As I know that no one will actually read the leak and the dissertation attached to the leak is wingcucked to its core, which will inspire skeptism from our more trans affirming pals, I've decided to compile things into a neat effortpost.
Non Binary Identity and Medical Intervention
One of the most interesting things within the WPATH leaks is the revelations regarding the adoption and medicalization of the non-binary identity as well as concerns from doctors related to over medicalizing and over binarying the trans identity.
From Clip 6
>So I think at the same time we're fighting against The community's desire to have less gatekeeping, less professional intrusion, less spending time in doctor's offices. And how do we manage that and make sure that everybody's got the right level of education to make good decisions for themselves? So this is a problem that we're facing. And this is where I think some of the detransition comes in. Because the over medicalization, as well as Uh, over binarying, as well as just the pressures that people are under because of the opposition creates a dynamic that's very, very hard for all of us to work in. Trans people and clinicians, very, very hard.
Almost all the binary trans 'detransitioning' to non binary patients appear to be natal females though with corroborating anecdotes from a couple of natal males.
From Clip 17
>Ren Massey: All right, thanks. Going, going, gone. Move on to our next case. Okay, if I can get my screen share to cooperate with me. Ah, here we go. All right. Cases. This is a collective consideration. Several trans men in their late 20s, early 30s have done a range of social and medical interventions. They're now clear that in hindsight, if they had come out ten years later, they may not have taken all the medical transition steps that they did if the option of a non binary identity had been on the table. They don't like to be seen by others as male, but given the physical changes, don't feel like they have a choice. There are different intensities of how upsetting this is to them, but a common theme is not likened to be perceived as male by others to the extent they are seen as male. I found this really interesting.
From Clip 30
>Ren Massey: I'll just add in that, uh, this actually reminds me of a successful 30 something I have, um, you know, who's, uh, very accomplished in their field and is, uh, was first aware in the last few years really more about their gender identity and, um, thinking, you know, they were identifying as a woman. Uh, and when the first came really more open to their awareness about six months ago. Um, took him a couple months to call me, then a couple months on my waiting list. And I've been seeing the person, I don't know, a couple months now. And They were hesitant to acknowledge maybe a non binary space might be good, maybe a fluid space might be good. And it's hard to tell how much feels true to their gender versus how much is external factors, and that's kind of stuff we're sorting through with time
These patients are increasingly interested in medical intervention which produces a more androgynous appearance, requesting testosterone and other forms of HRT. Without any real reference for what a non binary appearance would constitute the patients have varying interpretations of what the ideal medical end point is with those desires changing over time. These include dosing testosterone to the point of stopping periods but not to developing any male s*x characteristics.
From Clip 27
>She's very avoidant to have any discussions about What the shift toward non binary gender identity may or may not mean in terms of the decision she's always thought she would make in terms of medical transition. When brooch will shut down and no longer engage. Have had some success processing when discussions are framed from an embodiment lens
From Clip 29
>A lot of the, particularly the non binary kids, um, um, think that they want to be initially more vascularized than they end up wanting to be. And they find that there's a happy dose that's gotten rid of their periods or whatever, and that they're happy on that dose. And they don't necessarily want to push forward as they had thought that they might at the beginning. So. I think it's important that you just lay that out right at the beginning.
Recognition of Trans communities desires for less gatekeeping
Some patients move further, demanding surgery which 'desex' them, extending top surgery to removal of the nipples. You might initially think that only natal females are requesting these desexed surgeries, especially those that deliberately remove sexual function but you'd be wrong as there are various mentions of minimal depth vaginoplasty which would make s*x effectively impossible with it. The patients are even requesting surgeries which can't currently be done or haven't succeeded a single time, identifying as agender or eunuchs. The doctors are struggling to conceptualize that this means within the framework they're operating under, namely that being trans is based in autonomy rather than conforming to a having incorrect neurological gender to their body. That isn't to say that scrote nonsense isn't mentioned as a patient desiring to preserve their peepee while getting a neovagina is mentioned.
Naturally this knowledge is likely to make the average feminist do a double take, natal females wishing to remove periods, remove all female secondary characteristics to the point of losing nipples while maintaining a non binary identity can appear to many as being motivated by misogyny and a desire to be desexed within the eyes of men rather than a true desire toward s*x absence. This also suggests that these trans women aren't motivated by fetishism but also not to be as close to natal woman as possible which could be motivated by some internalized bigoted impulse according to some. This is known and noted by the doctors.
Despite what chuds are saying they refused to provide medical intervention to those they regarded as flip flopping on identity or which requested surgery for fetishistic reasons.
Another point is they had an attitude of concern toward detransition as being motivated near entirely by internalized transphobia and societal pressure, dismissing that it was occuring at a meaningful degree due to misevaluation. They've also been having problems with detransitioned patients chudding out. Interesting to note they referred to a detransitioned Matt Walsh loving natal female as he still while going according to self ID for all other patients.
From Clip 13
>Dan Metzger: To me, this is a not an untypical story. I mean, this person's got some significant mental health stuff, which is, you know, that they need to deal with. It sounds like they had an unfortunate sexual traumatic sexual event, which that sounds probably pretty horrible. But to me, this is a kid who, who, who. Um, got a false start and, uh, and, um, maybe it wasn't in a place where they were fully supported or they feel fully supported. Um, but to me, this is not de transitioning. This is just a kid working through crap. And, um, I mean, I obviously may feel sorry for the kid, but to me, this is not like something that should hit the news as a, you know, a system problem. You know, assuming that this kid's been getting the mental health care that they need. To me, this is like, not an untypical story. Um, and with a happy ending. So, yay.
Struggle with Pre Transition Therapy
They also have a problem with pulling details relating to trauma, especially sexual trauma, from patients before transition as the patients feel that it will compromise their chances to receive medical care. They also note that many of these patients willingly participated in sexual behavior despite not wanting to, presumably as a form of self harm or for validation from others, seems deeply female coded.
From Clip 14
>Um, And hopefully as you have enough of a rapport, I don't know if it happened in this case, but that it looks like the, the person didn't disclose some of the bullying and the traumatic sexual event until a year later. The hope would be that if we can build enough rapport over time with kids in whatever specialty we have.
From Clip 15
>Ren Massey: comment. I noticed an observation or a wish that, uh, therapists involved in able to Help the young person distinguish between the assault and their gender identity. I think, um, that there are times working with young people where they don't even disclose an assault or some type of sexually, Coercive or unpleasant experience. It may not even have been coercive, but it may be almost like self coerced. They thought they were supposed to do X, and so they, like, I guess this is how people interact sexually, and so they showed up voluntarily, like this other person at the moment, um, wasn't coercing them, but they were kind of trying to get themselves to learn about s*x. And so they may have done things they didn't even feel comfortable with. And so they don't want to talk about it with therapists. So, I mean, um Even good therapists, you know, we're going to be limited at times where we're, uh, we can't get everything that's going on with our kids that we're working with. And sometimes the adults also don't bring it forward. So, um, it's a, it's a high bar to cross sometimes to try to catch everything that. may be affecting somebody's view of themselves and across domains of their life experiences.
There was a debate among them as to whether Blanchard's autogynephilic was real reaching the majority conclusion that it wasn't
Though one doctor said they had met a crossdresser which fetishized being a prostitute
There is also a mention of a autogynephilic chud, will transition save her
Here is a final round up of interesting details.
A pooner transitioning is 200,000 dollars
Puberty Blockers are stated as reversible for natal females but not for natal males
Obviously you've likely seen that they didn't regard mental illness as invalidating pronounced gender identity.
But they also placed those that they felt didn't have proper access to mental health care within holding patterns which presumably means not going forward with further medical transition.
They note that some trans women struggle to pass due to chin and hands
Commentary of the different standards between EU and the US
Naming the Poly menace
They met an average /tttt/ user and tried to tell her that she will be a real woman
R-slur transitioning
Parents approving medical intervention without knowing what they approved
Clip 2
>But what really disturbs me is when the parents can't tell me what they need to know about a medical intervention that apparently they signed off for.
-Opens with a claim that they found 216 inaccuracies, that "affect every section." It seems like if that's the case, just neatly list the 216 inaccuracies off. They don't though, and instead the document seems far too short for 216 inaccuracies. The number seems like little more than something meant to make people go "hurrdurr o wow 216, dats uh lot."
Hilariously, they cite that the Files use the Gish Gallop tactic, where they try to overwhelm people with a sheer amount of errors so that they have difficulty responding to everything, while this critique itself is immediately trying to use volume of errors to dismiss the file.
-Critiques that the Files mention a petition against the current methodology of trans treatments as though the petition was composed of 2000 signatures from medical staff. In reality, the petition was open to the public, and most of the signatures seem to be by family members of kids and teens that were treated. However, the critique does nothing to touch on how if the petition were open to the public, then yes, the majority of the public are not employed as medical staff, so it's inevitable that most will not be from medical staff. Did medical staff sign though...? This is left unanswered. It also approaches the signatures of family members with a dismissive attitude.
Opening the petition myself, I'm immediately met with people marked as psychiatrists, psychologists and pediatricians, right at the top. In that sense, while it's true the petition isn't purely composed of medical staff, it's clear it also includes medical staff and informed individuals who would directly deal with the subject matter on the regular. Psychologists in particular seem supportive of this petition.
The very signatures that the critic screencapped showcase the only two DJs on the entire petition, with the sceenshot conveniently cutting off just before two trainee Psychotherapists sign it. The critic is very clearly selecting which data to show us for their own benefit, trying to present it as though misinformed DJs and other low-education level professions make up the majority of the petition.
-A lot of the critique boils down to references to studies done before 2012, which the critic addresses as being old or since debunked. To quote:
The "frequently misquoted Swedish Study" hilariously links to the critic's own response as a citation. I've honestly never seen this before lol. Is it even considered a sound academic practice to cite yourself...?
At any rate, those links do not contest the abnormally high suicide rate amongst trans individuals, instead only contesting that transgender treatments do not increase suicide rates. This however begs the question: what happens to the argument that "we need to do this treatment ASAP for the patient's own well-being" if the treatment itself is statistically a wash that neither improves nor diminishes quality of life? We are rushing into these treatments off a false premise that clearly isn't true, and not even this critic provides anything to debunk that.
The quality of life study is dismissed as being old, effectively saying "well it was society's fault they're unhappy." I mean, if I were to mutilate my face and then cry "it's society's fault I'm unhappy and no one will date me," is it really so unorthodox to acknowledge society responses as part of one's own happiness...?
The critic also completely glosses over that the quality-of-life study broke things down into categories. Is it also society's fault that transgender individuals from that study were documented as having more health problems and more physical limitations than the control group...? The societal discrimination is simply an uncited theory of the critic that doesn't hold up against the actual study's findings, which measured metrics irrelevant to societal influence.
-This is the part I may not be understanding, but the critic lectures the Files for conflating gender and s*x. This is where I tap out and say "who fricking cares," though maybe I'm stupid to. However, this same section does try to make a point by showing how outdated the Files' approach is by citing a change in the DSM-V...which I think for most people, backfires spectacularly.
Open the critique and scroll down, you will see a side-by-side of the DSM-V both before and after 2013. The difference...? The pre-2013 version showcases that a REQUIREMENT of gender identity disorder was that the child feels uncomfortable with their own gender role of their biological gender. Post-2013 however, this is no longer a requirement. The child only needs to desire to be the other gender while engaging in at least 5 out of 7 other criteria where they make-believe they're the other gender. This is exactly the kind of thing where I feel the critic is out-of-touch. We do not give a shit if the DSM-V's new requirements are the authority, the entire point is people are questioning that criteria.
All the critic is doing is calling for a blind adherence to the authority of the DSM-V, when no, people rightfully want to question why suddenly a little boy who states he wishes he was a girl and wears a dress, plays with dolls, has majority female friends, plays house and doesn't want to play monster trucks (5 criteria met) is suddenly being told he's trans instead of it just being a phase he may be experiencing because all of his friends are girls and he wants to fit in.
-The conclusion part includes an awkward ad hominem where it claims a certain person helped make this document and they once teased a little girl for being trans. I have no idea if this is even true because their own citation makes no mention of any teasing, nor of the person they named.
My spirit will rise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right.
X 11mo ago#6062238
spent 0 currency on pings
he pre-2013 version showcases that a REQUIREMENT of gender identity disorder was that the child feels uncomfortable with their own gender role of their biological gender. Post-2013 however, this is no longer a requirement. The child only needs to desire to be the other gender while engaging in at least 5 out of 7 other criteria where they make-believe they're the other gender.
I will have sexual intercourse with you in exchange for fiat currency
EliteBuckBreaker 11mo ago#6062589
spent 0 currency on pings
A DSM edition that focused more on symptom grouping. A lot of these terms we use for “mental illness” are fuzzier than anyone was comfortable acknowledging before then.
Erin Reed is attacking the wingcucked accompanying document so it's just the typical wingcuck back and forth between chuds and s, this is exclusively relying on the leaked shit.
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Have you looked at the “216 counts of factual errors” the trains are trying discount this with? Cuz I ain't reading crazy
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Trans lives matter
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A DSM edition that focused more on symptom grouping. A lot of these terms we use for “mental illness” are fuzzier than anyone was comfortable acknowledging before then.
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Erin Reed is attacking the wingcucked accompanying document so it's just the typical wingcuck back and forth between chuds and
s, this is exclusively relying on the leaked shit.
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Pazuzu says, "Trans rights!"
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What does her smile look like?
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might find one in this vidya
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I'll watch the vid tho
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Go to sleep my neighbor

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had to
lol good nite
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Why bother reading if you're only gonna read one side?
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I thought the 216 number came from a lolcow "journ*list"
who was blatant in his bias.
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it did
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