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The time I met Jesus

A few years ago then I was having visions of heck where reality warped, Earth was exactly the same, there was no torture, hellfire, reality warped and I saw the plane known as heck.

Basically my vision of heck was that I saw things for the way they truly were, everyone appeared demonic. In the Earth, there was hatred, genocide, murder and I honestly thought it was the event talked about in the book of Revelations. I spent about 3 days in heck and that was where I met Jesus and smoked a bowl with him.

Jesus explained that I did nothing wrong and shared with me some esoteric secrets about the inner mysteries of Christianity. He told me Judas was a hash dealer and advised me to "don't give money to a hash dealer." In terms of his followers and what his religion had become, he's actually not a fan and is big on Bhuddism now. I know more but I'm not going to share them. His mother was no virgin, she neglected him and sent him off at the age of 13, we talked about our experiences with bad parents and how they affected us and had a heart to heart.

That is my experience on when I smoked weed with Jesus himself.

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You should've pinged schizos :marseythinkorino:

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!schizomaxxxers !schizos new Ritalin kino

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I did.

Just kidding, I'm a Christian :marseypenny: too.

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Heretical bullshit

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If you really think the comment about Jesus's mother not being a virgin was blasphemous. A lot was added by the Church to fit in the prophecy of Isaiah.

There is evidence that Jesus didn't have a great relationship with his biological parents.

Luke 14:26

β€œIf anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. My guess that the thing about wife and children may have been added by the Church after to hide the fact that Jesus did have a difficult relationship with his parents.


Jesus said: He who does not hate his father and his mother like me cannot be a [disciple] to me. And he who does [not] love [his father] and his mother like me cannot be a [disciple] to me. For my mother [ . . . ], but [my] true [mother] gave me life.

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Luke 14:26

"If anyone comes to me, and doesn't hate his own father, mother, wife, children, brothers, and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he can't be my disciple.

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I don't follow Church dogma, If you want to know Heretical then look at the Church.

Censoring most of the gospels such as the Gospel of Mary committing genocide to erase them from History, because they were focused on being a political and economic power, genociding Christians in the process. If you want Heretical, look in the religion and the people doing unchristian acts under Jesus's name.

There were a lot more than 4 Gospels.

Unlike most Christians, I've read the Bible.

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>orthodox Christianity is le wrong because...it just is, OK?

Your proof, gnosticel?

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I met him too during a K-Hole, didn't talk to me about hash though, he was more like an ambient aura.

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He was actually super chill with me.

I think he different with me because I appreciate bluntness.

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This is my story and experience about the time I smoked cannabis with Jesus.

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