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RETARDED :marseydramautist: [Meta Post/Long Post/Serious] The Ambyfesto: An Open Statement on What Happened to Me Two Months Ago, Why it Happened, and What I've Done About It.

TL;DR at the bottom of this post.

This is metadrama and a seriouspost, so if you're not about that, then avert your eyes and scroll away. The past two months have been absolute heck on my life, and I want to make an open post about it.

I'm Amby. I recently changed my username because too many people thought I was a "gimmick account" larping as an actual goblin or something? They're idiots. But yeah, let's talk about me for a second.

I'm 28 years old, a foid, and a genuine/diagnosed neurodivergent schizo. I am also a substance addict, which I never hid on here. I'm not capable of living independently and I live off of public resources. Doesn't matter if you believe it or not. I never lied about who I was or larped on here. I had several members look after one of my subreddits when I went inpatient in June. But what this means is that my mental and physical health symptoms often go above and beyond what the internet considers "funny schizoposting".

I left this forum in a bad state at the beginning of a psychotic break that ended up lasting about 45 days straight where I was convinced that almost everyone in my immediate life was trying to murder me or harass me into suicide. I mean mostly offline, but this even included my own friends on Groomercord. But, all of a sudden mean comments made about me on this website became deathly serious. And I know saying that will attract wolves to this post saying "KEEP YOURSELF SAFE" or "I am going to kill you". (Haha funny, epic post dude! I bet you're in my walls too! πŸ™„)

I was voluntarily homeless for about two weeks due to me not feeling safe anywhere I stayed, and this included staying in nature/the woods and using public WiFi and Uber as I wished. I've lost 15lbs since last posting here. I've lost about 40% of my hair due to the stress of my beliefs (persecutory delusions) and actions - I'm wearing $400 hair extensions weaved into my own just to get it shoulder-length again.

Where did I get $400? Don't ask. I have more debt than that. I've ruined my credit and am expecting a lawsuit and I may draft a /h/peakpoors post with juicy details, since I have no garnishable wages I don't expect consequences other than a destroyed record. It could be worse. Kek.

I'm on an antipsychotic and some medication for my hair. I still don't feel good about any of this, or that it all happened semi-publicly. I have no internet presence and have poor makings for a lolcow, so if that was your goal, sorry I made you fail miserably, haha. If I've ever offended you, take this as my quiet apology. My life is fricked up and I am in pain. I'm deeply traumatized and I really wish I could be left alone.

My last note is that if you're someone who harassed me when I was in a poor state of mind, you're one of the lowest users on here. That includes calling me all this gay bullshit like a "gimmick poster" or "power user", and that also includes everyone who has accused me of larping or being male in any sense of the word.

I get that I can't completely stop accusations of me larping or being a man, or the power user nonsense. But for those who have common sense, frick off with it. Now.**

I wish I could be happy here again. Maybe in another month or two? I'm sorry Carp and I'm sorry Aevann. You two are mostly good people from what I've seen. Maybe I'm not a good person. All I wanted to do was contribute to the site and make Marsey emojis. πŸ™***

Peace out for at least a bit longer,

Amby xoxo


**Current pictures included to show that I'm the same girl as the previous picture for my badge, I'm not a dude. For the last fricking time. I have never been anyone other than a (slowly getting less) fat goblincore alt girl with some serious issues. I'm not going to respond to rude comments here. But whoever is my friend on this website deserves to know what happened to me.

***And no, I'm probably not coming back full-time. Maybe I'll log in every now and then but this website just isn't fun anymore with how badly I've gotten treated on it. I don't understand how in a sea of heckin' valid Bardfinns and actual lolcows, I got targeted worse than anyone else on here, honestly what the frick, guys?

TL;DR: Bussy lmao. I'm seriously insane and r-slurred, I'm not a man, and the amount of seethe I generate on this website by existing is hilarious

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You went on kf on an alt and started schizoposting about how the :!marseytrain:s that run rDrama had chased poor victim amby off out of jealousy bc she's a biofoid and how she told you on groomercord she goes into the woods and cries and you texted yourself about it to make fake text convos between two other people about the :!marseytrain:s abusing amby lol

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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I still find it hilarious kiwi farms think we are worthy of a thread.

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The thread is 98% people from here (including carp and aevann!) When Null finally posts here the merge will be complete and only autist longpost chuddery will be allowed

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You talk like a strag and your shit's all r-slurred.

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:lizfongjones: :lizfongjones: :lizfongjones: :@nullgenocide: :lizfongjones: :lizfongjones: :lizfongjones:

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Shut up joshua mooncricket Jinx showed me what you get upto

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Pizza Time!



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Shitty larping

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He's verified, that means this one is the real jersh :marseynullautism:

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This is legit

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He already did

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fake and straight

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I still find it hilarious when Kiwifarmers think they shouldn't jump into oncoming traffic

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That thread is mostly dramautists pathetically begging for senpai to notice them.

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why not? we also post about kf here. Not to mention we are a decent source for bf info. And very rarely there's a fun gay op.

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We made it finally

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They're a mirror to rdrama, the dark seriousposting cute twink side in all of us


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When are you going to tell the truth about mellokind?

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Do they? 95% of the posts from that thread are from drama users.

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Who the frick is Emily Youcis lol.

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I don't know!! Before cheebs pointed out that it was amby on an alt I searched here for that name because I'd never heard of it before and figured it was some rando's pet e-girl oneitis

But no

0 mentions

And she pinged Null about it

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Omg I heard there was this guy on rDrama with raccoons and he made everyone seethe and he looked just like Michael Georgiogio.

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Reported by:
  • UraniumDonGER : Its me! Carps massive Dong!
  • JimieWhales : False information: circumcised peepeees are never attractive.


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Don't forget he has a giant peepee

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Probably her government name if the oversharing on here is anything to go by.

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Emily youcis was some alt right girl for a couple of months. I don't remember why she got e famous I think just for being edgy.

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Youcis deez nutz

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No bro she's totally :marseyaveragetotally: epic and made us seethe :marseymagarentfree: so hard for so long

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you texted yourself about it to make fake text convos

:!#marseyfacepalm: There's apps/websites that generate those

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dramapilled af

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I still have all other platforms to share information with, when are you going to accept the reality that you frick up.

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