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Bus the elephants to major cities and then ask liberals in America if they are a menace

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Europeans care more about elephants than people, says Botswana president

Is he wrong tho ?

Westerners see elephants as pets, said Mokgweetsi Masisi, whose government threatened to send 30,000 elephants to Germany and the UK to demonstrate their dangers

I mean for example Italian in those island if they start getting elephants refugees on the boats instead you know who, they probably won't mind


Same applies to wolves, but us Europeans are not quite so adamant about them. Helps that the elephants are far away.

Belgium really tried to get their wolves back in wilderness tho

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Wolves are mega based though and I fully support wolf reintroduction. Just carry a gun if you are worried wolves don't attack humans and are an absolutely Chad animal

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:marseymad: :#realisticelephant:

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