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EFFORTPOST Leafs have a month long struggle session about their neighbors.




Canada's capital, Ottawa, has been having issues with homeless drug addicts. In a small area about 1km down the street from the parliament building they have several homeless shelters, a liquor store, a safe injection site, and a safe supply (free drugs) clinic. This has created an area that is an absolute dump and as expected there's strung out addicts everywhere, higher crime, more needles on the ground and no one that lives there is happy. If you want to see some homeless dude sticking needles in their peepee or a crazy person robbing stores then this is the place to be

This is the area:


This is what the homeless shelter looks like in 2023 street view, there's even paramedics helping with an OD :marseyjunkie2:



Over the last year or so this has been an ongoing topic of discussion on /r/ottawa and over the last month there's been a post every day or two that's 200+ comments of people arguing about whether or not criminals should be arrested or if addicts need more free drugs to stop them from killing themselves.

There are generally two groups fighting.

1. The pro compassion people that say to trust the science and safe injection works. This includes a city councilor who calls the criminal addicts neighbors.

2. The pro law and order people who don't want to be harassed every day.

I'm too lazy to write this up so please quote your favorite parts, there's a ton of seethe.

Animal tranquilizer in street drugs raises alarms (204 comments)



22 suspected overdose deaths in Ottawa in first 4 weeks of 2024: OPH data (178 comments)



PSA: Growing concerns around the toxicity of the unregulated drug supply(119 comments)



Child brought to CHEO after putting syringe in mouth at Ottawa park: paramedics(638 comments



LowerTown BS (261 comments)

I have called OPS about once a month for the past year because of yelling and screaming right outside my door. People have vandalized our corner store and left needles and garbage in a driveway I share with my neighbours. I really can't take it anymore.



Mark Sutcliffe: “I went on a tour recently of a temporary homeless shelter, and 100% of the clients there are individuals who are seeking asylum”(424 comments)



Today's letters: Drug use is making Centretown less and less safe (430 comments)



:marseykingcrown: Troster: Remember, people who use drugs are also our neighbours (377 comments):m!arseykingcrown:

You don't even need to sort by controversial for this one, even /r/ottawa knows this is a :marseywomanmoment2:


Ottawa, Why? This hurts small businesses! (289 comments)



Looks like insurance isn't covering this one :soycry:

As drugs overwhelm this downtown block, is safer supply the problem or the solution? (263 comments)



Bonus: The homeless shelter opened a second location somewhere else and go figure it's a shithole

'Things are basically out of control': Residents voice concerns over increased crime, drug use in Carlington (236 comments)


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Your opinion apparently is that people should be allowed to use reddit to organise criminal conspiracies and aid, abet, command, counsel, induce or procure criminal activity.

You. Are a mental midget. A functional r-slur. An intellectual cripple. A dipshit. Clueless. A waste of oxygen. Your nasal mucus has more cognitive capability than what is between your ears. You have no career future. You're incapable of avoiding the moral pitfalls of a children's playspace. You eat unidentified food off the floors of fast food restaurants. You think your feces is fingerpaint. You cannot be left unattended in the restroom for more than thirty seconds lest you choke on potty paper.


Burn everything you have that has a keyboard and go back to kindergarten.



Animal tranquilizer in street drugs raises alarms (204 comments):

22 suspected overdose deaths in Ottawa in first 4 weeks of 2024: OPH data (178 comments):

PSA: Growing concerns around the toxicity of the unregulated drug supply(119 comments):

Child brought to CHEO after putting syringe in mouth at Ottawa park: paramedics(638 comments:

LowerTown BS (261 comments):

Mark Sutcliffe: “I went on a tour recently of a temporary homeless shelter, and 100% of the clients there are individuals who are seeking asylum”(424 comments):

Today's letters: Drug use is making Centretown less and less safe (430 comments):

Ottawa, Why? This hurts small businesses! (289 comments):

As drugs overwhelm this downtown block, is safer supply the problem or the solution? (263 comments):

'Things are basically out of control': Residents voice concerns over increased crime, drug use in Carlington (236 comments):

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