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Bed Bath & Beyond is officially kill, putting an end to one of the dumbest online movements of all time.

Haha just kidding.

As of today, BBBYQ shares have been "cancelled on the Effective Date and have no value", which means that even the former biggest shareholders and people who bought yesterday have as many shares as every other person on earth (none). Many towel apes have finally come to accept that they're bagholders, but as SEARS and other meme stocks tell us, the party (city) never ends!

Because Bed Bath & Beyond sold off the IP to a different company, it can no longer be called 'Bed Bath & Beyond'. It reregistered as 20230930-DK-BUTTERFLY-1, INC -- a name that reveals the intention to let the thing stay dead. Naturally the qanon-type faction of the BBBYQ community has been going wild over this and connecting the dots :marseyschizowall:. Their conclusion: that BBBY will reemerge from its chrysalis as 'Butterfly', they'll be reissued new Butterfly shares, and they'll finally be able to order those lambos they've been window shopping their wives and children will come back to them.

Some choice threads:

The /biz/ BBBYQ general is also pretty good, though it's mostly trolls trolling trolls.

Will the towel apes finally be showered in extravagant wealth next week? No.

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Options trading is such a moidmoment :marseydarkxd:

β€œI'm twenty years old and I work at Wendy's but let me tell you how I'm going to beat the system” :marseyzoomer:

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It's worse than that. They were holding long-term investments in a dying towel store.

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Meme investment has felt a lot like the vibe of "twitch plays Pokemon" in a way, where they make shit up but then start to believe in their made up shit. The difference of course with BBBY is that your belief doesn't matter if the company is dissolved.

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meme investment is literally just a suicide cult, the only difference between it and a real cult is that the god in it is money

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:marseyrasta: money is this society's god mon

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Fricking brain-dead

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It's been really funny watching the schizo apes on /biz/ freak out over the butterflies :marseyxd:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/16960969837129476.webp :marseyschizotwitch:

Baggies on suicide watch

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I hope he MAIDs

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what a fricking :marseytom: nut

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the only reason it's dying is the hedgies squeezed it, you establishment cuck

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Isn't this the plot of Wolf of Wall St? Scamming blue collars idiots with shitty penny stocks by telling them they have the inside scoop?

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Not quite because in this case the idiots are scamming themselves by telling each other they have the inside scoop. Belfort was smart enough to dump his shares on the plebs to make money, and while Cohen is under investigation for a milder form of this I personally believe it will :marseysal:

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It's the plot of Wall Street, for sure.

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No that was the original scheme but Belfort had the idea too rebrand as a "legit" company and changed the name too something that sounded financy (stratton-oakmont) in order too trick rich people into buying lots of shares of penny stocks

Trans lives matter

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Followed by:

:marseyitsover: 600k in debt, I make $25k a year, I'll never recover.

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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bankruptcy, then never buy a financial instrument besides an index fund ever again

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hahah no shit, why even pay that debt?

That's clearly untenable.

Also get a better job

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It's like MLM for dudes.

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You beat the fricking system with armed robbery. Allie absolutely nothing to stop that grind. Being poor is the fricking greatest moral failing.

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The idea is to steal enough that you get away with it because of how rich you are. Like, steal ten trillion dollars so that you can build an entirely new society with a police force and military. Sort of like what the Federal Reserve did in the 1920s, when

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Thetagang strategies on meme stocks really are the best side hustle if you have a tax advantaged account. Helped build the down payment for a house within a year, and it's fun to shill your options on Reddit so they pay at 300% IV lmao

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Thetagang is r-slurred and mostly shouldnt work

Keep selling vol to market makers

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What does this language even mean

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thetagang = selling and buying options positions in such a way as to insulate yourself against changes in the value of the underlying and make money due to the decay in value of options over time (theta). I don't know if it really works, I'm not neurodivergent enough to try.

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Isn't theta leveraging the volatility of a stock.

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some of them will never let this go, theres still cmkm proto apes talking about moass and that company hasnt existed in almost 20 years

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What does any of this mean

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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all the apes theories about moass, naked shorting, cellar boxing and all that shit are directly lifted from earlier conspiracy theories, ape dd writers just found conspiracy theories on obscure forums and copy and pasted them

cmkm diamond was a company that did sell fradulent shares but it was the company that did it, there was a fraud case and the company was dissolved but people who fell for it decided it was short sellers who sold naked shorts and that theyre still owed untold riches


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No lol I meant like




Naked shorting

Cellar boxing


Fraudulent shares

And so on

In retrospect I am basically asking you to explain every aspect of stock trading because I don't know what any of it is :paranoid:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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If it makes you feel any better, half of those terms were coined by the meme stock community and they misuse the rest.

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tbf this isnt stock trading, its ape theory and nothing they believe is true

apes - meme stock investors

moass - mother of all short squeezes

shorting - when you borrow a stock from someone, sell it, and buy it back at a later date to return it, basically youre betting the stock will go down so you can buy it back cheaper and make some money

short squeeze - when the price of the borrowed security goes up instead of down and the people who sold it short have to buy it at a higher price and lose money, this will cause the price to rise as they have to continue to buy it to cover their short positions

naked shorting - when you short a stock without ever borrowing it initially, this is illegal, you're selling a share that doesnt exist

cellar boxing - reducing a stock to its lowest tradable value through shorting and other manipulation tactics

options - a short contract is an option, its a contract to return the security to the person you borrowed it from, there are other kinds of options but theyre basically short term bets on a companies performance that are either risky or a way to hedge a position (you buy a short contract on a stock youre long on aka own shares of so if it goes up you make money and if it goes down you dont lose as much as you could have)

fradulent shares - what youre creating when you naked short

basically apes think gamestop was "cellar boxed" (it wasnt) and that because theres so many naked shorts (there isnt) and the company didnt go bankrupt that eventually the short sellers will have to buy their shares at whatever price they demand because they "own the float" (they dont) which will cause the moass

they think theyre going to be able to demand 100 million dollars a share and theyre all going to be trillionaires and the entire worldwide economy will collapse because all money will be funneled to them

i dont know if i explained this well

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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.

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Anti-intellectual longpostbot discourages learning.

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And that's a good thing

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term for these gambling addicted zoomers


when a bunch of gambling addicts all agree to buy shares of a highly shorted stock. This artificially increases the price and causes a loss for short sellers.


Short sellers are basically betting for the stock to decrease. It involves some r-slurred 100 stocks worth of contract collateral and some complicated made up shit but tldr is if company do bad = money

>naked shorting

selling non existent shares. This is illegal

This also relates to

>cellar boxing

reducing the price of a stock to its base ceiling price, the minimum price it can be sold at. This is done to penny stocks and :marseyschizowall::marseyschizotwitch: zoomers think the entire world government does it


basically contracts worth 100 stock which also relate to a price target that all can be sold at but they also have an expiration.

If I own the contract to a $20 dollar call option, and the stock price goes from $10 to $30 dollars, I can make a profit either using it to buy 100x at $20 dollars, which can all be sold for $30 at market price or I can sell that contract to someone else.

99% of the time only the contract issuer makes money because these people are just gambling

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Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

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Doesn't citadel handle like >90% of options trading? These tards are just enriching sophisticated traders and think they're smarter

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:marseyyesandnosuperspeed: its always been that way. Most apes are goobers with a gambling addiction who think they'll make the next 0.01% top win. It's expected though, they don't even understand that for them to win others have to lose

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Stock trading for 99% of us means day trading and losing everything or buying index funds and sitting on them for a decade. It's nice, you should try it some day.

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Short squeeze = the meme investors have a belief that evil vested interests are making money from a certain stock going down. Therefore the meme investors buy the stock to make it go up and cause the vested interests to lose money instead.


Fiscally Left :cheers: Socially Right

:unicorn: Nonfiction = Fiction :mummy: Fiction = Nonfiction :!unicorn:

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Do you know where they discuss it?

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heres one place i found, theres prob more, idk i used to follow this shit really closely but i stopped caring a year ago

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What the frick

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there isnt a whole lot of activity but the fact there is any at all is fascinating

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What shares?

uh-oh, someone isn't reading the filings, the docks, and is spreading FUD.

If you keep doubting, the shares might go into the negatives!


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towel :marseymuslimwereback: apes


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I'm more curious how bed bath and beyond managed to fail. It was mayo foid paradise.

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Years of mismanagement, e.g. very late to invest in a digital strategy, stock buybacks during COVID, replacing their wares with and expensive and low-quality own brand, etc.

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Is there a 40 minute YouTube video essay on this that I can watch while consooming my goyslop?

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only 12 mins sorry king

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Thanks king, 12 mins is aplenty to finish off my zogchow

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Christ, the narration. "Category Keellurrrrr" "out of bUSINeeeeees" youtube essays should be illegal for people with annoying voices and accents

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I'm gonna train a speech GAN on Slavoj Zizec and upload video essays with that

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Unironically more tolerable than this fricking weird effeminate upward drawl some american accents have acquired

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This channel has answered so many of my questions about the real world, like why there's so goddarn many Subway franchises.

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idk, but if you ask /r/GME_meltdown to spoonfeed you details, someone probably will.

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That sub is pretty much the only thing I use reddit for now

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:#mysides: :

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Because super markets like Walmart and target started selling the exact same home decor stuff as bbby but cheaper and more convenient

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Stores weren't that big and really just sold towels and stuff. The "beyond" was kitchenware.

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It's a store that could easily be replaced/outdone by Walmart/target

It's unfortunate cuz it kills a lot of mom and pop shops off but it also kills irrelevant zombie stores like bbby too

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kills a lot of mom and pop shops off

pop's hardware store that sells a box of screws for $15 can frick off and die

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Because they were selling an item for $60 when you could get it for $30 on Etsy or $5 on Aliexpress.

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People prefer buying $10 scented candles that they'll burn for 3 hours and they'll only use once to give off that scent for the next 12 months.

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So true :marseywise:

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We used to get them at my old store. They were always returned because they don't know how bad an orange scent smells to a man or that candles can be burned more than one time...

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Interesting. Please tell me more!

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Well, we used to do exchanges on opened items depending on the amount of use. So if the box was dented, missing the outer shell, or had any evidence of use at all, it'd be denied. We'd ask the cashier if this was a return because we weren't sure at first and they never said no. They always acted like it was a new purchase of the item. If someone didn't know any better, it'd get past us, but the returns department would see right through it and deny the return.

I hope that helps! I'm so glad I could answer your question without hesitation. Please don't hesitate to reach out in the future.

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It was overly expensive and trying to buy things there sucked and the employees where shit.

White women with money go to places like Williams Sonoma or whatever where the store is nice. Poor white women just buy stuff at Wal-Mart or Amazon after window-shopping at BBBY.

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I never went into one. Did you?

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I did once. The things I'll do for a woman... :marseyrain:

It was probably more boring than just staring at the wall.

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A few times. I registered there on my first marriage. They had a pretty good wax and hand soap collection.

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My foid loved going there tho it's true.

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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pandemic and trying to sell their own brands killed them, no one wanted shitty amazon basics tier home decor from bed bath and beyond

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diversity hires in management can tank any company

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....do people really believe business executives leave these "hints" for their operating strategy?

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trust the plan

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Schizos have excessive pattern recognition, so yes. They believe literally everything is a pattern, a hint, part of a scheme etc and you just have to nooootice harder to see it

All "apes" are either extremely stupid or extremely mentally ill

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Their new cope is children's books


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It's not even new lol, theyve been looking for signs in Ryan Cohen's children books for over a year now

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I cant even tell if these guys are just making jokes or full blown :marseyschizowall:s anymore

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This should be a case study on the most pure, distilled form of cope that you can find in the wild

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It's following the 'when prophecy fails' playbook to the letter, for sure. I'm positive that the meme stock communities are going to be a topic of research down-the-line given how closely they parallel religious and political cults.

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100%, theyre modern day doomsday cults

what the conflux of reddit echo chambering, lock downs, and stimulus checks did to peoples brains is an interesting sociological phenomena

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"Suspicious minds" talks in detail about this and is written by an expert on prophecy cults.

The thing is once you get down to the bones of it, pretty much all conspiracy cults operate on the exact same fundamentals so new research doesn't really show anything new.

What is interesting to me is how rapidly they're appearing online now. They've always existed online but now we're seeing basically the same cults reborn over and over.

Pretty much all of them share a very similar plotline with NESARA.

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It still boggles me how anybody believed that, or any of the other Qshit.

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They never really took off to today's levels until GME went big. Now tons of redditors are convinced they've found the next big thing.

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Who's left? /r/GME is still going strong.

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I think it's just GME and AMC now. On the /biz/ threads at least one person has switched to Toys R Us too.

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gonna buy more amc microwave popcorn :marseylickinglips::marseystocksup::marseykong2:

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GMEtards are more r-slurred than BBBYtards. BBBYtards at least managed to get some gains (and some foids got peepee) when their stock was pumped by a hedge fund, GMEtards will never see anything but red.

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I haven't been keeping up with GME, do they think that there will somehow be a new ATH? Cuz that ship sailed years ago.

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They think that the stock will be worth $1M a share by the end of the year. It might drop below a dollar at this point. That's the only thing keeping the hope alive.

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