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[Weakling and Incel seethe] Boy attacked by mob for defending himself : ActualPublicFreakouts


Dude gets b-word slapped in the video, punches back and then get ganged up on. No other context is present, but totally not rightoidsβ„’ in APF chiming in to clear things out.

Category 1: Powerfantasy

I’m a guy and if that b-word hit me, I would knock her the frick out

So brave (-10)

What you do is get your friends. Then jump each person when they’re alone later on.

That b-word deserved to get the stuffing knocked out of her. Women who play the β€œyou can’t touch me because I am female” card should be taken out.

Category 2: Power without fantasy is wrong

Dude gets open hand slapped on the head by a 110 lb girl. Responds with a closed fist punch to the mouth. (-25)

Category 3: Name calling

Darn white knights. Future simps of america.

strg+f: simp, 24 entries

Bonus: Politics

future republicans telling you what to do then pooping on you for doing it.

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I will tell you the secret. Be nice enough to the foids in your life that if any stranger foid hurts you and you hit back your foids will always have your side.

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Be nice enough to the foids in your life


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