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The Rust armourer kept mixed boxes of live ammo and blanks on set :marseyfoidretard:



A movie set weapons handler who loaded a gun for actor Alec Baldwin before it fired and killed a cinematographer was "sloppy", her trial has heard.

"Negligent acts" by armourer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, 26, led to Halyna Hutchins' death during the production of Rust, prosecutors told the court.

Ms Gutierrez-Reed has pleaded not guilty to charges of involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence over the fatality during the production of the Western in the US state of New Mexico.

During opening statements for the trial in Santa Fe on Thursday, prosecutors argued that the defendant's "unprofessional" on-set conduct led to an avoidable tragedy in which live ammunition found its way into a weapon.

"You will hear testimony that she routinely left guns and ammunition lying around the set unattended and her gun safe and ammo cart were constantly disorganised," special prosecutor Jason Lewis said.

To make their case, prosecutors showed jurors boxes of ammunition that were on set the day the shooting took place, which they said contained live rounds interspersed with dummy ones.

They allege that Ms Gutierrez-Reed negligently brought live ammunition from her home to the set that day, including the bullet that struck and killed Ms Hutchins.

The defence case is basically to just keep saying that Alec Baldwin is at fault because he fired the gun. I'd love to see him do prison time but the armourer sounds much worse.

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Why would you even need to bring live ammo to a film set

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One reasonable occasion would be if you wanted to have Alec Baldwin shoot the cinematographer.

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There would be NO reason to have her shot, unless you didn't want her upcoming p-dophile-exposing documentary to be completed and released

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It's sad that I have to ask but…

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Probably to have fun and frick around when filming wrapped up so your boys can shot the cool guns

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After this event occurred Nicholas Cage held an online :marseyidio3: discussion in which he asked :marseythinkorino2: this.

Nicholas Cage was a voice :marseyhearnoevil: of reason in this case. Let that sink in.

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Even a broken clock is Nicholas Cage twice a day

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I would like expect nothing else from the man behind face off and plane snakes or whatever.

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it would be kinda discriminatory to only allow blanks :marseymayo: on set, don't you think?

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Because muh realism and I can't get in my character's skin if I'm not allowed to LARP al over the set:marseypearlclutch2:

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Too drunkinly shoot beer bottles when not shooting the director in the face.

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I feel like this is a completely separate issue to be addressed. Two mistakes happened. There is some sort of negligence from the armorer for sure, but I don't know what charges that would bring, probably more of a civil suit type of thing.

If you are going to fire a real gun, you should practice real gun safety. Baldwin has no real excuse for not checking the weapon that he aimed at a person and fired, leading to a preventable accidental death. He didn't have to aim center of mass on a real person, the camera wouldn't have noticed if he was off by a bit. His whole defense on "not pulling the trigger" is almost irrelevant in my mind since he was so negligent on basic gun saftey leading up to that point. This is negligent but otherwise lawful behavior that resulted in death. Clear cut manslaughter

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Wdym checking the weapon?

It was loaded, but he thought they were blanks.

What do you expect him to do, unload every round and visually inspect them?

I hate AB as much as the next guy, but that's goofy. He doesn't know shit about guns, it's not his job.

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What do you expect him to do, unload every round and visually inspect them?

yes I expect him to check the max of 6 bullets in the gun before pointing a real weapon directly at people before pulling the trigger. Realistically it should be loaded with a single bullet. They are going to have to cgi the scene anyways to make the other cartridges look loaded with bullets instead of crimped blanks

it's not his job.

but he pulled the trigger and has responsibility. Negligence and ignorance isn't a defense for manslaughter...that's what makes it manslauter

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I've been on movie sets, the rules usually forbid actors from opening up and checking firearms themselves without being under the supervision of the armorer (who wasn't there). No opening or closing them, no putting anything in them, no messing around with them, nothing. Literally the entire point of requiring armorers is that there's exactly one person responsible for securing and handling the gun.

I know everyone's super excited to see Bad SNL Liberal Man go to jail but it's just not going to happen. He followed the rules, it's not his job to know the difference between a dummy and a bullet, it's not his job to know firearm safety rules (some of which aren't applicable in a movie production anyways), it's just not his problem. The words “cold gun” exonerate him.

They maybe could get him because he's a producer and so is supposed to be in charge of things, but given they haven't charged the other producers (including the one that hired the armorer) that's obviously not the angle they're going for.

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If that's true, that is one of the dumbest things I have ever read. I personally don't have anything against alec baldwin. I actually appreciate the seethe from portraying orange man. I guess with what you are saying in mind, maybe he will get off but I feel like it will go to trial. I don't expect him to be jailed regardless. a fine, maybe some community service or something

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I mean, it works. The last incident was Brandon Lee 30 years ago. On-set protocols for handling weapons safely works and works well. Meanwhile how many ammosexuals who really should know better manage frick up every year?

And dummy rounds are just rounds without the powder and primer, they look exactly like real rounds. You can tell the difference (they're usually filled with BBs so you can shake them) but you have to actually inspect the round, it's not as straightforward as looking down the cylinder.

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Yeah I guess. Idk though it definitely seems like a weird legal area.

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I don't think you're supposed to fire blanks at someone either. They could be hit by shrapnel or hot gases or something.

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It's literally their job to fire blanks at each other

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What do you expect him to do, unload every round and visually inspect them?

Actually, yes

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well thats dumb. if he had to do that then why do they have the gun girl in the first place.

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To prepare the guns, distribute them when needed, and lock them up when done. It's still the actor's responsibility to clear whatever is given to you.

Your trigger pull = your responsibility

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like i see your point, but actors are dumb and you cant expect them all to just know gun safety

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Show them that fricking up means going to jail, and they'll figure it out.

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sure, but also dont give loaded guns to r-slurs

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The funniest part is he's so anti-gun he's actually come out against things like gun safety classes for children

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it hurts my redneck brain to think about. I knew that shit when i was 5. I used to sit outside shooting my dad'e empty beer cans with my bb gun for hours every single day when I was 5. Even if you don't like guns, the gun safety rules are so easy and there are so many guns. Why not just be generally safe? Ignoring guns doesn't protect you

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My mom who has no interest in guns took the gun safety class with me just so she could handle one safely in an emergency

It's like city dwellers that go out of their way not to learn how to drive, I get you like your bike and buses but you still need to know how to use a car

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Would baldwin even be able to tell the difference between a blank and real round? He's a pretty r-slurred leftoid so he may not know shit about guns.

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I truly don't think it's unreasonable to expect someone handling a real gun to know the very barest facts and safety pertaining to the gun. He doesn't have to know how to clean it or anything, but I don't see how insurance is insuring putting weapons in totally unqualified peoples hands. If he is this dumb, he has no business handling a firearm

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In case you need to shoot things for visuals or for recording audio.

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I dont think cinematographers are supposed to be in the movie though

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She was hanging out with the crew shooting cans lol

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They were peepeeing around with the guns between filming days.

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