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Guarantee you this dork dreams about the coming revolution. Can't be in a room with a cishit, but thinks they can line pigs up against a wall. Please Papa Biden give us a war with China to subject these people to actual trauma

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When he received the email about the installation work:

I considered reaching out to Matos, but what would I say? The College was unlikely to address any of my concerns the day before the scheduled installation, and if they did, it would more than likely be in a passive we-are-truly-sorry-for-the-inconvenience sort of way, punctuated by an insistence that I would not be excessively bothered and that the installation was necessary, whether I liked it or not.

When the contractors knocked on his room:

Four or five construction workers stood outside, accompanied by someone who I could only assume β€” by his neat polo and clipboard β€” to be an emissary of the College. We stared at each other for a moment before I moved aside to allow the workers to enter. The emissary began issuing platitudes that the work wouldn’t take long and encouraged me to prop open my door. I asked meekly if I could actually not have a radiator installed in my dorm. I knew the answer was no before I had even said it, but hey β€” worth a shot.

So throughout the whole ordeal, which he claimed made him feel scared and angry, he never once raised any complaints towards either the college or the contractors? :marseylaugh: I guess there're plenty of other people like him at Oberlin who love to complain about the amorphous "system" but whenever an entity with actual authority so much as breathes down on them, they'd fold like a wet piece of cardboard. :soyjakhipster:

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Better yet, he himself complained that the rooms didn't have radiators, so this is 100% a consequence of his own actions.

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You know I used to be tolerant of people like these until the day I realized that in a competent world these people will do nothing and guys like me will have to do everything for them. These people have personalities that cannot build ir create anything, and cannot even keep what's already there running.

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Oberlin is a fancy school for rich kids. Your next boss could easily be one of these.

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