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Wired Magazine Presents : J Slurs posting Ls, and a suspiciously high level skeleton.


I've seen a lot of people showing our resident journ*list @ZacJason some love recently, so now is a great time to talk about his lack of journ*listic credentials (and skin).


All of this started because @Lv20_Skeleton decided to apply my first ever ban award to a really great post I wrote about never saying the N word. Not only did he ban my excellent post, he had the audacity to ban me TWICE. In response, I did what any self respecting Jslur would do when staring down a 48hr ban, and sperged out immediately - banning every post and comment I could find from this vile skeletoid. Eventually this totaled 12 bans. As many of our resident rightoids know, I am a FAIR and JUST janitor - so obviously I would never apply 12 days of ban without providing an alternative to freedom. My offer to boneman was a challenge to play manhunt.


Nobody ever takes me up on my offers to play this game, so I expected lazy attempts at sneaking through the new user list at best. @Lv20_Skeleton is not the average poster though so it should be obvious where this is going...





We were reading this JOslurs articles. Disgusting!



This went on for days, because we wanted to believe.


My Bussy [BLASTED]

Carp Bussy [BLASTED]

Zac Jason Bussy [BLASTED]

Respaaaj Bussy [BLASTED]

Idio3 Bussy [BLASTED]

FrozenChosen Gussy [BLASTED]

JimieWhales Xussy [NOT BLASTED]

Dahl_Fook Bussy [VERY BLASTED]



Quintuple Jslur bussy blasting simultaneously, right under our noses.

Let this @Lv20_Skeleton serve as an example for everyone that being banned is an opportunity to wear someone else's skin, an opportunity for greatness. I love the boneman and you should too.

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Okay, do you hate disabled people? Do you hate people who are not neurodivergent? You know, the world is full of neurotypicals who love to use computers. I'm not sure what world you're living in but i mean, at red hat we support all sorts of customers with all sorts of needs What if you're playing openttd from an airplane and don't have our software override installed? The towns are going to get mad at you and you're going to cause a giant scene on the plane! Listen to me you little neckbeard, system V unix people and suckless people are a bunch of libertarian holier-than-thou nerds who have no grasp on reality. They don't talk to people outside of IRC. They still use mailing lists as their main form of communication! I mean, what world are you living in people?! At red hat we make Linux for the desktop. We support user interfaces, graceful fallbacks, we develop advanced software solutions that the unix standards people call ugly. Well, if you think Red Hat's kernel patches are ugly, god knows what they'd say about Microsoft Windows! How about Apple?! You know you people say you want progress, but what do you really want? If you have a better solution for the mean towns in openTTD i mean, it's free software, people! You can make your own changes! You get it for free! Send me a patch, I love patches. I'd love to discuss the issue in a github thread, so I can say No, and then lock and limit conversation in the thread, and put it on github-drama. I love getting downboated! I'm Lennart Poettering and I love getting downboated!!!one!1! I'm not done. We make software for real people. Do you know that I've never used fluxbox? That's right. I've never honestly used fluxbox by myself. If you alternate window manager people want to come up to me, and say fluxbox is more convenient, i mean, i'm all ears people. I'm listening. Why does fluxbox exist? Why do we have afterstep? Dear god... people still use stacking window managers? I'm sorry but, I use computers to get work done. My workstation is just a tool I use to implement the abstractions I've architected on whiteboards and IRC. I don't have time for making sure all tasks can be properly backgrounded and foregrounded without altering their program state, or reading the latest garbage that the X window people of vomited up on their way out of their latest homoerotic circlejerk. There are so much more important things to be done in computing like reaching more users, reaching the world, and opening up our ideas to people who don't use alternative window managers. Do you know what? I don't even know what window manager I use, and I don't care. And I'm not telling you what text editor I use because it doesn't matter. You people need to seriously focus on the real problems in our community, which is the discrimination that my software receives just because of who i am. Why do you hate systemd? why do you hate the convenience i've provided? My amazing contributions? Did you know that every other CVE that's released is related to systemd? Like, it's just software, people. And because my name is on it you need to hyperventilate and open up urgent security reports that have been there all along? It's not my fault that my software was the one to expose the problem. The problem is in the standard, we just implement the broken standard, and then break our contract with the standard when necessary. I don't give a flying deutschmark about about what's written in the standard, what I care about is what's in the Linux kernel. Real-world scenarios. It doesn't stop there. You people target me and incriminate me. You want to read how much 4chan-level trash is in my email inbox every day? Get a life. Move out of the basement. Start contributing if you really care that much. But jesus, just stop.... whatever this is.

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