All of a sudden the Redditors are ok with non-consensual s*x.

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Cbf effortposting this.


Of course this also brings out the cuckposters too:

And gross Redditors that have s*x:

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Drunk s*x is fun because it kills the weird awkwardness that I'd normally have. :marseydepressed:

There's no way in my right sober mind that I'd wear weird lacy shit and say strange sultry things that make no sense. A couple of glasses of wine, though, and I forget about how r-slurred that is. :!marseywinemom:

destroy zoomers :marseyzoomergenocide:

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:

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That's why I shop drunk. I wouldn't usually order the lacey boxer briefs or harness but drunk me is like 'yeah boi you might need these' (I haven't yet...but soon when @SpudsMackenzie returns).

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Yikes weirdo imagine not starting s*x by raising your hands to the sky and yelling "ALLAH HAS COMMANDED US TO BREED".

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May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:

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All s*x is r*pe

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Heterosexual s*x is pedophilia

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*All heterosexual s*x

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>A man and a woman in a consensual relationship solidified by marriage where not every sexual interaction with each other requires a user agreement consent form signed.


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Yes. :coomerface:

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Turns out building a forest of arbitrary and dubious rules to protect women from the consequences of casual s*x is counterproductive when women don't need to be protected in the first place.

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Zoomers need to be reconditioned that life doesn't require you to have a signed permission slip from mommy every time you want to do something.

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sirpingsalot rizz

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Boozechads win again

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More spongebob r*pe memes please

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always have been

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I thought this was going to be about Hamas decolonizing their hostages...

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The Zoomer police showing up to my house in 2035 to arrest me for r*pe (I held the hand of my wife of 8 years without asking her)

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(I held the hand of my wife of 8 years without asking her)

Straight to jail.

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Even if we want to pretend s*x is always feminism when you're drunk (but only if you're the woman or bottom), if you consent before you get drunk it doesn't magically become feminism when you are

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Reported by:

is always feminism

neighbor what the frick are you talmbout

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>he doesn't use the wordfilter

>hasn't picked up on the way it works via quotes of others


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lol just use the word and get filtered, it's funny


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male* feminism

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:soycry: If a dude comes home drunk and horny and fricks his wife, he r*ped her

:soycry: If a chick comes home drunk and horny and fricks her husband, he r*ped her

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👏women👏can't👏consent 👏

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Appalling. He should be chemically castrated so he can't hurt his defenseless wife any more. :marseyindignant:

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Highly problematic. Does he even have the bull's consent?

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If she's the kind of person who forgets what happens when she's drunk the bull might not even know yet that his girlfriend is being r*ped by her husband.

Terrible situation. :sad2:

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Hmm is that why my ex wanted me to go out with friends and pick me up afterwards? :marseysquint:

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Why is rdrama so filled with victims of r*pe?

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!noalcohol would never r*pe our wives/husbands :#marseybow:

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I'll do it for you

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Ah, but of course, the only proper way to bone is with poppers.

Jk who isn't a messy freak when drunk? Lmao :marseyxd:

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All PIV s*x is r*pe (and that's a good thing)

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You consent. She consents. But does the FDA consent?

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There's something peak Reddit about quoting the FDA and FAA in a comment about romance and s*x.

Yes, I'm sure you love your spouse but have you asked the proper authorities? :marseysoyhype:

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downmarseyd for innappropriate skin color.

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Think of it from a Redditor's point of view.

You're fat, smelly and annoying. You find it very hard to have s*x with anyone. All the women seem repulsed and uninterested. You conclude therefore that women don't want s*x and all s*x is by deception, and therefore r*pe.

You invent a whole moral house of cards around the rights and wrongs of having s*x and create a ruleset that makes it impossible for s*x to occur in any spontaneous human situation.

You, a smelly virgin, are now virtuous and you get to lecture to married men for fricking their wives. You have won the argument.

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>You're fat, smelly and annoying.

That's basically me and I manage without declaring all heterosexual relationships r*pe.

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Found the incel male feminist

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Alcohol is the same as roofies is one of the all time takes.

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I mean, isn't though?

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Giving someone else money so they can buy booze is basically roofying them was what really rustled my jimmies

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reddit incels vs blackpill incels on women accountability

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Reddit is the internet's leading resource for spousal r*pe.

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If she's within 25miles of a container of alcohol it's r*pe

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wife: i'm gonna go out and get smash tonight. when i get home you better be awake. :aroused:

reddit: this is literally r*pe what the frick

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Self r*pe

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If you are in an at least moderately happy marriage and not a sociopath you basically cannot r*pe your wife. Redditor's responding to this like these people have been dating for a few weeks are so fricking r-slurred.

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I've had this thought as well. Once you're with someone long enough you move beyond the concept of consent—maybe into trust? Not sure what the best term would be

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Not sure what the best term would be

r*pe. all s*x is r*pe

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Only of the heterosexual variety

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Getting blackout drunk and fricking strangers is what your 20s are for. Anyone over that age who thinks otherwise wasted their 20s.

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Women are incapable of mental progression after the age of 20.

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What happens between you and the men at the highway rest area is frankly none of my business.

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Unless you want it to be ;)

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What about if he's drunk and she's sober?

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men can't be r*ped. a woman could beat you with a frying pan and frick you in front of a police station and no one would bat an eye

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>tfw you will never get beat you with a frying pan and fricked without consent in front of a police station by a sexy brunette psychomommy.


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why you posting on gay cat website instead of earning money? don't you know we have bills to pay?


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I've never seen this marsey before but it hits VERY close to home

:marseyworried: :marseysweating:

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@X's wife every day.

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keep yourself safe

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Redditors when they hear about a husband and wife having a fun and interesting s*x life

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Is the wife amab and the hubby amab 15yo?

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Lmao imagine being so poorly informed about romantic relationships that you think fricking your wife while she's plastered is problematic. By that point, you know exactly where you both draw that line, what she would and would not be comfortable with, and how to make her happy.

Reddit just went public but it's an entire website of people who have never in their lives seen a healthy relationship

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Reddit just went public

Speaking of which :marseystocksdown:


Steve Huffman, the CEO & President, and 10% Owner of Reddit Inc (NYSE:RDDT), has sold 500,000 shares of the company on March 25, 2024, according to a recent SEC filing. The transaction was executed at an average price of $32.3 per share, resulting in a total value of $16,150,000.


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should be at $5 imho

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It'll fall but I don't think it'll go that low, unless they royally frick up somehow. Licensing 18 years of data for AI training will be their saving grace. It's a massive amount of content that covers a wide range of topics. It's too good to pass up.

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Licensing 18 years of data for AI training will be their saving grace.

but all the data (until a year ago) is public.


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Not anymore. They made it a pain to access that data. That was all the API nonsense last year was about.

They made it prohibitively expensive so that anyone who wants that data will be paying out the butt to fully access it.

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If you are doing something commercially you'll probably have to pay to cover your butt :marseydarkspez:

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How long until they lock all the redditors out so they can't see the precious data for free with their lazy antiwork eyes?

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The transaction was executed at an average price of $32.3 per share

@SnappyIsMyWaifu is guessing that's some OTC shit that @SnappyIsMyWaifu don't understand and the buyers have dumped some of it for EZ profit.

Trump for prison and mexico is gonna pay for it

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He likely sold it on the exchange. It's reported that he owns 3.2% of the company which comes to around 5M shares. So he basically cashed out around 10% of his cut.

I don't blame him. This is his big pay day after 18 years of dealing with redditard shenanigans. He'll probably want to live a little and invest in some other ventures.

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But then how did he sell it below the ticker price for that day??

Trump for prison

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Oh lol, I didn't even notice the price on that day. Then yeah, he probably sold them privately.

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>total volume of 2 million

Price probably would have dumped too potty town if he tried too offload 500K shares all on the exchange

Trump for prison

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I am really appreciating the redditors that see this, smile, upmarsey, and move on.

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It's completely fine? They're married and presumably have a level of trust with each other. And clearly she doesn't have an issue with it? He's not making it sound like she's passing out or blackout drunk.

For the record this comment and like 50 or more others with similar sentiments got downmarseyd into oblivion

That's because reditors have spreadsheets and flowcharts instead of souls. :marseyautism:


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The joke is that the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" which is clever in itself and quite funny to those with a mature sense of humour but what's really just hilarious about it is that if you look closely at the front of this store, Sneed's Feed & Seed, you can see a line that reads "Formerly Chuck's". Now, this might go over the average viewer's head as this, THIS, is peak comedy. I doubt anything will ever be as funny as the joke about Sneed's Feed & Seed. Are you ready for this one? So, like I said, the place is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed" and this sign says "Formerly Chuck's", which means that when Chuck owned the place, well, I don't have to tell you...


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