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Every month I like to re-live the 2020 election and laugh at magatards

If anyone has any great maga meltdown videos post them pls

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Imagine not making it you dumb skank.

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Are you honored by your new award in the shop?

:marseylongpost: :marseylongpost2:

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Sure why not

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Joe Biden's such a disappointment that you have to live in the past to gloat, it's cool, I understand.


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He's only a year into his term, I have a high degree of confidence that he will gain traction and go down in history as one of the truly great presidents of modern times.

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Great like the exploding inflation we're gonna have his entire term.


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I understand macroeconomics are likely far beyond your limited capabilities to grasp, but inflationary monetary policies are in fact beneficial to the health of our economic recovery.

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yes because hotel and travel stocks going back up 100% during a global pandemic is :marseyairquotes: totally natural:marseyairquotes: and won't lead to any unintended consequences down the line

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Biden's vaccine policies are inspiring confidence and fueling the recovery. Consumer confidence is being bolstered by the upcoming infrastructure bills, and money velocity is accelerating. You need to be ideologically blinded or just plain r-slurred to be unable to recognize this.

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darn as much as i hate to admit, you baited me there with the sheer r-sluration

I always found it hard to troll like this because a part of you really has to be able to think like a drooling dipshit which I am incapable of doing

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part of you really has to be able to think like a drooling dipshit which I am incapable of doing

I believe in you.

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thanks pizza :marseylove:

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Just go to r/politics and repost comments from there to here. It's easy.

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We are literally in Weimar Germany levels rn lmao we not gonna have a presidency

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The rightoid obsession with Nazis is inexhaustible.

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What's your opinion on Raffi the musical artist?

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rightoid obsession with nazis

you sure about that

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Shut up cuck

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Harsh words from the top admin, I feel duly chastised


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darn pizza you funny

funny looking

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Maybe the best president who can't tie his own shoes

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His abilities may be fading, but he is a seasoned leader who knows how to unite and build coalitions of competent and intelligent people to carry out his policies. His economic and social policies are refreshing after the previous 4 years of embarrassment.

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average amerifat lib

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Many such cases.

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They like just passed the infrastructure bill Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

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But not the 3.5 trillion giveaway bill that they really wanted passed.


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β€œMuh muh muh I’m a cute twink crybaby.”

-Me who is leagues ahead of you and your cute twinkry

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Darn bro epic roast


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who care

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Darn if this is what you do monthly, Alaskan wilderness is really something you need to do ASAP.

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I'm super worried I'll never feel like that again.

It was amazing, I stayed up for days straight just laughing at conservatives.

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> depriving yourself of sleep to laugh at mentally deranged 4chinners and schizo boomers

I admire your dedication to drama and online idiocy but touching some Alaskan grass is in order

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How much adderall did you consume in that period?

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It was crazy man i was popping caffeine pills and benadryl and just dunking rightoids left and right.

Not been able to feel anything since then

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popping caffeine pills

Maybe this is why you're so insufferable. Take the amphetaminepill, literally. Unlock your full potential as a dramatard.

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Hahaha sounds like a good time. You're built different (in a good way)

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My rim was sore for two weeks straight. Aggressively thumbing your prostate for days on end has real consequences despite the pleasure in the moment. Thank God I have a standing desk.

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there's really no need for the blue checkmark with posts like these

probably won't be able to get that kind of high again until at least 2026

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AOC is up for reelection in 2022. I've got a bottle of lube and a rainbow glittered dragon dildo on standby.

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i stand corrected!

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:marseysleep: :marseysleep: :marseysleep:

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At last we meet, r-slur.

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NOT okay

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My shame

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Someone should put the 2020 and 2016 meltdowns together side by side in a video.

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They aren't even comparable. There were "stop the count" rallies in some states and "keep counting" rallies in others.

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The magatards were delusional and it was moderately funny, but the complete BPD-style meltdowns by college students and foids seen in 2016 were more entertaining

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favoring 2016 vs. 2020 really depends if you find angry moids funnier than crying foids. personally i hate women so this is a no-brainer

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Watching the angry pink foids screaming in Maricopa Co was kino.

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I remember when they expected a heckin gay-shoah.

Also this episode in American history is funny:

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I thought that the 2016 meltdown was funnier because most of the people losing their minds were spoiled wealthy millennials who were used to having shit just handed to them every time they threw a temper tantrum or whined about "being oppressed," and taking things away from people like that is always hilarious. The MAGA riot was not as much fun since most of those people were just poor people at the bottom of the economic ladder who were tired of being financially bullied by narcissistic inbred elites. They were simply hoping for a savior to rescue them from their shitty situation, and they saw Trump as their messiah who could overthrow the oligarchs and restore equality. Obviously Trump exploited the heck out of their naivete.

On the other hand, the 2020 riot and its aftermath laid the stage for a future civil war, so even though it was not as funny or entertaining as the 2016 temper tantrum, in the long term I think it will cause a lot more drama.

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I don't have anything to add but good analysis. Civil wars are very dramapilled

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were tired of being financially bullied by narcissistic inbred elites

they deserve it for being poor and white. You don’t sound like a landchad ... rent’s due! EVICTED!

(also how does this explain how poor people still voted disproportionately democrat https://statista.com/statistics/631244/voter-turnout-of-the-exit-polls-of-the-2016-elections-by-income/ https://pewresearch.org/politics/2016/09/13/2016-party-identification-detailed-tables/ https://statista.com/statistics/1184428/presidential-election-exit-polls-share-votes-income-us/

More poor people voted R than 08 12 but that’s relative lmao

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Did you forget about the gatherings that would scream at the sky and he will not divide us? Dude, the only reason the stop the count didn't happen in 2016 was that the Dems didn't think Trump could possibly win, then they spent the next 3 years saying Russia elected Trump. It's exactly the same.

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Neighbor you are delusional:

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It's funny that you get so upset about it. You hate rightoids so much that you'll deny that the exact same craziness happened. Comeon pizza, join us in the middle.

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Dude show me a single fricking thing comparable to "ANGELS ARE COMING FROM AFRICA RIGHT NOW."

I know you guys are super desperate to both sides everything, but 2020 was just many times more insane/prolonged.

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Unless you start going into the actual mentally ill, you're not going to find that, but using holy rollers is basically cheating because you can find them saying insane shit every Sunday, it's not just limited to Trump.

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Basically would have been the same thing if Robert Muller was black. :marseyblackface:

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Yeah this is actually very comparable to a multi-month long melt-down that ended in a failed coup and 60 failed lawsuits.

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Impeding democratic process you say?

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Yeah honestly this mild protest is actually very comparable to what happened on jan 6.

I honestly think rightoids have some severe cognitive issue that manifests in proportionality blindness.

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They violently broke into the Chambers during session and intimidated politicians before a vote. That's terrorism.

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Let me be very clear: if you think any of what you just linked is even in the same solar system as jan 6 you are so profoundly delusional it might as well be indistinguishable from mental illness.

Like, I don't know how else to word this for you. It is not physically possible for you to think these are in any way comparable using anything even resembling coherent thought.

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Please put a reference to Jan. 6 in your flair or something, you could massively increase your rate of inducing rightoid spergouts.

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Is that because they're women?

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That's extremely ableist


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i mean...social media leftoids are literally still melting down over 2016.

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The WH wasn't even breached you 70 IQ hole.

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You gave me a one day ban? You are my little bitchboy, aren't you?

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You are my little bitchboy, aren't you?

Unironically, I just got a little hard.

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That's good. Now, go release the tension alone someplace where no one can see you.

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No, just a three-year long oppo hoax that Russians stole it, orchestrated by the Clinton campaign and the NatSec bureaucracy to function as a soft coup

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Lmao the only things Trump was ever taken to count for in relation to Russia was things directly proven by multiple investigations.

The idea this was somehow a "coup" is bat-shit insane and only something one can believe if they have a learning disability.

Even if the entire thing was oppo, it pales in comarison to Benghazi for example, emails, the great Christmas card scandal of the 1990s or the impeachment of Bill Clinton.

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What was proven lmao

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The things in the investigations.

Trump jr and co did meet a Russian asset to discuss obtaining dirt on Clinton in Trump tower.

Manafort did pass campaign data to Russian intelligence.

The Trump campaign did welcome election interference from the Russian government because they expected to benefit from it.

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None of that was in the Steele dossier lmfao

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The Steel Dossier is completely irrelevant. It didn't start the investigations.

My point is Trump was not really held accountable in any way for any of the stuff he did, and the only things that appeared in official discussions were proven.

Some elements of the Steele Dossier were also confirmed.

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It didn't start the investigations.

Oh Pizza...

Some elements of the Steele Dossier were also confirmed.

Holy shit imagine being a Russiagater in the year of Our Lord 2021


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Partisanship like this makes me praise allah for making me a radical centrist

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tell me more of this radical centrism

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Most people who claim to be aren't.

That's the gist of it.

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@Aevann i'd like to report a bug: crat DOES NOT auto upmarsey pizza's posts!

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