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The origins of rightoid bothsiderism

Many of you might have noticed a fairly standard rightoid tactic when backed into a corner, confronted with a tough reality is to simply declare "both sides" or something similar, without ever actually presenting those examples. When they do present them almost invariably they are wildly disparate events with no connection to each other.

This might seem like random rightoid coping, but it's actually an engineered response woven into the fabric of American society by conservatives.

The cons understand a few truths dems do not:

A) Americans love the perception of being politically independent.

B) Americans are fricking r-slurred.

"But both sides" serves a few important roles.

  1. it allows idiots to elevate themselves and feel special by creating the illusion of independent thought.

  2. it allows republicans to get away with the

Indefensible because the idiots from 1) will never apply any deep thought to these events.

it removes the need for substantive discussion at all. It allows the poorly informed to engage in performative political discussion in which everything is the exact same, and therefore the consequences of their political ignorance no longer exist.

"But both sides" has been carefully cultivated by conservative politicians. It's the perfect weapon, second only to "voting doesn't matter" which is heavily aided by both siderism.

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Idk how the uniparty claim stands up to any scrutiny unless you think sacred values do not exist and economics is the primary mover of history.

It can be and is in many cases, but fascism proved it doesn't have to be.

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>us parties have sacred values


Fascism was about economics. It was the preservations of capital against the rise of socialist parties.

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Genuinely delusional lol. Fascism didn't have any coherent economic thought process.

Even marxist economists dropped the claim you're making circa thd 1960s.

True - fascism was a right wing response to socialism, but more so in the frame of socially conservative preservation in the case of Germany extreme biological racism.

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Uh huh. And what was the economic system they were defending? What did they think about socialists?

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What did they think about socialists?

Again, Mussolini was one. Hitler led a party that claimed to be socialist and was recruiting from the same pool of wingcucks.

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Hitler always rallied against marxists and had the strasserists shot in 1934.

Mussolini dropped socialism completely by 1919.

This is lolbert nonsense. You're better than this, man.

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>erm ackshually there's no such thing as a non-marxist socialist, no ive never heard of the SPD why do u ask


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You really want to claim that soc dems are socialists? They don't even call themselves socialists. Or do you really think Hitler was a commie?

I will admit to have been baited.

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Soc dens aren't called that because of socialism? They just really like wearing socks? :marseyconfused:

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Are there any non-marxist socialists in your opinion? Or is it part of the def of socialism that you have to be a marxoid

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Germany had a lot of non-fascist conservative landowners who gradually backed Hitler as he rose in prominence. The 'junkers'.

There was an element of nationalism and social conservatism to it, but the junkers mainly wanted to protect their holdings.

Fascism in general is class collaborationist, which means lolberts accuse it of socialism and socialists accuse it of non-socialism.

This is where the raging leftcom crit of social democracy being 'fascist' comes from, because it tries to tie together the class conflict of capitalism rather than resolve it.


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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Fascism in general is class collaborationist,


I have never seen a fascist regime where economics was placed ahead of oppressing whatever group they are obsessed with oppressing.

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Pinochet. Salazar. Franco after 1950.

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do you add your comment signature manually every time?

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>Marxist economist

Bread lines and famine lol

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You absolute fricking r-slur. I've known Okies who came out of the Dust Bowl and I've known people who lived under communism. The first group tells me about how hard it was but there were some good times. The second group refuses to say anything except that they're glad they escaped to become poor in America.

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>the fascists who fled socialism are the sole authority, leftoid

t. Chud that thinks hitler was a marxist.


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Seriouspost: Just openly victim-blaming genocide survivors is on a different level than having a discussion about economic policies. This is /pol or Stormfront level and I can't deal with you anymore.


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Seriouspost: if you claim hitler was a marxist socialist or that fascism is communism (you did both) you show yourself to be a fool not worth bothering with.

Now name the genocides your totally real commie survivors lived through and where they were from.

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Too many cars to be in Marxist economy. Anyways standing in breadlines was a daily thing Marxist economy even good and bad times

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>he didn't get the reference


Food stamps is a form of breadline you know.

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No? Lol

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Most intelligent weeb.

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Sacred values do exist but neither political party in the US is primarily motivated by them or even just as an afterthought. Yes I'm doing a bothsideserism rn frick you.

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I would say this changed in the 90s and both parties are increasingly motivated by a set of fundamental sacred values that are above reasonable debate. Similar to the civil war era.

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"both sides"

-pizzashill, 2023


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What folx think are β€˜sacred values' are less separate from economic/technological/societal conditions than they'd like to admit. Not wholly of course, but much more than people commonly believe.

It's similar to the problem of consciousness; people will ascribe religious significance to their mind following their body around, to avoid the far more realistic truth.


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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It's similar to the problem of consciousness; people will ascribe religious significance to their mind following their body around, to avoid the far more realistic truth.

I dont think its more realistic to assume that your mind comes from your body at all

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are you r-slurred

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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It's a materialist position to make that assumption. Reality works inside-out not the other way around

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Then why do drugs and lobotomies make people r-slurred

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space: https://i.rdrama.net/images/16965516366194396.webp

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Economics literally is the mover of history tho. Literally every single fascist or communist uprising takes advantage of poor r-slurs as well as sociopathic elites especially in fascisms case

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