"The war against s" how the CDU and AFD bring the HATE to Germany. Chuds are an Amerimutt import. But culture and LGBT shit is all natural and grassroot baby! !germs check this out, more Germ drama!
Anyway I'm not gonna watch this video I really don't want to sit through 30 minutes of reimurgutated Reddit talking points. I'm just here for the seethe baby.
Apparently the irl Soyjak has a podcast and an associated Plebbit where this video is discussed. You can find it here. We are already off go a good start with the pinned janBIPOC comment.
"Dear people, I already suspect that many transphobic people will appear here in the comments, I ask you as a community not to feed trolls and instead diligently report comments that violate our rules. At this point I mainly quote rule 1:
"This subreddit has no place for misogyny, racism, sexism, and transphobia."
And a request to all anti-trans buttholes: Don't ruin my weekend and troll somewhere else. Or even better: not at all."
Why do these tards even pretend they have an active social life outside of Plebbit? Anyways TJD I'm gonna vent some sneed here.
I also want to do a little detour by checking out the jannies profile out of morbid curiosity. Fat cat person and small time mega jannie. Check out these sausages !thin.
Now lets check out the thread. Sadly I can't see anything mopped due to the Pushshift nerd stuff. So we only get to see the clean chudflinging.
HUUUGE Reportmaxxing opportunity
Rational centrist makes entrance
The ultra soy engages and basically argues that we can't talk about the libertarians until the Chuds start accepting that trans women are women lmao. Anyway the rest of the thread is just circlejerking and some 40 year old guy passing his pants that he can't watch this video cause the subject matter is just so hecking hateful. Let's try and harness some chud seethe so this doesn't end up in Chudrama.
Ok to be honest I couldn't find any natural grown Chud sneed so I'm going to try and generate some by pissing this topic into krautpol. You nogs can help me by riling them up. Btw I checked the videos comment section and sadly everything Chuddy is mopped there too.
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Lol, I don't know how it is in Germany but here in France pretty much everyone would be considered transphobic by the american wokes.
Edit: I wrote US instead of Germany for some reason.
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But american redditors say that in Europe, Bernie Sanders would be a Waffen-SS ObergruppenfΓΌhrer.
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I always knew that "Bernie Sanders would be a centrist in Europe" was bullshit to some extent but at some point in my life I checked Bernie's platform and compared it to that of France's current big left-wing guy, Jean-Luc MΓ©lenchon, whom is more to the left than the usual big left-wing candidates in France (The moderate left-wing party died and MΓ©lenchon's party, which is more to the left, took its place), and it turns out, Bernie is actually more to the left of that guy, including on economic matters. Actually, even though France is big on welfare and job market regulations, the only parties to the left of Bernie in France are literal communists who get 1% of votes or less in presidential elections.
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So its always been pure nonsense
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Bernie aside, yurop is way more left economically but also very chuddy. The most racists members of the GOP don't even reach average far right party members that are usually in third or fourth position nationally.
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God I wanted to enjoy a show like The Man in the High Castle (Rufus Sewell kino) so much but it turned out to be really mid (I dropped it after S1) and read that it just gets worse and more soy from there
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it turned into shlock, ending was r-slurred and slapped on. Went the same way as GoT.
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It's rare to find someone who believes that "trans women are women". Trans issues are a non-topic, it's extremely rare to see them brought up and politicians don't talk about it - you can see trans stuff if you read the platform of left-wing parties on their website and that's pretty much all, so people have the opinions people who have almost never heard about the topic have.
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I wish I never need to know any trans people.
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So France is based? I'm jealous.
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it's not so much other countries being "le hecking based" as it is america being filled with literally r-slurred subhuman wingcucks
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