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Gigachad Milei has taken his first W of the year

And it happened last year!


Don't you just love happy endings?

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If I've made myself look r-slurred for a minute, it would be a shadow of what actual socialism has done in EVERY FRICKING INSTANCE IN WHICH IT HAS BEEN BROADLY APPLIED

so funny you cute twinks argue about true socialism never having been tried (owing to outside influences because you're as fricking weak as a willow wisp) but capitalists have to defend THE TRUE AND REAL WORLD APPLICATION of it because lol that's the only system that's ever lasted. Even when you pigfrickers argue the ideal, the real of what has been built under capitalism still folds you up like laundry (cause we paid chinks to fold it. Probably communist chinks).

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it would be a shadow of what actual socialism has done in EVERY FRICKING INSTANCE IN WHICH IT HAS BEEN BROADLY APPLIED

Socialism turned the worst nation in Europe, Tsarist Russia, a feudal shithole with IIRC an 11% literacy rate in 1917, into a superpower in under 30 years. Beat back the nazis. Put a man in space. Lol. Lmao.

true socialism never having been tried

True socialism was tried and it worked wonders.

You're so r-slurred you can't even fathom how r-slurred you are. :marseyxd: !commies look at the smartest and least seething chud of them all.

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Socialism turned the worst nation in Europe, Tsarist Russia, a feudal shithole with IIRC an 11% literacy rate in 1917, into a superpower in under 30 years

Socialism and a heavy amount of murder and authoritarianism. In that same time, America invented flight, rapidly expanded out agriculture and industry, and became a superpower WITHOUT gulags or revolution. B-word.

>beat back the nazis

Ended the war in both theaters and gave you the greatest fireworks display of all time. TWICE.

>put a man into space.

Landed a few on the moon.

True socialism was tried and it worked wonders.

How dat shit going now, yo?

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America had over a hundred years head start in industrializing and has had no war on its soil since 1865. You're r-slurred.

The soviets took Berlin. :mar#seyyawn:

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The soviets took Berlin

How's that work out for EAST Berlin, you cute twink cumgargler? Who tunneled under the city, under threat of death for decades?

If you fricking bitchfists were so smart and so altruistic, why did you shoot anyone attempting to travel from east to west?

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Darn bro you're mad. Calm down a little. Life's great! If you could enjoy it, you might turn a little red too. :marseyblowkiss:

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You want to know why I am mad? Because you seem to me to be the picture perfect peepeesuck example of someone born after 1991, has no idea what you're talking about, jealous that you're too fat, too stupid, and too weak to mean anything to anyone.

You talked about Germany, but in east Germany they used to sneak rock and roll records in through dental X-ray sheets ( because if they were caught with it, they'd get their teeth pulled out.

But I guess that's all in the game if you want to FIERCELY enforce equality (except of course for those enforcing it, who necessarily need better digs and more latitude to operate).

Your shit fails because it promotes and inculcates a static or status quo. Nothing can happen unless it's approved by a central committee. That's not how intelligence or inspiration or artistry works.

We gave you cute twinks blue jeans and rock and roll. You sleep with it like a blanket still, despite yourself.

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that explains it.

You're a boomer who grew up being barraged by anti-soviet propaganda and wasn't smart enough to realize most of it was bullshit.

Oh well. I'm sure you'll croak on your recliner wishing oh if only if only you had healthcare!

But don't fret. The world has passed you bye, and will forget about you a day after you die. :marseyexcited:

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that explains it.

You're a boomer who grew up being barraged by anti-soviet propaganda and wasn't smart enough to realize most of it was bullshit.

No. The history that is clear and present and documented over decades explains it. East Germans flooded into West Germany at the fall of that terrible wall because they'd been horrifically treated by a communist government that systematically oppressed, tortured, or even disappeared them. Germany is perhaps the BEST example of capitalism versus communism because it split that city almost perfectly.

Incidentally I'm a 1980 birth, so I think that either puts me on the cusp of Gen X (I've read some sources that put me tail edge of that better generation) or the start of the millennial Gen. no matter which of those I am, I am decidedly better than you.

But don't fret. The world has passed you bye

Oh frick. I didn't.. I didn't see that I was being milked. Frick. Ok you win. I'm not going to be a commie, but the commies have won this round.

I just want to say big ups to my fam and frick minorities.

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Boomers might actually live long enough to where life can be extended indefinitely so we will have boomers forever :marseyembrace:

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Thanks for throwing me the slowball

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people didn't risk their lives to escape capitalist USA. they risked their lives to escape communist Russia.

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had no war on its soil since 1865.

The Apache and Plains Wars continued until the 20th century and the Border War probably counts since there were German advisors there.

In WWII the Japanese bombed Hawaii and invaded and occupied the Aleutians, Midway, the Philippines, Guam and some other islands that I can't remember.

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The Soviets took Berlin.


Only because Eisenhower blue balled Patton and his offensive.

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!neolibs Commies are still defending their 74 Year Reich, over three decades after a suicidal drunk ended it

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Well yeah. Turning russia into a superpower is an amazing accomplishment.

Neolibs in the meanwhile are working their hardest to turn a superpower into a shithole.

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Honestly, unironic commies are not worth debating, they're just boring and baity.

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It's easier when you realize marxism is their religion. It's like trying to argue with your grandma about Jesus.

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Communism is a death cult anticipating the coming of true communism (rapture) just around the corner

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Don't worry we feel the same way about you. :marseyblowkiss:

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the soviet union was heck

only a no-life amerifat could delude themselves (xerselves?) into thinking it was anything but heck

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Probably a libertarian :marseyaynrand2: 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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He's not a chud though, and I don't want to here it from commiechuds :!marseyindignant:

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