US Air Force pilot and part time V-22 Osprey shill on reddit literally dies irl in a V-22 crash. Cant make this shit up

CNN Article:

I think its the first guy in this list

My husband was flight lead and had planned this mission for months. He did what he could to save everybody, but he's gone.

His comment history is literally just arguing with people online, multiple comments per day for years.

Dude we fly V-22s over Tokyo. There are no cities that ban V-22 overflights.

The V-22 is one of the safest rotorcraft we have.

If you actually look at aircraft destroyed rate in Air Force service for example the HH-60 comes in at 1.88 per 100K hours and the CV-22 is lower at 1.7

Deployed to Japan

Except you just made that up. Only two V-22 crashes have killed more than 5 people. The H-60 crash two weeks ago killed 5 people, the 60 crash in April killed 10, and the 60 crash in March killed 9.

Most people involved in a V-22 crash walk away from it.

Oh no no no :marseydarkxd:

>TIL. I was told VRS was an issue in the early days of the program but I'm guessing by your user name that you are more familiar with it lol

If you hear that again, you can tell them that the V-22 is actually less susceptible to VRS than a legacy helo. The higher speed downwash makes it so you need an even higher rate of descent at low speed to get into VRS in the first place. It's also easier to exit once in the conditions:

Source: I'm a career V-22 pilot

Rest in peace neighbor :marseysalutearmy:

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lmao how did you even find this :marseyxd:

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Was the top post on /r/noncredibledefense lol

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wat is that sub about even?? looks like a slav hohol sub

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Its a pro NATO meme sub. Unfortunately got overran by r-slurs when ukraine got invaded, kind of like how wsb got ruined by the gamestop saga. Used to have some quality memes but nowadays its pretty shit.

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WSB got ruined by GameStop

It was ruined well before that.

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So was /r/ncd :marseysmug2:

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Essentially Pro-Pax Americana especially with high explosives and the greatest recruiting tool of the American Military Industrial Complex.

I wouldn't mind working for the MIC except for Lockheed since I have built up a hatred for everyone who works in the California office because they can't drive and cut me off too many times in the mornings trying to get to work. They even have their own named road but noooooo, dipshits can't plot out driving routes properly.

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You live in California? :marseyshook:

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Until it gets so expensive I can't afford it :tayflex:

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Want to meet up

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What's your plan B?

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Join an militia in North Carolina or write a manifesto.

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an militia

Composed entirely of future An Heroes, right?

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Why North Carolina?

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It used to be where people would make memes about military-industrial memes about the functionality of the f35 vs a10 warthog and defense budget. It had a lot of neocons as well, probably one of their last bastions.

But being a pro-US military and NATO meme sub made it blow up with Redditors who only care about the Ukraine War.

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The average age also greatly decreased as the 196 type became more and more present, and the quality decreased as a consequence. Although it was never that funny anyway, before Ukraine they were spending their time running dead memes into the ground.

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NCD was very funny :marseymad:

Why would 196 even join the sub? Most of them are socialists, socdems and anarkiddies

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Imagine being this pleb.

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Helicopters are already contraptions in a constant death struggle with physics, and you get to join the lottery to become collateral damage.

Imagine willingly embarking into one of these pieces of shit, let alone flying it. :marseydunce:

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Even when they don't crash, they're terrible for pilots. After a career of flying rotorcraft your back is gonna be FRICKED up. Every landing is basically a "crash" landing, they can't land smoothly like fixed-wing craft do on a runway (well maybe tilt-rotor craft can land that way but I think they typically land vertically). I mean you try to get as close to the ground as you can but at some point you basically release and hit the ground hard. It's not good for you.

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what? Pretty sure this isnt true, Ive never seen a heli landing where the pilot cuts power to land. You can lower the collective slightly and maintain a very slow rate of descent until you touch the ground, way softer than a f18 carrier landing for example. Probably even softer than a commerical airliner now that I think about it.

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way softer than a f18 carrier landing for example

Well true, I suppose I wasn't thinking about carrier landings. They still use arresting cables, right? That's gotta be rough.

I got this info from a friend who flies helis for USCG. I probably misunderstood the "cut power" but he said the landings are always much rougher on your body bc they're more abrupt, which makes sense if you think about how little vertical velocity fixed-wing craft have when they land on a normal runway (virtually none).

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If your friend is flying for the USCG I'd take his word as being only accurate for the USCG. I've worked with them enough to know they're not a good choice for determining what standard is or should be.

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Army Marine and AF pilots have a shitload of problem with back pain, especially gunships but that's more to do with twisting around looking for things to kill

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He has a soyboy back.

Opinion discarded.


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black hawk pilots set them down on weird terrain smoothly all the time, not to say they can't slam them down when they need to be fast

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I've know navy pilots use a winch set up for landing. the ship attaches to them, the pilots increase power and the winch pulls the aircraft slowly and gently down until it's landed

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You mean for a carrier landing? So basically they fly over the runway to catch a winch, then keep the cable taut by increasing power as it pulls them down?

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Even when they don't crash, they're terrible for pilots. After a career of flying rotorcraft your back is gonna be FRICKED up. Every landing is basically a "crash" landing, they can't land smoothly like fixed-wing craft do on a runway (well maybe tilt-rotor craft can land that way but I think they typically land vertically).

And that is why we need to bring back the autogiro.

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What's that?

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It's like an airplane, but instead of wings it has helicopter blades that aren't powered.

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I understand the logic but I was a helo company marine (not smart enough to fly one obvs) and dont remember any hard landings.

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Helicopter pilots have fricked up backs because the seating position isn't really natural or comfortable. You're basically sitting up right for hours doing constant inputs using your left and right arm and left and right foot.

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ive flown on helicopters dozens of time and theyre still terrifying to me, i hate them

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I fight any helicopters on sight for what they did to Kobe.:marseypunching#!: :marseypinochet#:

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His comment history is literally just arguing with people online, multiple comments per day for years.

:#marseylibations:lost a real one

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:marseycry: my husband died on that flight!!!

:gigachad2: yeah i told him its not safe lol

:soycry: you bastard fricking frick meanie how DARE you you have no right to say that you just cant!!!!!!

Notice how 0 counterarguments were presented against our Chad plane autist hero

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Me after owning the widow

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>God you're so pathetic and disgusting. I hope you suffer the life of loneliness you deserve. :soyjaktantrumfast:

>Probably gonna be a long life too since I fly 60s not 22s


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That's not even a good joke considering the amount of UH 60s that have crashed in the last year

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What are 60's and 22'?

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UH-60 Blackhawk and the V-22 Osprey helicopters

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>nooo not my dead husbandirino :#soymad:

Widowcels be seething over still married chads

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God I love these threads where old reddit thrives. I just got a warning on one of my alts for saying "c*nt." That's all I posted. Just "c*nt" and that's it and got a warning for hate speech. These obscure subs still have the old feel where the gigajannies haven't ruined them yet.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Someone reportmaxxed one of her spergouts

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Frick I Love the V-22 Osprey. I fricking hate that VTOL technology isn't reliable. :marseycry: I own a CV-22 in my backyard with enough ammunition to desolate half my city. So whenever I hear bad news about the V-22 I get really bummed out.


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You uh....own an Osprey? And it's fully armed? Can you take me for a ride sometime so we can go hunt wild hogs or something?

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It's a good plane :marseyboomer:

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pics of your V22?

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Nice try fed

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>literally dies irl in a V-22 crash.

>The V-22 is one of the safest rotorcraft we have.


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He's not wrong. It's like the whole thing where you're statistically more likely to die in a car crash than a plane crash, but people think a plane crash is more dangerous. Any incident with a V-22 gets more coverage, because of the early accidents during its development and because it is a larger aircraft which carries more people, so there's a higher loss of life in a bad crash. When a Blackhawk with 4 on board goes down, no one really pays attention.

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safest rotorcraft

It's like saying the smartest r-slur :marseygigaretard:

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>Unbalanced Helicopter meme plane

It's like you literally just want to die.

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we used to call them flying coffins, its like marines want to die

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Go ahead and post facts that prove the V-22 is somehow uniquely dangerous then. Both aircraft fly about the same (~200hours per year) per aircraft and I'm only counting fatal mishaps for both.

No matter what I post you're going to invent some flaw in methodology

:#marseyrofl: :#marseyrofl: :#marseyrofl:

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People's expectations are so high now. When I tried to look up the time when the company across the street from my dad got burned alive in a crash, I got it mixed up with a different CH-47 crash in the same place the same year.

But they were boomers so I guess they don't count. :marseyshrug:

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Darn, learning this makes the "It Ain't Me" song by the Rolling Stones hit harder

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Let's just say those guys have some legitimate gripes.

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My husband was flight lead and had planned this mission for months. He did what he could to save everybody, but he's gone.

How do you know that though? Maybe he died like a b-word--I'm just saying maybe he didn't try to save anyone

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Its probably something nice they say in his death notification to loved ones

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The V22 osprey is great at killing people

It's just a shame it's killing the wrong people

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We should've left a bunch behind in Afghanistan

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Rip bozo

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I don't trust any form of helicopter.

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>husband dies

>argues about it on the Ghost Recon subreddit

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Well fellow burgers, this is going to be the future of our militaries VTOL aircraft as the Blackhawk's successor is gonna be a tilt rotor too :marseyitsover:

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The Valor is better and I won't listen to any of your coping about it. It solves the biggest problem with the Osprey, the rotating engine nacelles, which means less oil starvation related engine failures/fires and no hot exhaust vented down at the ground.

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Your right, good thing gearboxes and pitch regulators don't need oil and don't catch on fire when starved of oil either, oh, wait..

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I'm not really getting this. :marseyshrug: I get they had issues but they weren't death traps like people suggest.

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rip bozo

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Hate that deathmobile. Give me a helicopter any day.

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helicopters crash more lmao

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It's funny because I actually don't think this is fake. No troll could have anticipated a crash in Japan specifically and started pre posting about it.

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rdrama user approaches the idea of calling something posted on reddit real and not fake, NORAD command center on full alert

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thats a cool looking helicopter

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4% hull loss rate???

that's wild yo

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Pretty sure blackhawks crash more these days. V-22s were dangerous early. The Air Force never bought the shitty first generation ones.

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Just how dangerous is the V-22? Below is a statistical analysis. Spoiler: it's safer than the H-60, B-52, C-5, and C-135.

which is why a well experienced pilot died in his first flight of it

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these are the guys telling you the US army is unbeatable

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smh a good plane has to be ruined by women pilots

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