I just got Stonetoss’ grifting Groomercord (4-digit members) server banned by spamming illegal content reports on every slur :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:


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Now post to Twitter and tell them SRD & AHS brigaded them


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I linked them to this thread :star:


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I personally prefer false flag operations but you're the boss.


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Maybe we’ll get a seething zoomer or three visiting us and throwing a fit because they have to join a different server to buy jpgs now.


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Your commitment to shit stirring is admirable, Carp

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link them to AHC

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Edit your link to here to include this, more visibility when scrolling

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Hey, someone used my trash :star:

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It's beautiful :marseyspecialpat:

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Thanks, I spent about 90 seconds on it!

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Mashallah brother, it is done


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Very entertaining. Good work.

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Ironic jannying is still jannying.

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Some of them knew me 🤗


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Tbh he's got a point. I dont see how someone with a life and job has the time to stir so much shit (see: reddit jannies).

Its entertaining though, so I'm not gonna complain and just occasionally let slip that I think I'm better than you.

You're basically a court jester :marseythumbsup:

Acfually, to be fair to you, my dear fish, the dudes on a stonetoss groomercord. Certainly not in the situation to call anyone else a no-life.


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I’m actually at work right now. Most of my rdramaposting is done from my real job :star:


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Phoneposters rise up

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Same. What the heck else am I going to do with my free time at work?


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Rumor has it your real job is heading up anti evil operations aka MOSSAD

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He's actually fairly wealthy from everything he says, not just from outright saying it but from moving stories and shit.

But he's WAAAY to terminally online and digitally neurodivergent to have a normal job and he posts a ton at work.

At this point with the amount of shit he pulls on rightoid hives in the little known corners of the internet (ruqqus, telegram chats, a fricking stonetoss groomercord) I'd wouldn't be surprised if Carp is an unironic glowie. Also on that note, rdrama being an FBI honeypot for political extremists and the mentally insane is one of the only realistic explanations for why reddit admins jumped through so many hoops to punish the subreddits trolling without outright banning r/drama.

:killherkillher: :killherkillher: :killherkillher:

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I’ve met people like him, he works in some field that’s gatekept by degrees but isn’t actually important to anybody, so he doesn’t have to worry about producing anything. You can tell by the way they don’t actually know anything useful, but they’re good at jokes. Super common in America tbh.

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Every time I run I Gradle build, I have like 9 minutes to shitpost

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He's just mad that you're making the world a better place while he gets trampled by progress :marseycarppat:

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But Ruqqus was a martyr :marseyangel: and Carp is Satan :marseydevil:

Do ruqqus rightiods really think this?

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You're famous on the internet

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Anybody who has ever been on a Groomercord or Telegram has no business judging the worth of anybody else's life.


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Frick, do we have a Bardfinn in our midst?

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anything that upsets people is based

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Bardfinn badge for everyone who gets a sub or server jannied?

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Fish beats rock

:marseycarp3: :!marseystonetoss:

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I'm not making another shitty frog and scorpion edit.

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Why attempt to improve on perfection?

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Actually Stonetoss is good.


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Yeah I unironically love stonetoss. I hate his fanbase though. And I think he does too.


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If you hate his fanbase why did you make it harder for Stonetoss to scam them out of money via NFTs?

Stonetoss is the artist I'm holding out hope finally leaps to the endgame scam of selling the same art as "NFTs" multiple times.


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They’re procgen if I remember correctly. Dramneurodivergents were like 15 of the first 30 people in that server lmao


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Dramneurodivergents seem like a prime audience for Flurk NFTs, who else is neurodivergent enough to buy them?


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That guy who bought all 5000 of beeple-craps work for 69 mill

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being a NFT servers = double based. Boring images for cash, lmao

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Carp why do you spend so much time, essentially just trying to destabilize, sabotage, or just fricking enrage rightoid hives on the web?

Like are you just a funnier version of Bardfinn and you're an unironic NEET? Or just actually a glowie?

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His fanbase is butt and so are NFTs

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So is his "art". I'm convinced people pretend to like his comics because it flatters their politics. All his characters look like identical blob people.

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looks better than calArts

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What are the chances we attract stonechuds to the site?

:marseystonetoss: :marseystonetoss: :marseystonetoss: :!marseycarp: :!marseycapy:

And what do you call a group of stonetoss fans? A rockslide?

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A klan.


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:marseystonetoss: :marseysus: and nothing of value was lost.

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I'm sure it was you and not the thousands of other tards doing the exact same gay groomercord ops.

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Server has been up for a minute, I started spamming high priority illegal content reports about an hour ago when they reacted extremely poorly to my saying trans rights :marseytrans2:


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Carps a dirty frickin rat

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no hes a carp

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I’m honestly clutching mah pearls Mello that you’d post such smut up in here

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I helped by posting BIPOC :marseyblowkiss:

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Thank you for your service and congrats on not having your legs blow off

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:marseycarppat: Stonetoss rdrama comic coming?

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Maybe he sneaks a carp into his next comic :marseylaugh:

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There are actual Groomercord employees on this site so next time you want a server banned just DM them.

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Everyone has been trying to get Yamete banned :(


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Ayo can u send me their @ i need to talk with them to get the old ahc server unbanned

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why would a groomercord employee be on this site. I thought if they were the type to need trigger warnings

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Dunno why he hanged around r/drama, he didn't seem like a fragile b-word there however I do know he (or some other jannie) was deleting comments linking karaa_raven to allthefoxes.

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lmao Kaara works at Groomercord??

I was wondering what that weirdo was up to. Dude was p funny when he wasn't spamming furry porn everywhere and the seethe he caused seemingly weekly when the users of that big cringe sub he moderated figured out he was a total degen was hilarious. Truly an enigma of our time

I'll def have to give this a read, and if you're reading this Kaara I miss you :marseylove:

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TBH I believe he's the one fighting for drawn furry CP being completely legal on Groomercord because it gets his and his buddies' peepee hard, so as far as I'm aware it's a shame he wasn't the one getting self defense'd by Kyle :marseyshrug:

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oh man I didn't know he was into "it's just a drawing, drawings don't have age" levels of degenerate, but I guess I should have known

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Yeah. The other thing is, if you're spanking it to shit like that, you're a degen p-do furry, but it's even worse when you have a say in content moderation rules and choose to allow it, enabling probably tens of thousands of others to share and discuss that shit.

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I always just assumed our KaaraRaven was someone gimmicking the real one. Are you sure they’re the same?

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Lol seems like we already had this conversation - basically I don't know, most Kiwi evidence seems to suggest that he is, and the deleted comments in r/drama linking his account together strengthen it.




Found another jannied one, in this case for calling allthefoxes a p-do


Seems like a decent enough evidence to me.

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I personally know a manager at groomercord who is kinda dramapilled 👀

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Rightoids have been banned at 108 places

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So what's it like being a cute twink with AIDS?

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Based as fuark

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That's so fricking r-slurred. So I can just go into a groomercord, read a bit and then go touch grass and these groomercord paid jannies think this is reason to ban me even if I post nothing in the groomercord.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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I’ve been in tons of servers that got banned and nothing ever happened, I think it’s an empty threat and they probably actually browse what was posted to find people to action, or do so algorithmically.


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Didn't they ban everyone in the T_D groomercord just for being in there? Or maybe I'm thinking of the wsb one.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Idk the only r-slurs I e-hang out with are you guys, TDcord and WSB is a bit much.


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Null said it they just ban your account if you're an owner or mod of a server that they sweep. I don't think it does anything to users.

Stay safe, rdrama groomercord users.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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We have a 300iq jannie protection system that I thought up and h1tler built. We’re almost bulletproof.


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yea the AHC groomercord was banned and only the mods were banned


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jannies posting their L's online

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If Stonetoss is legit just Shmorky doing a neo-Nazi gimmick I might actually die laughing.

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I got one too lol


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Where's the janny-gigachad mashup that I need right now?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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Man your stations! Incoming rightoids! Not just any rightoids. They are NFT r-slurs. 🤮🤮🤮

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Great job King of Kings

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*Kang of Kangs

He's an honorary Egyptian now

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Holy shit :marseylaugh:

Time for some extreme twitter smug (seethe)posting :marseyseethe: by some mayos who try so incredibly hard to be edgy


Also it's kind of sad to see stonetoss push his nfts so desperately, hope he at least makes some money cuz man I cringe harder than usual when I check his twitter :marseytwerking:

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Grifting morons is always admirable

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:marseyjanny2: :marseykneel:

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magnificently neurodivergent

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lol that's cold as heck


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Chuds and cryptomongs BTFO

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KING. Non Frickable Tards all deserve it

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E-funkos 🤣

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I wish I could upmarsey and downmarsey a post at the same time

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Why, that's just a gay move

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on the other hand, frick groomers

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He deserves it for using (((groomercord))) when he already has a webserver and could run his own instance of Element and be unbannable.

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Didn’t read past the title but: based

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Based and jannypilled

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thank you for your service

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Nice one. Now i'll never get him to this site.

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