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Other than murder then what are foids interested in and what are some normal foid interests?

I'm trying to develop some more feminine interests so I can have a discussion with foids and make friends but my understanding of the psychology of women is that they think a lot about murder and I was wondering what are some of their other interests if they have any because I don't think a lot about murdering people and want to develop some more normal foid interests.

Their boyfriend annoys them, they think about murder.

The cashier gets their order wrong and they think about murder.

They get their period then what do they think about? Murder.

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Serial killers, dogs, and misandry.

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Thanks, I'll try having a discussion of serial killers.

I got really into forensic psychology after watching Criminal Minds and that is something I find interesting too.

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Criminal Minds

Spencer Reid is just dreamy.



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He is actually pretty hot, it's his personality and awkwardness.

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Artistic handicrafts simple enough to be completed while chatting with other women: sewing, knitting, crochet, scrapbooking, arts-and-crafts, the bayeux tapestry.

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stanley cups, hot chip, moccachino latte, and high-waisted short-pants


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@tempest @_userName @houellebecqong

I don't have enough dc to ping biofoids,

What are some things you think about and are interested in except for murder?

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cooking :marseylickinglips:

gardening :marseysow:

murdering men AND stealing their peepees :marseysrdine2:

pliny the elder :marseyreading:

misfolded prions :marseysmugretard:

osteology :marseyskeleton:

decorative shrimp :marseyrave:

bmw e30 :marseysteer:

commanding @martsy :marseycracka:

needlefelting :marseymaid4:

using marseys to express myself on gay cat forum :marseypaintretard:

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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What are your favorite recipes to cook?

Yesterday I tried a new recipe where I fried an egg and then put lemon juice on it. It made me realize that you never know that some things go good together and some things in cooking don't go together and you never know if a recipe will taste good until you are willing to put something on or in something you cook.

Do you have any suggestions for simple recipes that don't take a lot of prepping for someone who has trouble with visual spatial tasks and attention with like 3 steps?

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I love cooking weird fancy things when I'm trying to impress someone; I usually try to woo people with my cooking. Steak au poivre is pretty simple but looks cool when you're making it because you get to set things on fire (same with bananas foster) :marseygaslighter:

Aside from that, I just like making food for other people. I make some mean soups and chilis. I used to bake different breads as well, but fell out of favor with that once I stopped going into the office because too much delicious bread around the house will make you fat. :marseychonker2:

If I had to pick a favorite thing to cook just for myself as a treat, it would probably be a toss up between my carnitas and kale/sausage soup. :marseylickinglips:

As for day to day simple cooking: sheet pan dinners are easy to throw together and rarely require a lot of ingredients. Marinate some proteins (I usually go for chicken thighs). Chop up some vegetables that you found on sale, toss them in some olive oil and spices. Throw everything on top of a sheet pan and bake. :marseycarrot:

Slow cooker crock pot meals are also easy if you don't have a large attention span; I used to throw chicken breasts, a jar of salsa, and a can of beans/corn in a crockpot on low for 8 hours for lazy burrito filling. Same goes for lazy sour roasts where you just throw a cheap cut of beef in with a jar of peperoncini and a satchet of ranch powder.

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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One thing I make is Chick peas, with olive oil and chives cooked in lemon juice.

I mean really simple.

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Toasted chickpeas are good.

Roasted broccoli is similar - toss it in olive oil and minced garlic with a bit of cheapie parmesan cheese, throw it in the oven for 20 min at 400F. Sometimes I'll just do broccoli by itself for dinner.

The only low ingredient recipe coming to mind right now that I use often would be the pepperoncini beef.


  • any size cheap beef roast (aim for around 2 lbs)

  • jar of sliced pepperoncini

  • ranch mix spice powder

  • some minced garlic

throw all ingredients into a crockpot (or if you have a dutch oven on the stove, cook on low with cover on) for 8 hours. after 8 hours, shred the beef and eat it. makes delicious leftovers for days. good on sandwiches or on top of potatoes.

if you want to take extra steps and make it even more delicious, cube the meat and brown it in a cast iron pot before throwing it all together


I'd say to look into crockpot/sheet pan dinners if you're looking for simple/low effort but still tasty.

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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I don't have a working crockpot but I'll be trying out the broccoli recipe.

I need a better diet.

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ritalin do u think im a woman?

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Reality TV shows

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I used to have a bit of an obsession with Big Brother and Survivor.

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Same same, I watch Survivor every week. For girl talk you can always try to bring up 90 Day FiancΓ© or Love Is Blind too, shows like that

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What is your favorite season of Survivor? I really liked Season 3 and 7 but I kind of stopped around 9.

Africa and Pearl Harbor.

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Agreed that Africa and Pearl Islands are 2 of the best seasons, those are prob my favorite older seasons. I loved the guy who won Africa and it was one of the more unique seasons. My favorite newer season is probably Cagayan (Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty season) or Heros vs Villains I also loved

Edit - actually I lied, the guy I love who won was a different africa season (Gabon season 17), not 3

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Ethan the soccer player? He was kind of quiet as I remember but I did like Lex.

I haven't watched any of the newer seasons but I'll probably try to get out of my comfort zone and instead of watching things in order, then try to watch things out of order.

I don't think Thailand was good, in fact it was probably the worst out of the earlier seasons, but it is under appreciated in terms of the gameplay.

I probably won't start with Heros vs Villians because I'm guessing it's like all stars where it's more enjoyable if you've seen them in earlier seasons?

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I mixed up the 2 Africa seasons, the one I liked a lot was actually season 17 so I'm glad I didn't spoil it and describe the winner to you. I have seen every season so they blend together a bit.

Yes I think it would be more enjoyable if you see their original seasons that either made them heros or villains. If you want a season considered one of the best for gameplay I would def suggest Cagayan because it's very fast paced with it, there are also some good characters in that season.

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I haven't been obsessed with it in awhile. When I get interested in something I get interested and need ro have to have an enclyopedic knowledge on it, and then I get burned out.

Which means I need to start watching from Season 1 and do an analysis of how the gameplay and social stragety developed through the history.

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Last time I gave you advice I didn't get an upmarsey :marseyupvote:


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I gave you one now to make up for it.

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Foids really like shipping and talking about various ships.

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@QuakerOats Are you unbanned?

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My ban ran out earlier today!

So what is this astrology shit you're talking about? I never recommend that! You have to be rooted in Earthly principles but that doesn't mean go all β€œMercury is in retrograde so I'm gonna act crazy”

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I was asking how to find the right shade of foundatation and someone told me that instead of reading the stars then you actually use Alister Crowley's Correspondence table from Libre 777, so I thought about colors that corresponded to Venus since I had it memorized and I needed a Green shade so I bought some Neutralizing Green Primer and I am using it as foundation.

I was thinking like a foid and I found my foundation shade.

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Don't do that! Just go into the sunlight (aka natural light) and look at how your skin tone looks

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It's kind of pale because I don't go into the Sun.

It sounds easier doing the other way, and more accurate.

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Ok, fine don't listen to me :marseyeyeroll:

Typical male

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>Simply touch grass :marseydisagree:

>Some wacky magic/astrology hybrid schizo bs :marseyagreefast:

You have the patience of a saint to even try bb :marseyxd:

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Lord knows I'm trying to be nice…trying to get me some good karma in before the end of the school semester :marseypraying:

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Did you notice how I am asking people about themselves and having a back and forth when talking about interests?

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She is being really helpful which is why I am following her advice at being a foid.

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I'll listen to you. I'm taking advice.

What do I do after I look at my skin? I know I need a foundation with a more orange tone then my skin shade to cover up any facial hair or 5' o clock shadow because I can't afford electrolysis.

The problem is I tend to do the trial and error thing.

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You need to start applying acids to your skin periodically

Start with the brand the Ordinary; they're relatively cheap for the products they supply so I highly recommend them

Start with the glycolic acid toner here


Once your skin is used to this, step up to the azelaic acid to help reduce redness and acne inflammation;


This is scientific evidence shit that will help you…don't follow some moon man advice or whatever you think foids believe…I'm trying to give your butt the most logical, sensible advice that exists at this point in time.

I know you are cray cray sometimes, but evidence-based skin care is the way to go

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Is this the same thing as the skin wash someone posted, I already bought that, or is it something else? I'm waiting for it to be delivered.

It looks like it is different.

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Are you a biofoid?

If so I am single.


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You guys would be the perfect couple tbh

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Only if they are a biofoid. I have peepeemisia. Are they?


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Nothing ever goes my way... The chads always win while I am left with nothing.


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Drama? People's personal lives and relationships.

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I've actually been practicing showing interests in people. Someone showed me pictures of their grandkids and I made sure to make comments about how they were handsome and be interested in them.

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men (e.g. hookups or doing things with their bf)

social justice



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The only man I want to have s*x with is named Pizzashill and he sells shoes at a grocery store.

I think he is attractive because we both share the similar interests of longposting on rdrama, I have sexual intercourse all the time on the astral plane and my boobs grow eyes and then grow tendrils which envelop him and I do it regularly.

Part of the reason why he is so cranky is because of all the astral s*x we have during the night regularly,

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Omg, I have an awesome idea.

@QuakerOats @tempest @houellebecqong @_userName

I have a crush on Pizzashill, we should totally try to hook us up and he can be my boyfriend instead of just having s*x.

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I will do everything in my power :marseydestoryercarbine2: to make this so.

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We must become her friend to get closer to him. I will start by calling her.

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I was just gonna :marseyvenn6: do nothing because I have no power :marseyreactor: here :marseyagree:

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Just post her pictures of her, I'll do the rest. We need to make sure she gets her period first though.

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You have never had s*x with @pizzashill

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I am so good at astral s*x that I make Pizzashills astral s*x scream every night with pleasure.

I am like really good at s*x.

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I have astral s*x with him regularly on the astral plane.

Sometimes my boobs turn into giant spiders.

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you may actually have to murder @Poj depending on what's going on and i don't really recommend that because she gives off excellent killer energy

sleep with @DarkAbsinthe instead

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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She is my friend and she is fine with sharing him with me.

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