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Do you have an internal monologue? And have you accepted that you're a subhuman r-slur if you don't?

I know this is a popular r*ddit topic, but I'm curious if rdrama bussy conniseurs overwhelmingly have an internal monologue. Despite being tards, the average user here is definitely less tarded than the average r*dditor. The vast majority of people I've seen online claiming they have no internal monologue are foids, which makes sense tbh.

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Meaning of words is enriched through their exchange, at which point your words can take on additional meaning in the mind of another.

Furthermore, thought can also be considered feeling given shape and direction, both of which are very difficult to come by without language. Language cannot fully encapsulate feeling but its formation allows our minds to make sense of our observations.

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no. Language is for personal communication. Mathematicians and artists do not make sense of things with words. What came first - a new concept or the word for it? Often centuries pass between the two. You’re wrong.

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Please explain to me how you think about any given subject without some degree of language association.


Language is literally math, lol.

What came first - a new concept or the word for it?

That concept was formulated with words. Just because a unique descriptor has not yet been coined does not mean language is not involved.

You’re wrong.


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Explain to me how you think about any given subject without some degree of language association

Say I’m dreaming about fricking someone. There aren’t any words involved, just sensations and ideas and relations. Or say you’re programming a large complex thing. Words would make a big mess.

language is literally math

not reflexive. math isn’t language. intuition for complex ideas and big things doesn’t come via words. it’s dumb

formulated with words

no? ravens and monkeys can do ten step logic over periods of hours. they do not have language. They have the same sorts of brains as we do.


ok r-slur what’s the word you think of when you’re tired. or do ya just feel a bit sleepy? dumbass

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Say I’m dreaming about fricking someone. There aren’t any words involved, just sensations and ideas and relations.

You are still present in your dream. You have thought in your dream, albeit far more blended with the "reality" of the dream and more difficult to distinguish.

Also, I distinguish between thought and feeling. This might be where we diverge.

math isn’t language

Yes, it is. This isn't something I'm just throwing out there. Go look at language theory, finite-state automata, formal grammars, etc.

intuition for complex ideas and big things doesn’t come via words

Just because you aren't explicitly thinking out the exact words does not mean intuitive comprehension of complex topics is not emergent from language.

no? ravens and monkeys can do ten step logic over periods of hours. they do not have language. They have the same sorts of brains as we do.

Primates have a neocortex so they might have the mental precursors of what could be considered "language". There's still plenty of debate over whether or not KoKo was genuinely communicating or not.

ok r-slur what’s the word you think of when you’re tired. or do ya just feel a bit sleepy? dumbass

  1. That would be a composite of feelings.

  2. You're getting awfully worked up over this lol.

Or say you’re programming a large complex thing. Words would make a big mess.

Using descriptive variable and function names is absolutely integral to programming. Using single-letter variables is a stupid webshit thing.

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Rofl, using descriptive variable and function names is absolutely integral to programming.

... false!

The program runs correctly regardless of whether or not it is readable to the human.

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It's integral to programming because it aids in developer maintainence of said program. If you're talking about compilation, then that is irrelevant to the discussion.

The program runs correctly regardless of whether or not it is readable to the human.

No, it just runs. Whether or not it runs "correctly", as in according to the intent of its design, is influenced by how well it is written and maintained. Someone using single-letter variables while programming something complex will very likely not product a program that runs "correctly".

Furthermore, in terms of the mathematics of language, those single-letter variables are still words.

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Do you understand this: that the people who wrote the first operating systems did so with registers that only had names like a1, a2, a3? Have you written assembly language?

The computing machine only works in logic but within that logic it is powerful. And there is no need for names because the being, the doing of the thing, is the name. A truer name than the name of the function, befitting only human ears for humans gazing into a complex world we were not designed to understand.

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I've written a program in MIPS. Those register addresses are still names. They are formal abstractions of a set of physical transistors. The binary addresses are names. The binary logic that comprises the control unit of a processor uses binary language at a physical level.

The nomenclature for two bytes, which typically formed the basis of memory storage, is literally "word".

The computing machine only works in logic but within that logic it is powerful. And there is no need for names because the being, the doing of the thing, is the name. A truer name than the name of the function, befitting only human ears for humans gazing into a complex world we were not designed to understand.

This is unironically just word salad. I'm a software consultant with a degree in Computer Science. You're just embarrassing yourself at this point.

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you think in dream

Sure? You didn’t disagree. words aren’t mattering there. You could still find ur way through a puzzle without a word


set theory is not language. numbers are not language. The grammar of the formalization kinda is but not really.

just because you’re not thinking the exact words

hehe whoopsie looks like that’s thinking. Without exact words.

doesn’t mean r doesn’t emerge from words

again ravens can do complex tasks as can monkeys. and it doesn’t, words communicate, not be

primates neocortex

huh? They don’t have language. if you’re arguing monkeys developed internal language before external that makes no sense at all. And ravens can also do plenty complex tasks enough that it doesn’t matter!

composite of feelings

I guess artists just paint with big composites of feeling then. video g*mers just composite their feelings into the RTS or screen.

using variables

I mean architecting complex things not actually typing it. The variable names come way after... not when you do the whole interactions of the things. not words he he ha

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Sure? You didn’t disagree. words aren’t mattering there. You could still find ur way through a puzzle without a word

hehe whoopsie looks like that’s thinking. Without exact words.

You're taking a very literal approach to language so I can see where the disconnect exists. At this point we're just talking past one another.

again ravens can do complex tasks as can monkeys. and it doesn’t, words communicate, not be

A raven's capacity to solve a problem via operant conditioning is not a reflection of thought as I'm describing it. Again, this is getting into a discussion of what constitutes sapience.

if you’re arguing monkeys developed internal language before external that makes no sense at all

How exactly can language be formed if those exchanging it do not already possess internal language, i.e. the capacity to abstract ideas?

set theory is not language. numbers are not language. The grammar of the formalization kinda is but not really.

Look, the rest of the stuff I've been discussing is pretty wishy-washy, but this particular subject is something I majored in. You are objectively incorrect in asserting that mathematics is not language. This is a very deep subject so I would suggest going to research it yourself because whatever explanation I could produce would be a shallow, incomplete facsimile of the full issue.

I mean architecting complex things not actually typing it. The variable names come way after... not when you do the whole interactions of the things. not words he he ha

...have you ever architected software before? If so, you'd realize how ridiculous this is.

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You're taking a very literal approach to language so I can see where the disconnect exists.

the topic was words. If you’re saying “we think in language but not in words” then that’s kinda vacuous and I don’t think it works like language but not words certainly.

A raven's capacity to solve a problem via operant conditioning is not a reflection of thought as I'm describing it.

what? They do complex problems. Not “operant conditioning”. What?

How exactly can language be formed if those exchanging it do not already possess internal language, i.e. the capacity to abstract ideas?

this is one of the places we disagree. don’t just assume it.

You are objectively incorrect in asserting that mathematics is not language.

I’m also smart and know mathematicians who disagree with your statement? Smh


I have, and the complexities in said designs and interactions are not in words lol. Variable names are not the structure of code.

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what? They do complex problems. Not “operant conditioning”. What?

This is what I'm referring to. To be entirely fair to you, there is still debate on the nature of their cognition. I've acknowledged this "fuzziness" of our current discussion topic before.

I’m also smart and know mathematicians who disagree with your statement? Smh

Who would disagree and how would they do so? At the risk of being a Redditor, I'd like to see some SOOOOOURCES for this.

I have, and the complexities in said designs and interactions are not in words lol. Variable names are not the structure of code.

You would not even be able to comprehend these problems if it weren't for language. Show me a raven or a non-human primate that can architect a software system.

The idea that language isn't involved in software architecting just because you're not thinking about explicit variable names is absurd. I guess this is just another issue with our divergent approaches to what constitutes "language".

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I was watching a thing today on amazonian tribesm*n who speak a language without any concept of numbers, they have only terms for a very few, a few more and a lot.

If you show them 5 things and ask them to place the same number of a different thing beside it they can't do it, spooky stuff tbh

Language may be more fundamental to our cognition than you're giving it credit for

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that isn’t language. that’s the fact that every child practiced counting in school for five years straight. Can you make a flint blade by chipping with a rock? My guess is they do know how to do some form of counting, but are unfamiliar with the way they were prompted ... tribesmen haven’t done word problems or been to school ... and there’s a ... language barrier... they definitely can count baskets and deer

even weak Sapir whorf is commonly contested. Amazon documentaries aren’t actually great sources or usually accurate... you are an adult. You could learn new skills and concepts if you wanted to. Tribesmen can too. This isn’t a “language” thing it’s a “lack of practice” thing. Like go learn to play guitar! It’s hard, you fail at first. Ditto for them. Language isn’t the thing, it’s experience in abstract counting for the purpose of demonstrating knowledges

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ThOse THINgS are jsut SENSORy INPUT not MEaNING /s

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you’re an unthinking machine responding to inputs. except when you say words that’s magical and self reflection consciousness meta :o. this is why paintings and music are boring, and why those who appreciate them do so by saying lots of paragraphs in their heads about it

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can't tell if sarcastic

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whenever I stop talking I become totally unfeeling. my throat was clogged one day so I couldn’t subvocalize and I just left my kids in the park while I got cigs because I didn’t love them because that’s words.

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So you really can't use mental words huh? How sad.

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That's fascinating. All I know is that I'm different from you; I live in the mental space prior to the formation of words.

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If this is a troll I am not going to feel bad for falling for it because stranger shit has happened.

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I'm unsure if I agree with you... but @UpmarseyIfYouCope 's phrasing here doesn't seem quite right.

Language cannot fully encapsulate feeling but its formation allows our minds to make sense of our observations.

I don't know that I believe that language is necessary for our minds to make sense of our observations, buuut, it is necessary to record complex thoughts to be able to return to them. Is there some meaning that can only be uncovered through multiple sessions of self-reflection? Possibly.

On the other hand the symbolic existed before the symbols developed formal grammar. In fact this is why meaning transcends the words for them. If I make a mark signifying the end product of reflection, and return to that mark, words have not entered the picture.

What came first - a new concept or the word for it?

From the a deindividuated perspective, the concept doesn't exist until there is a word for it.

Language is for personal communication.

Language is for interpersonal communication. There is no need to transmit meaning to yourself. (Unless it is, as I said, a series of sessions of self-reflection.)

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eh you can probably remember complex thought without language. so even for that not necessary

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Mathematicians and artists do not make sense of things with words

Math is strings of statements and definitions. They're words in their own way.

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mathematical intuition and problem solving simply doesn’t proceed solely through words,

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All intuition goes through some kind of mathematical symbolism which is just a type of language.

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Yes, but first you get the intuition and then you write it down in mathematical symbols. Bigger concepts can be the result of this process repeated many times with the smaller concepts they are built on.

Considering how often when we do "intuition" part we also do the "formalizing in words" part it makes sense that for some people these 2 processes have become pretty much one.

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We do formalize but what we formalize is already at least partially in words before we formalize it usually.

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no it doesn’t. The symbolism is absolutely involved but most of it is not “through or by” symbol. smdh

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I didn't mean literally "by symbol" as in plus, minus, etc. I mean through definitions and stuff. Maybe symbolism is the wrong word but when you're "intuiting" something in math you're thinking of it in terms definitions and chains of implications, which is absolutely making use of mathematical language. Only very basic stuff like simple operations we either do naturally (like counting small numbers or some geometry problem) or memorize (like basic time tables, maybe common derivatives but a derivative is inherently loaded with language already, so it's questionable) are done without some kind of language.

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okay I’m not disputing that symbolism and mathematical formalists are involved, although they may be given too much importance

I’m saying a significant and probably supermajority part of said intuition and mathematical deduction is not conducted solely through words - but through other thought and intuition, which isn’t directly a language.

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Ok I agree it's not solely through language but it's an important and inseparable component so I still severely disagree with

Mathematicians and artists do not make sense of things with words

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distinction between natural or memorization and artificial thinking is false. There’s no separation there. All a mix and many things. language is neither special, or more important. one can grasp something without word

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I don’t think there’s a difference.

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The only purpose of a word is to point to a shared understanding. The creation of subculture jargon is where language is in action in a pure, useful form.

I don't think that people without the ability to print words into their conscious demesne are subhuman in any way: they can generally reflect upon their being if prompted by another, or by (for instance) a ritual like a church service where they're told to sit down and think about what it is they want to say to God.

In a liminal space like this one, language lacks the firmament of orthodoxy. It is this firmament of orthodoxy that makes language a complete impediment to understanding. (This much, at least, made it worth knowing zummi directly.)

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I don't think that people without the ability to print words into their conscious demesne

The poll question is a joke. Everyone has an internal monologue. Language is a necessary component of human thought. Language is the fundamental method of abstraction through which we build a mental model of our observed world.

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Language is the fundamental method of abstraction through which we build a mental model of our observed world.

the kinesthetic sense would like a word

edit: I don't disagree that the poll question is, eh, well, it demonstrates the failure of language rather directly, doesn't it?

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I would consider that would be a feeling, not a thought. Thoughts are necessarily structured abstractions of observed reality, i.e. the structuring of a feeling or a set of feelings. Thought flows from feeling, and in turn can incite more feeling. This is the premise of "mindfulness".

I suppose that's where the disconnect exists between our comments.

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no difference at all

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no categorical difference whatsoever. psychology is fake lmao. what’s the difference?

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what's the difference

The difference exists somewhere in this subject.

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but now extend the 'language' of feeling across the logical, the imperative, the contemplative, the symbolic dreamscape, and (I hope) come to understand that these are the true arenas of the life of the mind.

Words are just the social game.

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now extend the 'language' of feeling

There is no "language of feeling" within the model I'm describing. The act of

across the logical, the imperative, the contemplative, the symbolic dreamscape

This is word fluff.

(I hope) come to understand that these are the true arenas of the life of the mind.

Spare me your condescension. I'm describing a different school of thought within theory of mind.

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ah, but tres terrible, there is only one reality proper, eh?

A model is self-confessedly of your own creation, da? Models are imitations of the things they are meant to represent.

This is word fluff.

You decline to introspect? I assure you I meant specific things with each of them. One moment...

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ah, but tres terrible, there is only one reality proper, eh?

Are you familiar with standpoint theory? I do not consider my approach to be the "correct" one. Is there an objectively correct interpretation of any given piece of art?

A model is self-confessedly of your own creation, da? Models are imitations of the things they are meant to represent.

Neurology is still in its infancy. Discussions on theory of mind are akin to the pondering of "gentlemen scientists" of the very early modern period.

You decline to introspect? I assure you I meant specific things with each of them.

It seemed like an overlapping, somewhat arbitrary listing of adjectives. What is the definitive distinction between "logical" and "imperative"? Imperative is a description of tonation and intent.

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Not being able to connect thoughts with words means that you lack self-reflection. You can't think "I just thought that" because there's no way to make the thought you thought do the double duty of being thought and being perceived.

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I can see, in my minds eye, an image of myself having the thought which led to this post.

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why can’t you just do a hacking reflectorino without the words

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Why can't you reproduce without having DNA that can be copied and also used as an instruction? Why can't you make a hammer that can be disassembled and used to make another hammer, without a stronger hammer used to disassemble the hammer?

I'm not saying this shit is hard impossible my friend Horatio, but it's unlikely. So unlikely it could be a solution to the Fermi paradox btw.

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ehh so this is what I talk about Lacan's symbolic order for:

you've got two tribal societies in proximity whose feud is ended in a marriage ceremony where an art piece is created and divided into two parts, with both towns taking one part. This is a symbolic recording of a story in which the words are irrelevant, if they exist at all. (This example is based on the use of for instance totem poles in native American treaty-making.)

The chiefs might talk about peace and might talk about the joining of their families but that's all implicit.

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DNA isn’t super relevant! because it, and brains, existed for a billion years before homo sapien spoken words did.

you can actually make hammers that can disassemble and duplicate themselves without a stronger hammer. “flint arrowheads” and wood would like a word with you.

thinking is in words in the same way computers compute in their UI. it is not.

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DNA isn’t super relevant! because it, and brains, existed for a billion years before homo sapien spoken words did.

Did that sound good in your head? Because no shit bucko.

RNA was the first quine, DNA was a more robust approach, the important thing is that you have something that can be duplicated verbatim and that can also be used as a recipe for building things. So you don't get a "stronger hammer that disassembles this hammer to build a copy" issue.

Sure there are occasions when the laws of the world just so happen to allow you to break out a piece of obsidian with a blunt rock or something. This makes me believe that we are alone in the universe, probably.

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humans can duplicate actions and sensations without words anyway.

how is this fermi related? origin of life rare?

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Not being able to connect thoughts with words means that you lack self-reflection.

Incorrect! It merely means that an outside observer cannot verify the self-reflection. As I am observing myself, it would be easy to fool myself into thinking the words are the thoughts. This level of meta-introspection is fraught with errors due to the recursive nature. Don't trouble yourself too much about thoughts thinking thoughts and double duty and so on.

In any case I didn't say I couldn't connect thoughts with words. I merely understand that the thoughts come first, and the words come as an artifact of communication.

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I believe that all introspection is caused by having thoughts-words looped back through the language center. You can't have basic introspection otherwise. See also https://rdrama.net/post/20557/do-you-have-an-internal-monologue/535169/?context=1

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ok give an example

and why can people think about things without words? When one ponders a discontinuous function, what words represent the gap? Or slope of a line? Or a beautiful woman?

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I think that's profoundly, profoundly wrong.

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has this guy meditated once? how would that even work? What’s the words that makes it all up? What sentence is looped? How is that different from a normal thought or whatever it is? What?

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Dude between the three of you, @ArachnoLibrarian, and @UpmarseyIfYouCope I have someone who can't think if not in words all the time and if the ability to make words fails you sorta cease like one of those halloween balloons flopped over, but nevertheless sees reality a lot closer to me than the other two do:

Someone (Arachno) who seems to think that thought only happens in words (whereas you understand that you must keep your words close to retain your call it emotional essence, but that other processes of thought continue)

and someone who thinks language is math (whereas because you understand this part of your process, that you must subvocalize to keep yourself being, understand the limitations of the approach to assuming that because you can describe a grammar with math, you have understood the essence of language instead of merely its outline).

The Internet is madness. I don't know that it's possible to reconcile any of these fragments of reality but they are endlessly fascinating. Truly God is Great. I wish you all well I'm just too old to try and strip the condescension.

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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the subvocalize and must think in words parts were entirely true. When I stop talking I just instantly die and come back to life when I talk again. totally. serious. entirely.

the other two are unfortunately real. and are way too into language. it doesn’t matter, just leave it be yall, not important, words, meh.

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The observer can verify intelligence by other means such as watching ravens understand water displacement or logic games. they do not speak English do they

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Anything that can’t be verified doesn’t exist

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That is a valid school of thought in my book actually

it's just, you know

kinda useless and impractical

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