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STAND DOWN AND STAND BY: :marseynull: Kiwi Farms Physical Newspaper - Possibly the dumbest idea I've ever had, 2023 edition :marseysal:


"I sit and think of ways to break everything and now I want to test the postal system. Why? :marseypopcorntime:

1. The Internet sucks. :marseysob:

2. With printing, I can't be censored, the site can go down and I will have a way to contact the most important supporters of the site. :marseyunwritten:

3. It would be funny. :marseytroublemaker:

4. It would create a physical presence that allows me to conduct legitimate business in a state, perhaps one like North Dakota which has a public bank I need a reason to join. :marseycowboy:

5. I can accept payment by check. :marseyluckycat:

The biggest con is the actual work involved and needing to keep a list of addresses to mail to. :marseyantiwork:

However, like with all our merchandise, not everyone who buys has an account, and there is no association between account and subscription. :marseyspy:

I was thinking once a month or less frequent. :marseyclock:

I'm dead serious. I am insane. I will start a newspaper in North Dakota. I don't care anymore. Frick the Internet." :marseyitsoverwereback:

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The paper would get sued relentlessly.

Inb4 the cases have no merit ("not libel if it's true" etc), when you're up against people with legal and financial resources they will open case after frivolous case against you, you will have no choice but to spend your own money on defense.

The purpose of lawfare is not to win in court but to grind your enemy to dust by costing them as much money as possible.

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Sure, but what's stopping them from taking this approach with the site?

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Nothing really. It hasn't happened because Rdrama is small, virtually unknown, and has not sufficiently pissed off multiple :lizfongjones: with the connections and resources to dedicate to a relentless repression effort

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I highly doubt that, in this day and age, a person unmotivated to sue the website would be inspired to do so because of a newspaper.

That said, the website is mostly user generated content,so section 230 applies. He's also been sued repeatedly for the website and, to my knowledge, never lost. Though admittedly, the people suing him are rarely capable of basic social function, so the lawsuits weren't exactly the strongest.

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Sorry for some reaosn I thought you were talking about rdrama

Again the point of lawfare lawsuits isn't to win but to waste and drain financial resources of the target. Until the target entity gives up on trying to exercise its rights. It doesn't really happen unless the plaintiff is extremely neurodivergentally motivated :lizfongjones: though.

In the case of KF the fight is also outside the realm of law in the form of :lizfongjones: using end-around tactics to cut :marseynull: off from the internet infrastructure resources that keep the site functioning. The law doesn't matter because the ISP is supposedly within its rights to "willingly" deny service or cannot be legally compelled to provide service.

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My point is that they could file lawfare right now against Null for any of his comments on the site, anything he says on his podcast, etc. I'm not convinced that his putting the same kind of things into print and mailing them directly to subscribers would make that worse; if anything I expect there would be stronger precedent and cultural norms protecting that. Maybe it would let them drag him into a worse venue?

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Hard to say. Maybe I'm wrong. It's just that KF made enemies of some very nasty people, some of whom continue to retaliate mercilessly and relentlessly. They don't seem to care what political taboos around free speech norms they have to commit to get what they want and some of them have already been successful at getting the (((narrative))) to declare KF a "hate" forum. Years ago most liberals would have defended KF purely on principle if nothing else. Today however there is a lot less political will to protect expression that finds itself on the margins of acceptability.

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Does North Dakota have those SLAPP thingies?

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I don't think so

Even if they did it wouldn't help because the establishment won't go to bat for wrongthink. They'll shop around for a favorable court or jurisdiction that allows a negligble burden of evidence on the plaintiff to allow the lawsuit to go forward.

"Hate" speech is still protected speech but there is an ongoing effort by a sizeable minority of lawyers, politicians, NGOs, and others to contest that protection. Merely making "hate" speech a legal gray area could even be enough to bypass virtually any SLAPP protections.

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