your line of thinking interesting. Could you please elaborate?

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Let's see. The gray supremacists are the liberal progressive types who claim to favor multiculturalism, but actually hate and want to erase culture and make everyone equal and boring. You can tell they hate culture by the way they talk about rednecks, the only white people in the united states to maintain a legitimate cultural identity. They would talk the same way about blacks and other minorities if they could

I don't really know what any of this has to do with spousal abuse. Alchohol and dramaposting are not a good combo

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From when I was a leftist, the logic was that throwing domestic abusers in jail contributes to the problem of black male incarceration and by extension, problems within the black community.


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It's better for a kid to have a dad that beats him once a week than to have no dad at all?

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I guess? The whole point of the mental gymnastics is to blame everything but their regressive cultures.


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It has historically coincided so that the extensive tradition of wife-beating is an integral part of what makes a working class man who he is. If a working class man stops beating his wife, he will cease being what he is, and instead become just a part of the gray mass that is the generic identity of modern secular consumerism

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That's interesting. So what you are saying is that cruelty towards other is a feature not a big to keep a system distinct? Elaborate.

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I wish people like Johnny Depp could just get a good office job so he stops beating women.

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He didnt though. The recordings prove it.

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Are you not believing all women, sweaty?

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B-word I am a sigma Male. I dont even believe women when they are telling the truth.


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If you don't believe her then how do you know she's telling the truth.

Also the idea that women can tell the truth and false and dangerous misinformation.

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How dope would it be if DDR learned to breakdance just to shit on Obama

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This is amazing.

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Sigma males don't need to explain themselves.

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Sigma Male 256: sigma never explain themselves as per signal Male 152, but may make funny explanations.

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Yeah sure

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The millennial zoomer leftist is too far removed from the working class to understand that the blue collar jobs are filled with rightoids

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It's because they don't actually care about the "working class", they are mad that their liberal arts degree only got them as far as working at Best Buy or Starbucks and so they think they are entitled to the riches of the "bourgeois" (which usually means people who actually have useful degrees with high paying jobs)

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Rich zoomers living in big cities genuinely believe they're "working class" because they're expected to get a job while their parents pay for everything.

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Even in San Francisco! I get surprised every day.

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They should make flying a luxury again.

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What? Only white male landowners can fly?

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and their chattel (women)

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Str*ights also shouldn't be allowed on planes. Then we can finally have orgies with the flight attendants

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Women can fly in freight class, in a kennel.

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The EU is a conspiracy by the transgender banking institutions spreading Materialist philosophies throughout the world. Jewish Marxism and Liberal Zionist pro-EU and NATO Capitalism being said materialist philosophies.


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