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he never misses

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Except he wildly missed here, and you'd have to be incredibly dumb to not understand why.

Literally no labor movement has ever supported your right to endanger others. If anything labor would be on the side of the vaccine mandates, because ignoring them is a health threat to most workers.

Most workers want to be protected from covid, they want their employees taking steps to keep them safe. Ignoring covid rules is a workplace safety issue. The fact low IQ rightoids are trying to spin this as some form of hypocrisy shows they have not a basic understanding of labor rights in general.

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The vaccine very clearly does jack shit for hampering the spread of the coof.


But I hear good things about using cloves of garlic to ward off evil.


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The vaccine very clearly does jack shit for hampering the spread of the coof.

No matter how many times yu r-slurs tell this lie, it'll still be a lie.

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What ever happened to it eradicating the coof pizza? wasn't that the goal until it became obviously impossible? Lockdowns for a couple weeks to flatten the curve? Masks totally don't work, oh wait they're mandatory. Jab makes you less likely to fall over dead, I got the jab, but lets not pretend it's some vital pro-social act that is necessary to achieve any kind of societal goal.


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I have no idea how you people are this r-slurred?

It's been said "eradicating covid" likely won't happen since pretty much the very start.

Lock-downs were ignored by large swathes of the population.

The best evidence at the time said we didn't know if masks worked or not.

Like it's so fricking exhausting dealing with you poorly educated buffoons. You live in some alternate reality where things never change, responses do not shift based on new evidence, and reality is completely subjective.

We have enough contact tracing data to show the unvaccinated are far more likely to spread covid than the vaccinated. And because covid primarily spreads via super spreader events, in which some 8% of the population causes 60% of new covid cases, vaccination can absolutely get case numbers down to a more manageable level.

Like do the world a favor and go hang yourself from a tree so you aren't polluting the internet with your 60 IQ alex Jones tier takes.

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It's been said "eradicating covid" likely won't happen since pretty much the very start.

This is so brazenly wrong.

Do you not realize how unreliable you (and others like you) appear when continually shifting the goalposts while gaslighting those calling out the numerous incorrect predictions from health authorities since the beginning of COVID?

You're the kind of person who does something like this then turns around and attributes the lack of institutional trust solely to "stupid people".

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This is so brazenly wrong.

No, it's literally fricking not, covid becoming seasonal was always a scenario. This is again, exactly what I'm talking about. You people are so fricking historically illiterate and so willing to warp reality and rearrange the pieces to fit your Infowars clad worldview it's like nailing jelly to a wall.

Do you not realize how unreliable you (and others like you) appear when continually shifting the goalposts while gaslighting those calling out the numerous incorrect predictions from health authorities since the beginning of COVID?

I'm going to blow your mind you fricking 70 IQ half-breed midwit: things change as new evidence becomes available.

People with actual formal education and functioning brains are aware of this reality. The poorly educated midwits (that's you) are not aware of this. And frankly I literally don't care what you and your fellow troglodyte mouth-breathing morons think.

With any luck you guys will continue to ignore doctors, and continue to die. Because the world becomes a better place with each one of your deaths.

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It's been said "eradicating covid" likely won't happen since pretty much the very start.

Revisionist history, at the start you were considered racist for even worrying about it. I remember being called racist for even worrying about it. And yes the narrative was absolutely that we would eradicate it.

Lock-downs were ignored by large swathes of the population.

People self isolated before they were even told to, but this is irrelevant, even if followed with absolute strictness there was no way it would have worked.

The best evidence at the time said we didn't know if masks worked or not.

Bullshit, even at the time fossy was sneeding about need to get ppe to medical staff and lying about how people could use masks properly anyways. and the man himself admitted to lying. You were lied to, stop simping for the liars.

We were concerned, the public health community and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply," Fauci said in June of last year. "And we wanted to make sure that the people, namely, the healthcare workers, who were brave enough to put themselves in a harm way, to take care of people who, you know, were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected."



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Revisionist history, at the start you were considered racist for even worrying about it. I remember being called racist for even worrying about it. And yes the narrative was absolutely that we would eradicate it.

This is a lie, not 1 person was called racist for "worrying about the virus." You were called racist for trying to weaponize a virus for xenophobic propaganda purposes.

And covid becoming a seasonal virus was always a scenario, you are again, lying.

People self isolated before they were even told to, but this is irrelevant, even if followed with absolute strictness there was no way it would have worked.

Still doesn't change the fact large swathes of the population did not follow it.

To prove your following point wrong: China locked down and crushed the virus easily.

Bullshit, even at the time fossy was sneeding about need to get ppe to medical staff and lying about how people could use masks properly anyways. and the man himself admitted to lying. You were lied to, stop simping for the liars.

Again, not bullshit, he did not admit to lying, and no amount of your illiterate fricking history revisionism will change that.

We were concerned, the public health community and many people were saying this, were concerned that it was at a time when personal protective equipment, including the N95 masks and the surgical masks, were in very short supply," Fauci said in June of last year. "And we wanted to make sure that the people, namely, the healthcare workers, who were brave enough to put themselves in a harm way, to take care of people who, you know, were infected with the coronavirus and the danger of them getting infected."

Yes, he did say this, it was not a lie.

The reality is we:

A) Had no idea to what extent masks were effective anyway.

B) People do in fact use masks wrong.

C) Public health officials usually refrain from suggesting masks during outbreaks for this very reason.

Nobody lied to you, you're just not very smart.

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I line of salt on your doorstep keeps the WuFlu out

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Literally no labor movement has ever supported your right to endanger others.

True, so long as "scabs" and well everybody who disagrees doesn't get in their way.


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Idk what this has to do with workplace safety and your right to endager others.

Vastly more violence has been directed at labor movements than has come from labor movements.

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It's called "hypocrisy," pizza my boy. It's also WRONG, but when has that stopped you? Please continue.

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I guess I'm not mentally disabled enough to know how protecting workplace safety is somehow hypocrisy.

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You're on a tangent. What prevents you from focusing on one half sentence of a point?

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Literally no labor movement has ever supported your right to endanger others.

Have you actually ever walked the walk and gone through the labor demands of unions that still organize?

When I worked up in Alaska, the longshoremen fought in their contracts for the ability to have a set number of drinks in the middle of the day. Labor unions fight for whatever their workers want.


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Have you actually ever walked the walk

Why would you even ask? It's pizzashill. You know he hasn't.

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They can drink at work without getting fired? I'm in the wrong business.


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The Lighthouse is a documentary

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Holy frick how hard is it for lefties to understand that COVID is a fairly innocuous disease if you are not fat or old? And if you are so concerned about it, just get the dman vax and stfu about others getting it. Whether others get it or not, it doesn't make a difference

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I don’t know if you’re r-slurred or just doing a bit but the pressures on the health system trying to still manage Covid hospitalizations absolutely means y’all should be held down and jabbed. Frick your personal freedom; we should be sending those who refuse off to leper camps as soon as the vax came out.


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You got vaxxed

You can still catch it

You can still spread it

You can still get sick

I need to get vaxxed

Ok buddy

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All of these things are true simultaneously but you belong in a camp regardless of your personal choice.


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the pressures on the health system trying to still manage Covid hospitalizations

How does this disprove that it's not serious for healthy people under the age of 49?

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I don’t care about healthy people under 50 generally. 90% of our costs are everyone else. In a vacuum they’re free to do whatever they want and I certainly understand why y’all are butthurt about mandates encompassing those groups.

But we can’t discriminate with public mandates and specify a certain age or health status without significant legal or enforcement logistics challenges. So I support a universal mandate because dipshits who should get the vaccine believe they’re healthy enough to not be impacted, and they clog up the system.

I don’t frankly care about personal freedom arguments, or personal freedom in general, nor do I believe it’s the govts role to grant or preserve it outside lipservice.

Get the jab, you cute twinks


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I don't frankly care about personal freedom arguments, or personal freedom in general

I mean this as respectfully as possible, but please keep yourself safe or move to the PRC. :marseyblowkiss:

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Why? They already have everything set up. There’s still work to be done in the states.

If you want true personal freedom, buy a lot in the woods and send in your property taxes annually. If you live in my society though, you’ll conform. 💕


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I don’t care about healthy people under 50 generally.

This was the comment to which you first replied:

Holy frick how hard is it for lefties to understand that COVID is a fairly innocuous disease if you are not fat or old?

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I’m saying it doesn’t matter if it’s innocuous.


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You covid denier r-slurs are no longer tolerated or accepted. You had long enough, no more.

Every single fricking r-slur that refuses to take basic steps should be fired and thrown out into the fricking street like the plaguerat trash they are.

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That's pretty homophobic of you pizza, AIDS is totally survivable nowadays

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Don't worry, most antivaxxers are also landwhales so it's a problem that will fix itself


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Darn this pizza take was especially r-slurred. Normally they contain at least some truth, this is completely off. Do better, pizza!

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Literally every single thing I said is exactlly correct.

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Maybe on opposite day

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Except for this

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INFO: How many Americans died as a direct result of Covid infections and would likely be alive today if Covid didn't exist?

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I have a right to go in large crowds and never pick up communicable infections!

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health threat to most workers

TIL the majority of workers are over 75

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Don’t downvote the lolcows.

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Pizza gets validation from downvotes. It convinces him he's too gigabrained for the poor brainlets at arrrrrrdrama. Leaving him at 1 would honestly do more to drive him off.

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r drama - where facts HS drop out rightoids can't respond to or refute simply aren't valid.

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Shut the heck ip Pizza. You’re out of your element.

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Ever heard of the Winter of Discontent? :derpthinking:

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Trying to tell us something?

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Do people still seek out virgins to marry? That’s a generation ago now.

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Delusional rightoids do.

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Thats a redundant way of saying "stonetoss"

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seeking out virgins to marry


seeking out virgins to cure AIDS


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Based and South African infant male feminist-pilled

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Last time I checked, you frick frogs to get rid of AIDS.

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The only way to cure yourself is to have s*x with an albino woman.

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I would rather crater my T-cell count tbh

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yes, in my area full of rightoids

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With how cringe leftoids have been lately it really is easy to forget just how r-slurred rightoids can be

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God that's so cringe.

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