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rDrama Fanfiction Entries

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Carp carp carp carp caaaaaaaaaaaaarp

Stop playing Yoshi, grade our essays, and dole dem badges! Or was this all an FBI stylometry psyop performed in conjunction with my brother???

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Late entry but you said it's okay so here's

It's all over but the smiles

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Hope I didn't miss the deadline.

Low End Furs

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last minute gang :#pimp:

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hi carp here's my submission :carphug:


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Here's my entry:



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It has been a relaxed day out on the lake. The sun is shining, and it is warmer than usual for this time of the year. So far the fish have not been biting, but you are optimistic that you will make a good catch today. After all, it would be a shame if such a nice day was ruined by coming home empty handed.

Just as you think that, the rod suddenly starts moving!

'This is gonna be a big one!', you think to yourself and start pulling. The thought of roasted salmon already makes your mouth water. The fish puts up quite the fight, but you reel it in bit by bit. And then, with one last heave, you pull the salmon in...

Except its not a salmon. It takes you a second to realize what you just pulled in: in front of you lays the most ugly being you have ever put your eyes upon. A carp, but malformed and grotesque. Its body is stubby and bloated, instead of scales it seems to have some kind of slimy skin. It has a giant head compared to its body, topped by what seem to be marsey ears, and instead of a tail fin it has a literal tail.

While you are still struggling to understand what kind of monstrosity is flopping around on your boat next to you, the carp opens its giant mouth and lets out the most grotesque sound: 'bloubgrupDRAHUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPP'.

Suddenly, you feel an intense anger wash over you. Instead of throwing the fish over board, you step over it and raise your fist... And bring it crashing down on its head. But instead of the satisfying cracking of breaking bone, your punch is nearly thrown back by the rubber-like fishs head. You punch the fish again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again...

After a few minutes, you stop. You are breathing heavily by now, but the fish doesnt seem fazed at all, there is not even a bruise on its face. And your anger hasnt subsided. If anything, its gotten worse and has been replaced by a seething hatred. You take out the knife you brought for gutting fish and stab it deeply into the fishs belly, only for it to be reflected just like your punches previously. You stab it a few more times, but it seems futile.

Suddenly you remember that you brought your gun. You rummage around in your picnic basket until you find it, its a Smith & Wesson Revolver 629, more than enough firepower to make any fish explode.

You load the magazine and triumphantly position yourself over the fish again, pointing the gun at its head, and pull the trigger.

You can only stare in disbelieve as you see, like in slow motion, how the bullet sinks deep into the fishs forehead without breaching the skin, and how it is repelled and flies off as if shot by a slingshot.

You see red. You empty the whole magazine, but all the shots are repelled in the same way. You load the drum again, fire the first shot...

You go down screaming as the bullet is reflected straight into your leg. 'FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK', you scream.

You stand up, but just as you get ready to empty the remaining bullets into the fishs head, it makes another sound: 'glpdrbbggbbbbbglueHUEHUEHUEHUE'. It sounds almost like... laughing. For the first time since you began your assault, you consciously look at the fishs face again. Its big, ugly eyes are positioned on the side of its head, its mouth is gaping wide open, its should not be possible to show any emotions, but somehow you can see its smug stare.

You are about to burst with rage and point the gun at the fish again, when suddenly it jumps up several meters into the air, making another repulsive sound, and splashes down into the water. You barely register that you are also significantly wet now, adding insult to injury, as you pull your body to the edge of the boat as fast as you can. You cant see the fish anymore, but you still empty the rest of your magazine into the water.

Quite a while later, your anger has subsided somewhat, and you managed to take care of your bleeding leg. You take your boat back to the shore, even though you havent caught a single fish. The sun is still out, and it should still be a beautiful day, but not for you:

__It has been thoroughly ruined by the fish.__

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Some people are able to display their intelligence by going on at length on a subject and never actually saying anything. This ability is most common in trades such as politics, public relations, and law. You have impressed me by being able to best them all, while still coming off as an absolute idiot.

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Once upon a time, nestled deep in the Carpathian mountain range, there was a country. Now this country was quite a special country as they did not have your usual kind of government. No, no usual country at all as instead of a Democracy or a Oligarchy or even a Aristocracy they had a dictator. This dictators name just so happened to be Carp. Quite a nice name if you ask me. Carp as it were was like most dictators, He loved to show off his immense wealth and had a rather grim habit of putting anyone who displeased him to death. There were many, many ways he loved to do his but his favorite had to be the electric chair. something about the sizzle of electrified flesh really moved something inside of him. It just so happened that the 10th anniversary of his rise to power was coming up and he had a grand idea on how to celebrate. He would put on a orchestral show, that would be so beautiful and grand the likes of it will never be seen again. So carp approached his countries most famous musician who coincidentally happened to be named Marsey. Marsey was quite renowned worldwide for her amazing musical writing abilities, she was a savant from her young age. Marsey, honored to be chosen to perform before her county and the world started to furiously write one of the greatest orchestral pieces she ever made. A month passes, and the big day arrives. Marsey swallows her nerves, gets on stage in front of the dictator and all the tv cameras and signals the orchestra to play... and they completely blew it. Carp, furious, demands that Marsey be executed by electric chair immediately. The guards drag her to a grimy cell and she awaits her fate. Carp, however seeing the pitiful sight has mercy grants Marsey one final favor, that being a final meal. When the guards approach her cell and asks what she would like, she answers "I've always been fond of curry chicken, could I have a plate of that? Make it extra hot please." After eating her curry and sweating slightly from the heat, she sits down in the electric chair and the executioner flips the switch. Sparks fly, the room fills with smoke... but when that smoke clears Marsey is in the chair alive and well! Carp, after witnessing this miracle takes it as a sign from God and decides to give Marsey another chance. So Marsey gets back to work writing a piece 10 times bigger and 10 times grander then the last. She works for months on the music, and considers it to be her masterpiece. And when the big day arrives Marsey gets up on stage in front of the orchestra once more.... and yet again the absolutely butcher the piece. It was nothing like Marsey intended it to sound! Carp, witnessing this horrible show turns a shade of deep purple and demands the guards seize Marsey and execute her once more. When the day of the execution arrives Marsey is once again asked what she would like for her final meal. Marsey says, "I would like a hot curry, even hotter then the last time!" After choking down the sizzling curry and sweating profusely from it, she is strapped down to the electric chair and and executioner flips the switch. Sparks fly, and smoke fills the room but yet again when the smoke clears Marsey is sitting in the chair alive and quite unharmed! Carp is absolutely astounded by this and at a loss for what to do next decides to give Marsey one final chance to prove herself. The moment Marsey is released from the jail she throws herself into writing a new orchestral piece. This was the greatest collection of notes ever put to paper, even outshining the likes of Mozart and Bach. For months and months Marsey works tirelessly on it, barley even sleeping. And then the final day arrives, her last chance to prove herself. She gets up on stage in front of the orchestra with all the world watching. She raises her baton, takes a deep breath, and signals the orchestra to start playing. And its a disaster. The orchestra are horribly out of key, out of time, and playing all the wrong chords. Carp demands the concert be halted, and has Marsey thrown in jail yet again. Carps fury is unreal this time, and he demands to perform the execution with his very own hand. Once again Marsey is asked what she wants for her final meal, and responds "I want the hottest curry that has ever been cooked! The hottest curry in the world!" Carp, upon hearing this request, snaps, "absolutely not! I've had enough with you cheating death with your outrageously hot curries!" Marsey is dragged straight to the electric chair, and strapped down. She has wires connected to her in every place possible, and Carp readies himself to pull the switch personally. The guards look on in angst. Carp pulls the switch. Sparks fly, the room fills with smoke and generators groan. Carp holds the switch down for minutes on end before the power finally blows, yet, much to his absolute shock and horror, Marsey is completely unscathed! "But, but how?!" demands Carp. "No living thing should survive that!"

"Oh!" exclaims Marsey. "It had nothing to do with the curries! I'm just a terrible conductor!

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Have you owned the libs yet?

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Call me Marshmael. Some years ago — never mind how long precisely — having little or no drama in my life, and nothing particular to interest me on land, I thought I would browse about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before rDrama.net, and bringing up the rear of every trending post with the name Marshmael in it; whenever my browser gets blocked up from too many hot takes, or whenever I find myself unbeknownst to the masses, and particularly to myself, knocking off other people's virtual hats — then, I account it high time to find myself an internet forum as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball.

With a philosophical flourish, Marshmael throws himself upon the world wide web; I quietly take to the virtual sea. There is nothing surprising in this. If they but knew it, almost all users in their degree, some time or other, cherish very nearly the same feelings towards rDrama.net with Marshmael.

There now is your insular city of the Internet, belted round by wharves as rDrama.net. You must have been here to know its wonder; but, by the way things are talked about, one would think the website rDrama.net was a little bit of the whole world, which, in turn, is quite true.

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(Nj! May the best Amby win!)

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I will legit throw you like $5 PayPal for this type of shit one day 😭

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Hah I got a 4090 graphics card, so it can churn out like 80 512x512 images a minute, lets you really get sloppy and throw everything at the prompt to see what sticks lol

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I have a $250 laptop and can't use anything too fun. 😭

I can't even do non-cartoony digital art without it slowing down a bit.

But it DOES run Age of Empires II, so that's a plus.

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At some point I'm going to set my spare 3090 rig up as a remote node so I'll hook you up along w/other dramatards with premium access so you should be able to access and use stable diffusion from a potato just as if it were your own computer:marseythumbsup:

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Ping me when you do :marseymerchant:

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Ur too sweet 🥺😘🥲

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