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  • Ubie : No, he doesn't.

Nate Silver makes an interesting point
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Doesn't change the fact that being involved in extracurriculars makes you a more attractive student for top unis than a socially r-slurred high IQ machine. Smart poor kids who can't rise above their upbringing and run some clubs are worse than smart rich kids who are given every opportunity at private school.

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being involved in extracurriculars makes you a more attractive student for top unis

That's backwards.

Students from the right social classes are more likely to have certain extracurriculars, so fancy unis use those extracurriculars as a way to identify which students come from the right social classes.

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That’s darned right and that social class is called β€œcaring about education”

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Yeah, so you just ban private schools. I bet that would frick with Nate's nerd shit too.

:#marseyakshually: "Urggaah, standardized tests are actually the most equal according to these stats."

:#taywink: "Get fricked and take this standardized test next to a rowdy youth you fricking balding statistics cute twink."

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Who wouldn't be impressed by those teenagers who helped* build solar-powered water fountains in Uganda, or who created** a fast fashion startup using only locally sourced trash as fabric.

* didn't really help

** dad's employees created it.

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smart rich kids who are given every opportunity at private school

Public schoolcel posting his Ls.

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I was a private schoolcel

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Byo you should be banned and have your balls removed with a broken saw for constant metacute twinkry especially in unrelated threads

Last warning

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Lol ok cute twink ur just jealous because I’m an excellent poster on this site, and you’re just a DINGLEberry :marseynails: :marseynails:

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@whyareyou tf you mean stalker I'll beat the shit outta you

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@whyareyou why did u report and not add a comment?

are you scared or smth?

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hm? oh, did you say something, darling?

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It’s also bc it was woman trying too drive a stick. @KAT_B0T told her over and over she shouldn’t drive one

Trans lives matter

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Yes. Rich people are better than poor people. It’s in their genetics.

Have you ever even seen a poor person? A certain level of poverty is passed on genetically. You can just look at their face and know that they are poor. Doesn’t matter what clothes they wear, the clothes will never quite fit. Doesn’t matter how much they shower, they will still appear dirty

This is why America needs a real caste system

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A certain level of poverty is passed on genetically.


Fact A: Income correlated to IQ. If you map people's income percentile vs their intelligence percentile, you get a straight line.

Fact B: Intelligence is heritable. Not perfectly, but IIRC about half.

Result: poverty (and stupidity) are passed down hand-in-hand from parents to children. And there's nothing that can be done about it.

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Don't forget laziness. Also, sometimes even intelligent people who aren't lazy spend their energy on things that don't make money. Grothendieck was living in some large forest like uncle Teddy.

But an intelligent person who isn't terminally lazy and who wants to make money can make a lot more money than the average money-obsessed brainlet.

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there is plenty that can be done about it :taysmart:

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Homeless are basically dalits

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Have you ever even seen a poor person?

No. I haven't. It's a bit suspect that you have.

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Rich people are fricking worse than poor people, it's in their genetics. They were fricking handpicked by the fricking powers that be to hobble their respective races.

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Poor detected. Opinion discarded

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Opinion discarded

No you didn’t.

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Yeah, this is 100% the real reason that elite colleges are moving away from standardized testing. They say it's because of "equity" and ensuring "a fair racial diversity" but really it's so that the inbred r-slurred children of our elite can secure the college admissions that they don't deserve.

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Strange to think that I would’ve been fricked in this year’s admissions standards and in a world without No Child Left Behind. I had a 1.7 GPA but a nearly perfect ACT (SAT but straggier). I just didn’t care about compulsory education at all because no one in my immediate family ever graduated high school let alone went to college.

I went into the workforce, my options sucked as an 18 year old, so I applied to college with only my ACT score and a letter of rec from my supervisor. I ended up doing pretty well since.

I don’t understand why democrats can’t seem to advocate for social mobility outside the framework of race. It’s hard to see these attacks on standardized testing as anything but trying to pull the ladder up for everyone outside their pet race.


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If you keep people distracted about race, they are too busy and ignorant to care about class.

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Word. SAT got me into college. Before that, advanced classes gave me a vital leg up. My bros in the advanced class were also from about five different races, and all working class. They unanimously used it to springboard into college too. But frick the next generation of our equivalents, amiright?

Every time I hear about attempts to do away with either I swear I seethe like the worlds puffiest Marcy. :marseyfluffyannoyed::marseyfluffyannoyed:

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I've been saying this for years. Standardized test scores are only moderately correlated with parental income, and most of that correlation is due to genetics, rather than to a causal effect of income. It's easy for rich parents to buy extracurriculars and other fluff factors, but all the money in the world can't make a kid of mediocre intelligence score 1550+ on the SAT.

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Careful use of nootropics and a fricking good fitness/study/dietary regimen should at least bump them up a fricking standard deviation

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Why would I care most that some rich kids benefit from being rich? I'm most concerned with idiots dragging the rest down which is far more common generally than just wealthy mid kids being a problem

Sounds like a Lib priority if I've ever heard one.

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>Nooooo, we need to lower standards to improve equality of outcome! Otherwise we’ll have le new aristocracy


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comrade, this is not a very progressive attitude. an agent will be with you shortly.

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No shit? Standardized testing, while not perfect, is a standard set for all students. Rich or poor, they measure academic ability at a fairly simple level that removes the need to know specific things that may or may not be taught at some essentially acts as a pseudo IQ test.

Additionally, it's not like it's hard to get reading or study material. Most libraries have older ACT/SAT/etc. exam study books.

I got a high score on the ACT. Never studied for it once. On the GRE (grad school exam) I did study, but instead of spending $100+ on some expensive book I just... went to my local library and borrowed a few years old version. Did well on that exam, too.

Anyone who argues against standardized testing probably had a bad experience themselves. That speaks volumes about where they actually are intellectually. Even smart people I know who don't like the exam think it's necessary.

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yeah the idea that rich kids do better on tests bc they get personal tutors has always been absurd. You can get study guides for free these days, practice tests, etc. Sure it's not as good as a full private tutor but it's like 80% of the way there, for free.

It's just that these kids don't give a shit and their parents also don't give a shit. That's the difference. Nothing to do with money, everything to do with willpower.

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Private tutors can't fix stupid though

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Anyone who argues against standardized testing probably had a bad experience themselves.

What about the "having standards is racist" crowd?

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You really think those people scored high on the ACT/SAT?

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no axes

keep yourself safe

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Look up the study about essay vs test score correlation with income. Should be by the California system.

Also take a look at the article that he took a screenshot from. It's linked in the tweet

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What this graph actually proves is poor people are human garbage no one likes anyway. Why should they be given more opportunities if there is such a huge gap in people recommending them?

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I would upmarsey for chudposting, but you’re literally Pizzshill, so… downmarseyd. :marseydownvote:

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>rich kids come from families that expect them to extra curricular stuff and volunteer.

>Colleges like this

If this is a :marseypikachu2: moment for you, you must be a high school drop out.

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neither the commenters here nor the ones on twitter think that data is surprising in any way

the only "shock" on twitter is some idiots who thought being rich meant you got +400 points on the SAT which isn't even remotely true

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How mainstream are these points? I just cant imagine mainstream dems even entertaining it

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poor people should use the cowtools available to them to get into college. I mean lets be serious for a second… if tyqueesha cant do the bare minimum and attend rowing camp in south france for at least a single high school summer, does she really belong at alabama state?

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The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting mantids are causing AI mossad deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our kali yuga pineal glands for chinese nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of satan.


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