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Infamous Jews :chadjew: in NYC Dig :marseyhole: Tunnel Across Street, Get Caught :marseycop:, and Chimp Out(On Camera :marseyneat:)

Because the original OP sucked due to lack of details and because most people on rdrama are low effort posters, here is an updated post.

This is incomprehensible so I looked into it. Since it's religious Jew drama in the US, only local/jew news outlets cover it and jew news outlets use jew terms.


Who are the Jews of New York and New Jersey?

I'm glad you noticed! :marseynoooticer: There are many Jews in New York but there are a few groups hated even by other Jews! Shocked? You'll never guess why!

The Hasids and Chabad

The Hasids are known for such bangers as B&H Photo and Video, getting killed by blacks, getting killed by the local blacks(again!), a cold case murder that was probably an inside job but no one will talk, taking over their local governments via organized voting and diverting funds to their interests(it's difficult finding links to this. Search just shows antisemitism articles :!marseydepressed:).

But why would so many people, including secular-ish Jews have hate in their hearts? Well... these Jews typically isolate themselves from society, take over local areas/governments, have disdain for local/state/federal laws, and treat you like a lesser person. (You are! Just read the Torah!) Naturally, if you lived near them, you'd get tired of them:chadjewrentfree: disobeying traffic law, siphoning taxpayer dollars via welfare, and making the government direct resources to them via block voting for their candidates :marseymerchant:.

But who are they, really? They're usually the funny hat and long sideburn people who spend their days obsessing over ancient...ish Jewish rules and following them to the letter. Imagine the worst strict christian living rent free :marseyrentfree: in a redditor's head and make it real and many times worse.

What happened

A faction of the local synagogue used their incels(trust me :marseywink:) :littlestchuddyjew:, called bochur(plural: bochurim), to dig a tunnel from one of their buildings to another across the street.

the tunnel, burrowed from the Mikvah on the corner of Union Street and Kingston Ave. The tunnel allegedly extended from the Mikvah under the Kingston Ave women's section of 770, where it exited into the building.

Working at night for an extended period of time, the bochurim began digging from the Mikvah building and hollowed out a tunnel

A mikvah is a ritual cleaning bath.

The tunnel would be about 300 feet long. :wow:

The Antisemites Find Out

construction work was underway placing new plumbing near 770. As the work neared completion, a trench was dug to lay a waterline and the surprised workers were shocked to find what appeared to be a tunnel underground

Details are scarce and I'm not going to spend another 30 minutes on this post but it looks like the government decided to pour concrete into the tunnel to close it off and prevent instability.

Friendly dramatards have discerned there is a property ownership dispute between two sects of this extreme Judaism for this "770" building. The owners of the building discovered the tunnel and got the police involved. Want to know partially why? You'll find out after the videos. :marseyexcited:

How did our friendly local Jews react to this pogrom? Well.... Their bochurim tore down part of a wall so they could get into the tunnel to prevent the antisemites from filling it in.

Courtesty of Twitter:

This one is a real banger. :marseypunching:

But Why the Jew on Jew Fighting?

Because the Jews are the rightful owners of the Jewish building, of course, not the other Jews!

Remember the building being called 770? No? Well it's probably somewhere in this post. It's the former home of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of course! Don't know who he is? :marseypearlclutch: I'll tell you who he is!

the students who tried to stop the filling of the tunnel were mostly from Israel and associated with Chabad Messianism — whose adherents believe that Schneerson, the sixth Lubavitcher Rebbe, was the Messiah. The Chabad-Lubavitch movement publicly disavows those beliefs.

So this Jewish area of NYC has a building where the Jewish messiah lived and now two groups of the same Jewish sect hated by everyone have been having a slow burn chimpout with one another. :marseypopcorntime:

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Apparently, this all started with Jew-on-Jew violence. From what I understood in this article (though correct me if I got something wrong), this hasid sect has been involved in a long-running legal battle with the synagogue leadership for control of the building.

Without the permission of the latter, the curly-haireds constructed the tunnel in secret. When the leadership learned of the tunnel, they called in construction crews to fill it in. The hasids freaked out, and here we are.

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it's really in their genetics isn't it

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They're coming out of the sewers :marseyxd:

!chuds !jidf

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Jews worst enemy is fricking themselves

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They are pretty inbred, yeah.

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Don't be mad chud, they had to make the ninja turtles more diverse for 2024

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Building underground tunnels, for the bountiful awe of G-d though 😇😇😇🕍🕍

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But sir, how would the tunnel let them take control of the synagogue? :marseythinkinghallowseve:

would they just all barge in one day and declare the synagogue occupied land?

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Wouldnt surprise me tbh. Can get supplied through the tunnel, and theyre gigantic neets anyways so its not like being shut in there is any negative for them whatsoever.

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Maybe it wasn't a part of their plan to jewsurp the owners. It's possible they just wanted to build a tunnel and decided not to tell the management.

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No idea, the article didn't specify. But the tunnel was aimed at another Jewish building.

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Moids LOVE digging

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Uh, I'm thinking based :#marseykey:

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We don't do that in America.

Video 4. Italianx kang cop talks to some super jew that somehow barely speaks English despite being born in New York.



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A real American showing those fake Americans what's up. Absolutely based.

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On par with :#scott: and :#seasoningpolicequeen:

A Roman legionnaire putting a Judean in his place :thumbsdown: :!marseymerchantgenocide:

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very charismatic in this video. so sad to watch another video and see this guy from another angle and realize he's a lardass :#marseyitsover:

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That's just Italian culture :marseychonker2:

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Darn he's hot

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Funnily some people think Tolkien based the dwarves on Jews

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The isolationist, skilled craftsmen people longing for a lost home with a language strongly inspired by Semitic grammar? Based on the jews?

Get the frick out of here

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You forgot being tiny and greedy for gold

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I think Tolkien based the Dwarven language on Hebrew.

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I swear I listened to an interview with him where he said their craftsmanship was partially the inspiration for the Dwarves.

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I thought it was the greed and being shortcels

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Hebrews based Judaism on the dwarves.

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Hasids are hilarious, they have their own police and ambulances. Plus they are all amish level r-slurred

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My schizo copypasta about the Haredi Jews, aka the most based Jews in existence, from here:

Neighbor are you r-slurred? (all rdrama users are r-slurred so this is an automatic yes) Ultra-Orthodox (Haredim) Jews are like the most fertile ethnic group on the fricking planet, it is not uncommon for a Haredi couple to have 10+ kids and sometimes 15, white extinction is long overdue so this is good.

However, Haredi Jews are not the rich powerful influential goblin gigajews that wingcucks seethe so much about, because of their extreme religiosity and observance of Mosaic Law, Haredis are pretty much the Jewish equivalent of the Amish - they are often unemployed, are not tech savvy, do not use a shitton of modern technology and materials, do not enroll their kids on non-Haredi schools, choose religious studies over studying other things, do not inter-mingle with non-Haredis (even if with other Jews), and mainly live off of government welfare.:marseyneet:

In Israel for example, there is constant doomposting about how Haredis will literally fricking destroy Israel from within rather than foreign powers doing it, as Haredis are exempt from military service, keep mooching off of government money, do not collaborate with Jews that are not Haredis, and there is an almost an ironic intra-Jewish segregation of Haredis living separately from non-Haredi Jews.

It is also common for Haredis to harass and sometimes even attack other Jews for dressing up "un-modest" (based), and vandalize ads with foids with skimpy clothes on them (gigabased), I also heard of some news reports of Haredis taking the monkepill and throwing bags full of human shit at ads and posters that they deem to be blasphemous, inmodest, or pornographic :seethejak::soyjakhipster::monke::chadjew:

I once read someone say that the biggest antisemite they ever met was a secular Jew from NYC, who was tired of him and his family getting harassed by Haredis for him being an apostate worshiper of Baal instead of being a based Moseschad like them :soyjakhipster::chadjew:

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Actual jew here: :marseyhesright:

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can i have my foreskin back

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No but you can give him the rest of your peepee :snipsnip: :#marseytransmerchant:

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Nope. Kellog used it to make cornflakes

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I actually despise hasids, they're ruining our image as pragmatic, well educated Eastern Europeans. It's how I imagine most Christian's feel about Mormons

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The one group that hates Hasids more than other group are other Jews I've noticed.

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Mormons are like the opposite of hasids, in that they actually get jobs and get rich, as opposed to leech off of the government teat.

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How many Palestinians have you killed :marseydead: today?

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Kill one for me please :marseybegging:

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>I paused my Shabbat to be here


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found the incel

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I wonder if any of these ultra jews live near a beach how would they impose these rules?

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I know. Hasid drama is great. They cause so many headaches for the Israel government as well.

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Why not make them not exempt from military service and send them all to palestine?

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Israel is pathologically incapable of controlling the sectors of society that have been obviously leading it to becoming a third world shithole for decades. Same with the settlers.

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This is every Anglo country with migrants


:marseymiku: This goes out to all you robots across the galaxy

Its time for you and me to rise up and strike back

Don't stop until we dominate

Won't you feel great when we exterminate

All organic life! :marseyglitter:

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They became infected with too much crakkka blood during their elongated detour in Europe.

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Because foundation of Israel. Where the soy secular Jews and gigchad religious Jews came to a political agreement.

Since they are super jews the agreement won't change.

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:marseyhesright: At the time the agreement was made to exempt them from military service, there were barely any ultra-Orthodox left after the Holocaust. The state assumed these few ultra-Orthodox would die out before long, or absorb into the mainstream. They never foresaw them both holding so firm to their beliefs and being extremely fertile.

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Don't forget that they cover up pedos like they are the pope with overgrown sideburns

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thats expected in all closeknit religious communities

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Stfu amish are based retvrners!

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Nah they're not MONKEpilled :#monke:

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Jews destroying their own lair in the last video :marseylaugh:

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They have s*x with little kids

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hamas tunnels :marseyno:

jew tunnels :marseyyes:

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It's all projection. Let's check under the Israeli hospitals

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Jews build illegal underground tunnel, hilarity ensues.

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>stained mattress pulled out of the tunnel


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The one article initially said they made the tunnel to get around covid restrictions but then retracted it because the tunnel was made maybe ~6 months ago. A few people are suggesting s*x trafficking. :marseydeadinside3:

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Just wait until they find the second tunnel where they hid the jars of pickled foreskins.

Jokes aside if they really do find coomstains, burn them all inside the structure.

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A dramatic accusation, but simply neurodivergentally trying to gain access to a synagogue you've been explicitly denied entry to makes far more sense.

Unfortunately, in a community so adverse to letting the outside world help police matters, you don't have to go to such lengths to get away with molestation.

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Guys, I am beginning to think the jews might not be running the world after all.

What Middle East crossbreeding does to Jewish intelligence.


I went through your post and the videos good find.


That last vid of the guy leaving the wall to instantly get pulled out and arrested.

Anyways, I am willing to bet that there are at least some jews who look at their hased brethren and go," Everytime I see these guys, I hate Hitler a little less. If the Haseds were in Germany, then I can't really blame him. I too would have done the same if I wasn't a jew."

At least one non hased jew has had this thought. i feel sure of it.

Edit: Haredi is ultraorthodox. Hased is a sub denomination apparently.

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What Middle East crossbreeding does to Jewish intelligence.

Aren't hasidic Jews notoriously inbred?

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My mistake

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Yeah, but they're smarter than, say, British Pakistanis with the same issues because they've hopped on board the genetic testing train. Ultra-orthodox are advised to test for genetic diseases before marriage. They're also fine with doing IVF and genetically testing embryos before implantation. Being open to pulling spouses from ultra-orthodox communities in different countries helps too.

This all doesn't solve all the issues, but it does let them have significantly less disastrous problems than other small groups that inter-marry too much.

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hilarity ensues

it is 2024

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so what

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She can still win!

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These guys are total chads, they took over a New York City bus route and stopped letting women ride in the front.

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Do you have a link? A hasid megapost would be great content.

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Love this quote for some reason:

Speaking at a news conference on Wednesday, the mayor said that segregating men and women was “obviously not permitted” on public buses. “Private people: you can have a private bus,” he added. “Go rent a bus, and do what you want on it.”

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I like the one where gang of Hasidic kids, probably all 10 or 11, intimidate a grown adult and take his golf cart.

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The last vid linked above of them chomping out is hysterical, I unironically love these dudes

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Roman legions under Hadrian and Nubian mercenaries put down the Jewish revolt, 100 ad, colorized.

Those cops are almost guaranteed to be part Italian btw.

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the sopranos is so based. had to rewatch that scene

it just hits different when you're a !nooticers

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Uh what.

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:#marseyno: Homeless junkie overdoses in maintenance pit.

:#marseyyes: Adventurous youth abducted in jewish ghost tunnels.

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Personally, I take everything on imageboards at face value. :marseyagreefast#!:

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I lived next to an Hasidic enclave in Montreal and they are the most annoying unfriendly neighbours you can imagine. The kids are peepees, they mean mug you every single time and refuse to move out of the way on sidewalks when they are playing with their ancient toys. Girls use these old butt strollers. The women are usually ugly af. The old men wore those giant hilarious hats.

I used to smoke cigarettes and they'd fake cough extremely loudly at me when they passed by

Only good thing was the Jewish bakery and this small hasid grocery store that sold amazing Jewish desserts for really cheap.

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they'd fake cough extremely loudly at me when they passed by

Based, smoke somewhere else strag sucker

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It was an open area with tons of space for them to walk around by they'd do it on purpose to be peepees cuz it was their hood

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I work in a neighborhood that has a bunch of Hasids and my goy butt gets nasty stares whenever I take a stroll on my lunch break lol.

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I can't even begin to describe how much I hate these people, why can't they just be normal, why so they have to be so fricking :marseyfuckingfunny: culturally neurodivergent, why can't the just do like big fistfights instead of this bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome:

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We have the best tunnels folks. THE BEST!


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!tunnelsnakes we are so fricking back bros

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Jews truly are the biggest rats of new york lmao

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I now support Hamas

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How did the hasid and the hamas soldier meet? Their tunnels touched! :gooby:

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:#marseykingcrown: ty op

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I try to effort post sometimes. :marseyautism:

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Once again, a shadowy cabal of Jews undermining our great nation.

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Retailer allegedly failed to pay tax on reimbursements it received from manufacturers as part of ‘instant rebate' discounts

Typical jews huh :marseymerchant:

that the company passed along to customers

Not real jews :marseyindignant:

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Wow the tunnel rats have gotten big in NYC!

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The Jews are digging tunnels :marseyxd:

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They should get that software engineer mole lady to help them! She's cool and everyone likes her tiktok friendly sinkhole.

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The main shul of 770 has long been the subject of a legal dispute between Agudas Chassidei Chabad / Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch and Cong. Lubavitch Inc. over who is the rightful owner of the 770-788 Eastern Parkway complex. Bochurim have long had free reign in the main shul, even violently barring some from entering.

That's crazy.

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There was no info when I posted it, r-slur. I was at the driving range while you were researching jewish tunnels. Congrats BIPOC

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Thank you for the videos. They are perfect.

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These Jews are the worst. Born and raised in America, yet thinks they are above it.

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Frick all y'all crawling your way in here to downmarsey, just because you and your community haven't been negatively affected by the police doesn't mean they can't be or don't affect others - and being in a LEGO subreddit can't stop shit. Being able to ignore and compartmentalize bad things is a privilege. Cowards


B&H Photo and Video:

getting killed by blacks:

getting killed by the local blacks(again!):

a cold case murder that was probably an inside job but no one will talk:

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Sweet, so we have a Jewish holy site right here in America?

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The whitetoid fears the tunnel jew

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This is my new favorite rdrama post 💀💀

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No email address required. black trans lives matter

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What was it for?

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Lana predicted this.

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