r/polyamory confronts the male feminist question

This woman seems exhausting lmfao 3 strikes for jokes:


This girl is right on most male feminists just putting the label on their profile too get easy kitty but she also seems exhausting:


based but also this person is posting in /r/polyamory


This user writes Harry Potter slash fanfiction:


Lmao we should just throw out the word because there are feminists I disagree with :soycry::




Anyway /r/polyamory is always entertaining :marseyrofl: and they probably think trans women are women

@XY PIN? :marseyceiling:

Source: https://old.reddit.com/r/polyamory/comments/16w9qyj/feminist_ally_cishet_men_nice_words_what_behaviors

ARCHIVE: https://archive.ph/p3HD9

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Legitimately why are men

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because women made them like that


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go iff

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If and only if what

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Legitimately why are men

Because you know u like it

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God created man in his image therefore to insult men is to insult God.

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God created *Man in *His image, and Man was later divided into man and woman. God's image contains all of masculinity and femininity.

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What if it doesn't though? Since man is just a derivative of God, he might not embody all of God's traits. What if femininity exists in mortal men but not in God (who is a based gigachad that's literally incapable of being feminine in any way)?

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Also, no, the first Man was in His image.

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We have to also keep in mind that even once divided, men, as described biblically is very different from the man we know today. For example, they were all over 10 feet tall.

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For example, they were all over 10 feet tall.

That is extremely keyed. We need to find a way to go back to this

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God is literally called Him, capital lettering for emphasis. God* is clearly masculine.

*the Abrahamic God, at least.

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That is just the way they chose to translate His reference. The divine It's beyond mortal framing, seeing as His will is immutable, and true across all time, and informed by all knowledge

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I like to use Their bc it pisses off fundies and chuds and epic atheists all at once :antichrist:

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Don't forget linguist neurodivergents

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We should make a feminism for men and call it meninism.

Upmarseys go bottom right

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I actually :marseyakshually: enjoy reading :marseyhijab: posts on that sub.

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I actually enjoy reading posts on that sub.

IIRC isn't this sub the /r/stupidpol/dirtbag left version of /r/menslib?

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My first thoughts were that this looks like a stupidpol offshoot

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Stupidpol offshoots usually suck because only the least tolerable and most neurotic stupidpol users post on them

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/r/thefunhouseofideology was fun when it was active :marseyshrug:

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That sounds like the place where Zizek does cocaine

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That was pretty much the point. It was designed as the containment sub for fun when the stupidpol jannies went through one of their bimonthly :marseyplacenofun: phases

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Nah at least they dont preach self hate.

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Menslib my dood :pooner:

they think trans women are women too

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It's legitimately majority women.

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Lmao I always forget they unironically refer to them as "bipoc" my brain automatically corrects it to BIPOC even though I have the slur filter off :marseyxd:

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total misogynist, classist, bigoted, racist and emotionally abusive

we dated for (at least) a year

Cool. Cool cool cool. Males actually doing the work btfo, yet again.

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Straggots foids post this and expect no one to call it an L

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You just know "emotionally abusive" means "didn't constantly validate every one of my decisions/feelings unconditionally". :platytired:

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you're willing to believe male feminists will say anything to get laid but also that they wouldn't be emotionally abusive? lmao this is that sad moid energy that can't seem to rub off of this place

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I'm willing to believe a poly "queer" chick might have very skewed standards of what constitutes emotional abuse.

Maybe he was a manipulative scumbag, or maybe he just crossed the three-strikes policy by making a few edgy jokes.

lmao this is that sad moid energy that can't seem to rub off of this place

Incel Energy is as crucial to maintaining rDrama's radical centrist equilibrium as the Simp Force it opposes. :marseyindignant:

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even if they were abusive, polyamory foids deserve it

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Idk, if this was just a mostly normal monogamous pairing or of he pumped and dumped her I'd agree, but a year of voluntary cuckoldry? I'd say he legitimately drunk the kool HIV, just not enough for her

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/16961948897785788.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/16961948898256137.webp

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@birdenthusiast DO THE FRICKING SAME

trans women are women NOT :scoot:

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Hey, do you think trans women are women?

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Honestly no I don't think trans women are women but I think u are fetch :star:

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You're not participating with my chud award in good faith!


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Trans women are women Β¬


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I like bipoc cause when you pronounce it phonetically it sounds more like a racial slur than actual racial slurs

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Heteropessimist foids are likely the worst of all foids, the political lesbians of the modern day which are wingcucked to the degree they allow it to warp their sexuality into pretending to be bisexual and expecting kudos for homos. Dudes rock for not allowing politics to ever interfere with our sexuality while cute butches are expected to take the peepee now.

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For dudes your either straight or gay. Any in between is just gay trying to seem special.

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Any in between is just gay trying to seem special.


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No one hates straight men like straight women and no one hates straight women like straight men. It's a tragedy really

Trans women are women chasers :marseybardfinn3:

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Fishin' was invented as a coping mechanism to deal with the naggin' wife :marseysrdine:

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I wouldn't hate them if they weren't so insufferable.

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They probably think the same of u

Trans women are women Β¬

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the negation sign goes before the statement


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Darn. I haven't taken Comp Theory in a hot minute. :marseycry:

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I'm sure they do. I just can't pretend to care about their identity micro-labels, or their refusal to take responsibility for their actions, or the fantasy world they're enabled to exist in.

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what do you think of straight cis scum males birdy? be honest


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I'm unfortunately irl besties with a few too many of them :marseyitsover: :marseymeangirls:

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 27 minutes and 32 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

Wow! There have been 13339 rent free mentions since 2022-09-24

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"The Bible :marseychristchanreading: is very clear on the matter :marseyblm: of sexuality. It is a gift from God, to be enjoyed within the confines of marriage :marseybride: between :marseyzeldalinkpast: a man and a woman. Any other expression of sexuality :marseyprideflag: is a perversion of His design, and those who engage in such behavior are condemned by His holy Word.

So yes, I would :marseywould: say that heteropessimist foids :marseyblops2chadcel: are the worst of all foids. They are the ones who are most likely to warp their sexuality :marseymicrosoftpride: into something that is unnatural and unholy. They are the ones who are most likely to be controlled by their political :marseywatermelon: affiliation, rather than by God's truth.

Dudes, on the other hand, are to be commended for not allowing politics :marseykissinger: to get in the way of their sexuality. They are remaining true to God's design, and they are not compromising their beliefs in order to please :marseyinshallah: the political :marseymemeball: powers that be.

As for the cute butches, they need to realize that they are not doing themselves any favors by pretending to be something they are not. They are not being true to themselves, or to God. If they want to engage in homosexual :marseyrdramauser: behavior, then they need to come to terms with the fact that they are sinning against God. But if they repent

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look im gunna have 2 ask u 2 keep ur giant dumps in the potty not in my replys 😷😷😷

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My dear friend, we are all sinners in the eyes of the Lord. We are all in need of His forgiveness and grace. And while we are all fallen, we are also called to rise up and be the best that we can be. That means using the bathroom for its intended purpose. Not just for our bodily functions, but also as a place :marseyplacenofun: of refuge and peace. A place :marseychtorrr: where :marseydrama: we can go to be alone :marseymoidmoment: with our thoughts and feelings and to commune with God. So please, respect :marseykneel: the sanctity of the bathroom and keep your giant :marseyyeti: dumps in the potty.

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This should probably be a snappy quote

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"This should :marseynorm: probably be a snappy :marseyfuckoffcarp: quote" is a pretty :marseyglam: snappy :marseysnappybiden: quote! I'm not sure what you're getting at, but the Bible :marseychristchanreading: is full of quotes that are pretty :marseyglam: snappy. For example, in Matthew 5:37 Jesus :marseychristchan: says, "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No.' For whatever :marseyjerkoffsmile: is more than these is from the evil one." That's pretty :marseyglam: snappy, and it's a great :marseygreatpumpkin: reminder for us to be honest in our dealings with others.

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Boy that's a lot of straggy buzzwords.

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That last guy really is a male feminist. "Why, I'm so sensitive and in touch with my feelings and aware of male privilege that I'd just bust out crying if a woman said I was a good boy! I'm like a lesbian when I'm with my girlfriend!"

An entire Communist May Day Parade worth of red flags there.

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He's definitely going to :marseytrain2: out soon :marseyeggirl:

he thinks trans women are women too much

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That appears to be a recurrent phenomenon, scrotes becoming male feminists to live through foids.


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>That appears to be a recurrent phenomenon

Is it really that surprising anymore? We just call it the incel-to-trans pipeline, but it's well-documented at this point.

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non-mono dating apps in their bio that they are "feminist allies" if they are married/partnered to a non-hetero cis-woman

stopped reading after this

rich people shit

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Look at the last screenshot please @birdenthusiast cried laughing

he probably thinks trans women are women

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WHAT DOES THIS MEEEEEEAAAN :marseyeyelidpulling:

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Wholesome goodboi is so overcome with guilt and shame that he seriously feels like he doesn't deserve to date. Probably for the best.

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he will listen to you whine about pronouns but still wants to slap you and call you a b-word during s*x

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Probably cus she whined about pronouns. It's like catharsis but with a fricked up angle of consensual domestic abuse

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:malefeminist: :marseyshooting:

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They probably feel the same when reading the top /h/braincels post. Thing is, I think they aren't being tongue in cheek there and talk like this irl too

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The joke patroller is an neurodivergent danger hair. I'm guessing brap-sized, too

:marseychonkerbutch: :marseylaugh:


My hair has been blue for a decade, I'm 30 now, and went through all the crazy colors as a HS kid before I settled on blue permanently (my fave color). I do my undercut indifferent colors when I feel like it. Currently it's purple and pink so my hair is the bi flag. (my 2 other favorite colors)

I wouldn't claim that everyone with brightly colored hair is neurodivergent or ND, but in my experience if they're past their early 20s it makes the chances higher. Because it goes against societal expectations and hierarchy at that stage of life. Younger people are expected to "rebel" and experiment with their style but adults are supposed to conform.

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>blue undercut


chonker detected

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Hey @birdenthusiast, I just read your problematic post and I'm afraid I have to give you a first strike. If you want to remain friends with me, please do better next time and agree with my sense of humour.

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If a woman told me I was a good ally I would probably break down crying as it would be one of the best compliments I have ever gotten.


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Hustle and bustle females only like feminism.

Trans lives matter for pedos.

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Transinism is the new feminism.

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So I tried returning to deux, reminding them their chat was dead. 30 mins later its alive again with all my shitposting, so they ban me for making too much drama



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HP is such a lame butt series to write slash fic of tbh. All the male characters are either olds or children and they're all boring as heck.

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