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Why is homeschooling villanized? : Teachers


Generally speaking I don't think the average American is qualified to teach their children education. The issues with the American education system are systematic issues usually due to poor state funding (the south) and banning books for no reason (Florida). Also home schooling doesn't do a kid any favors in terms of learning social skills. Not saying kids should be bullied but going to public school teaches you to deal with butthole and work with people of different backgrounds than yourself which is a useful skill that you literally cannot get at home.

!chuds they literally admit parents aren't fit to raise their own children without a degree.

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Any "teacher" who says with a straight face that the problems with the US education system are anything other than Common Core, No Child Left Behind, and pretending that it's a good idea to try to make lunchtime rowdies and kids that want to learn and grow up to be citizens sit together in the same classroom should be stood up against a wall and shot.

I have a family friend who teaches in Chicago who told me he has had students who've skipped 80-90% of the year's school days. Every 2 weeks he was told he had to personally call the students' home to inform the parents their kid was skipping, even though they knew and didn't give a shit (assuming they even aswered the phone). After 3 years of any given student doing this, the teacher was instructed to PASS that student so the kid would move up to high school and out of their system, because they were impacting the middle school's pass/fail percentages. It's fricking ridiculous.

systematic issues usually due to poor state funding (the south) and banning books for no reason (Florida)

:#marseyeyeroll2: :#marseymagdump:

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The funding issue isn't even maybe correct, California spends some of the most money per student to get some of the worst outcomes nationwide.

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You forgot that other thing, what's the term for it… where they teach kids to read by saying ‘ok so now pretend you can read'

I'm gonna come back with the right term

This article calls it ‘three-cueing'. I think I've heard it called other things but I don't care enough to find out rn


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Whole language is what it's called I think. I saw a comment from one person who said they found out about this when their kid was reciting nonsens with a book open because they were taught that pretending to read is the same as actually reading. Kids are told to just guess what words are based on context which might work if you already know how to read but these are kids who don't even know how to sound out words for the first time.

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You WILL subject your children to mostly peaceful BIPOCy.

You WILL be happy.

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There's also the school :marseygrad: to prison :marseycharlesmanson: pipeline issue. The pipeline gets clogged up by moral busybodies and the rowdy who choked out his teacher :marseytuckermilkers: can't get to prison :marseystarship: so instead he goes on to choke out another teacher :marseygigatitty: and then shoot :marseyportalsuicide: her.

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It's always Chicago, isn't it?

I think your anecdote is complete bullshit.

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I honestly don't give shit 1 if you think it's bullshit, that's word for word what he told me.

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The part about them being just pushed up past middle school is all too common post-no child left behind. but the reasoning is probably half the story.

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Do you reckon if we let the teachers slap the kids, the behavioral issues would stop?

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No I think some teachers would get badly beaten tho so I still support it

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lol the bipocs would slap back

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reality tv series when

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The $7.50 question

Are teachers more soy now, or are the kids more based?

Because back in the times of my father the teachers were legitimate psychopaths with canes who were feared.

In my schooling we were mostly chill but some people defied and got administratively handled. I never saw anyone jump a teacher, but heard of the biggest pricks (teachers and students) fighting from friends.

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This happens in Little House on the Prairie when she's at a little frontier school. There's only one teacher so the older kids could beat him up whenever they wanted to.

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Corporal punishment is legal in a lot of states. Teachers and administrators are just too bitchmade to do it

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even if they were 100% allowed to slap the kids around, most wouldn't, because they're just too fricking spineless

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:marseynotes: tempest isn't over his breakup with the teacher

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I feel bad about that joke

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I have no idea, I just figured out he once dated a teacher and now I'm teasing him about it. @tempest I'm sorry pls don't be mad

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I never dated a teacher. I had a friend who was a teacher who I think wanted to date me but it wasn't mutual. Also we're no longer friends, but that's a totally separate story unrelated to me.

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Oooh 😏 okay now I feel better hahaha

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Honestly just letting kids get into fights without punishing them would go a long way

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every school should have a boxing ring

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Yeah, I think a lot of the terrible bullying crisis going on right now would end if the kids had to risk a broken nose.

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with some teachers, it should be the other way around :marseysmug:

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i do not support this. all beatings should be done by parents, not fair to lump yet another parenting job onto teachers

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I dare you to slap an adolescent African American and see what happens.

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Pretty sure a few videos of that have been posted here

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No, but the teachers' behavioral issues would stop if we let the kids slap the teachers.

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We'd need someone to slap the teachers first


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I had a teacher I hated and then she became assists principal and threw a battery or something at me and my parents got her fired since she was a total b-word and my mom threw a massive b-word fit

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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That's battery


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Maybe if we go farther, bring back beatings with yardsticks

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The extra reach means you can put bad kids in the 2nd row and still whack them.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16930048762078023.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1693004876444508.webp

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Any student who was both homeschooled and taking the SAT is obviously the child of a pair of doctors or some equivalent. The average yokel who takes their kid out of the school system because of the woke agenda isn't gonna teach their kid shit. The American education system has been pumping out morons for decades and we've got plenty of studies that show the vast majority of adults can't do math at a 3rd grade level. The idiot parents are not gonna do any better educating their kids than the people who made their parents idiots in the first place, the only path forward for American students is to accept total chang/jeet domination because those people aren't afraid to humiliate their kids for incompetence.

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Wow its what I said except r-slurred rightoid gibberish

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wow ur dumb

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I wasn't sure tbh. Some leftoid copes in there as well as rightoid ones. I guess you're the ultra rare double wingoid.

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literally inventing shit to act like u didnt just self own just makes it more pathetic u should honestly stop replying now ok

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You have literal racial slurs in your post and here you want to pretend you're the perfect obama libcuck. Gtfo of here neighbor

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>You have literal racial slurs in your post

:marseychingchongpearlclutch#: :marseyniqabpearlclu#tch:

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And yet im the one who got chud awarded. Rly makes you think trans lives matter

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>homeschooler has never heard of selection bias

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Selection bias is a potential issue when choosing a sample out of a population. Presumably, these averages include every public school student that took the SAT and every homeschool student that took the SAT, which means there is no sample. There's confounding factors, obviously, but selection bias isn't one of them. :marseybiast:

For instance, what percentage of public school students take the SAT? What percentage of private school students take the SAT? What percentage of homeschool students take the SAT? What's the average amount of time each group spends studying for the SAT? What's the average age each group take the SAT at? How many attempts does each group make? And so on. :marseynotes:

And that's just for the SAT itself. There's also questions about the different groups themselves. What's the median household income of public/private/homeschool students? What level of education do their parents have? Do both parents work, or just one? What percentage of each group have two parents living in the same home? Or two actively involved parents at all? And so on. :marseychudnotes:

There's all sorts of things that make a metric as simplistic as "one group got significantly higher SAT scores" basically worthless on its own. But if you control for enough variables, you could get a decent idea of what form of schooling is, on average, more effective when it comes to preparing a student to take the SAT. Of course, then we get into the question of whether or not the SAT is a good measure of the overall quality of a student's education. :marseyschizonotes:

But hey, you said "selection bias", so you must be pretty smart. Let me know how your research goes. :sciencejak:

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I hope you had chatgpt pen that one fam.

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@A can u add this to longpostbot?

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done king

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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I thought you had a real good post champ

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:marseychartscatter: :sciencejak: ACKSHUALLY correlation isn't causation

(even though your comment had nothing to do with causation)

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>homeschool average is 1123

I rose above public education to concur the homecels I guess.

1150bro btw :marseyxd:

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Mmm yes, I conquer

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A bit of a side-note to this whole thing, but the reality of this is that a lot of the time an education minor is something you get by accident while just trying to get your GE credits done in most states, so this will apply to a bunch of community college students who didn't have their shit together.

Yeah though, homeschooling is only as good as the parents and most parents are fricking r-slurs, but there are some that take their shit seriously and I had some friends growing up who came out great from it, but definitely also met some complete r-slurs who were homeschooled.

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Really :marseythinkorino2: makes you wonder :marseysphinx: how we got all this science :marseybadass: before :marseyskellington: higher education was propagandized

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All the noblemen who lead the Scientific Revolution were high-functioning homeschooled spergs :marsey: :marseyking:

Plus with how normalised places like Udemy, EdX, Coursera etc.. are what's even the point if traditional school besides subjecting your child in misery next to other people's feral kids? A homeschooled kid I knew just had his grandfather give him all of his old school books and he basically did every school year exam from 1960 to 2013.

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All the noblemen who lead the Scientific Revolution were high-functioning homeschooled spergs :marsey: :marseyking:

neighbor you mean in the 17th and 16th centuries when public schools weren't really a thing? "Homeschooled" in the sense that most of them had full-time private tutors and later went to colleges.

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true this neighbor really thought the noblemen were learning shit from their stay at home moms LMAO

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Kant learned from his mom, who watched Ben Shapiro and Turning Point Prussia videos, actually

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yes. the only kind of education that actually works.

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I wasn't homeschooled but I was sent to private school after displaced hurricane katrina feral joggers ruined the local school district.

Thanks mom and dad


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lots of cocaine

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The issues with schooling is that schools are miserable Kafkaesque prisons where conformity is enforced by violence, and that's at the "good" schools.


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I'm shocked at the number of people who think taking beatings at school is "just part of life". I pulled a knife when 3 guys cornered me (3 on 1 = lethal force) and people acted like I was a kitty who took things too far.

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Based knife haver, congratulations on not getting jumped.


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my school memories are being shouted at in a circle, by 10+ girls screaing calling me a loser over trivial things

I'm talking voting against playing softball in gym

or pointing out that Heather was lying about having a boyfriend

or saying David Tennant wasn't hot

or saying One Direction sucks

Very rarely would they resort to physical violence (except that one girl :marseyworried: ) but they liked to do their "circle and shame" thing and play bizzare mindgames where they accuse me of eating some hello kitty eraser I've never fricking seen in my life-- and just stand in a circle shouting about how it MUST be me because i put a pencil to my lips once and I NEED to own up to it and buy some girl i didn't know a new eraser :marseyconfused::marseybeanquestion:

The funny part is when during their witch hunts, THAT psycho girl will start huffing and puffing and squaring up like she's gonna try to drag me by the hair again and they're all like "McKayla!!! NOOOO! You'll get (us) in trouble! STAHP!"

what the frick 😭😭😭

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I'm so glad I was given unsupervised access to the internet as a child. I was such a piece of shit to bullies that they didn't even want to bully me

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when i got access to the internet I learned that the dollar would collapse unless the US abolishef the federal reserve started using gold coins

I became such a doomer that it removed me from social circles entirely. I no longer cared about looking cool or making friends... or anything really. Why vote on what to play in gym when voting doesn't matter as an adult and hyperinflation is coming?

As a result of my despondancy and occasional rants about Keynesian economics, bullying was greatly reduced. I knew the TRUTH :marseyschizotwitch:

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oh I didn't learn anything like that lol I just learned how to piss people off then I aimed that at people I didn't like

Not a lot of people were using the internet much then so I had a pretty nice advantage

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literally me but it was from watching 2012 (2009)

I thought the world was going to end in a few years so why bothre

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Foid moment.

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Are you a foid or did u just get monged by them?

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Should have pulled a pistol and capped that b-word

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Public schooling is feminized.

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It's just taxpayer-funded daycare and social training disguised as "education". If we dismantled the whole mandatory education system, how would kids become sufficiently used to taking orders from dull bureaucrats to be able to be effective in the workforce?

Mandatory education beyond teaching very basic reading, writing, and math is useless in the age of the Internet anyway. Kids who want to learn don't need schools. Kids who don't want to learn won't get helped by schools.

I think that we should have taxpayer-funded voluntary attendance schools to provide education in basic reading, writing, and math to kids whose parents can't or won't teach them those things. We should also have taxpayer-funded schooling for helping developmentally disabled people.

Beyond that? Nah. 99% of kids have Wikipedia in their pockets. And, say what you will about Wikipedia, it's better at teaching than some idiot who forces kids to sit in a room for 8 hours a day.

I'm about to get longpostbotted, aren't I?

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Having the government forcing it's Education department to make all their syllabus free and accessible would be nice. Seeing publishers and textbook authors collectively lose their minds would be very satisfying :3

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issues usually due to poor state funding (the south)

Meanwhile Baltimore has some of the highest budgets in the nation but nobody can pass basic math and reading.

banning books for no reason (Florida).

"For no reason at all."

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Yes public education is underfunded in the US.....

O wait.



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Thank you, maybe this will get my commie friends to finally shit the frick up about UnDeRfUnDeD sChOoLs

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I wasn't homeschooled and I'm bimothy. Hello :marseywave2:

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I am now pro-homeschooling

Jk I luv u bb

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I was homeschooled :marsey:

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hecko :!marseywave2:

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That teacher is right about the average American being unqualified to teach children. (s)he's just wrong about the idea that the average teacher is any more qualified.

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>No reason

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>and work with people of different backgrounds than yourself which is a useful skill that you literally cannot get at home.


my parents have different backgrounds

was a blast watching them argue when I was a kid

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Redditors have no concept of enrolling your kid in a sports club or hobby group.

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“Banning books for no reason (Florida)”

Whew lots to unpack there. So if fricking DeSantis didn't ban books the Florida education system would be good? Interesting take

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It's basically impossible to teach math until students know the fundamentals, like how to be a prostitute.

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I kicked, screamed, pissed, moaned, farded and shidded until my mom took me out of a school that had 68 kids, of which I was one of only 4 Yts across 8 grades.

Literally the best thing that happened to me.

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And look how well you turned out!

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The problem with American education is they don't teach ENOUGH gay s*x.

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Of course the average american shouldn't teach their own kids. The average american hated school and did their best to learn nothing in it. Which isn't to say that the average teacher is much better, but at least they're :marseyairquotes: accountable :marseyairquotes:

The average american has discarded almost all accountability to their children, to the point that when youtube is showing their kids disney-fotm-flavored-guro, their response is not to stop their kid from watching youtube, but to b-word about youtube showing their kid this.

Just to reiterate my first point, the average american hasn't read the classics and didn't enjoy what they had to read, hated complicated math, and you think that they can justify teaching this to their kids? They don't understand why they (should have) learned this stuff, and without an external authority to tell their kids to do this, they can't really reasonably impress the importance of these things on their kids.

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The only people more rslurred than teachers are homeschool parents: they do it for free! Truly the internet moderators of the educational world.

:#marseyjanny2: :#marseyfoidteach:

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So do your parents who did it for free :marseyshook:

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God I hate these r-slurs so much I'm actually seething

Why not go to a subreddit for plumbers and ask them why they don't support more people doing DIY projects and builds?

Compared to home owners:

-They are are more thoroughly trained.

-They are able to service many clients.

-They are experienced at dealing with many situations, not limited to just one.

-Their knowledge comes from many years of experiences.

-They have a livelihood depend on it.

Draw the parallels at your convenience.

Any r-slur can do 99% of the plumbing work on their house after 30 minutes of YouTube. I guarantee the people on /r/plumbing would tell you to do it yourself instead of getting charged $250 to put a potty in or fix a p trap

Generally speaking I don't think the average American is qualified to teach their children education. The issues with the American education system are systematic issues usually due to poor state funding (the south) and banning books for no reason (Florida). Also home schooling doesn't do a kid any favors in terms of learning social skills. Not saying kids should be bullied but going to public school teaches you to deal with butthole and work with people of different backgrounds than yourself which is a useful skill that you literally cannot get at home.

Yeah, the average American isn't smart enough to home school ill agree with that. The issues in education are systemic so send your kid to the system :marseygigaretard:

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i know personally 1 guy who was homeschooled

currently in a 12 year relationship not married no kids

can't tell if winning and based, or confused and simped

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Why do schools think they have a monopoly on butthole kids?

Such a dumb argument

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this is so sad can we hit house vampire users :#bitchplease:

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Parents shouldn't teach their children. They should plunk the kids down in front of video of a teacher teaching children. Happily Pensacola Christian College has a package you can buy that includes the DVDs. Then you have the kids fill in their papers and send them to be graded. It's like a regular school except there's no nogs beating up the teachers and the children only sit there for half a day instead of all day

...which is inconvenient if you are using government school as a daycare while you work out of the house but that's a different discussion. A question the childless women teaching the children of uncaring parents in government school are woefully underprepared (mentally) to answer.

And as we all saw during 2020-2022, there are no negative consequences for children to sit in front of a computer and go to school.

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Homeschool kids are weird. End of argument. School is like 90% about learning to be well adjusted functioning person. Homeschool kids miss out on that.

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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we should train children to love the globohomo agenda

may not be as effective as you think with some parents

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If you fail as a parent, it's not the governments job to teach your kid about globohomo

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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"My kid might be a colossal weirdo, but he's redpilled on the Jew Menace and makes 8 gorillion dollars in a coding job. No, he doesnt have friends or ever dated, why do you ask?"

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never heard of someone just teaching their children on their own

like you have them do some kind of curriculum online right?

the people who make those courses are much more qualified than any baltimore public school teacher

if homeschooling parents were too lazy to make that little effort I don't see why they wouldn't be sending their kids to free daycare instead?

idk where ppl get this idea that cleetus and tiffany are just teachin they kids how to eat hot chip and lie

maybe the gypsies over in euroland do that kind of thing

but the absentee parents here are most definitely offloading their rowdies onto our public schools

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like you have them do some kind of curriculum online right?

Or you buy text books and have them work thru them

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NOOOO TEXT BOOKS :marseysexylibrarian: DON'T WORK NOOOO

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I think the curriculum requirements depend on the state. There are a good handful of r-slurs teachin they kids r-slurred shit, or more just not teaching them. Not as many as redditors hope, but there are more weird r-slurs than we like to pretend when jerking off about test stats.

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Literally no one who was homeschooled came out as anything but a turbosperg. They might go to school and still become a sperg, but at least there's a chance they won't and you wont have to be around your kids 24/7 either.

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