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Smelly, balding, Redditors :soysnooseethe: blame capitalism :soyjaktantrum: when their bullies :marseypunching: are more successful :marseycapitalistmanlet:, sexier :marseygigachad:, and have better hair :marseyfluffy: than them.


That's who capitalism rewards, those who bully others.


t. /u/David_DH, a Redditor since 2016 who posts exclusively in videogame subs and subs for toys.

This is literally how global capitalism rewards behavior. It's a zero sum game where one wins because others lose, so of course the aggressor will excel.


t. /u/Vo_Mimbre 23k redditor over 3 years. Posts in videogame subs and /r/marvelstudios.

Uhh yeah, capitalism breeds narcissists.

You pretty have to have zero to no empathy to be successful in today's economy

CEOs and big-wigs are usually sociopaths or psychopaths


t. /u/clearcontroller, redditor since 2011. Posts in videogame subs, /r/antiwork, and /r/tinder.

Maybe we as a society should rethink what personality traits we are incentivizing


t. /u/Loud-Ad-2280, the op and proud owner of a 200k, 3 year old Reddit account. Posts in /r/PoliticalHumor and /r/Leopardsatemyface!

And replying to that...

Capitalism above all baybeee


Thank you, /u/HobbieK, for taking time out of your busy schedule of running a 9 year old Reddit account, posting in /r/Helldivers, /r/Starwarsbattlefront, and /r/letterboxd. Be sure to bring this epic pwnage up at your next /r/DSA groomercord meeting!

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I don't think I ever got bullied in school, especially elementary school. I remember only one time in sixth grade a kid would throw pinecones at me when I'd walk home from the bus but I threatened him after it started getting annoying

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