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Why is homeschooling villanized? : Teachers


Generally speaking I don't think the average American is qualified to teach their children education. The issues with the American education system are systematic issues usually due to poor state funding (the south) and banning books for no reason (Florida). Also home schooling doesn't do a kid any favors in terms of learning social skills. Not saying kids should be bullied but going to public school teaches you to deal with butthole and work with people of different backgrounds than yourself which is a useful skill that you literally cannot get at home.

!chuds they literally admit parents aren't fit to raise their own children without a degree.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16930048762078023.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1693004876444508.webp

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>homeschooler has never heard of selection bias

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Selection bias is a potential issue when choosing a sample out of a population. Presumably, these averages include every public school student that took the SAT and every homeschool student that took the SAT, which means there is no sample. There's confounding factors, obviously, but selection bias isn't one of them. :marseybiast:

For instance, what percentage of public school students take the SAT? What percentage of private school students take the SAT? What percentage of homeschool students take the SAT? What's the average amount of time each group spends studying for the SAT? What's the average age each group take the SAT at? How many attempts does each group make? And so on. :marseynotes:

And that's just for the SAT itself. There's also questions about the different groups themselves. What's the median household income of public/private/homeschool students? What level of education do their parents have? Do both parents work, or just one? What percentage of each group have two parents living in the same home? Or two actively involved parents at all? And so on. :marseychudnotes:

There's all sorts of things that make a metric as simplistic as "one group got significantly higher SAT scores" basically worthless on its own. But if you control for enough variables, you could get a decent idea of what form of schooling is, on average, more effective when it comes to preparing a student to take the SAT. Of course, then we get into the question of whether or not the SAT is a good measure of the overall quality of a student's education. :marseyschizonotes:

But hey, you said "selection bias", so you must be pretty smart. Let me know how your research goes. :sciencejak:

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I hope you had chatgpt pen that one fam.

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@A can u add this to longpostbot?

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done king

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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I thought you had a real good post champ

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:marseychartscatter: :sciencejak: ACKSHUALLY correlation isn't causation

(even though your comment had nothing to do with causation)

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Any student who was both homeschooled and taking the SAT is obviously the child of a pair of doctors or some equivalent. The average yokel who takes their kid out of the school system because of the woke agenda isn't gonna teach their kid shit. The American education system has been pumping out morons for decades and we've got plenty of studies that show the vast majority of adults can't do math at a 3rd grade level. The idiot parents are not gonna do any better educating their kids than the people who made their parents idiots in the first place, the only path forward for American students is to accept total chang/jeet domination because those people aren't afraid to humiliate their kids for incompetence.

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Wow its what I said except r-slurred rightoid gibberish

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wow ur dumb

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I wasn't sure tbh. Some leftoid copes in there as well as rightoid ones. I guess you're the ultra rare double wingoid.

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literally inventing shit to act like u didnt just self own just makes it more pathetic u should honestly stop replying now ok

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You have literal racial slurs in your post and here you want to pretend you're the perfect obama libcuck. Gtfo of here neighbor

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>You have literal racial slurs in your post

:marseychingchongpearlclutch#: :marseyniqabpearlclu#tch:

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And yet im the one who got chud awarded. Rly makes you think trans lives matter

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>homeschool average is 1123

I rose above public education to concur the homecels I guess.

1150bro btw :marseyxd:

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Mmm yes, I conquer

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A bit of a side-note to this whole thing, but the reality of this is that a lot of the time an education minor is something you get by accident while just trying to get your GE credits done in most states, so this will apply to a bunch of community college students who didn't have their shit together.

Yeah though, homeschooling is only as good as the parents and most parents are fricking r-slurs, but there are some that take their shit seriously and I had some friends growing up who came out great from it, but definitely also met some complete r-slurs who were homeschooled.

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