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Foid (unintentionally) starving her kids is starving her kids and looking for advice. Redditors respond as you would expect.


Suicided husband, small town life with judgemental fundies, no car, no money, living in a campground... I'd feel badly if I didn't think this was all bullshit and expect the inevitable GoFundMe plug to fleece bucks from naive reddit r-slurs. Some choice text:

We have been at the campground since October 1st and have been going to the township for dinners every night. The township is going to be closed for a week to โ€œcovid cleanโ€ so I needed ideas on how I could stretch a dollar.

Choice trolling response:

The first post had too many rude trolls telling me to feed my kids pennies and to end my life too so my kids would go to a โ€œproperโ€ mother.

Replies are expected mix of "America sux", "frick christian churches" and "feels bad man". I'm waiting for the GoFundMe which should come any minute now.


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Hey mods,

You may have noticed that we have blocked the rdrama.net domain. Itโ€™s pretty clear that this domain is being used to circumvent the sanctions we have placed on this community, namely disallowing both username pings and subreddit mentions due to the culture of harassment that pervades this subreddit.

These sanctions are not a joke, and they are incredibly serious. Your users, and by extension your modteam, are continually engaged in bad faith activity and harassment. This is something we have spoken to you about before many times, and r/Drama has been given a lot more chances than many other subreddits. However, it seems to be becoming quite clear that no one here intends on following sitewide rules or doing anything to understand and combat the harassment that continues here regularly.

For now, all we have done is blocked the rdrama.net domain. The next time another mod takes steps to try and circumvent the sanctions weโ€™ve placed, or does anything to continue the culture of harassment in this subreddit, we will begin removing moderators. Weโ€™ll start with mods who have taken the actions, but we will also remove anyone else who seems culpable.


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