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Due to quarantine I haven't touched a human female boob in 2 years and it's been great. Maybe if you take a little more pride in yourself and stop looking for validation from others you'll be a little happier with life.

When I said "men" I mean biological men, sorry. Get your T levels checked.

Frick incels are not only inoculated against the redditor, but also based as frick.

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Yeah, haha, due to the quarantine :marseycope:

human female boob

I get specifying female, because of course the fatty is going to touch himself, but why specify "human"?

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but why specify "human"?

Probably a ruralcel who fricks the wildlife

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Hey possums look kinda good in little clothes.


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Do we have @WorldAroundEwe here yet?

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I’m here, never shagged a possum though

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why specify "human"?

Never trust the sexual proclivities of a StupidPol user, there's no telling what they'll frick when no one is watching

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Redditors create sexless times,

Sexless times create incels,

Incels create drama,

Drama kills time for me at work


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That whole thread is quite golden, from the very beginning

Marxism has nothing to offer a group of people who identify with a particular habit of turning romantic failure into a self reinforcing pity party. No one cares and it's not important. Your peepee not getting wet is not a factor of your relation to production.

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Incels are fricking hilarious. If they weren’t ugly and socially inept in person they’d get so much gussy.

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Shower daily, go on walks, stop masturbating, do some easy team sports, stop any drugs and stop using internet echo chambers. Get well.

internet echo chambers


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Better than stop masturbating, stop watching porn. When you only use your imagination to jerk off it's impossible to become a coomer

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I used to think this too, but I was wrong. I was very very wrong.

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How so?

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Read fanfic; your brain is the coom

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I literally said you are only allowed to use you imagination. You r-slurred or something? Have trouble with words that are longer than two syllables?

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Stupidpol is far from being an echo chamber though, if anything it has a persistent rightoid infestation

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Stupidpol is a rightoid echo chamber at this point. The mods just haven't accepted it yet.

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Yeah, I get why the mods want to give everyone the opportunity to discuss shit, but that only works if you have a Marxist majority

I don't go on there as much these days but it's the only big commie sub where I won't get called a nazbol or class reductionist, so hopefully it doesn't become completely overrun with r-slurred lobsterman fans :(

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Since when has 'Class Reductionist' been a slur? I think it's a badge of honor. Proof that you care more about the tangible world than hormonal teenager mind games.

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I agree with you, but try posting old school propaganda like this on any other big "leftist" sub, and see what nice things they have to say

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It’s not an echo chamber but it’s chamber of cute twinks that b-word and long post

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Isn't communism just economic inceldom?

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Racepill is brutal I was hanging out with my cousin he is tall meeks we ware standing in a queue to buy a kebab and there was 2 landwhales standing behind us and they ware talking loudly so my cousin could hear them and one foid told like 5 times β€œMy dad is very nice he would let me date a metis” basically landwhale told my cousin he is subhuman and should be lucky landswhale dad would let him date her. The foid was dressed like poor artfg while my cousin has 2 grands leather jacked.

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You use β€œmetis” like everybody’s supposed to know that word

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He just explained it in the previous para, it means subhuman.

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Users of this site are well educated and have j slur degree.

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White people who call themselves n8tv

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Metis are a proud native American people that along with the other First Nations had a history and culture before the arrival of European settlers.

How did the Metis form you ask, well a bunch of hairy horny french trappers got First Nations wives and the Metis culture was born


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Louis Riel, peace be upon him, called out the perfidious anglo menace and paid with his life.

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I don't get why this orc doesn't go to socialist meet ups, pretend to be a soyboy then use the race card to guilt socialistfoids into s*x.

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Neighbor, even socjus hos' kitties seal up when confronted with a spergy, ugly manlet poo. He's gonna have to find his female equivalent, so an otherwise unkuckable femcel. Maybe hook him up with one of the fine specimens at FDS

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Maybe cause we have standards πŸ’…πŸ» swoletariat only, sorry

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This is how you get DSAcels. Good for drama, bad for leftoids public image.

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I don't get it!

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Nevermind, just memeing.

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I've yet to meet a truly physically fit leftoid. They're usually those intermittent fasting weirdos.

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Socialistfoids, frequently lament about getting peepeeed downed by alt-right trump chuds for a reason.

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It's funny that they're actually answering him. Seems obvious to me that you wouldn't want incrls to join your movement, but those restarts are trying to recruit him.

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Stupidpol is used to rightoids and some users probably acknowledged that their recruitment approach works better than refusing "to provide emotional labour". Some probably use this opportunity for an exercise in creative writing. Maybe they don't want to scare away a lolcow.

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stupidpols aim is just to get everyone to become class conscious, regardless of their social views.

frankly it's a good pathway from incel/rightoid to normal (or leftoid)

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This for sure. I feel like at one point rightoid spaces were the only place you could speak freely so I naturally assumed I was a rightoid.

Having a "left" space to actually discuss things without people getting constantly condescending and self-righteous taught me I wasn't either. So now I laugh at commies and rightoid equally.

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Like at least 10-20% of stupidpol are drama users, there is definitely some subtle milking going on.

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It's one of the better leftist subreddits, but they essay post and words words.

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It doesn't even seem that subtle to me, lol.

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Nah homie, not only are a large percentage of stupidpolizei dramacels, around 2 years ago the OG rDrama was the most related sub to stupidpol by user interlap.

Til this day stupidpol is the most interlapped sub to the abandoned rDrama, now it's at around 73%, and if my arr-slurred memory is right, it used to be as high as 90% or more during its peak: https://subredditstats.com/subreddit-user-overlaps/drama

Now the stupid pole sub has more interlap with the s*rdines, apparently πŸ˜’

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Oh yeah you're right. I'm not sure if the numbers there correspond exactly to %s, but def more than the 10-20 I said.

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Dude you get free hookers

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State-sponsored big tiddy goth gf, yaaaaas.

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Marxism offers nothing other than useless words words words. The market offers facial surgery and +4" height surgery.

Is stupidpol truly that pathetic?


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Hi, I'm a 34 year old incel. Why?

Because I'm 5'3,

there's still hope there


still manageable


oof ok. can't fix that smell.

and have a very ugly face.

no need to say indian twice

I'm also physically disabled.

have you thought about suicide?

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since marxism is about an even playing field for the less fortunate, unwilling to better themselves, forced redistribution and material jealousy, i think we should stretch the logic to s*x. we won't be leaving our genetic deadend prole brothers behind! you deserve intimacy for existing. we will force chad to share beckies and stacies

i hope they bite

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You’ve bought into a cult of failure and nothing anyone says on this or any platform is going to matter because your worldview is built around rationalizing your own shortcomings. Stay out of politics, get treatment for your disability and go make irl friends.

Amusing how this argument would serve to BTFO most socialists in general. Nothing causes leftists to shift the narrative from "it's not your fault, capitalism is brutal and unjust" to "you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps" like raising the incel question.

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Nah if someone is pity self hate coping super hard just tell them to get a grip because why the frick would you waste time actually helping them.

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Because if I take this attitude towards socialists/poors more generally I tend to get dogpiled.

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do not let them break your spirit, speak your truth without consequence. This is rdrama, not Twitter.

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Friendly reminder that soviets thought that incels are valid and refusing to frick an ugly manlet is one step away from literal eugenics.

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Have s*x, incel but actually unironically

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Let's assume I'm an evil person who plans to commit a mass shooting before killing myself. If there is no afterlife/heck/karma/rebirth, what exactly is stopping me?

Speaking hypothetically, of course.


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Capitalism has a solution, it's called hookers.

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He may be an incel, but he's got a solid point. All he has to do is get enough money, and capitalism offers him hookers and eventually s*x-robots. All marxism offers him is that they'll take his money, he still gets no s*x, and if he complains about this situation his "comrades" tell him that it's because of his "shitty attitude." Which situation is better? Which ideology offers this poor guy a better life track?

:marseycapitalistmanlet: :marseyfans: :marseyrealwork:

:karlmarxey: :marseycrying2: :marseydicklet:

If an ideology doesn't describe reality accurately enough to make a positive difference in your life, then it's probably a bad ideology for you to follow.

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lol inceltear level of commentary, just shower more, be nice and lift yourself from the bootstrap, to a 5,3 ugly currycel. And inceltear are not known to slay.

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This, but unironically.


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It may seem difficult to understand the realities of the blackpill. It may be hard to come to terms with how - and why - the world functions as it does. And even when you do, it is even harder to understand where to go next.

But there is one set of techniques which shines a clear light on the world we live in. A scientific and logical analysis of systems of limited resources - Marxism. When we undertake a Marxist analysis of the sexual economy, we immediately find its nuances explained and its realities presented for all to see.

The fundamental element of inequality is exploitation. In economic Marxism, exploitation occurs when a capitalist takes most of the value a worker's labor creates, leaving them barely enough to survive. In other words, the worker's surplus value is stolen from them. This is how capitalists make profits. Sometimes, the capitalists let some segments of workers keep more of their value, in order to bribe and pacify them.

In the sexual economy, there are two distinct classes of men - Chads...and everyone else. There is a group which keeps most women for itself - the Chad-Bourgeois - and a much larger group which, despite being responsible for maintaining global civilization with their labor so that Chad is free to take all he wants, is denied most women. These are the sexual proletariat.

The sexuality of women should be evenly spread among society, but it is not. Instead, it is commodified by sexual capitalism and given to Chad. The Chad-Bourgeoisie allow the sexual proletariat to have just as much pussy as they need to keep the human race alive through reproduction. But even here is it not fair; the proletariat get Chad's leftovers - only when the Chad-Bourgeois no longer want a woman does she go to settle down, marry, and reproduce with a non-Chad.

Now, I mentioned before that the economic bourgeois sometimes bribe workers by giving them more than they would otherwise. In the modern era, the Chad-Bourgeois are facing a world where the proletariat is no longer consigned to the feudal life of arranged marriages without any questions asked, and can see the reality of sexual inequality via media and their own insights. The Chad-Bourgeois responds by bribing the sexual proletariat - they, too, are now allowed to have sex before marriage, and perhaps fuck many women. These women are, of course, still the ones Chad doesn't want, but it bribes most of the world. Remember, this happened when the sexual free market, where women can now choose their partners without having to marry a non-Chad in the end, replaced the Feudal system of arranged marriage. This is sexual capitalism.

The people so bribed are normies. This is the main reason why normies are blind to the sexual capitalist system and lack revolutionary potential.

But the system is imperfect. Due to the female's nature, not all members of the proletariat can be bribed just by the Chad-Bourgeois allowing (pseudo) free sex for everyone. A group at the bottom is inevitability left out - incels.

As sexual feudalism shifted to sexual capitalism, a contradiction was exposed - the Contradiction of Sexual Capitalism is the existence of incels, and the conclusion of the capitalist stage of history must be the resolving of this contradiction. Due to how females are hardwired to be only attracted to Chads, incels always lose in a sexual free market. Many females would rather be single than marry an incel, and a result the incels become a class which doesn't even get marriage, much less any additional bribes. Due to their extreme condition, the incels become "blackpilled" and see the system as it is. The incels thus attain class consciousness.

The basic structure of the sexual world is that the Chad-Bourgeois take all the pussy they can, especially the desirable kind, while eventually passing their leftovers to the sexual proletariat as bribes and allowances. Among the latter group, those are who successfully bribed are normies, and those who become class conscious are incels.

So how do the Chad-Bourgeois manage to keep society under their control, even with incels attain class consciousness? In Marxism, the answer is the Base and superstructure. In a sexual capitalist society, all we know is shaped by the system of sexual economy we live in. Our culture, beliefs, and so on are bent to conform to and reinforce the Chad-Bourgeois narrative. In order to prevent the sexual proletariat from attaining class consciousness, the Chad-Bourgouse use culture to create a false consciousness for them to live in instead.

The key to understanding this is to understand that truth is relative to one's class. Comrade Lenin explained this with his concept of partiinost, party truth. What is "true" depends on your class, truth for one class may be falsehood for another. Thus, what class's "truth" you're listening to is very important.

For example, let's take the Chad-Bourgeois idea of "confidence." Confidence is an intentionally vague idea to explain Chad's sexual success as anything besides winning the genetic lottery. It is said that someone - anyone - with "confidence" can also live like Chad does. For the Chad-Bourgoise, this is true. All a Chad has to do is be willing step outside or set up an online dating profile and they will get all the pussy they want. However, for the rest of the world, this is not the case. By enforcing the idea of confidence instead of genetic luck, Chad yet again bribes the sexual proletariat - bribes them with hope. The idea of confidence explains structural inequality as personal failure - in the same way the capitalist tells the exploited worker that he, too, would be rich if he only worked harder, so does the Chad tell the sexual proletariat that they could have sex if they were only just a little more confident. In this way, the sexual proletariat are blamed for their own oppression - their celibacy is a result of their own moral failings, because they were not "confident" enough. The Chad-Bourgeois present themselves as having earned the pussy they inherent, while the rest of the world deserves to live without. Confidence is just one example of how sexual capitalism distorts culture and creates false narratives to keep people blind.

Normies love false narratives because they are bribed. A normie, who may have even had sex, believes that his success in the past means the confidence narrative and so on is true - he can truly be a Chad, if he works hard enough! Thus the normies convince themselves Chad's world is not only fair but desirable, because they too might have a chance of being chad.

Normies are deceived to varying degrees.

A regular normie has had their bribe a few times and doesn't bother to think about the realities of exploitation and the sexual economy. These normies can be blackpilled with evidence, but most of them just double down on the false consciousness due to their hope that they can be a Chad.

A beta is a normie who is faced with the reality of sexual inequality. He may be an orbiter, hanging around women in the hope he'll get sex. He may be a nice guy, who is nice to women for the same reason. He may be cucked, whereby he shares a single woman with other men so that he can at least get laid. Though he may deny it, he is painfully aware of these material and sexual realities.

A white knight has come against a blackpill before, and it scared them. They swing the other way - they actively try and spread Chad's narrative and enforce it, because they are trying convince themselves. There is great overlap between white knights and Betas, as the latter often exhibit white knight behavior. Many Betas turn into white knights when confronted with the black pill.

All normies have one thing in common - they do not want to accept the reality of the blackpill because they want to continue to believe they can be Chad. Another element is that they enjoy Chad's narrative when it suits them - regarding incels. They don't like to remember that Chad is sexually more successful then them because he is just better....but that's not so bad if it means that they are better than incels in turn, since they at least "earned" some sex and incels could not! In economic capitalism, the reality of economic status defined by class is ignored in favor of an individualist, democratic narrative, and sexual capitalism works the same way. The realities of incels and the Chad-Bourgeois are overlooked in favor of the lie that it's all about individual action, that any individual can work his way to the top of the sexual marketplace through hard work and imaginary concepts like "confidence."

By the methods described above, the Chad-Bourgeois extract all of the surplus value - in this context, surplus pussy - from the workers/sexual proletariat for themselves, and maintain the system through bribing normies and creating false consciousness. But here's where it gets really interesting - the immortal science of historical materialism explains even more than this.

Everyone knows that even among Chads there is a hierarchy - a racial hierarchy, with white Chad at the top. In the 1960s, Comrade Mao Zedong developed Marxist-Leninist-Maoism to explain the differences between the first world and the third world. Maoism reveals the first world exploits the third world through imperialism, and sets up a global class hierarchy of sorts. This economic hierarchy in turn ties into a sexual hierarchy - one where the imperialist white Chads are above the colonized Chads. A critique of imperialism explains the racial Chad hierarchy - which, of course, filters down into the sexual proletariat as well.

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No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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You did not just take a shit here, you blew the the entire potty.

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Following this trend, we can see the close interconnection between looks (Chad privilege) and economic success. Females like money and power...and it seems Chad ends up with those as well.

We all know that studies have proven Chads are much more likely to succeed in economic sphere. They are given quality jobs and often end up in very social, very prestigious positions like executive officers. But this shows us that wealth comes second. Poor Chads still dominate the sexual proletariat, and their poverty, on average, never lasts long. In other words, sexual inequality comes before economic inequality, and due to how intertwined they are, it means that economic inequality is a consequence of sexual inequality due to society's constant preference for Chad. Sexual inequality predates economic capitalism, feudalism, even primitive tribalism - sexual inequality is the original and eternal form of hierarchy, it is harbinger of all other inequalities in other areas.

Thus, the Revolutionary and Immortal Science of Marxist-Rodgerism is born. We see that the fundamental conflict is between the well endowed Chad-Bourgeoisie and the sexual proletariat, and that all other conflicts ultimately derive from this great inequality. We see that the Chad-Bourgeois manipulates culture and society to further its narratives and worldview to maintain this power structure. Finally, we must conclude that the only way forward for humanity is to dismantle the system of sexual capitalism so that s*x can be distributed fairly to all members of society.

Incels of the world, rise up! You have nothing to lose but your chains!

[PS: We have a character limit?!]

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Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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Anyone that's sober and writes essay posts like this must be neurodivergent, mentally ill, or just a loser in general.

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