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Gender Pay Gap :marseycoin: comes to arr/Scotland :marseybraveheart: as women demand equal pay for different jobs. :marseysuffragette: Bickering ensues when some incels won't let women be equal :marseyindignant:


TL;DR Womyn are protesting that a pay grading system is unfair because it pays women caterers, cleaners and carers less than their male counterparts. arr/Scotland is invaded by pay gap cynical :marseymoidmoment: and some users even have a pop at :marseyrowling:

Some screens:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103015633724.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1713210301880194.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103021849349.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103026220849.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103028195398.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103030402598.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103032269144.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103034283447.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103036331518.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132103038662813.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132111556628075.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132111559234402.webp

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Wow I can't believe people get more worked up about immigration than they do about whether Tesco or Asda have better deals, must be Russian bots

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Reminder black employment rate shot up once Trump threatened to build the wall and deport all the latinx out of the country.

Makes you think.

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Man, supermarket drama is the best! /r/Publix

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it pays women caterers, cleaners and carers less than their male counterparts

Does it actually pay less or do they just earn less? :marseybeanquestion:

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Women* dont work overtime. Women* dont lift heavy stuff. Women* wont get in the hole and yank the rusty electircal conduit out of the ground. And thats why they make less


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Recent spaceshit thing was a room full of moids because no NASA foid wanted to be up at 2am in the office waiting for something to land on the moon.

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Don't forget the foid astronaut that did millions of dollars worth of damage with a claw hammer to force a mission that could take her home after her bf broke up with her

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Lmao link?

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I knew a dude who worked at an Amazon warehouse who almost got a verbal warning because his metrics were too low because the women he was working with would make him lift and move all the heavy packages after they scanned them in.


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Women get paid less on Uber and DoorDash because they don't get as many rides done.

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Noooooo, that's incidentalthe patriarchy



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Jade gives two rides

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One time I watched the driver on the little map on DoorDash and the b-word missed the on-ramp to the restaurant and missed the off-ramp to my neighborhood.

Like what is you doing b-word? Just listen to the directions of the driving app.

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By counterparts it means completely different jobs they have abitrarily decided are equivalents. For example when they're taking about Birmingham council it's because binmen were getting paid bonuses the teaching assistants didn't get.

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That's even more r-slurred than i could have imagined :marseyxd:

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Lol did the 2023 Economics Nobel really go to some lady saying the most obvious shit in the world? Maybe I should try to get me one of those things.

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The bar is on the floor in academics.

You can say whatever the frick you want as long as it isnt wrongthink.

Heck, they'd probably give you a noble prize if you made a study saying transmen have bigger peepees than women.

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Economics Nobel is a joke, Black-Scholes is on par with Tai's Formula but they got a million dollars because business majors sleep through calculus.

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Economics is and remains a soft science. :marseysmug2:

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What do these mean bb?

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Tai's Formula involves a researcher reinventing an obvious widely known calc concept and naming it after herself.

Black-Scholes is a formula in finance that uses elementary calculus in an obvious way, but the creators were celebrated and awarded a Nobel (Memorial) Prize.

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Lol ty for explaining

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You're comparing an engineer, someone who designs bridges, to someone who looks after children. Of course the engineer will be paid more.

See, this is your misogyny. No they don't look after children. The role scope is huge. You've zero clue, have you? Glad the courts know more than you.

This is not misogyny; there's nothing stopping a woman from being a civil engineer. Civil engineers are paid more because they're worth more.


Ok …

So you think a job that involves literally keeping the more vulnerable in society alive and cared for, whilst implementing not one but two national curriculums (one more than a teacher, and the EXACT SAME curriculum and level as P1/P2 teachers), a job that's externally regulated by both Care Inspectorate and Education Scotland, where the employees must be independently registered with an external regulator and maintain high levels of Continuous Professional Learning (35 hours per year - a whole extra week of unpaid work) to maintain membership and continue in the job, a role that comes with immense responsibility and accountability - from health professionals to social workers, a job that can literally be the difference between an abused child being saved or left to die - you think that's not worth as much as a civil engineer?

You've really made what you think of those who educate and care for some of the most vulnerable members of society clear. Pathetic.

I'm really happy to hear someone defending nursery staff, I've been doing it for years and it a hard job, in every aspect. It's long hours, as most places will ask you to work 10 hour shifts, emotionally draining, mentally taxing, physically demanding and you are responsible for the lives of the children under your care. All of them. A mistake can damage the life chances of a young person, not paying attention can allow abuse to propagate, a frickup can kill an infant. You have to be 'on' the whole time you're at work. You have to have several different skill sets that you can switch between regularly. And the pay is dogshit. Most of the time you'roud be financially better of stacking shelves. I stepped away from permanent placement to work for an agency for a higher rate of pay and vastly reduced responsibilities. A big issue is the nature of British capitalism. We let the market fill the gap, and the gap has been getting wider each successive year of Conservative reign, so most childcare is private industry. Anyway, I am male, and I love seeing this argument taking a breath of fresh air. A society can be measured by how it treats its most vulnerable, doubly so when those vulnerable are the future of that society!

Please don't be disheartened by the responses here. The job of those who work with children is far more important than this incel-like mindset on Reddit would suggest.

Educating and caring for literally the future of our species is one of the most valuable jobs of the planet!

Undoubtedly. The quality of the future of the human race is assured by the treatment of our young. I wish a bright future for all. Even some of the knuckle dragging pricks on this sub.

Total nurse death

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Your opinion apparently is that people should be allowed to use reddit to organise criminal conspiracies and aid, abet, command, counsel, induce or procure criminal activity.

You. Are a mental midget. A functional r-slur. An intellectual cripple. A dipshit. Clueless. A waste of oxygen. Your nasal mucus has more cognitive capability than what is between your ears. You have no career future. You're incapable of avoiding the moral pitfalls of a children's playspace. You eat unidentified food off the floors of fast food restaurants. You think your feces is fingerpaint. You cannot be left unattended in the restroom for more than thirty seconds lest you choke on potty paper.


Burn everything you have that has a keyboard and go back to kindergarten.



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>desktop screenshots


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Something Something men and women :marseyuterus: are indistinguishable until interaction with outside :marseytouchgrass: observer.

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I don't lift but can easily benchpress 240lbs so if foid does it I consider her equal, very simple demand tho

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Whatever cred the Scots had for their herritage they have long lost it. They're just as gay as the rest of the Anglos at this point (exept Australia) :marseycheerup:

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