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Drug addicts of Reddit shift into maximum overcope as one brave Redditor dares to suggest they might be addicted


Sort by controversial for maximum drama, I was too lazy to edit the URL accordingly on mobile

This, is god darn hilarious. Personally, I not only wake up and get high everyday, I am quite literally high 24 hours a day. when I wake up in the middle of the night, I go take dabs then go back to bed. I’m the epitome of your “problem”.

I am having the best year of my life both career and personal wise. Just cracked 6 figures for the first time with a month and a half left for the year, and am in the healthiest spot mentally I’ve been in since I’ve been an adult. Just because a lifestyle doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean it can’t/won’t work for someone else

Concentrated cope in its purest form :taychefkiss:

Nah weed MAKES life worth living man, some of us are more complicated than some corporate npc personality and we actually like/need the effects of weed to actually get us through the day. Call it weakness I call it vitamins man, it’s medication, you don’t NEED it but if you found something that got rid of your headaches, kept you relaxed and it dosent end up as bad as heroin, or some shitty prescription drug to zonk you out then why the frick not use it.

Yes some people can abuse weed but a lot of us don’t and actually function on it. You dumb motherlovers who think this is cartoon world and you think we are as 2D as you can get fricked lol

Dude, weed lmao

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Love to smoke and work out. I feel like I do a much better job too because I'm more aware of my body

Bruh. Ofc you think you do a better job when you smoked one. Your heart rate is through the roof. And you probably do half a set and forget the rest. This nonce is gonna try a squat while high and either shit himself or die of a stroke because his blood pressure just popped his aorta.

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I can see the form from hwre

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This guy is only half as r-slurred as an old highschool buddy. He was convinced that if you are on antibiotics and then get hammered you have a 50/50 shot of being instantly cured...

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This works for me but I skip the part with antibiotics.

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Да, товарищ. This is advanced Russian medical knowledge.

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Had to spot a dude who was high, he couldn’t figure out how much he wanted to bench and spent like 5 mins trying to add the plates up… luls

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