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The boomers at ar15.com discuss the final solution to the Mexican problem :marseymariachi:


Hello rdrama, welcome to a drunken low effort post of stupid shit I found amusing! I've tried linking to arfcom before but couldn't get it to work, likely because I'm an r-slur, so you may have to cope and seethe copy and paste the link!

A patriot over on the general discussion board of ar15.com asks a simple question: How the frick do we get these Mexicans out of here if when we win in 2024?

I see a lot of arfcom (including myself) cheering for this to occurr if a conservative gets elected this year. But I'm genuinely curious how this would work. Not the logistics of physically moving an illegal from the US back to their own country, but rather, how are government agents going to locate, detain, identify and arrest suspected illegals without the patriots of arfcom screeching about tyrannical thuggery?

Some users commies express doubt that it could happen

Pure fantasy

You poor souls really believe that's going to happen…don't you?

First some frick -ard liberal judge says no you can't do that. Then it takes till Trump or ? is gone in 2028 if Trump is even still alive pending or if he is even president which I honestly don't think he will be.

Other users offer possible suggestions

First thing would be for the president to tell them to all return to their country. Second, cut off all aid/incentives to them. Third, round them up and force them back across the border at gunpoint. :marseymagdump:

DMVs have a list of all illegals who have drivers licenses, that is a couple million right there. Arrest them, arrest illegals at court, welfare offices, schools, universities, hospitals, etc, let them know the game is over, they lost, GTFO. Start in swing states for max effect.

1. secure the border 2. make illegals do all the shit we have to do in order to buy a home, car, get a job, register a kid for school, get a drivers license etc :marseypregunta:

Finally some real patriots offer real solutions!

Put bounties on them. X amount for living, y amount for dead. Immunity for civilians to bring them in, regardless of circumstance. :marseyfedposthmmm:

:imwhite:The only way it can happen is if we become the people they accuse us of being. Most people don't like that idea, but it is the only option that can possibly save us. Be proud of who you are. Be proud of your ancestors. Create a future for our children. :marseymutt:

$500.00 per head. Capitalism.

Of course the thread is full of more great suggestions, input, and debate! If you have the stomach for reading boomer posts then I highly suggest checking in on the general discussion board of ar15.com from time to time. Sometimes you can catch some real gems.

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There's no way you could deport 6 gorillion illegals in just a couple of years. Logistics and math don't ad up.


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If u take an axe to the govt and ngo support services and networks millions will probably quietly self deport in a year or two. There are literally millions of mostly Latin Americans who retain greater connections at home then here, and stay here only insofar as they can keep sending remittances- which is mainly possible because they don't actually have to fully support themselves here due to the above mentioned services .


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We recently sold my girlfriends car (older high mileage car) and the guy who bought it was an NGO shill who was accompanied by some Guatemalan dude who didn't speak English. He explained to us that he works for a service that sponsors illegals and buys them a car and gives them free housing for a year while they set up their life and find work. Meanwhile, 50 feet away, there was a homeless curled up in a sleeping bag on the ground.

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Yeah they're horrible people. In a perfect world we'd deport the Guatemalan and put the homeless on the flight as well (it's warmer there so they can be homeless more comfortably)


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The homeless would also get valuable experience using machetes while working for the cartels

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They already pack up the second the winds of fortune turn. The central americans in florida packed up the second work started drying up after the hurricane.

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Arfcom is an epic drama site. Honestly up there with bodybuilding.com as far as being an absolute meme repository. Just off the top of my head, I believe arfcom has spawned

>Every bad AR trend, from GWOT build to low profile oper8or to now retroChads

>The original mall ninja

>Fudd memes

>All the memes about Glocks being soy

>H&K owner delusions of grandeur

>Half of the stuff /k/ got into

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H&K owner delusions of grandeur

I'm sorry you're poor. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17044962428724883.webp

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>Paying $1K+ for a pistol that's 100% interchangeable with every $500 Wonder Nine

I'm so sorry to hear about your brain damage

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>the H&K plastic is special that's why is $1300


If you want an outdated 80s combat pistol, at least get a pretty one like a CZ-75B or a P226

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Why yes, I do have a P226, how did you know?

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The P226 owner fears the Ruger P Series OmegaChad when the 2 pistols are impossible to distinguish side by side

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I'm sorry to hear you're blind.

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brain damage

No, I don't own an XD, but I appreciate they Springfield tells it's differently abled customers where to grip the gun.

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And Karl Kasarda sperging out on arfcom, allegedly sinking his WWSD deal.

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What a tard he was attached to the first actually unique and innovative AR product basically ever and just destroyed it by being a communist Lolcow.

I actually have a KP-15 it frickin rocks

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!latinx the chud fears the inevitable :marseymexican:

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There are more non-white chuds than white chuds.

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Why do chuds hate Mexicans so much? Every Mexican I know is hard working, religious, and at least slightly racist

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Seriously, the Mexicans will happily genocide all the other illegal immigrants for you

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Not racist :marseyerenabs: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: :#marseyindignant:

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Show a chud watching a Mexican react to a Central American and he (or she! :marseytrad:) will be head over heels for them!

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The ones I know are all on gibs and commit crime. They have no care for a social contact or bettering the country/society as a whole and just take as much as they can. A lot of them are as religious as the black gangsters are where its a fascade along with their religions taking a lot of liberties. I lived in two overwhelmingly "mexican" areas and they were complete shitholes due to the "mexicans'" behaviors.

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Chuds purity spiral as much as commies

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You don't "know" any Mexicans, your just associated with a few

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they litter everything everywhere

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Upmarseyd for arfcom, their general threads are the dumbest people on earth.

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I don't hold a monopoly on creating bait subreddits

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I don't hold a reddit :marseysoyseethe: account

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Neither do I lol, mine all got banned after Darrell Brooks

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@X @arsey pls help

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i'm gigabanned sir

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Wtf is there :marseycheerup: anyone who isn't? @everyone !besties !illuminati !metashit

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I CAN MAKE IT LATER :marseywave2: :marseywave2: TONIGHT IF YOU DM ME

White extinction is long overdue

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Thanks fam, you da best :#@johnnyboopat:

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>likely because I'm an r-slur

No it's just capyvann link cleaning magic

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@TrayvonMartin @A The chuds at ar15.com do not like it when you delete trailing slashes. Fix this? :slash:

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fixed king

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I've encountered other sites with the same issue. The only one I can name now is urlebird.com, some TikTok viewing site that's only been posted to rDrama twice.


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fixed king, lemme know if u encounter any other sites like that

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lemme know if u encounter any other sites like that

Okay. :marseythumbsup:

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Ahh there was a bunch if drama i found there but linking just doesn't work here. Can you fix this possibly @A :marseybegging:

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Maybe someone who isn't an alchy r-slur can fix my link! Thank you :marseyblowkiss:

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someone who isn't an alchy r-slur

🚫 :marseyme: 🚫

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