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Monday night drunk thread

Finishing up fixing some really shitty non-EMR personal notes because for some reason they aren't readable despite using standard acronyms and very unlikely to ever be read and just a QC thing. Only perk is they're paying me bullshit high hourly rates where realistically I'm just getting drunk, watching anime or finishing up this weeks meal prep. Knocked them all out within a few hours and will just release them slowly to see how much free money I can get.

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i am also drunk :marseytf2demoman: hecko


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I'm like a glass of grey goose too drunk to have an attention to watch a video that long. Barely managed to spend a minute fixing a medical records, let alone a video the long

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I'm so confused, what even is this sub? Is it just really edgy satire? That might aswell be t_d by it's sincerity. Then I saw some comments saying that it's welcoming of all people and just to ignore those who say anything rude, which was upvoted, but then so was a reply which intentionally misgendered someone??

I I dont get what is going on here

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