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AITAH for telling my girlfriend that yes she was hotter in her early 20s after she begged me to be honest?


Girlfriend and I been together 5 months, we are both 31 let's call her Amy. My girlfriend is beautiful, she works out goes to workout classes everything however, when she was younger she was really hot. This whole conversation started when she was showing me photos from her past (her social media only has recent photos).

She told me too that when she was younger she would get free flight upgrades, invited to celebrity parties. She told me that when she started working at her first company, she got invited to their company's town hall where she got to ask the CEO questions in front of the whole company etc.

She then asked me to be honest and tell her would I have preferred dating her now or back then. I told her now, and that I don't think I could have related to her back then as I do now, and that her personality is what got me to fall in love with her. She then goes okay what about from a purely physical perspective like lets say my personality is the same now just that we swapped bodies. I said yeah from a physical standpoint I would choose her in early 20s.

She then asks me what age do I find women the most attractive, I say it depends on the woman but tell her generally 21-24. Up until this point she hasn't shown an ounce of anger, then she says oh so women after 24 are basically worthless in your eyes.

I told her if I could swap and get my 22 year old body back, my youth everything I would do it too in a heart beat. She then starts saying this is not about youth this is attraction. Then starts calling me a creep and an butthole for preferring younger women. She then goes onto say that she thought since I was nerdy I didn't have the same obsession with college girls as the bro type.

In another almost certainly bait post where a man tells his girlfriend that she looked better when she was younger, the comments are rightfully calling op a dumb creep:

I am 46 and my man is constantly telling me he is baffled about how I just keep getting hotter and hotter the older I get. We met when I was like 26 or so. He kinda makes me believe him 😆😍 That is how a man makes his woman feel wanted.

Her husband is doing a good job, kudos :marseythumbsup:

I worry that you didn't see this coming, it is called a white lie, no harm no foul. Sometimes people just need some reassurance in life as they get older. Everything you said is correct and handle perfectly, until you didn't. Should have said you look even prettier now, she doesn't want to hear some horseshit about you prefer a certain younger age. Come on man!

Remember to lie to your SO moids

I'd be creeped out too if my husband told me he was attracted to 21-24 year olds


You "generally" find women "most attractive" at age 21-24 while you're 31? That's...honestly kind of not great, man. I am "generally" most attracted to people my age. 21yos look like babies after a certain point; babies with lives ahead of them and dreams and ambitions, yes, but way too young for me. Your girlfriend probably feels the same way, so I can well imagine her viewing that as kind of creepy

Women are hottest when their age = your age

You know you just proved an old hypothesis of mine: people who go after younger people pointedly or think younger is necessarily hotter are just projecting their own insecurity. Because they didn't age well either in body or mind.

You're insecure if you say younger = hotter, definitely not cope if you say the opposite :marseyindignant:

Maybe one day moids will learn to not say the quiet part out loud

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What an r-slur lol, never tell women the truth

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Surely there is a truth vaccine out there, starting with little truths and working your way up.

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Trickle Truth maxxing

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Not at all

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Just marry a :marseydoomer: girl who understands she is never going to be young again and her value is declining rapidly.

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tbh most women are well aware of that already but still get butthurt if you say it out loud

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Just kill them at 25 then marry a fresh 20yo

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thats haram

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Dw I'm gay

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Same bb :hump:

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Women make the mistake of trying to pretend they're 20 forever instead of MILFmaxxing.

Just do normal shit to stay healthy and you'll still be hot in your 30s onward.

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literally just don't get fat, don't do drugs, and have a chinese grandpa and the wall won't hit as hard :marseywall:

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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@houellebecq is a hapa

:#marseynotes: :#arousedpizzashill:

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Telling drunk foids the truth when asked then vanishing like a pvp rogue is a favorite pastime of mine.

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>yes you look fat in those pants :marseygigachad:


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Literally an unforced error. :marseycheckmate:

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She is 31 she should accept that men don't treat her like she is 20

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I was going to post this if you didn't. When women insist they want you to be honest with them, what they are really saying is that you should "honestly" believe whatever flatters them the most.

So you look her straight in the eyes and say "honestly i think you look better now" and she won't believe you so you have to make up reasons but they have to relate to her actual attractiveness not like "i find older women more attractive" but like "your face looks better now, i dont know how you do it" but more specific like "there was something childish about your old pictures" like you're negging her past self.

Not that I would ever lie to someone that would be terrible...

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I am 46 and my man is constantly telling me he is baffled about how I just keep getting hotter and hotter the older I get. We met when I was like 26 or so. He kinda makes me believe him 😆😍 That is how a man makes his woman feel wanted.:

I worry that you didn't see this coming, it is called a white lie, no harm no foul. Sometimes people just need some reassurance in life as they get older. Everything you said is correct and handle perfectly, until you didn't. Should have said you look even prettier now, she doesn't want to hear some horseshit about you prefer a certain younger age. Come on man!:

I'd be creeped out too if my husband told me he was attracted to 21-24 year olds:

You "generally" find women "most attractive" at age 21-24 while you're 31? That's...honestly kind of not great, man. I am "generally" most attracted to people my age. 21yos look like babies after a certain point; babies with lives ahead of them and dreams and ambitions, yes, but way too young for me. Your girlfriend probably feels the same way, so I can well imagine her viewing that as kind of creepy:

You know you just proved an old hypothesis of mine: people who go after younger people pointedly or think younger is necessarily hotter are just projecting their own insecurity. Because they didn't age well either in body or mind.:

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How does he do it, guys?

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Rookie mistake. Always lie to foids.

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I wish foids weren't so difficult. It seems so easy to accidentally upset them. Even if I somehow manage to court one I could throw all that hard work away in a single instant just by being logical and honest.


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Stupid. The word you are looking for is stupid.

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Stupid people would be easy to manipulate. You suffer from a skill issue.

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This moid thought that women wanted to exchange facts like robots instead of socializing through mutual affirmations!


He mad!

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So if your foid showed you a pic of her ex with a 9 inch peepee and she told you that while she loves you more than him, she would love you even more if you had his objectively better peepee, you would be all like "hmm yes that is a factually correct conclusion perhaps it would be most logical for me to wear a peepee sleeve whatever shall we have for dinner?"

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177309677116067.webp Brickachu, I choose you

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In this hypothetical if the man started it by begging his gf to tell him he had the biggest and/or best peepee she ever took and he insisted on her being as honest as possible then yes he deserves to hear the upsetting truth. Trust me when I say this, the types of people that ask these questions will not be satisfied if they hear the comfortable lie, because on some level they believe the opposite already.

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I mean if she did that after you kept begging her to show you her ex's peepee pic, then maybe?

The equivalent would probably be something like telling ur gf that ur ex had a much tighter kitty unprompted but that's not what OP is about.

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How is that at all comparable? Logically I would see that as her still having feelings for her ex as SHE brought it up. In the scenario in the OP the OP's foid asked the question unprompted. You would have a point if the moid in your scenario asked "Do you like bigger peepeees?" and then got upset if she said yes, but moids are typically logical enough to not ask questions they don't want the answer to.

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Your mistake is caring. As soon as you start treating women nonsense with indifference, they start seeing you as more attractive for being unphased by their bullshit.

Yeah, it sucks, but eventually you acclimatize to it. Personally, I'm convinced that young women dating guys in their 30s+ has less to do with their financial security and more to do with the fact that they've just learned to deal with their shit tests.

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if any ! zoomers are reading this and sincerely believing this shit, never take advice from dramatards (except for my advice not to take their advice)

shit tests were made up by whiny cute twinks who pull zero bitches

they are full of envy and need an excuse for being useless losers :marseysmug2:



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I have never got a shit test, unless a shit test is "remember when our date is"

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gigachuds unite against incels!

:marseychadthundercock: :marseyletsgo:

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If your foid asks that kind of question you've already lost. Always instill a sense of what makes a bad question in your foid. @LilMarseyontheprairie

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When my wife asks questions like this I just say "nice shit test, not gonna answer" and frankly that goes over way better then anything else I could say. The only way to win is to not play :marseythinkorino2:

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>men should communicate more
>nooo not like that

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You are both too old for this shit.

Surprisingly based redditor.

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I don't get the argument that men are only interested in younger women because they can take advantage of their immaturity when women stay r-slurred their whole lives.

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Its to shame you out of doing what youre inclined to do by accusing you of something you can be ostracized for without the accuser risking their own social status by showing their true intentions PERIODT

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Yea it's mainly because they're thin and pretty.

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if I can't convince 18-25 year olds to sleep with me it means the guys who do that are creeps

:#marseypaperbagtalkingtyping: :#marseychtorrr2talkingtyping:

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Why do so many guys find it so hard to tell their girl that she's pretty :marseyhmmm: . Who cares if ur lying a lil bit

This is the moid equivalent to foids not just lying about the number of guys she's fricked

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it's not even that lol

he's saying she's less hot than she used to be, but it's not like he's calling her ugly

there's a difference between falling down along a sliding scale and outright being on the other end of it

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>"Do you think I was hotter when I played football in College or now that I'm a slightly overweight father of 4?"

>"Now, of course, baby!"

Yeah bullshit.

It's also not saying they're uggo, to the contrary they're talking about how hot you used to be. Can't be hot forever, I guess. Not yet at least

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>I am 46 and my man is constantly telling me he is baffled about how I just keep getting hotter and hotter the older I get. We met when I was like 26 or so. He kinda makes me believe him 😆😍 That is how a man makes his woman feel wanted.


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I unironically prefer women who are older. Ask me anything.

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Did your mom beat you as a child?

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Everyone beat the shit out of everyone when I was a kid.

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How do I hook up with milfs and cougars? Where do they congregate??

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It's incredibly, ludicrously easy. Manlet? They don't care. Unemployed? Irrelevant. Older foids are super horny. Be fit. Don't be a jackass, don't ever neg them. Be assertive and courteous, tell her she's hot, and she'll do anal that very night if you want.

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um Are you looking for a beard??? Lolstrag

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No I'm looking for a piece of butt who knows what I want and how to do it

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What's your preferred age range? :marseynotes:

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30-mid 40s but it's more of an appearance thing.

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She then asks me what age do I find women the most attractive, I say it depends on the woman but tell her generally 21-24

Someone post this study as a radfem troll and infer that they're all liars


A panel of 150 men (age range = 18–40 years, M = 23.68 years, SD = 3.25 years) rated 24 facial photographs that were randomly selected out of the total sample

For facial attractiveness, young girls received the highest attractiveness ratings (M = 2.12, SD = 0.43), followed by that of adult women (M = 1.91, SD = 0.44)

young girls (n = 50; age range = 11–15 years, M = 13.76 years, SD = 1.44 years), adult women (n = 42; age range = 19–30 years, M = 23.48 years, SD = 2.47 years) and circummenopausal women (n = 29; age range = 50–65 years, M = 56.83 years, SD = 5.17 years).

They are, honestly, all liars though, "I much prefer women that are 48, hehe" no, no you don't. Or the majority don't unless they have an age fetish

The fact that they're a liar is even worse.

Older women might be much cooler to be around but the majority of men prefer the 21 year old physically.

If we can reverse aging soon and make a 80 year old broad look like a 21 year old, that would be awesome, best of both worlds

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Timothee Chalamet makes me feel like a p-do but I checked and he's 28 darn nvm

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Rule 1 - Don't fall into foid traps

there are no other rules in life

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>Remember to lie to your SO moids

Astounding to me that some men don't know this. You tell them to truth when you're ending the relationship, not cause you have to, just cause it's fun.

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When a woman says “be honest” you should not be hoenst

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I feel like a bunch of things are being confused here. Does a 40yo man actually want to date 20yos, or is he just saying the obvious truth that humans peak lookswise around their early-mid 20s? Cause it feels like men are saying the latter, but being dogpiled for the former.

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I just think it's funny that Theyre fun before they get bitter with age, and Someone fun and silly who might actually like you is the best

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>Failed the easiest shit test

Doesn't deserve to make it

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This is so easy, lol

"Yes, dear, you grow more beautiful every day :marseyheart:

"...However, let us consider your question in the context of another question :marseyautism:

:marseyquestion: Suppose tomorrow a scientist were to create a treatment which does nothing except permanently return a woman's appearance to the age of 22. Let us assume the treatment is low cost, painless, and poses no side effects. The one consequence is you will externally appear to be 22 years old again for the rest of your life.

Knowing you grow more beautiful every day, would you take it? :marseytroublemaker:

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Lol never be honest with women. Just tell them whatever they want to hear. If they want your opinion on 10 different dresses. They're all "nice"

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They should rename this sub to Am I The R-slur?

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"and here's our receptionist. You think she is good looking now? WOW you should have seen her when she started"

Black lives matter too cute twinks.

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No mention of the line about her saying she didn't think he'd say things like that because he's a nerd not a bro?

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holy shit the copium in this post

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