[Effort sneed] German soyjak is crying about the hecking trans genocide imported from the US. :soycry: Chuds seethe, Reddit seethes, unlimited wingcuck sneedplosion! (Reportmaxx opportunity included)

"The war against :!marseytrain:s" how the CDU and AFD bring the HATE to Germany. Chuds are an Amerimutt import. But :!marseytrain: culture and LGBT shit is all natural and grassroot baby! !germs check this out, more Germ drama!

Anyway I'm not gonna watch this video I really don't want to sit through 30 minutes of reimurgutated Reddit talking points. I'm just here for the seethe baby.

Apparently the irl Soyjak has a podcast and an associated Plebbit where this video is discussed. You can find it here. We are already off go a good start with the pinned janBIPOC comment.

"Dear people, I already suspect that many transphobic people will appear here in the comments, I ask you as a community not to feed trolls and instead diligently report comments that violate our rules. At this point I mainly quote rule 1:

"This subreddit has no place for misogyny, racism, sexism, and transphobia."

And a request to all anti-trans buttholes: Don't ruin my weekend and troll somewhere else. Or even better: not at all."


Why do these tards even pretend they have an active social life outside of Plebbit? Anyways TJD I'm gonna vent some sneed here.


I also want to do a little detour by checking out the jannies profile out of morbid curiosity. Fat :marseytrain2: cat person and small time mega jannie. Check out these sausages !thin. :marseycheckem2:


Now lets check out the thread. Sadly I can't see anything mopped due to the Pushshift nerd stuff. So we only get to see the clean chudflinging.

Cool video unfortunately I couldn't finish watching this without having a massive desire to castrate Ron Desanto's coercion. But it's kind of remarkable that someone like Scheuer, who owes the state millions in debt, poses for his picture with a total butthole and is very likely to be baiting queer people in the next election. It is generally an indictment of mankind that such propaganda celebrates such success.

HUUUGE Reportmaxxing opportunity :mods:

Rational centrist makes entrance

Die Abneigung der Leute kommt nicht vom Hass gegen Transmenschen, sondern von dem was die Leute damit verbinden. Schwarz weiß Denken liegt hoch im Kurs und Differenzierung ist Lava, so bei allen Seiten der Fall. Dann werfen die Kritiker diese Transperson mit Leuten in einen Topf, die eine Show wie sonst beim Junggesellinnenabschied, vor ihren Kleinkindern abziehen, was die Kritiker komplett ablehnen.


The ultra soy engages and basically argues that we can't talk about the libertarians until the Chuds start accepting that trans women are women lmao. Anyway the rest of the thread is just circlejerking and some 40 year old guy passing his pants that he can't watch this video cause the subject matter is just so hecking hateful. Let's try and harness some chud seethe so this doesn't end up in Chudrama.

Ok to be honest I couldn't find any natural grown Chud sneed so I'm going to try and generate some by pissing this topic into krautpol. You nogs can help me by riling them up. Btw I checked the videos comment section and sadly everything Chuddy is mopped there too.

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This transphobic culture war bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome: is American :marseysouthernbelle7: import tho. Even here trans :marseytrain2: people were pretty :marseyglam: much invisble, most people didn't even know what it meant to be trans, but then to mirror :marseycontemplatesuicide: the American :marseyburger: chud shit, Orban and his band started to legislate against them.

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Quad you are an actual fricking BIPOC for moving this to Chudrama. And stop pin abusing no one cares about jannie takes.

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>make a chudpost swinging at trains

>wonder why it gets moved to chudrama


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I even trued to generate some Chud seethe with this not my fault they are all fricking mopped

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Kicked out of chudrama for the purpose of generating chud seethe

Hope your comment was in good faith

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There was a memo a few months back from the rodent that all :marseytrain: related posts would go into chudrama. But I do agree Quad is a giga BIPOC and deserves total janny death.


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really? chudrama was supposed to be for stormfront type of shit

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Who here is a stormfronter, then? Useragent13?

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Theres a vid of @jinxthinker browsing the forum.


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lol i guess so since he posts stormfront links in chudrama

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wait what


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ooops from the dailystormer: https://rdrama.net/search/posts?q=hole:chudrama+author:useragent13

it's the same shit right

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All hitlerite nonsense to me.

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I thought chudrama was supposed to be a @911roofer containment hole.

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But it's not /h/hateforhomeless

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Any IP address from Langley

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it gets posted here :marseyshrug:

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Who am I to fathom the inner thoughts of the worlds largest rodent? I think it was another episode of “too much train posting it's low effort” which i staunchly disagree with.


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Stop being mean to Quad :marseygiveup:


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Even here trans people were pretty much invisble

Thats because trans ppl in your country werent demanding special gibs for being trans, demanding being recognized as 100% identical to biofoids, nor using groomercord and reddit to “crack eggs” of impressionable nerd kids with the addition of support from political groups with a large degree of sway.

This is the whole reason theres a trans culture war here in the first place. It didnt come about solely from EWW TRANSPEOPLE EXIST.

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>spew rightoid boomer shit

>"wtf why did this get moved to chudrama????"


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Who are you quoting??

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another guy in the thread

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this thread is a trashfire lol

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literally me

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you really just pinned your own comment in someone elses thread

unironically keep yourself safe

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Now we know that being trans equals anime, vidya, and estrogen supplements. So glad we live in the future.

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>Europe starts accepting American LGBT dogma

>Europe starts accepting Americhud culture

Kneel, Eurocucks :!#chadusa:

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You WILL pick Red or Blue

You WILL be a wingcuck

You WILL like it

(even Putin did lmao)

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:!marseytrain:s in general are American import

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Hungarians were already chuds like 1000 years before America existed.

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Chud was unironically the slur Leningrad cityfolks used to call izhorians and karelian hicks from the surrounding swamps during the post-war period. My grand-aunt still call estonians this way.

Also, essentially means "enemy" in sami. You got a 50-50 chance at getting punched in the mouth for calling someone this in Northern Norway.

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Adding this to my list of ways to start a fight in Bodo.


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Oh boy I do love Satanic Warmaster :marsoyhype: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1691959367702754.webp

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You should chud anyone you downmarseyd you for a day for being redditors, kween.

think of the seethe

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pretty sure pinning your comment to the top of someone elses thread is peak reddit behavior. :scoot:

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Jannie abuse is peak rdrama culture chuddy.

21 downmarseys is peak mdefugee reddit behavior. You. Go back. :smoke:

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>You. Go back.


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i dont even know what mdefugee is

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yeah it wasn't like those mentally ill degenerates and their mentally ill leftoids enablers didn't decide to go after kids with their mentally ill degeneracy

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Were it not for American influence, they would accept trans ideology uncritically.

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They'd accept it to spite Americans.

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Trans people are also an American import.

(The fact you aren't a Republic in the Russian Federation is also an American import :marseylaughbothsides:)

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We wouldn't be here were it not for Brussels' meddling :marseyindignant:

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Lol, I don't know how it is in Germany but here in France pretty much everyone would be considered transphobic by the american wokes.

Edit: I wrote US instead of Germany for some reason.

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But american redditors say that in Europe, Bernie Sanders would be a Waffen-SS Obergruppenführer.

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I always knew that "Bernie Sanders would be a centrist in Europe" was bullshit to some extent but at some point in my life I checked Bernie's platform and compared it to that of France's current big left-wing guy, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, whom is more to the left than the usual big left-wing candidates in France (The moderate left-wing party died and Mélenchon's party, which is more to the left, took its place), and it turns out, Bernie is actually more to the left of that guy, including on economic matters. Actually, even though France is big on welfare and job market regulations, the only parties to the left of Bernie in France are literal communists who get 1% of votes or less in presidential elections.

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So its always been pure nonsense

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>actually reading programs


Bernie aside, yurop is way more left economically but also very chuddy. The most racists members of the GOP don't even reach average far right party members that are usually in third or fourth position nationally.

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God I wanted to enjoy a show like The Man in the High Castle (Rufus Sewell kino) so much but it turned out to be really mid (I dropped it after S1) and read that it just gets worse and more soy from there


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>it just gets worse and more soy from there

:marseyagree: it turned into shlock, ending was r-slurred and slapped on. Went the same way as GoT.

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in France pretty much everyone would be considered transphobic by the american wokes.


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It's rare to find someone who believes that "trans women are women". Trans issues are a non-topic, it's extremely rare to see them brought up and politicians don't talk about it - you can see trans stuff if you read the platform of left-wing parties on their website and that's pretty much all, so people have the opinions people who have almost never heard about the topic have.

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I wish I never need to know any trans people.

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So France is based? I'm jealous.

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it's not so much other countries being "le hecking based" as it is america :marseyliberty2: being filled with literally :marseyme: r-slurred :marseyawardretard: subhuman wingcucks

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>Chuds are an Amerimutt import. But :!marseytrain: culture and LGBT shit is all natural and grassroot baby!

Don't forget about the (((Frankfurt))) school and Magnus Hirschfield, you caused all this shit

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>blaming jews

!jidf another chud doesn't know about the white anglo prot responsible for current transgenderism.

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>blaming jews


>blaming commies


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To be fair both CDU and AfD import culture war crap from the US to Germany. The CSU even met with DeSantis to learn from the best. https://i.rdrama.net/images/1691924015502159.webp

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This is why I hate wingcucks on both sides

"You're bringing American-style division to our country by pursuing [CULTURE WAR ISSUE]

"Actually you are bringing the worst of the US to our shores, why else would you even believe [CULTURE WAR BELIEF]"

and the worst bit is that they're both right. Inshallah the Chinx beat Muttistan in the next war :marseybegging:

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Inshallah the Chinx beat Muttistan in the next war

:marseyemojirofl: Not in a hundred years, :marseyjewoftheorient: is giga-incompetent and corrupt. And now both their population and economy is shrinking. China is on the decline, and they need to so something about it yesterday. And by something I don't mean more nationalistic chest-thumping they always do, but actual reasonable policy.

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By that time the CCP will have a 4-child policy and basically LARP as the Chinese branch of the GOP.

Kind of like United Russia nowadays. They just passed a law banning :marseytrain2:ing out... shouldn't they have bigger worries? Like losing a war?

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my friend, your entire country is defined by "at least we're not america"

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To be fair both CDU and AfD import culture war crap from the US to Germany.

Not as much as trash krauts who are on Reddit and Instagram all day.

99% of them are in Berlin.

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Be nice to us Berliners.

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The rest of Germany just envies us. :marseysmug:

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:marseysoylentgrin:DID YOU KNOW JFK CALLED HIMSELF A fricking JELLY DOUGHNUT, b-word?

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Yes, Berlin is the very idea of what we call the West.

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@A look I posted more /int/rama. Pin would be cool as always bb.


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I expect a video about this from the German ultra Chud "Shlomo Finkelstein" so I might make a followup once the Wingsneed starts in full. I hope to make more Germrama posts so if you want to see more like this you are in luck.

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Btw I dont expect much from the Krautpol drop these guys are mega groomercordstrags and Anime:marseytrain2:s that stay in their bubble and only interact with each other. Jeez what website does THAT remind me of?


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:!marseytrain: genocide is not real but It should be

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the only :!marseytrain: genocide that is happening is coming from inside the house. trans people kill more trans people than every other group combined.

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This one's much cuter


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if :marseytrain:ism was going to be local to any non burger culture, it would be the germs


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Was ist das für ein Subreddit dikka willst du mir krebs am nachmittag geben oder was wtf

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Ja. Ich wollte in den Tierpark und bin jetzr krank bleib daheim und putze. Jetzt leidest du mit mir.

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Isn't blaming 'the other' for your own problems a sign of fascism?

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Listen to me very carefully. You will face gallows. I am a trained infantry veteran, and you are barking up the wrong tree. If you call me one more name, or attempt to threaten me one more time, I will have military and police called and on your doorstep. I hope this is clear.





Cool video unfortunately I couldn't finish watching this without having a massive desire to castrate Ron Desanto's coercion. But it's kind of remarkable that someone like Scheuer, who owes the state millions in debt, poses for his picture with a total butthole and is very likely to be baiting queer people in the next election. It is generally an indictment of mankind that such propaganda celebrates such success.:

Die Abneigung der Leute kommt nicht vom Hass gegen Transmenschen, sondern von dem was die Leute damit verbinden. Schwarz weiß Denken liegt hoch im Kurs und Differenzierung ist Lava, so bei allen Seiten der Fall. Dann werfen die Kritiker diese Transperson mit Leuten in einen Topf, die eine Show wie sonst beim Junggesellinnenabschied, vor ihren Kleinkindern abziehen, was die Kritiker komplett ablehnen.:

try and generate some by pissing this topic into krautpol:

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He's wearing his toupee backwards

Also I don't speak ape

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This soycel lives in either Strasbourg or Berlin. :marseyeyeroll:

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Ok to be honest I couldn't find any natural grown Chud sneed so I'm going to try and generate some by pissing this topic into krautpol. You nogs can help me by riling them up. Btw I checked the videos comment section and sadly everything Chuddy is mopped there too.

I can't click on the link here nothing happens :marseyconfused:

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Yes. Cause I didnt archive it as it wasnt wirth it. Snappy did tho.

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Inshallah when the AFD takes over they will defund the :marseytrain: :marseychonkerpass: menace. And by defund I mean abolish

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Both trains and chuds are German in origin though however.

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"Dont ruin my le hecking weekend" has lorerunner groomercord energy

it's very annoying when progs complain that the culture war comes from america when they LOOOOOOVE participating in it

Also lol @ the desantis man seemingly being beleted off the thread

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