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'Punch a TERF' :marseybardfinn: activist sexually tortured a :marseymoidmoment: who now speaks out


Moid says:

Darren knows only too well the level of violence Baker is capable of.

After he was kidnapped Darren was subjected to appalling beatings and forced to carry out humiliating s*x acts before being trussed up in a cupboard and left to die.

Recalling harrowing details for the first time he told MailOnline how Baker and her brother showed no remorse after admitting their appalling crimes.

He said: 'I thought I was going to die but in the court case they said that the only thing they regretted about it was that they couldn't break me.'

The :marseytrain2: continued their violence in prison:

Baker, now 53, ended up spending 30 years in jail after she was convicted of attempted murder for breaking into a prisoner's cell and trying to strangle him to death.

The heckin' assault:

Darren was just 19 when he was unwittingly caught up in a family feud after his sister Donna married Baker's father. Baker, who was born Alan, and his brother George were sent out to bring her back and Darren's life changed forever when there was a knock on the door at the family home in Thornton Heath, Surrey. He was punched in the face after being confronted by the brothers and another man. 'They told me 'You're coming with us'. I had no choice.

'I was forcibly taken at knifepoint to a van and bundled into the back.

'I couldn't see what was going on as I was face down and there were no windows. I was beaten in the van. I think there were two of them doing it.'

Darren was taken to a squat in London. When the brothers appeared at Maidstone Crown Court in 1989 it emerged he had 39 identifiable injuries including some inflicted with a knife.

Darren told MailOnline: 'I had no idea where I was going. They took me to a flat and led me inside where I was beaten and tortured for 12 hours.

'They were punching me and burning me with cigarettes. They were stubbing them out on my neck and I still have the scars from that to this day.

'I was forced to perform oral s*x on them at knifepoint.

'One of them said their dad wanted me dead and they were thinking of ways that they were going to kill me.

'They said they were going to get a gun and shoot me.

'They said they were going to give me a smiley face - where they slit the sides of your mouth. They said they were going to get a razor to scar my face.

'I was made to eat cigarette butts and curry powder.

'Towards the end I was tied up. They tied me to the back of one chair then put another chair opposite.

'My legs were stretched out and were tied to the back of it.

'One of them got up and stepped on my legs - he was trying to get my kneecaps to break.

'It was such a sustained attack I became numb to the pain.

'The last thing I remember was being tied up with electricity wire and dumped in an airing cupboard.

'They carried me in and just left me there. It was dark and silent. I couldn't hear anything.

'The wire was tied around my feet, my hands and my neck in such a way that if I moved it tightened around my neck.

'At first I tried to free myself but that's when I realised the wire around my neck was getting tighter and I feared I would strangle myself so I stopped.

'I was helpless and I blacked out.'

JFC. :marseydeadinside2:

/r/Bongistan thread is deleting every comment posted so far: https://old.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/15158ze/man_who_was_tortured_by_trans_activist_brands_her/ :marseyjanny:

TERFs react: https://x.com/xxclusionary/status/1680523902001217537

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16895168444814544.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16895168446468408.webp

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  • Grue : Why wouldn’t they? If they believe in gender then it’s true even for monsters.

Lmao still using "she" and "her" bongland is so cucked

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  • Grue : Facts don’t care about your feelings, trans women are women.

Can't be risking jail time for hurting the feelings of his torturer!

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!antifa look at this misgendering chud! :marseyindignant:

Somebody should kidnap him.

Trans lives matter, no matter who

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r*pe chuds



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saying this like the US journos didnt do the same for Chris Chan

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Someone's gender identity isn't something that's revoked just because they're a horrible/evil person.

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In the many cases like this where the person is clearly not just psychologically unwell, but actively malevolent, I refuse to grant them the petty power and high they get from being able to force and control the way others treat them.

The weaponising of 'actually you must refer to me this way' is just another form of abuse that allows them to continue to victimise others. And what's worse is that it's enabled by society.

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by all means, go on

go fight for torturers gender rights

but why stop there

male feminists, women beaters, p-dophiles, the worst scum you can think of

if they put a wig, they MUST be respected and sent to women's prison

Where they can continue to r*pe.

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We generally use the correct pronouns for cis murderers, male feminists etc. yes, glad that you understand

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keep yourself safe

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Trans women are men. I only call them by their preferred pronouns out of politeness if I like them. I don't like this person, therefore he's the manliest "he" in the world.

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Even worse, he used to be his sister's husband. I bet she's really uncomfortable with him now.

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Trans women are men.


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Wait, are you that Kaara?


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Nah I'm just Marco using an alt to bait rightoids lol

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Gender identity is determined by everyone else, so yeah it can be revoked. Gender really only exists for the sake of other people, the idea of it being important for self-identity is a meme.

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Like most of us, doing it because ptsd

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can´t untrans her, chud!!!!!

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Seriously. This dude should have gone straight into a woodchipper after he was arrested and now they’re playing into his delusions which is exactly what he wants. And he’s in a fricking woman’s prison rn

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  • Grue : Yes, that’s how targeting works.

Is this meant to imply that all trans people are dangerous or something? Because that crime isn't really related to this person being trans.

>Everything bad that happens to people of rail is because they're :marseytrain2:

>This isn't really related to this person being trans

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>tortures captive while screaming "punch TERFs"

>nothing to do with trans nothing at all

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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>can't read

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The Women’s March on Washington last week featured as a speaker convicted felon Donna Hylton who, along with several others, kidnapped a man and then tortured him to death.

Hylton’s name is listed on the Women’s March website alongside prominent liberals like Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards, activist Gloria Steinem, filmmaker Michael Moore and CNN commentator Van Jones.

Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, one of Hylton’s accomplices replied: “He was a homo anyway.”


On October 20, 1981, Kathy Boudin was involved in an armed robbery of a Brink's armored truck in Nyack, New York, along with other members of the Weather Underground and the Black Liberation Army. The robbery resulted in the deaths of two police officers and a security guard. Boudin was arrested and subsequently sentenced to prison for her role in the robbery and the deaths that occurred. During her time in prison, Kathy Boudin pursued education and became an adjunct professor at Columbia University, teaching courses on social justice and public health. She was released on parole in 2003 and, after earning a doctorate, became an adjunct professor at Columbia University.

!chuds what is wrong with these people

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Hylton is now an activist and author. She wrote a memoir and is involved with "Safe Horizon’s Adult Survivors Act Social Media Toolkit" which unironically puts her front and center as someone against sexual abuse.


I can't even joke about shit like this. There is no retribution less than full Hammurabi that could be considered justice. Anyone who kidnaps, r*pes, and tortures innocent people is less than a cockroach and deserves no sympathy from society, let alone freedom. Even if you did unto them everything they did to their victims it wouldn't be enough. The only satisfaction I could glean personally is prolonged 1984-style psychological abuse that forces them to confront their pure evil nature and internal ugliness, because like literally everyone they'll somehow see themselves as the victim in life. But they're too r-slurred to even understand they're psychopaths. So I guess the best I can do is hope hellfire is real and they spend eternity there.

RIP Junko Furuta

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Sounds like someone's on the wrong side of history. :carpshapiro: Stop trying to minimize people's bodily autonomy


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people's bodily autonomy


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Donna Hylton sodomized a man with a steel rod, tortured him for 3 weeks and murdered him in 85. Here she is speaking at the 2017 womens march because liberals are a joke.


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I read the first woman's ewiki page and it was total :marseydeadinside2:, if it is even partly true she never had a chance

Tl;dr born to a Jamaican voodoo lady, sold to a married couple who r*ped her from 9 to like 12, then basically got r*ped and tortured by various men including cops until this crime happened

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that is Donna Hylton?

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AGP :!marseytrain:s are the biggest homophobes you'll ever meet, along with being violent lunatics. Like I would feel less safe around a "lesbian" :marseytrain: than I would around a redneck with a confederate flag hat

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forced to carry out humiliating s*x acts before being trussed up

The sledgehammer wasn't powerful enough for this chud's egg


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Oi mate please don't truss up my dimblewolly. :marseybong:

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  • Grue : 7 years. 30 is because of the established pattern of behavior I think

So if baker is 53, and he served 30 years for trying to strangle someone while in prison, how much time did he get for torturing and raping and attempting to murder a child?


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  • Grue : Ensure personal safety r-slur

7years. Apparently bongland has been cucked for awhile. :marseydespair:

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  • Grue : Tbh I think I was just blindfiring into the thread at that point. Maybe I thought it was nitpicky?

@Greu why is it bad to say a murderer :marseycharlesmanson: male feminist :marseytroon: should :marseynorm: be jailed for than 7 years regardless of previous crimes?

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@Greu based :marseytrumpitsoverwereback: everyone-hater

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7 years? :marseyfedpostglow:

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The only crime people actually get harshly punished for in the UK is self defense

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:marseywholesometrans: #BeKind

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  • Grue : This monster isn’t chad enough for it/its

It has a mooostache too.


Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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This BIPOC :marseyblack2: needs :marseyspecial: to be lynched :marseysoyrope:

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Least insane TRA

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forget all of the discourse about the pronouns, that thing needs to be stripped of its human rights for subjecting someone to that. i do not understand why such a prolonged and extensive torture session does not result in the death penalty 100/100 times. for all of the creepy surveillance and shit british citizens are “legally” subjected to they can’t at least get that one thing right? there is no rehabilitation from doing that to someone, if you show that you’re capable of such cruelty that should be it and that shouldn’t be controversial at all.

that creature needs to :#marseyobamarope:

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@chiobu kidnapping is a death-penalty offence in Singapore.


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mandatory life sentence up till the death penalty for kidnapping although they've not done that for a long time

mentioned it recently lol: https://rdrama.net/h/singapore/post/186518/marseychingchong-plus-taythink-equals-marseyjewoftheorient-tayaaa/4548151#context

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  • Grue : @ThousandBestLives

Whom amongst us

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...I'm gonna fedpost.

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Saw the first pic of the bald guy and had to read the caption to understand if this was the abused man or the "woman"

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Url says a man tortured a trans activist? Typical. And you guys are still denying the genocide

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:marseyno: Only read the headline.

:marseyyes: Only read the URL.


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Stop posting the Daily Mail you fricking mongoloid illiterates! This is almost worse than libtards posting dailykos to confirm their own smug smoothbrain takes.


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TERFs are pretty BASED but what the frick is up with the "Adult Human Female" thing... it doesn't even differentiate them from :marseytrain2:s, unless :marseytrain2:s are also claiming not to be adults or humans?

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unless s are also claiming not to be adults or humans?

many of them arent.

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Most radfems do not care about promoting their ideology anyway.

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The admins have not intervened in the powermod issue since before the time I was Reddit CEO.

My advice (if you really want them removed) is to troll the heck out of them until they're so far on tilt that they end up violating a Reddit rule, and then the admins ban them. However, this is ultimately a destructive, negative-sum way to live.

My better advice is to just go plant some trees. You'll feel good.





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before being trussed up


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