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Redditor gets tattoo of the scars from a Bg3 character. A whole lotta text and seething about slavery and being an abuse survivor ensues.


Not an Astarion fan myself, but I thought he hated this part of himself?

LONGASS Update: So, there has been a very polarised response to this comment:

Astarion fans have taken the time to inform me about the deep and awful meaning of this symbol. Which was polite, incredibly appreciated, and full of references. It was some amazing conversation and I am very grateful for your sharing the knowledge on the lore.

The vast crowds of seething opposition to anyone who finds this ink distasteful, have gone absolutely feral in attacking me for even asking, and even more so for forming an opinion.

Based on the responses, and the calibre of people from both groups, I certainly stand with those who find this tattoo disgusting. Because to me: it is. It is a symbol of Cazador's malice, and also symbolises the suffering and agony of a beloved character, as well as thousands of others enslaved.

To those defending this ink by attacking me: All your bullying and frothing and rudeness and personal attacks have only cemented my opinion, rather than changing it. You have offered nothing constructive or informative, and have just lashed out emotionally. This speaks very poorly of the group of people who defend this ink, and has only reinforced my decision that this is a horrible tattoo. I am also now incredibly wary of anyone who actually thinks it's okay, as you all seem very young, emotionally immature, and full of possibly just awful people. It's actually very disappointing to see your inability to have a civil conversation with someone who just has a differing opinion to you, incredibly disturbing.

I have never once attacked OP, just commented on how I find this ink gross. Because I do. And using this as an excuse to bully me is really quite sad. I'm grateful for everyone who jumped in to defend me, and defend my right to an opinion. You have no idea how deeply grateful I am for you.

I'm not answering any more comments here, and won't be even getting the notifications, so to those still looking to attack me: don't bother trying. You're screeching into a void.

This tattoo is disgusting. It represents something disgusting. And that is my opinion, and I am allowed to have it. Just like OP is allowed to have theirs.

If that triggers you, then that's a you problem and I recommend addressing it with yourself, rather than lashing out at me.

Very deeply disappointed in this fanbase, excluding those rare few who took the time to make informed, helpful, and useful comments. You are the real heroes, and I hope your paths lead you to many treasures in life, because you have been a wonderful treasure in mine.

TLDR: you have all demonstrated that Astarion fans finding this ink awful are treasures, slave scar defenders are utterly feral. Your comments won't be read so anything you reply with is just hollering into a void.

(On my phone so I apologise for lack of formatting - its just a wall of text, yuck)


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He isn't real. He is not hurt by this tattoo

lol it's insane that someone has to say this out loud

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>As a survivor myself

On reddit, you can also safely ignore anything following these four words

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Unless you're talking about shark attacks or falling out if an airplane, I'm not interested.

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but anon she was emotionally invalidated you can't understand the profound trauma she's survived

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On reddit, you can also safely ignore anything following these four words

Fixed! :marseymechanic:

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I really think plebbitors are so horribly child-brained that they really have trouble sometimes separating fantasy from reality just like a young child

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:marseyhesright: lmao moralizing fans are r-slurred

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why do all the weird women go nuts for Astarion

like he's canonically evil

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he's canonically evil

That's exactly why.

Women go feral for villains. I'm no better my fave is Minthara :marseyitsover:

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Yeah I was gonna be like LOL STRAGGOTS but then I remembered how moist I got for Villainelle from Killing Eve.

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>Killing Eve


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:marseytrad: I can fix him

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:marseywitchtriggered: VIRTUAL APPROPRIATION :marseywitchtriggered:

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